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● Surgical Epicrisis

Kovtun Davit
Hospitalized - 24.08.2015
Underwent surgery - 25.08.2015
Checked out - 05.09.2015
No postoperative complications

Clinical diagnosis- Congenital Heart Defect (CHD)։Aortic coarctation. Interfacial septal

defect. Aortic arch hypoplasia. Aortic valve hypoplasia. Mitral valve hypoplasia. Open arterial
Hospitalizing complaints - The newborn was diagnosed CHD in 5 days, medication and
computer topography was prescribed. The mother does not mention any complaints when
he was hospitalized.
Objective examination- Visible skin and mucous membranes are normally coloured.
Vesicular breath in the lungs. Heart rhythms are rhythmical and frequent. The abdomen is
soft. The liver is not being touched.
Instrumental Data - Weight 3.0 kg ,Bp 75/44/68 mmHg, Puls 163bpm, Sat O2 95%
ECG - The sinus rhythm 70bpm. The electrical axis of the heart is deflected to the right,
signs of right ventricular hypertrophy.
Echocardiography - Left ventricular is hyperplastic, the contractile function is preserved.
Aortic coarctation, Gmax=30 mmHg with gradient. Right ventricular dilatation, the contractile
function is preserved. Interfacial septal defect, with the bilateral flow, with dominancy from
left to right by 1.8 m/s speed. 3rd-degree insufficiency of the triple valve: Gmax= 70 mmHg
with gradient.
The presence of the defect serves as an indicator for surgery.
Surgery on 25.08.2015 - Arch plastics with left subarachnoid artery. Cutting of aortic
coarctation and vascularization by mouth to mouth. Open arterial ligament ligation and
cutting, pulmonary artery bandaging.
The course of the disease in the clinic - The patient has been in the intensive care unit for
three days after the surgery. then moved to the department. The postoperative course was
smooth, without any complications. In the inpatient department, the infant was found to have
rush from antibiotics(Augmentin), which was removed in a day.
Echocardiography 04.09. 2015 - left ventricular hypertrophy, the contractile function is
preserved. Landing on the aorta, Gmax= 20 mmHg with gradient. Right ventricular
contractility is maintained. Arterial flow on the abdominal aorta. Inferior Vena Cava
collapses. There are no liquids.
State at discharge - The patient is discharged with improvement, with a further plan to be
under the control of the pediatric cardiologist.
Prescriptions - Lasix 3mg*2, Cetamol 30 mg *4, Aspirin 30 mg *1.
Discharge Diagnosis - CHD, Aortic coarctation. Interfacial septal defect. Aortic arch
hypoplasia. Aortic valve hypoplasia. Mitral valve hypoplasia. Open arterial ligament. State
after aortic arch plastics, correction of coarctation and pulmonary artery bandaging

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