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Groups 8 :

1.Tiara Syifa Apriliana (G0B020045)

2.Dian Asri Kirana (G0B020026)
3.Listyana Risma Lestari(G0B020035)
4.Tasya Zahra Delavita (G0B020044)
5.Aldi Fauzi Triana (G0B020084)
6.Zafira Mufidah Amatullah (G0B020086)
7.Dhian Margiyanti (G0B020037)
8.Rizky Maulida Aulia Putri(G0B020079)

Factors Associated with Minimum Dietary Diversity among Breas tfed Children

Aged 6-23 Months in Indonesia (Analysis of Indonesia DHS 2017)

Among children under five years old, children aged 6-23 months have a higher risk for
malnutrition (1). In 2018, 149 and 49 million of children under five in the world are stunting and
wasting (2). In the same year, nearly 3 of 10 children in Indonesia under 5 years of age are stunting
and 1 in 10 children are wasting (3). More than two-thirds deaths of children related to malnutrition
are associated with inappropriate feeding practice for the first two years of life (4). Ages 6-23 months
are part of the critical windows of opportunity and period of children in need over a lot of energy and
nutrients dense food to grow and to thrive (4). Lack of nutrients intake during this period of time can
cause a serious negative impacts include impaired cognitive development, growth retardation, and
consequences of lower attainment of education (5).

Topic of Sentence : Among children under five years old, children aged 6-23 months
have a higher risk for malnutrition
Topic : malnutrition problem in children under five years old in the world
Main Idea : The most malnutrition problems experienced by children under five in the
world in 2018 were stunting and wasting, which reached 149 and 49 million.

One of WHO and UNICEF recommendations for optimal child feeding as stated in the Global
Strategy is complementary feeding that is nutrients adequate and safe starting from 6 months of age
with continued breastfeeding until 2 years of age or more (1). Indicators of infant and young child
feeding (IYCF) practices can be used to monitor the effectiveness of various breastfeeding and
complementary feeding interventions (2). The core indicators are early initiation of breastfeeding,
exclusive breastfeeding, continued breastfeeding for 1 year, the introduction of solid, semi-solid or
soft foods, minimum dietary diversity, minimum meal frequency, minimum acceptable diet, and
consumption of iron-rich or iron- fortified foods (3).
Topic of sentence : One of WHO and UNICEF recommendations for optimal child feeding as stated
in the Global Strategy is complementary feeding that is nutrients adequate and
safe starting from 6 months of age with continued breastfeeding until 2 years
of age or more (1).
Topic : recommendations for optimal child feeding
Main idea : Recommendations for optimal child feeding according to WHO and UNICEF as
set out in the global strategy
Supporting sentence : Red line
MDD is a useful indicator for assessing nutritional adequacy. In addition, MDD is a significant
predictor of stunting which allows interventions aimed at increasing MDD to play an important role in
reducing the long-term burden ofstunting among children. Studies have shown that MDD was
positively associated with children’s age (10–13), mother’s education (8,14,15), wealth index (7,8),
mother’s access to media (7,8,16). Reports also found that fathers’ education was positively
associated with MDD. Other factors such as antenatal visits (13) and residence (7,15,17) also found to
be positively associated with children’s MDD.

Topic of sentence : MDD is a useful indicator for assessing nutritional adequacy.

Topic : that MDD is positively related to children's age, mother's education, wealth index, and
mother's access to media.

Main idea : MDD is a useful indicator for assessing nutritional adequacy. In addition, MDD is a
significant predictor of stunting which allows interventions aimed at increasing MDD to play an
important role in reducing the long-term burden ofstunting among children.

Supporting sentence :Red line

Generally, MDD achievement in children who are breastfed are lower (18). Without
adequate diversity in their food, children can have nutrients deficiency, especially
micronutrients, to appropriately grow and develop, which can affect the body and brain.
In order not to risk stunting and its irreversible impact, this study discusses .
Factors associated with MDD among breastfed children aged 6-23 months in
Indonesia in 2017

Topic sentence : Generally, MDD achievments in children who are breastfed are lower

Topic : stunting in children

Main idea : Children who are breastfed lower can nothave nutrients micronutrients

Supporting sentence :Red line

This study used data from the Indonesian Demographic Health Surveys in 2017. This
study is a secondary analysis that used a cross-sectional design study. The population of this
study includes all women aged 15-49 years with children under-five in kids’ recode data set.
This study analysed factors associated with MDD among breastfed children aged 6-23
months who were alive, lived with their currently married mother and lived with their father.
This study excluded children with missing food intake data. Based on the two-proportion
hypothesis equation, the sample size of 1,488 has a test power of more than 80%. The
number of samples was then multiplied by two. The number of samples of this study is 2,976

Topic sentence : study used data from the Indonesian Demographic Health Surveys in 2017.

