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Clostridium tetani (Tetanus) 188

188 Clostridium tetani (Tetanus)

Itzhak Brook

Tetanus is caused by a neurotoxin produced by Clostridium tetani. It 20% of wounds are from unknown circumstances, and in 5% of cases of
is common in warmer climates. The worldwide incidence of tetanus tetanus, no wound source can be identified. Rare causes of tetanus are
is approximately 1 million cases annually. Although a major cause of burns and otitis media.2
morbidity and mortality in developing countries, tetanus is rare in the
United States, with approximately 35 to 70 cases reported annually
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).1 Reported
cases are estimated to represent 60% of actual cases. Tetanus remains C. tetani is a slender, gram-positive, nonencapsulated, motile, obligatively
a likely diagnosis in certain clinical situations even in developed coun- anaerobic bacillus that exists in vegetative and sporulated forms. The
tries, and individual patients suffer severe morbidity. The decline in genome of the organism has been sequenced.3 The sporulated form has
tetanus in developed countries is the result of an effective immunization a characteristic drumstick microscopic appearance because of the termi-
program. nal position of spores. Spores are highly resistant to disinfection by
Most cases of tetanus occur in unvaccinated people and in adults; chemicals or heat, but vegetative forms are susceptible to the bactericidal
people older than 60 years of age account for 60% of the cases and for effect of heat (autoclaving at 121°C and 103 kPa [15 psi] for 15 minutes),
75% of deaths from tetanus in the US. In the US, the current average to chemical disinfectants (iodine, glutaraldehyde, hydrogen peroxide),
annual incidence of tetanus is 0.1 cases/million and 0.023 cases/million and to certain antibiotics.4
among people ≥65 years of age.1 The case-fatality rate is 13.2% overall Spores are ubiquitous in soil and the gut of mammals; they are
but 31.3% in people ≥65 years of age. Approximately 15% of cases occur dormant and nonpathogenic in soil or contaminated tissue until condi-
in diabetic patients or intravenous drug users. Approximately 75% of tions are favorable for transformation to the vegetative, pathogenic form.
cases of tetanus in the US follow acute injuries, with less than one half Such conditions are those of locally decreased oxygen reduction potential
of these injuries occurring outdoors. Chronic wounds and abscesses, as created in devitalized tissue by a foreign body, trauma (especially crush
wounds associated with a foreign body (e.g., splinters, thorns), surgical injury), or suppurative infection.
wounds, major trauma, parenteral drug abuse, and animal-related inju- C. tetani is noninvasive and does not cause an inflammatory response
ries are responsible for 25% of tetanus-associated injuries; approximately or tissue destruction. Disease is initiated by exotoxins. Two toxins are

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PART III Etiologic Agents of Infectious Diseases
SECTION A Bacteria

