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Handbook for Health

An easy guide to perfect health.

Daniel Hayhurst
So, here’s the guide. For Men and Women. Not just men.

Thank you for taking an interest. Before you begin, I want to be sure you know what

you’re getting into.

This guide is a series of practical steps to get you shredded, but it is useless without two


1. You will only see success if you do the things I recommend.

2. Your success will depend on you doing the requisite dose of inner work.

3. Your success will depend on you doing the requisite dose of outer work.

If you decide to go for it, I encourage you to stay the course, so that you can see

results. When you have the results, and you will, I want to hear from you.

But First, Here’s the deal:

And I ask only that you tell 10 of your friends to sign up at here. Just Copy the link

below and e-mail it to them. To do this, you highlight it, press Control+C, then, when

inside the email to your friend, you highlight a phrase, such as “Here’s the Link.” and go

to the link symbol and Control+ V to paste in the link.

I trust you to follow through with this. You assistance in this regard is crucial to

my ability to provide this service to others.


And, I also want you to follow through with connecting and liking to

Facebook,​ ​ ​ Instagram, ​ ​YouTube,​ and ​Twitter​.

Ok, that’s the agreement. Thank you. Here’s the gold.

Chapter One: DIET

The information that follows may blow your mind. You may want to sit

down. It is concise, to the point, and crystal clear. It is not crazy long for a

reason. I want you to get the info in the least amount of time.

If you want to be completely shredded without any effort, and have an

insane ability in the bedroom, you can begin by changing your intake.

Let’s pretend you are wanting to become a Ferrari, and transition away

from being a Dodge Caravan.

You will need a different kind of fuel. This may suck for a week, but you at

least do not need to work out. You can eat tons of ice cream however.

Yes, ice-cream.
Here’s how I eat to be positive and ripped.

1. 65% of my fuel comes from Saturated Fat, mostly coconut oil,

grassfed butter, sour cream, and some cream (but not much as it is

not worked on by bacteria.)

So, this is about 8-10 tablespoons total throughout the day. I recommend

not going above 2-3 at a go, lest you get upset stomach.

2. The remainder is split between Carbs and Protein. So at 35% total of

fuel, this means Carbs can be 15-20% and Protein can be 15-20%. A rule

of thumb is throughout your day, the meat (preferably grassfed or fish with

omega-3 fatty acids and low mercury) is about the volume of your fist. The

carbs are about that as well.

For carbs, I eat raw honey, white rice, sweet potatoes, and very little fruit

such as berries, and I refrain from any and all sorts of bread, pasta, beer,

and wine. Wheat is out. Ice cream is in.

3.Greens. It is of utmost importance to eat the equivalent in greens of a

head of romaine. You can chop it up, cook it down with a saucepan so the
volume thereafter decreases. If you vary the types of greens you eat, and

be sure to eat tons of them, you will avoid the cramped muscles that result

from eating a high fat diet. You will also cover some of your bases for

vitamins. Refrain from overcooking the greens, and add plenty of butter

and sour cream.

4. Eggs

Eggs have cholesterol. Your brain and your libido want eggs. I eat about

two per day. I don’t eat a lot of nuts other than macademias, but some

occasional walnuts and almonds, even though they are incredibly

inflammatory, I do believe they have some benefits on occasion.

5. Supplements:

A. vitamin c powder​ in my water, approximately 1 gram per day.

B. Lion’s mane mushroom​ powder/pills for the brain

C. Choline​ such as ALPHA gpc

D. Magnesium spray ​on the skin. Go online and find it.

E. Pine Pollen. ​ Do not skip this. If you like sex, that lasts.

F. Iodine- potassium iodide. ​ This is occasional and can offset the

problems caused by toxins in your water and environment that make

it unavailable.
6. TIMING: I intermittent fast. This means I do not eat generally before

lunch and sometimes as late as 3 pm. I do not generally eat after 8 pm.

Putting your eating into this window gives your body a break.