Topic : Study based on data IDHS 2017

Main Idea : Study and analysis about Dietary breastfed 6-24 months aged based on
IDHS 2017

Supporting sentence :Red line

This study used data from the Indonesian domograpic health survey in 2017 . This
study is a secondary anlysiis that used a crooss sectional design study . The population of this
study includes all women aged 15-49 years with children under five in kids rrcode data set
this study analysed factors asosciated with MDD among brrasfet children aged 6-23 months
who were alive , lived with three cutrently maried mother and lived with their father . This
study excluded children with missing food intake data based on the two proportion hypotesis
eqoation , the sample size of 1,488 has a test power of more than 80%. The number of
samples was then multiplied by two . The number of samples of this study is 2,976 samples .

Topic sentence : the data was obtaided from the DHS

Topic : this study used data from the Indonesian demograpic health

Main idea : this study excluded children with missing food intake data

Suporting sentence : Red line

The data was obtained from the DHS website ( with an email verivication.
The 2017 IDHS data set consist of seven data sets. The study was using data from kids recode data
set. Analysis of the data on this study was carried. Out by using SPSS version 25. Frequencies and
cross tabulation were used to summarize descriptive statistics of the data. Chisquare analysis was
used to identyfi associations between the dependent (MDD and independent variables (predisposing
factors, cildren’s age, mother’s educatication, mother working status, mother’s acces to media,
wealth index, father’s education, reinforcing factor: father’s role, and enbling factor : ANC visits,
delivery assistants, place of delivery, and resident. A multipe logistic regresion analysis was used to
identify factors effecting MMD. MMD was defined as the number of foods consumed within 24
hours before survey from a total of seven food grups. These include

1. Breast milk
2. Grains, roots, and tubers
3. Legumes and nuts,
4. Dairy products
5. Flesh food
6. Eggs
7. Vitamin a rich fruits and vegeteble 19

The MDD score was coded as ‘0’ for those who had consumed five of more foods group during the
previous day 19. P-value <0,25 were included in the initial multivarriable regresions models. Final
models were derived using elimination of variable s with only variables with P-value <0,05 remained
with a 95 % convidence interval.

Topic of sentence : The data was obtained from the DHS website ( with an email
verivication. The 2017 IDHS data set consist of seven data sets.
Topic : identify factors effecting MDD.

Main idea : identify factors effecting MDD, wich defined as athe number of foods consumed.

Supporting sentence :Red line

MDD achievements are still a problem in Indonesia. The proportion of breastfed

children aged 6-23 months in Indonesia in 2017 who were fed with MDD was
52.8%, lower than the overall prevalence based on the 2017 Indonesia DHS data (54%).
The results of the multivariate analysis showed that the children’s age, mother's
education, mother's working status, wealth index, father’s role, delivery
assistants, and residence were significantly associated with MDD. Children age 6-11
months was the dominant factor affecting the MDD among breastfed children
aged 6-23 months in Indonesia 2017.

Topic sentence : MDD achievements are still a problem in Indonesia

Topic : MDD comparison in Indonesia

Main idea : The comparasion of MDD can be influenced based on the age of the child,
the mother's education, the mother's working status, the wealth index, the
role of the father, the delivery assistant, and the place of residence.
Supporting sentence :Red line

Salah satu contoh kasus mengenai tanggung jawab Apoteker terhadap pemberian obat resep
pasien yaitu Pimpinan Klinik Budi Rosari meminta maaf karena terjadi kesalahan yang
dilakukan oleh Apotekernya yang memberikan obat dalam resep pasien. Pihak Dokter sudah
benar memberikan resep obat, namun Apotekernya yang salah membaca resep, mengingat
komposisi obat tersebut terbilang sama hanya fungsinya yang berbeda.


Konsumen adalah setiap orang atau

keluarga yang mendapatkan barang untuk
dipakai dan tidak untuk diperdagankan.
Pengertian konsumen di Amerika Serikat dan
MEE, kata konsumen yang berasal dari
consumer sebenarnya berarti pemakai. Namun
di Amerika Serikat kata ini berarti diartikan
lebih luas lagi sebagai Korban pemakai produk
yang cacat baik korban tersebut pembeli, bukan
pembeli tapi pemakai, bahkan juga korban yang
pemakai, karena perlindungan hukum dapat
dinikmati pula bahkan oleh korban yang buka

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