produced, tetanolysin (of uncertain importance) and tetanospasmin (a

potent neurotoxin responsible for clinical tetanus). Tetanospasmin, often
referred to as “tetanus toxin,” is encoded on a plasmid present in all
toxigenic strains,5 and it is released with growth of C. tetani at the site of
infection. Tetanospasmin affects the neuromuscular end plates and the
motor nuclei of the central nervous system, thereby causing skeletal
muscle spasm and convulsions. Mechanisms of absorption and transport
of tetanospasmin are not understood completely, but 2 mechanisms are
speculated.6 If a large amount of tetanospasmin is produced, spread to
neurons through the bloodstream and lymphatic system occurs, causing
spasm at sites distant from the site of infection that first affect muscles
with the shortest neural pathway. Lockjaw and risus sardonicus, often
seen in generalized tetanus, reflect this pathophysiologic process and are
associated with rapidly progressive, severe disease. From the site of pro-
duction, small amounts of neurotoxin also can ascend the neural axis
(and sometimes the spinal axis cranially) to cause localized tetanus. The
timing of onset of muscle involvement is proportional to the neural
distance from the site of injury.
FIGURE 188.1 The patient is displaying opisthotonic posturing caused by Clos-
Tetanospasmin primarily gains access to the nervous system through tridium tetani exotoxin. (Courtesy of US Centers for Disease Control and
the neuromuscular junction, where it migrates in retrograde fashion Prevention.)
transsynaptically, protected from neutralizing antitoxin, to affect inhibi-
tory synapses, where it prevents release of acetylcholine.5 Uninhibited
lower motor neurons increase tone of agonist and antagonist muscles,
thereby causing characteristic localized spasms and rigidity. generalized tetanic, opisthotonic spasm manifest as arching of the back
Tetanospasmin also can prevent transmission at neuromuscular junc- (sometimes with just head and feet touching the bed) to resemble
tions and thus cause paralysis. The effect of the toxin on the brain is decorticate posturing (Fig. 188.1). The force can produce fractures of the
controversial; direct inoculation can cause seizures, but spasms of tetanus vertebrae or other bones and hemorrhage into muscles. The periodicity
probably result from the spinal rather than the supraspinal action of teta- of tetanic spells can cause confusion with seizures; however, patients with
nospasmin. Affected patients are fully conscious. Some clinical manifes- tetanus, unlike patients with seizures, do not lose consciousness. Spasms
tations of tetanus suggest involvement of the sympathetic nervous often are triggered by sensory stimuli. Respiratory compromise during
system. The effect of tetanospasmin is permanent; recovery depends on tetanic spells can be life-threatening; upper airway obstruction is
ultrasprouting of neurons. common, and with additional involvement of abdominal and diaphrag-
matic muscle, apnea can occur.
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS Symptoms of autonomic overactivity generally are manifest in early
phases as irritability, restlessness, sweating, and tachycardia. In later
Tetanus is divided into clinical patterns that reflect host factors and the phases, profuse sweating, cardiac arrhythmias, labile hypertension or
site of inoculation: generalized, localized, cephalic, and neonatal. In most hypotension, and fever commonly are present.7 Episodes of bradycardia
cases, the site of injury, which often is minor, can be determined. Inability and hypotension can lead to cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest also has been
to identify a portal of entry does not exclude the diagnosis, especially in attributed to myocardial damage caused by the high catecholamine level,8
unimmunized people. The appearance of a wound is not helpful in as well as by toxic damage to the brainstem.9 Fever can result from
diagnosis, but circumstances of occurrence are (e.g., severity of crush sympathetic overactivity or from superinfections, such as pneumonia.10
injury and soil contamination). In the US, most cases of tetanus occur Spasms and cardiovascular complications occur most commonly during
after puncture wounds, farming or gardening activities,2 or the use of the first week and resolve slowly during the ensuing 2 to 4 weeks.
illicit drugs. Even with available treatment, generalized tetanus usually worsens in
The interval between the time of injury and the appearance of symp- the first 2 weeks after diagnosis, with recovery occurring over the subse-
toms has important prognostic significance; the shorter the interval (<7 quent 3 to 5 weeks. If antitoxin is not given, disease persists for weeks to
days), the worse the prognosis. The frequency and severity of clinical months until cessation of production and binding of tetanospasmin and
manifestations depend on the amount of toxin that reaches the nervous the formation of new neuromuscular junctions.
system. The portal of entry also is an important prognostic factor. Certain
injuries (e.g., compound fracture, puncture wound in a drug user) or
infections (e.g., that following abortion, infection of a neonate’s umbili-
Localized Tetanus
cal stump, burn wound) have poor prognoses. Involvement of the Localized tetanus is an unusual presentation. Muscles near the entry
autonomic nervous system portends a poor prognosis. Such data have wound become painful and weak within 2 to 3 days after the injury and
been used to develop scoring systems to predict severity and then become rigid; deep tendon reflexes are hyperactive. Rigidity usually
prognosis.5 persists for weeks to months and resolves spontaneously without pro-
gressing, although disease can progress to generalized tetanus.11 Localized
Generalized Tetanus tetanus has a mortality rate <1%. In partially immune patients, neutral-
ization of local toxin and heightened production of antitoxin can prevent
Generalized tetanus, which is a neurologic disease manifesting as generalized tetanus.
trismus, dysphagia, and severe muscular spasms, is the most common
manifestation of tetanus, usually occurring as a complication of localized
tetanus that is recognized only in retrospect. The onset can be insidious
Cephalic Tetanus
over a period of 1 to 7 days. Trismus (lockjaw), the most common Cephalic tetanus is a rare presentation, the result of decreased neuromus-
presenting symptom, commonly is mistaken as a manifestation of para- cular transmission of the lower cranial nerves affected because of wounds
pharyngeal infection or temporomandibular joint problems. A history on the head and neck. Clinical manifestations usually occur 1 to 2 days
of stiffness of the back or rigidity of the neck or abdomen frequently after injury and can include facial palsy, dysphagia, paresis of extraocular
is recognized in retrospect. A subtle “sarcastic smile” (risus sardonicus) muscles (ophthalmoplegic tetanus),12 and supranuclear oculomotor
may be noticed, and rigidity of the abdominal muscles is detectable on palsies.1,13 The mechanism of the last clinical manifestation is not clear.
examination. Usually, cephalic tetanus has a poor prognosis, although some patients
As the disease progresses, additional muscle groups become involved, have good outcome. Cephalic tetanus has been reported in patients after
the most striking involvement being of the paraspinal musculature. The complete immunization. Cephalic tetanus can precede generalized
most dramatic feature of generalized tetanus is the very painful, tetanus.