Eat all you want inside the window. Watch how satisfied you are, eating so

much fat. Watch how not worried you are too, while everyone else is on

the slave mind diet. Congratulations ALPHA, you are on your way.





be right on the edge of ketosis without entering it. In this space, you may
likely find flow.

Chapter 2: Your Mind

“Every day, stand guard at the door of your mind” JR

So, your diet is now clear, your path is ready. It may take

a week for your metabolism to figure it out. If your

stomach hurts, cut back on the fat, and gradually

transition. Remember, you have been living on a high

carb diet for years, it may take a week to shift your fuel.

Please don’t give up, the difference is profound.

Ok, back to it.

So, ​you’ve got the diet. Now the mind. By the way, the

above shot was an insane moment. Stay with me and I’ll

tell you the story. Later.

Your mind is now being fed what it always wanted,

fuelwise. But you will now need to change your people

and surroundings, if need be. You cannot likely progress

surrounded by people who are limited by fear, anger,

hatred, anxiety, can’t do attitudes...Remove yourself

quietly. Your environment matters for your progress. Get

outside, touch the earth. Your sub-c mind is about to be

very confused by changes.

So to shift your mind, you will now go and ​look up tapping

on youtube​. Ten spots. But careful. I suggest you​ ignore

the words they recommend, ​and use these phrases, with

feeling, instead:





These phrases cover it. I eplain them in depth elsewhere.

I made a variety of lesson videos where I explain further.

Just know that your six pack won’t likely stick around

without self love and wisdom, deeply ingrained,

beyond your waking mind. ​ By tapping these things, with

feeling, you are tapping into your greatest self, which is

reflected by your physique.

Another tip is to use Wim Hof breathing. Look it up.

Watch out now, by doing these two things (tapping and

breathing) your life is about to change- for the best. HAve

a friend around to convince you that you will be ok. When

I did this there were three day bouts of depression as my

cells detoxed. ​KEEP UP THE WORK, EXPRESS


Chapter 3 : Your Words

So, here’s words you will want to avoid from now on,

because your SUB-C hears every word you speak. And

you are becoming ALPHA.


Have To
Blame, Cynicism
Stewing Thoughts Based on Your or Other’s Actions
Incongruence- Words and Deeds line up
Take anything Personally


Miracles Everywhere
Clear Thinking

NOTES: Sadness is natural, it is not negative,

necessarily. Grieve in your way is good. Suppression is
the enemy here.
Also, the goal here is slow progress. Just because you
may soon have a six-pack, doesn’t mean your mind has
caught up. The mind part takes time.
Be sure to get out and touch the earth with one foot and
one hand. This allows the current to go through your
entire body with efficiency. ​ Is this weird? Ok, well
maybe you don’t want the 6 pack after all!​ The idea is
to tell you all of it, and the more of it you do, the greater
your chances of success. Check out this pic of me and
Forrest. She’s such a rockstar.

I love this car. By the way, if you are ALPHA, it is time to

learn to drive a stick. This is super sexy, man or woman.
Ok, moving on. One thing I need to mention. You can
also ​choose to avoid television and gaming. ​ Not only
are these things putting garbage into your sub-c, they are
wasting your time. Instead, you can start downloading
books on audible. ​GO TO TAI LOPEZ’s book list and
start now. ​ When you increase your vocabulary, and your
ability in this area, you can start listening at higher speeds.
Are you humble enough to be teachable? Do what people
of success do. Don’t just read. ​Read a shitton. ​ I mean a
book a day. Use audible at work if you can. Leverage
everything you got. ​Study vocabulary as well. MORE

​ LPHA, you are on your way when you have a mind that
shimmers with knowledge and wisdom. Listen to
podcasts. Fill your mind with power and wisdom. Avoid
putting garbage in. Be around great people with integrity.
Not judges by the way. I mean wisdom. ​ If you can’t
find such people, go online and find them. Oprah, Charlie
Munger. Jim Rohn. Joan Halifax. You have the internet.


