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Current Event Article on Environmental Science

Name: Lucca Proenca

Directions: Read an article based on a topic in Environmental Science. Pick an environmental topic that you
are interested in reading about or want to research and learn more about.
You will then complete this form. This is optional assignment with a focus on what is being reported in the news
and media currently (within the last few months).

Your summary should be 8-12 sentences in length. Make sure you use 12 point and New Times Roman font.
Upload to the assignments folder (under assessments on D2L). include you name and a short title
❖     Bibliographic Information 
1. Title of article: 
2. Author(s) of article:  
3. Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article or copy and paste the web address
(URL) of the article. Date article was published and page number (type “n.p.” if from website):  

❖     Summary Information 
Briefly describe the main idea presented in this article (minimum of 8 sentences):  

Summarize the most important information, ideas, facts, etc. presented in this article Make sure
information supports the main idea of the article

❖   Personal Reaction to the article

What was the most surprising, interesting, sad, scary, funny, etc., thing you found in this article
What is your opinion on the information in this article?  How would or how does this information you
learned have an impact on your life? (minimum of 2 sentences)
Write down 3-5 words you didn't know and find and type in the definition

Environmental science is a study of current events. As new technologies develop, as politics change, and as the
human population grows, our impact and influence on the environmental also changes .For this assignment, you
are to find a recent (less than 1 year old) article addressing some aspect of environmental science that we have
covered so far this year. Some good sources for articles are provided below:
 National Geographic 
Discover Magazine 
New York Times 
Smithsonian Magazine 
BBC News 
Scientific American 
.Here are some possible topics to consider. This is not a complete list and you are highly encouraged
tocome up with your own search ideas!
Amazon Deforestation | Coral Reef Bleaching | Desertification | Endangered Species
Species decline
Algal blooms
Food and Agriculture
Food Recalls | Food Poisoning | Factory Farming | Organic Foods | Bovine Growth Hormone | GMOs
Global Warming and Climate Change
Ocean Acidification | Sea Level Rising | Melting Ice Caps | Droughts | Severe Flooding
Human Health and Environmental Hazards
Antibiotic Resistance | Hormone Disruptors | Carcinogens | Teratogens | Heavy Metals | Obesity
Air Pollution
Air Quality | Smog | Emissions Standards | Acid Rain | Particulates
Water Pollution
Biomagnification | Groundwater Contamination | Oil Spills | Impaired Waters
Nonrenewable Energy
Strip Mining | Underground Mining | Clean Coal | Deep Sea Drilling | Fracking | Nuclear Reactors | Energy
Renewable Energy
Solar Cells | Biofuel | Wind Farms | Fuel Cells
Has the electric car ‘s moment arrived at last?

By Craig Welch

Article written in National Geographic website Has the electric car’s moment arrived at last?

Published January 22, 2021

The article “Has the electric car’s moment arrived at last?” by Craig Welch discusses how the move
from gas fueled vehicles to electric vehicles is happening, and what are the major players that act to
make that happen. In the article, the author states that this transition is, in his own words, so close yet
so far, because of how the auto industries are established nowadays, and to make that change requires
a lot of political changes. He also argues that current president Joe Biden proposed many changes for
the US to move to more sustainable society, and one of them is to help the industry make that move to
electric cars. In addition, the author mentions that Biden and the Democrats hold a small part in the
congress, and that to make those implementations, a lot of political convincing on the part of the
Democrats had to be done.

The funniest part of this article is when the author explains that Joe Biden gave an interview and
said “I believe we can own the 21st-century market again by moving to electric vehicles,” whilst in the
seat of his shiny green corvette that he gained from his father.


Harmonization – the act of balancing something

Manufacturers – a person or company that make good for sale

Procurement – the action of obtaining or procuring something

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