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Clostridium tetani (Tetanus) 188
generalized tetanus. Conversely, tetanus always should be considered
when strychnine poisoning is suspected.


The goals of management of tetanus are eradication of C. tetani, neutral-
ization of toxin, and provision of specific supportive care.18
Providing aggressive, yet restrained, supportive care with a minimum
of stimulation is challenging. Transfer to an optimal setting should be
accomplished early in the disease, before the severity of spasms precludes
moving the patient. Survival depends on minimizing morbid or fatal
spasms over a prolonged period. The patient is protected from stimuli by
isolation in a noise-free, darkened room, with a nurse in the room at all
times, monitors silenced, and a sentry nurse positioned outside the door
FIGURE 188.2 This infant with neonatal tetanus is displaying body rigidity pro- to limit entry and to reinforce minimal examination and manipulation
duced by Clostridium tetani exotoxin. (Courtesy of US Centers for Disease Control of the patient.
and Prevention.) The child with tetanus should be sedated, and human tetanus immune
globulin (TIG) should be administered immediately. TIG neutralizes
circulating tetanospasmin. Recommended dosage and administration of
Neonatal Tetanus TIG are shown in Table 188.1.19,20 Local infiltration of part of the dose
around the wound is recommended. However, the efficacy of this tech-
Neonatal tetanus is a generalized form of the disease that occurs only in nique has not been proven. In countries where TIG is not available,
infants born to inadequately immunized mothers. Tetanus usually follows equine tetanus antitoxin (TAT) is an alternative. It is administered after
infection of the umbilical stump, which can result from poor obstetric adequate testing for sensitivity and desensitization if needed. Immune
procedures, delivery outside a healthcare environment, inadequate globulin intravenous (IGIV) can be given if TIG is not available.
postnatal care, or cultural practices such as application of cow dung or Local wound care is essential. Foreign bodies, if present, are removed;
soil to the umbilical stump. Immunization of adolescent girls and women the wound is irrigated vigorously and debrided to remove devitalized
of childbearing age, appropriate training of midwives, and topical appli- tissue. Extensive debridement of puncture wounds is not needed. Exci-
cation of antibiotics can reduce the risk of neonatal tetanus. Neonatal sion of necrotic tissue may be required, but excision of the umbilical
tetanus is rare in developed countries but remains a significant problem stump is no longer recommended in cases of neonatal tetanus.
in developing countries.1,14 C. tetani is susceptible to penicillins, cephalosporins, metronidazole,
Weakness and inability to suck are the most common manifestations, macrolides, tetracyclines, and imipenem.21 Although the utility of anti-
often appearing between 5 and 7 days of age (range, 3–24 days). Later, microbial therapy in tetanus is controversial, specific therapy should be
generalized tetanic spasms, rigidity, and opisthotonus occur (Fig. 188.2). given (see Table 188.1). Oral or intravenous metronidazole or parenteral
The mortality rate is >90%, and death can be secondary to a hypersym- penicillin G is appropriate. Oral tetracycline and intravenous vancomycin
pathetic state. The major causes of death are apnea in the first week and are effective against C. tetani, but the cephalosporins are not reliably
septicemia in the second week, generally as a result of infection that active. When a polymicrobial infection is present, broad antimicrobial
originated at the umbilical stump. Other complications are pneumonia, coverage may be necessary.
pulmonary or central nervous system hemorrhage, and laryngeal spasm. A single, nonblinded clinical study performed in Indonesia compared
Poor prognosis is associated with risus sardonicus, fever, age <10 days, oral metronidazole with intramuscular penicillin for treatment of
and delayed presentation for medical care.15 tetanus.22 Patients treated with metronidazole had less progression of
Improvement is heralded by defervescence (usually within 3–7 days), disease (i.e., severity and frequency of spasms), shorter hospital stays, and
decrease in the number of episodes of spasm, and slow resolution of better overall survival rates. The validity of these findings may have been
rigidity. Complete resolution can take up to 6 weeks. Developmental compromised by an inadequate dose of penicillin given intramuscularly,
disability often occurs in survivors.


