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Visualization Meditation Script for fighting Urge

Skill Level: Beginner

When practicing NoFap, we all go through this thing called urge where brain forces you to
masturbate. But remember, you are not responsible for thoughts, impulses, urges,
cravings, and physical and emotional sensations you are experiencing. Your brain is!
But you are responsible for your ACTIONS! What you do with those thoughts,
impulses, urges.... is what actually matters.

 Exercise: Before starting, ask yourself this: Why you actually started NoFap? (this is
very important, if you don't have a meaningful reason for ending this addiction, you
will find yourself relapsing over and over). Take a Journal, write down a paragraph
about what pushed you to start NoFap.

First thing when you get urge is to look for reason or trigger, what suddenly made you to
think about sex and porn? Work on that reason or that trigger,

Remember, trigger can be sometimes non-obvious… eg: Lying on bed, maybe something in
your environment, the sound of door closing. You need find the trigger and work on it.

Now when the urges are strong and seem to be forcing you or going out of control, Try this:

1. Either sit on the chair, or sit up in cross legged posture with your back straight.

2. Close your eyes and take 5 deep slow breaths to help relax you and clam the mind.
(remember, deep and slow breath). Try to identify your urge. What is it? Is it an itch, or
maybe warmth or is it just tickle or butterflies in your stomach?

3. Now begin to visualize the colour red at the Penis as a glowing ball of red light. Feel the
colour of the glowing ball, visualize small sparkles near the ball as it its highly energetic. Feel
your breath moving in and out from this centre while continuing to imagine a red ball of light
emanating from that location.

4. Now feel the energy going up to your arms and into your brain, as it goes up slowly
towards your brain, imagine the colour changing to white as it finds its way to your brain by
going through different veins.

5. Try to feel the energy going into your arms, and your arms are becoming stronger… as it
goes through your chest… you gain strength, slowly it reaches your brain… and your brain
lightens up.

6. Once you complete the cycle, relax for a few minutes and then finish the meditation, by
affirming you are healthy, balanced and at peace.
Easy Way (Beginners):
Just try to imagine your sperm as energy and it is going up your Pants, as it reaches your arm
and your brain by going through various paths in veins, your brain lightens up and your arms
becomes stronger

 Try not to take more than 3 mins and less than 1 min
 This is just to give temporary relaxation, to channelize your energy and not a
permanent solution
 Practice Mindfulness for better results
 Involve into Hobby, let it be sketching or reading self-help book… but just stay away
from Porn



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