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Proof Positive Final Essay Template

Note: Your final essay should look like this with all the same headings and then the information


Introduction:Teengers who own cell phones have been found to be remarkably unproductive at school
and at home meaning they should not be in the hands of today’s teens, resulting in improved outcomes for
our youth. Since, phones can serve as a potential distraction for teenagers in school. Those who are
Irresponsible may use their phones throughout the night, and some may not develop social skills due to
their cell phones obsessions. Thus, it is important that the truth of the relations between phones and
teenagers are revealed and that this growing issue amongst our youth is resolved.

Claim #1: First-off, teens in school are frequently distracted by their own cellular devices.

Evidence #1: In fact, the head of Burnage Media Arts College in Manchester Ian Fenn claims that social
media, texting and calling are all major contributions to the distraction of his students. Concerned about
the well-being of his students, Mr. Fenn goes on to ban pupils from texting or calling on campus

Elaboration #1: For that reason, Ian Fenn’s actions and findings prove that unauthorized communication
between students in-class often leads to the disturbance of students, dramatically decreasing their

Evidence #2: Likewise, “Sir Michael Wilshaw, the new chief inspector of schools and head of Ofsted,
that mobiles in schools were disruptive.” [CITATION].

Elaboration #2: He and his team also banned the use of cellular devices at Mossbourne Academy in
Hackney east London, recognizing that this this cellular virus amongst students stunts their academic

Claim Elaboration: Therefore, both Sir Michael Wilshaw and Ian Fenn demonstrate that cellular
distraction amongst teenagers is a growing problem in school across the globe, verifying that cellphones
should not be in the hands of today’s teens.
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Claim #2: Additionally, Teenagers irresponsibly use their phones all night.

Evidence #1: While the consequences of little sleep are frequently underestimated, sleep deprivation is
serious health concern. As of late 2017, a PBS News study has found that “due to an increase of
smartphone use of teenagers between 2012 and 2015” [CITATION]. Teens who more than 5 hours a day
online are 50% more likely to develop poor sleeping habits [CITATION]

Elaboration #1: Highlighting that sleep deprivation should be a significantly greater concern of parents,
and that they should be taking a higher degree of authority to terminate cell phone use during the

Evidence #2: Not to mention, research conducted by The University of Utah identified that teens and
children “between the ages of 6 and 19, 41% who had their mobile device in the bedroom didn't sleep
enough hours. Forty-five percent of children who used their electronic device before sleeping had the
highest percentage of reduced sleep hours”[CITATION]

Elaboration #2: Even though Smartphones at night cause distruption of teenaged sleep is underestimated,
as parent proper steps need to be taken to limit the teen use of cellphones.

Claim Elaboration: Hence, it is clear that teenagers irresponsible use of cellphones at night will have a
substantial impact for why they should not be permitted to own one.

Claim #3: Children will not develop social skills due to their cell phones obsessions.

Evidence #1: Dr. Small, head of the UCLA memory and aging department states that “if a child relies on
electronics to communicate, they risk weakening their people skills.”[CITATION]. And Dr. Small
discovered that children can become detached from others’ feelings.[CITATION].

Elaboration #1: As a result, Dr. Small establishes that when teenagers rely on their phones as a means of
communication, there will be the absence of advancements of their communication.

Evidence #2: Also Melissa Ortega, a child psychologist of the New York Child Mind Institute learned
that not only teengers will be disconnected from others feeling but they will also bypass physical
communication entirely. "Clinically, I'm seeing it in the office. The high school kids who I do see will be
checking their phones constantly. They'll use it as an avoidance strategy. They'll see if they got a text
message in the two minutes they were talking to me."[CITATION]
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Elaboration #2: This “avoidance strategy”[CITATION] authenticated by Ms. Ortega shows an explicit
connection between the use of cellular devices to bypass real-world conversations and the diminishing
development of teen communication.

Claim Elaboration: Although, despite the beliefs of teens, it is more than necessary to take away their
phones due to the under the underdevelopment of their physical means of contact with other human

Conclusion: Ultimately, due to the frequent distraction of their own cellular devices during school hours,
misuse of teen’s phones throughout the night and the underdevelopment of their means of communication.
Teengers who own cell phones have been found to be remarkably unproductive at school and at home
meaning they should not be in the hands of today’s teens, resulting in improved outcomes for our youth.
On the contrary, once communities, Countries and then later the entire globe realizes this spreading virus
is issue, what will become of our beloved phones?

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