Agent Dosage and Administration
The diagnosis of tetanus is made from clinical findings in a setting
of risk and by excluding other causes of tetanic spasms. Recovery of Tetanus immune Single dose, 3,000–6,000 U IMa
C. tetani from wounds is not helpful because the presence of this globulin, human (TIG)
organism does not necessarily indicate toxin production. Laboratory Tetanus antitoxin (TAT)b Single dose, 50,000–100,000 U after
tests are useful only to exclude other diseases; management cannot be appropriate testing is performed for sensitivity
delayed until test results are available. Although generalized tetanus and and desensitization if necessary; part of dose
cephalic tetanus are recognized easily, the diagnosis can be unsuspected (20,000 U) is given IV, and the remainder IM
if no portal of entry is identified. Given the clinical suspicion, a history Immune globulin Single dose of 200–400 mg/kg IV can be
should be elicited regarding chronic otitis media, otitis externa, recent intravenous (IGIV) considered if TIG is not available; not
intramuscular injection, a minor surgical procedure, intravenous drug approved for this indication
abuse, and rectal or vaginal instrumentation. Neonatal tetanus becomes
apparent shortly after initial manifestations. Localized tetanus can be Metronidazole 30 mg/kg/day (maximum, 4 g/day) divided into
q6h doses PO or IV for 10–14 days
unrecognized until generalized manifestations occur. Trismus must be dif-
ferentiated from manifestations of parapharyngeal and retropharyngeal Penicillin G 100,000 units/kg/day (maximum, 12 million U/
infections. day) divided into q6h doses IV for 10–14
The differential diagnosis of generalized tetanus includes stiff man days
syndrome,16 pseudotetanus,17 meningitis, encephalitis, hypocalcemic Tetracycline 25–50 mg/kg/day; an alternative; not approved
tetany, seizures, rabies, dystonic reactions to neuroleptic drugs or other for children <8 years old
central dopamine antagonists (for which treatment with an anticholin- a
Some experts recommend a single dose of 500 units IM, which appears to be as effective
ergic agent is rapidly effective), hysterical conversion reaction, and
and causes less discomfort.14,15
strychnine poisoning. Although strychnine poisoning is the most com- b
TAT is not available in the United States; it should be used elsewhere only if TIG is not
monly confused intoxication, patients with such poisoning lack trismus available.
and abdominal rigidity between spasms. Biochemical analysis of blood IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PO, orally.
and urine for strychnine is performed in patients with suspected