Go out and sit next to a tree. Be influenced.

Chapter 4. SEX

Ok. Here is the most important piece about sex.

Be curious.

When you meet someone, ask, ask, ask, ask, ask.

With a better mind, everything is interesting. If she/he
doesn’t like you after a date, ask him/her what you can
improve on. Do not beg for a second date. Get the
knowledge, say thanks, and move along. Be
vulnerable enough to up you game. If you cannot take
it on the chin, you will not progress.

Listen to your partner. With your increased energy,

with you decrease in carbs, with your lighter body,
you will find everything interesting. Conversations,
kisses, tones, tastes. There is no goal. And you must
give. Give, give, give. This is the essence of love.

And, dress nice. When you appreciate the things

around you, those things stick around. So, dress
nice. Take an interest in your clothing. Take care of
your things. Make your bed. Wash yourself.

This translates to taking care of your partner. Do you

want her/him to stick around? PAY ATTENTION to
him/her. Attention is a great gift. Most people feel
well attended in one of these areas, especially:

Quality Time (hike, dinner, walk?)

Gift (chocolate, flower, note?)
Service (dishes, mop, vacuum)
Questions (words of curiosity)
Words of Affirmation (good job)

And...if you are always advising your partner,

basically saying ​Should​ to her/him, this can be
stopped immediately. Instead, listen. Advise, only
when asked. ​Most men go right to problem solving
when the partner just wants to be heard.

But!!!! Do not ever be needy. This is not attractive.

Do not over-text. Do not ever take offense. You are
solid, you are ALPHA. You are not sickly with
dependance. Stand up straight. Take your time.

Do you know how many times I’ve had impotence in

the moment? Probably 8. This, Alchemist, is your
moment to shine. Laugh at it, and watch your partner
see your inner confidence. Remember, when you
have no goal, everyone relaxes. This is crucial for her

Still, you want to rock solid most of the time. Pine

pollen, cholesterol, Choline and the like are crucial.
Go walking, maybe even do some weightless squats
in place several times a day- this keeps the nitric
oxide moving.

Be curious.​ Have confidence (remember the tapping).

Be without a goal in the bedroom. ​Listen. She is
telling you what feels good to her.

Be loving. ​ ​Be vulnerable​. Maybe you don’t always

know the answer. Rambo is not sexy. You know who
is sexy? Hans Solo. Indiana Jones. Be playful, be
curious, embrace the unknown. Novelty is wonderful.
Avoid patterns. Go to the shower, go to the woods, go
to the parked car…
Never Expect. Be Delighted.
Avoid having an orgasm until you have a signal that
your partner is exhausted. This may not be possible
until round two. Sometimes these sessions take three
days, and by day three your partner is well fucked.
For at least two days:) Make a study of this and make
it your new religion, if that is, you want to be Alpha.

It may be a good idea to mostly sleep in separate


You are sleeping. This is better for health.

Guys, AGAIN:

Hey my girlfriend told me guys don’t always offer to

wear a condom. If this is you, this is something I
suggest changing. ​ It is not sexy or cool in the least to
put the onus on your partner.​ This is not ALPHA in
the least and it is borderline abusive. Wake up.

When you make her ask you to wear a condom, you

are taking the fun away and showing her how selfish
you are. I know you are wanting something better. Be
awesome, make her comfortable. Then, watch how
much more you get laid.

OK, that’s enough from me. ​Go get your six pack.
Change your mind. Become a sex god/goddess.
Then get back in touch. I have more, in videos, where
I train the details. Not free.

What you already have can get you started, but you
may find it lonely out there, like the only one doing
and knowing this thing. Welcome to my world.

Remember to spread the word. Watch your life get

awesome. ​Get back in touch​, I can train you further, if
you choose.

Remember, this process may suck at times. Hang

tough, you will endure, if you choose. You may have
a lot of toxic cells come out of you, with a lot of
painful memories. Endure, know that it is worth it.
Above all, breathe.

All the best,


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