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Barangay Narra, Francisco Homes Subd., City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

SUBJECT: Emergency Preparedness and Safety Management
Course Outcome: No. 1

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It can be defined as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities

for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response
and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disaster.

A. Disaster Management
B. Emergency Management
C. Safety Management
D. Recovery Management

2. All of the following are goals of emergency management , EXCEPT for:

A. Reduce losses from hazards.
B. Avoid losses from hazards.
C. Promote slow recovery.
D. Assure prompt assistance to victims.

3. A severe disruption of the performance of a group, community or a society’s function

creating wide array of human, material, economic or environmental devastation which is
beyond the ability of the victim community or individual to cope with their own resources.
A. Disaster
B. Risk
C. Capacity
D. Hazard

4. It is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth.

A. Disaster
B. Natural disaster
C. Man-made disaster
D. Anthropogenic disaster

5. Have an element of human intent, negligence, or error involving a failure of a man-made

A. Disaster
B. Natural disaster
C. Man-made disaster
D. Anthropogenic disaster

6. It is a process to identify potential hazards and analyze what could happen if a hazard

A. Capacity assessment
B. Disaster assessment
C. Hazard assessment
D. Risk assessment

7-20 Identify the following statement if it is under HAZARD, ASSETS AT RISK, or IMPACTS.

7. Supply chain.
8. Utility outage.
9. Pandemic disease.
10. Casualties.
11. Loss of confidence in the organization.
12. Explosion
13. Regulatory and contractual obligations.
14. Property including buildings.
15. Loss of customers.
16. Mechanical breakdown.
17. Hazardous material spill or release.
18. Financial loss
19. Information technology.
20. Fire

21. It occurs in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.

A. Mitigation phase
B. Preparedness phase.
C. Response phase
D. Recovery phase.

22. This phase includes actions taken to prevent or reduce the cause, impact, and
consequences of disasters.
A. Mitigation phase
B. Preparedness phase.
C. Response phase
D. Recovery phase.
23. This phase includes planning, training, and educational activities for events that cannot be
A. Mitigation phase
B. Preparedness phase
C. Response phase
D. Recovery phase

24. Restoration efforts occur concurrently with regular operations and activities.
A. Mitigation phase
B. Preparedness phase
C. Response phase
D. Recovery phase

25-30 Identify what phase of disaster management belongs the following examples.

A. Mitigation B. Preparedness C. Response D. Recovery

25. Search and rescue.

26. Building codes and zoning.
27. Temporary housing.
28. Medical care.
29. Warning systems
30. Public education
31. Emergency relief
32. Emergency exercises/training

33. It is the degree of loss to a given element or set of elements at risk resulting from the
occurrence of hazardous phenomenon of a given magnitude.
A. Disaster
B. Risk
C. Capacity
D. Vulnerability

34. It is a function of threats exploiting vulnerabilities to obtain damage or destroy assets.

A. Disaster
B. Risk
C. Capacity
D. Vulnerability

35. The ability of people, organizations and systems, using available skills and resources, to face
and manage adverse conditions, emergencies or disasters.
A. Disaster
B. Risk
C. Coping capacity
D. Vulnerability

36. It is a basis for prioritizing hazard risks .

A. SMAUG model B. SMAUD model C. SLAUM model D. SMUAD model

37-38 Give examples of natural disaster.

39-40 Give examples of man-made disaster.

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