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PART III Etiologic Agents of Infectious Diseases
SECTION A Bacteria

the administration of which can increase the severity and frequency of

tetanic spasms. Although theoretically penicillin could act synergistically TABLE 188.3 Prevention of Tetanus
with tetanospasmin to worsen neuromuscular effects,23 extensive experi- PRIMARY IMMUNIZATIONa
ence has been accrued for penicillin treatment of tetanus.24
Age Vaccine
Sedation and muscle relaxation in patients with mild cases should be
accomplished, generally with diazepam, 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg given intrave- 2 mo DTaP
nously every 4 to 6 hours. Ventilatory assistance is imperative at higher 4 mo DTaP
doses. Other benzodiazepines (lorazepam or midazolam) are equally
6 mo DTaP
effective. Additional sedation with a phenothiazine drug is appropriate;
use of phenothiazine alone is less effective than sedation with diazepam. 12–18 mo DTaP
If spasms are not controlled effectively, therapeutic paralysis is necessary. 4–6 yr DTaP
Neuromuscular blockade can be achieved with curariform drugs. The
agents used most often are pancuronium and vecuronium. ≥11–12 yr Tdap once
Suppression of excessive catecholamine release (which induces the Every 10 yr (booster) Td
autonomic dysfunction) can control the dysautonomia. Labetalol SECONDARY IMMUNIZATIONb
(0.25–1.0 mg/min) frequently has been administered because of its dual
α- and β-blocking potential. β-Blockade alone (i.e., with propranolol) History or Dose of Clean Minor All Other
should be avoided because of the danger of sudden death.25 Morphine Tetanus Toxoid Wound Woundsc
sulfate (0.5–1.0 mg/kg/hr by continuous intravenous infusion) is used Administration
commonly to induce sedation and to control autonomic dysfunction by
<3 doses or unknown No Yes Yes Yes
reducing sympathetic tone in the heart and the vascular system, thus
controlling cardiac instability without causing cardiac compromise.26 ≥3 dosese No Nof No Nog
Other agents available for the treatment of various autonomic events are a
If an infant has contraindications to pertussis vaccine, diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DT)
atropine, clonidine, and epidural bupivacaine.27 are given on the same schedule; if primary immunization is begun at 7 years, Td/Tdap is
Of the foregoing drugs only magnesium sulfate was evaluated in a used (see Chapter 162).
randomized clinical trial,28 as well as in clinical series for controlling b
See text for important details.
spasms.29–32 The results of these studies brought about the use of magne- c
Such as, but not limited to, the following: wounds contaminated with dirt, feces, soil, or
sium titrated to clinical end points as a first-line agent in the management saliva; puncture wounds; avulsions; and wounds resulting from missiles, crushing, burns,
of tetanus. Magnesium is a vasodilator, and it reduces catecholamine and frostbite.
release from the adrenal medulla33 and adrenergic nerve endings.34 d
For children <7 years old, DTaP (DT if pertussis vaccine is contraindicated) is preferred to
In a randomized, double-blind study of 256 patients, magnesium tetanus toxoid alone; for persons >7 years old, Td is preferred to tetanus toxoid alone. For
sulfate infusion (loading dose 40 mg/kg over 30 minutes, followed by children and adolescents, Tdap should be used when Td is indicated if the patient has not
continuous infusion of 2 g/hr for patients >45 kg or 1.5 g/hr for patients already received Tdap.
≤45 kg) was compared with placebo.28 Magnesium sulfate significantly If the patient has received only 3 doses of fluid toxoid, a fourth dose of toxoid, preferably an
adsorbed toxoid, should be given.
reduced the need for other drugs to control muscle spasms, and patients f
Yes, if >10 years since last dose.
were 4.7 times (95% confidence interval, 1.4–15.9) less likely to require g
Yes, if >5 years since last dose (more frequent boosters are not needed and can
verapamil to treat cardiovascular instability than were subjects in the
accentuate side effects).
placebo group. DTaP, diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis; Td, tetanus and diphtheria
Hypotension, if present, is treated initially with saline solution; if toxoids; Tdap, tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and reduced acellular pertussis; TIG, tetanus
