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1. Do you think cars should be banned from city centers?

What would be the


I dont think so, we need cars to move and be more efficient, it's a better idea to
promove the use of electric cars, instead to banned it

It is difficult that people accept that kind of prohibition of using their cars, making a
change in production seems more efficient to me, it's better to direct companies to
be more sustainable

2. How has the world changed since you were a child? (technology, values,
environment, health)

- In terms of technology, many innovations have been made in society and people
were aware of the innovations and advanced techniques that are applied in their day
to day.
- Values and culture have been slowly eradicated, this can be good or bad
depending on the way you see the world.
- Pollution levels in the environment have increased.
-Finaly, the health of the population has been improved thanks to the improvement
of medical facilities.

3. If humans are really intelligent and not simply manipulated by their genes
like any other animal, why can't they do anything about overpopulation?

I consider that the main reason is education, people are not being sufficiently
educated about sexuality, in Colombia we have another problem and that is that
some people see having children as a business and that they can take advantage of
Also there may be a genuine desire to have a large family

4. Which is more important, increasing people's standard of living, or

protecting the environment? Which side would you choose?

I think that this two things are not opposite There is this idea that they had sold us,
that for there to be a good standard of living it is necessary to sacrifice certain
things, among which the environment is found

But the reality is that a good standard of living can be achieved, if the economic
growth of a country is focused on preserving its environment instead of exploiting
resources as if they were never going to end.

5. Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or

the government? Explain.
It is true that our purchasing decisions and our thinking about recycling makes
a change in the market, but at this point it is the government's decisions that affect
the environment the most, because it is a few companies that bear the responsibility
for pollution In the world, I think that decisions will be made about them, it would
be the simplest way to control pollution
6. What is the most important issue related to the environment today?
the withdrawal of the USA officially from the Paris Agreement on climate and it is of great
concern since the USA is the second most polluting country in the world.

7. If you could choose one alternative energy source to develop which one
would you choose? Why?
biofuel energy
because it is more economically viable and helps reducing environmental pollution since it
is made to distribute agricultural waste, organic waste material and many other substances
of plant or animal origin subjected to a transformation process

8. How can we protect the environment and at the same time improve
people's standard of living? Why?
There are many ways to contribute to me it seems very important: Using products that can
be reused. There are many products that can be used several times to protect nature because
you are contributing to its conservation and prolongation. For example, use cloth napkins
instead of paper napkins, buy second-hand clothes, buy metal Straw instead of asking for a
plastic straw

9. What's happening to forests in the world? What happens when we remove

forests? How should we stop deforestation?
Deforestation has a direct impact on climate change and global warming. Deforestation
destroys the quality of soils, contributing to soil erosion and increasing the release of
mineral dust and thus contributing to sandstorms.
So, what can we do to stop deforestation?
Plant a tree.
Do not use paper (or reduce its use).
Recycle and buy recycled products.
Eat vegetarian meals as much as you can.

10. Does your local government make it easy or hard for citizens to recycle?
It is very difficult, since it is not common to find containers of indicated colors each to
separate the garbage, we only usually find a large container to go to throw away all our
garbage without separating and no matter what it is.

11. In what ways can we save more water? Please tell your experiences.
 Flushing the toilet with a certain amount of water as tanks waste a lot of water
 Take shorter showers
 Turn off the water while brushing my teeth
 Don't leave the water running for rinsing while wash dishes
 Water your yard only when it needs it, Watering on a regular schedule doesn't allow
for cool spells or rainfall which reduce the need for watering
 Don’t wash motorcycles, cars, or bicycles with hoses

12. What should we do to increase the awareness about environmental pollution?

Environmental awareness should be a part of the curriculum in all schools. This will
encourage young people to engage in their environment to protect it and can help
communities become more environmentally aware.

Some practical tips schools can adopt:

 Introduce the 3 R’s: reduce waste, reuse resources, and recycle materials
 Organize tree planting days at school and tell them why trees are important to the
 Encourage children to switch off all appliances and lights when not in use
 Ensure taps are closed properly after you have used them and use water sparingly

It has to start at home. Educate and practice, that is the only way it can be inculcated into
the psyche of people. We all have to contribute to it, not only the government. We all
always try to do things easier way. But if we first start thinking about our convenience and
the environment for any action that we do probably it will help. So the change has to come
in the way people start thinking about it. A few things probably we all develop that will
help environment.
- Use as far as possible locally produced groceries, goods and services.
- Make each community as self-supporting as possible.

13. Do you have any ideas on how to minimize the use of plastic bags and
Styrofoam boxes?
We can minimize the usage of plastic bags and Styrofoam boxes by the alternative

 By using jute bags instead of plastic bags.

 By using steel boxes instead of Styrofoam boxes.
 Bring your own cloth bags to the grocery store (or any store!).
 Don't buy beverages bottles in plastic. Glass is great.
 Carry your own reusable steel or ceramic beverage container. If they're too pricey,
use a glass mason jar! Heavy, but cheap.
 Don't buy convenience foods packages in plastic.
 Buy bread from bakeries that package in paper.
 Clean with baking soda and vinegar instead of cleaners packaged in plastic.

14. Do you believe that climate change is a natural cycle of the earth, man-made or
Climate change is caused by both by a natural cycle of the earth and as much as it is
caused by man.
 The case is proven that humans are the overwhelming cause of the long-term
changes in the climate that we are observing. This human influence is largely due to
our activities that release greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, as
well sunlight absorbing soot. The main sources of these warming gases and particles
are fossil fuel burning, cement production, land cover change (especially
deforestation) and agriculture. One way we can more clearly see climate change is
by looking at severe weather events. A branch of climate science, called extreme
event or weather attribution, looks at memorable weather events and estimates the
extent of human influence on the severity of these events.
 Earth’s climate has changed naturally over the past 650,000 years, moving in and
out of ice ages and warm periods. Changes in climate occur because of alterations in
Earth’s energy balance, which result from some kind of external factor or
“forcing”—an environmental factor that influences the climate. The ice ages and
shifting climate were caused by a combination of changes in solar output, Earth’s
orbit, ocean circulation, albedo (the reflectivity of the Earth’s surface) and makeup
of the atmosphere (the amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases such
as water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone that are present).

15. What changes to our lifestyle/energy consumption we should do?

Reduce energy costs by turning off lights when not needed, unplugging chargers
when not in use

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