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7 steps of decision making

Phis102.n2 - group 8
Step 1: Gather the facts
> Regardless of the fact that Jenny's graduation is
near, Jenny's parents doesn't care about or value
her academic pursuit. This is shown through the

facts: father screaming at Jenny during her synchronous

session and her mother blaming her for her father
doing so.

> Her brother and his friends are having "pot

sessions", an act that holds one criminally liable. In
addition, he unreasonably abuses Jenny physically,
which hinders her academic performance.

> In response to the effect of the abuse on her

academic performance, Jenny plagiarized an exam -
which is also condemnable by law.

> Jenny cares about her family and doesn't want to

abandon them; in the case that she does, she can't
provide for herself.
Step 2: Who are the
● Family
● Respect of their
PARENTS ● Losing both their son
and daughter
● Uphold family image
● Freedom
● Pot sessions
● Friends with
● Academic
● Family
● Academics
● Dignity
● Physical capabilities
Jenny(herself) ● Respect for her family
● Future job opportunities
given to graduate students
● Emotional and mental state
Step 3: Articulate the Dilemma
Jenny’s respect for her parents vs. Jenny

the dilemma
reporting her brother to the police vs. keeping
the family together vs. Jenny no longer gets
physical abuse from brother vs. Jenny’s parents
blaming her as to why their son is in jail vs.
Jenny being a lawful citizen vs. Jenny may
potentially be physically abused by her parents
(mostly her father) vs. Jenny finishes her studies
and hopefully gets a job after she graduate vs.
Jenny abandoning her family vs. Jenny’s
breakdown due to how her family treated her vs.
Jenny being free from her dysfunctional family
Step 4: List the alternatives
● Jenny would stop studying
and comply with what her

ALTERNATIVE #1 parents want to do. She

then reports her brother’s
acts to their parents to
which they have to
surrender her brother to
the law.
● Jenny will endure the
harassment at home and will
talk to her teachers about her
predicament so that they can

ALTERNATIVE #2 understand her perspective.

she could also ask for another
set of exam from her teacher
instead of accepting her
plagiarized output. Then,
confessing her brother’s doing
to her parents and the law.
● Jenny would stay over with
her friend’s or boyfriend’s
(if she’s in a relationship)
for the mean time and
ALTERNATIVE #3 continue her studies while
telling her parents that it
is needed for her classes.
She would stay silent
about her brother’s vice
and abusive temperament.
The matrix
Alternatives values/principle Consequences
(step 4) (Step 5) (step 6)
(+) Positive effect
(-)negative effect
Alternative #1 ● Peace inside the Parents:
family will be restored (+)Helping hand
● Wouldn’t be a burden Brother:
for her family (+) Might stop smoking “pot” and create a
● Helping the family better future for himself
(-)Might be brought to custody by the
● Following the law law
(-)Might be scolded by their parents
regarding the pot sessions
(-)Hatred towards Jenny
(+) Peace
(-) Low chance of getting high paying job
Alternative #2 ● Would be able to finish Parent:
(-)Disrupting of her online class would
her studies still be present
● Teacher might Teacher
understand her current (+) He/She might consider the situation
situation that Jenny is currently in if Jenny
would talk to her
● Following the rule of law (-)Might punish Jenny for plagiarism
(+) Would consider giving Jenny a
different set of exam
(+) Might stop smoking “pot” and
create a better future for himself
(-)Might be brought to custody by the
(-)Hatred towards Jenny
(+) She would have a bright future
ahead and can apply for high-paying
(-) her situation might hinder her
academic performance
Alternative #3 ● Jenny would be able to Jenny
study in peace (+)No hindrance to her
● Jenny wouldn’t get studies
(+) No physical abuse
physically abuse by her
(+) Better emotional and
brother mental health
(-)She may feel guilty about
abandoning her parents
(-) He would continue to
smoke “pot”
(-) He would get their house
raided eventually
(-) They would be furious at
Jenny that she left home and
abandoned them
Step 7: the Decision
I would choose the second alternative since it would have less cons and is a
peaceful alternative in my opinion, although Jenny’s dad may continue to
disrupt her online class, at least her teachers would be informed about it
and would hopefully be able to consider her situation and challenges. Jenny
telling her parents about her brother’s “pot session” would have a huge
backlash but hopefully he would change for the better. Jenny and her
parents don’t want to see him in prison so confronting him immediately would
be for everyone’s best interest.

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