hypotension remains unresolved, a pulmonary catheter is placed for immune globulin.
monitoring, and fluid, dopamine, or norepinephrine is administered as
Nutritional support should be initiated as soon as possible to sustain
the patient’s high caloric and protein needs. Enteral feeding is preferred;
a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube is used commonly to limit
gastroesophageal reflux compared with a nasogastric tube. Prevention of No reliable natural immunity to tetanus exists. Prevention consists of
thromboembolism can be attained with heparin, low-molecular-weight providing neutralizing antibody to tetanospasmin in case C. tetani con-
heparin, or other anticoagulants, and it should be begun early. Because taminates and multiplies in a wound.
patients often become disabled because of the drug-induced paralysis
and immobilization, physical therapy should be initiated as soon as
spasms have abated.
Primary Prevention
Complications of tetanus are shown in Table 188.2. Primary prevention is pre-exposure immunization, consisting of primary
immunization followed by booster doses of tetanus toxoid–containing
vaccines (TT) throughout life.35 Schedules are shown in Table 188.3.36
TABLE 188.2 Complications of Tetanus The goal of immunization is to provide a continuous serum concentra-
tion of 0.01 IU/mL of neutralizing antitoxin.37,38 Protection between
Complications Comments levels of 0.01 and 1.0 IU/mL is not absolute; some authorities consider
Cardiomyopathy Direct toxic effect an antibody level of 0.15 IU/mL or greater as protective.39
Several longterm follow-up studies indicated that protective antitoxin
Phrenic nerve palsy Direct toxic effect
levels persist in 91% to 96% of people 10 years after receipt of the initial
Laryngeal nerve palsy Direct toxic effect 3-dose series of TT as infants.40–42 In 1 study, 70% of the subjects >6 years
Respiratory compromise Secondary to spasms of age and living in the US had antibody levels ≥0.15 IU/mL.43 The
presence of protective antibody dropped with age from >90% in children
Rhabdomyolysis Secondary to spasms
6 to 9 years of age to 80% in children 10 to 16 years of age, to <28% in
Myositis ossificans circumscripta Secondary to spasms adults ≥70 years of age. Rates of seronegativity reflect the time since
Vertebral compression fracture Secondary to spasms immunization or the lack of immunization.
Immunodeficient people may not acquire adequate response to TT
Hypoxic cerebral injury Secondary to respiratory and require passive immunization. Stem cell or bone marrow transplant
recipients must be revaccinated with at least 2 doses.44 In 1 study, although
Acute renal failure Secondary to rhabdomyolysis only 38% of human immunodeficiency virus–infected children and
Psychological effects Most prominent after recovery
adolescents had protective tetanus antibody levels, most developed
and maintained protective levels after booster administration.45 Severe

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anaphylactic reactions, brachial neuritis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome
following TT administration have been reported rarely.
Tertiary Prevention
Tertiary prevention consists of antitoxin and immunization given after
Secondary Prevention clinical tetanus is manifest. Tetanus does not provide protective immu-
nity, probably because the minute amount of toxin produced is insuffi-
Secondary prevention consists of administration of vaccine and antitoxin cient to elicit an immune response.47 All patients should complete a series
(TIG) after a tetanus-prone injury (see Table 188.3), with the need of immunizations with tetanus toxoid, beginning at presentation.
determined by the type of injury and the patient’s immunization history.
Although wounds with major tissue injury are most tetanus prone, any All references are available online at
type of wound, if contaminated, can lead to tetanus.14 Immunization is
given immediately if the patient’s tetanus immunization history is not
available or is uncertain or if 60 months or more have elapsed since the KEY REFERENCES
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Clostridium tetani (Tetanus) 188
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