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Subject: Topic/Curriculum links: Covid-19 lockdown thought, feelings

Pre-Recorded and Live School workshops and experiences. Dance Curriculum.
Choreography Workshop
Class/Group Date: Session No. Skill area – Bodily Awareness: demonstrate set
Theale School Thurs 10th Session length: material and use the material as a stimulus for
March 1hour choreography exploration.
Learning Objectives
Skill area – Awareness of the quality of movement:
by the end of the lesson all children will be able to – have
When creating their own material, students should
learned set phase and add 1 count of 8 of their own material using
be able to apply choreographic techniques such
the stimuli of the set phase and themes.
as cannon, accumulation and levels.
most children will be able to - Add up to 3 counts of 8 of their
own material with complex movements.
some children will be able to – Show confidence in performing
and in a solo or in a group.

Learning Activities/Classroom Organisation Resources Timing

Keeleigh to lead workshop from the studio – Chloe at Home.

Keeleigh will demonstrate Warm-up while Chloe vocalises
Chloe will demonstrate and lead set material 15-mins
Remainder of the workshop to be lead together.

Introduction: Keeleigh and I will introduce ourselves and say a little bit about the
company and the piece that we will be working on.
Comfortable - Lauv
Isolations – Rotations of the joints working from the neck/head, working Cool Girl - dodie
Spine exercise – spinal roll downs, flat backs, short plank. Exercise is repeated Croft – Poppy
twice. Ackroyd
Piles – In parallel and first positions, repeated twice Come and get your
Feet – Parallel and first positions, repeated twice. love -Redbone.
Cardio – series of runs, high knees and butt kick, followed by star jumps around the This is me – Greatest
room. showmen cast remix.

Should have time to do all exercise to prevent injury. Feet or piles can be cut out if 2mins
 2 min dissection on the reflection of the piece (thoughts, feelings, likes and
dislikes). Isolation - Joy 15mins
Song on repeat 15mins
SET PHASE: Teach the phase from the piece shown.

CREATE OWN MATERAIL: Individually to create up to 3 counts of 8 using the set

material and their experiences of lockdown.

DEMONTRATION 4-5 students at a time will have the opportunity to show what
they have created. Not all students need to show if they don’t want too.

COOL DOWN: gentle cool down to prevent injuries and discussion of the workshop
for reflection and feedback
Life Story – Olafur
Arnalds, Nils Frahm 5mins
Differentiation - Support Differentiation – Extension
Live: students can ask for feedback during the working Students will be given an option to think about formations
period. and placement in the space. Maybe more complex
choreographic devices such as motif development and

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