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Volpone the Love of Money

Volpone is a comedy written by Ben Jonson. The main

function of a comedy is to teach and please the readers or the
audiences. However, this play talks about the love of money
and how some people do anything for the sake of money.
Having said that, I must immediately add that as soon as the
play begins Volpone greets his gold. This greeting reveals that
Volpone worships his money. This idea emphasized by his use
of the religious terms: “ shrine” and “saint”. So, he regards the
box in which he keeps his gold as a “shrine”; and his gold
refers to as a “saint” buried inside that “shrine”. Volpone
worships gold, he thinks that gold is his own soul. Volpone is a
childless man who is very rich and loves money so much.
Consequently, when Volpone makes a trick with his
assistance Mosca that he is dying. Then, Mosca asserts that
Volpone is dying; so, some people come with presents to his
house for the sake of Volpone’s wealth. Anyhow, they are
fooled by Volpone’s trick and they think that they will inherent
him after his death. Thus, for the sake of money they sell their
wives and children to Volpone because they are agree with his
As a whole, we can see through this play how Volpone
loves money so much that he considers it as his own soul.
Typically, we can learn that agree is wrong and how affects on
people by losing their minds and their families. In a mass, they
were punished for their ugly hungry for money.

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