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Cholera is a feared epidemic diarrheal disease caused by Vibrio cholerae sero-
group O1 and, since 1992, by the new serogroup O139. The disease is char-
acterized by acute watery diarrhea. In its more severe form, a person may be
severely dehydrated and in hypovolemic shock; the patient may die in a matter
of a few hours after contracting the infection if treatment is not provided.
Cholera is endemic today in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Seven pandemics
have been registered in history since 1817; the most recent has lasted more
than five decades since its recognition in Indonesia in 1961.1

The Pathogen
V. cholerae is a curved gram-negative bacillus that belongs to the family
Vibrionaceae and shares common characteristics with the family
Enterobacteriaceae. V. cholerae O1 can be classified into three serotypes accord-
ing to the presence of somatic antigens and into two biotypes, classic and El Tor,
according to specific phenotypic characteristics. There is no evidence of differ-
ent clinical spectra among the three serotypes of V. cholerae. The classic biotype,
responsible for the first six pandemics of cholera, causes an approximately equal
number of symptomatic and asymptomatic cases, whereas the El Tor biotype
causes more asymptomatic infections. The classic biotype is confined to the
south of Bangladesh, and the El Tor biotype is responsible for the current
pandemic. Variants of El Tor biotype, that share phenotypic features of both
biotypes, are responsible for the current epidemics in Asia, Africa, and Latin
America and may cause more severe disease. The O139 serogroup is composed
of a variety of genetically diverse strains, both toxigenic and nontoxigenic; it
is genetically closer to El Tor V. cholerae. 

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Cholera is a feared epidemic diarrheal disease caused by Vibrio cholerae cholera
serogroup O1 and, since 1992, by the new serogroup O139. The disease is vibrio
characterized by acute watery diarrhea. In its more severe form, a person may diarrhea
be severely dehydrated and in hypovolemic shock; the patient may die in a dehydration
matter of a few hours after contracting the infection if treatment is not provided. epidemics
Cholera is endemic today in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Seven pandemics
have been registered in history since 1817; the most recent has lasted more
than five decades since its recognition in Indonesia in 1961. Changes in the
environment and in the pathogen have promoted transmission to humans.
Diagnosis is suspected based on clinical presentation and confirmed by isolation
of Vibrio in culture or by molecular methods. Treatment is based on replacing
intestinal losses with rehydration solutions and providing antimicrobials for
severe cases. Prevention includes implementing sanitation and hygiene and
using licensed oral vaccines in endemic and epidemic settings.

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infection. An unexplained predisposition to severe disease due to El Tor biotype
EPIDEMIOLOGY in persons with the O blood group has been observed in Asia and more recently
Cholera has both a predisposition to cause epidemics with pandemic potential in Latin America. Innate predisposition has also been reported in endemic areas.
and an ability to remain endemic in all affected areas. People of all ages are Thus, complex associations among climatic, seasonal, bacterial, and human
at risk to contract the infection in epidemic settings, whereas children older factors affect cholera transmission. Although for the most part cholera affects
than 2 years are mainly affected in endemic areas. V. cholerae lives in riverine, developing countries, several developed countries, such as the United States,
brackish, and estuarine ecosystems, where both O1 and non-O1 strains coexist, Canada, and Australia, have reported indigenous and imported cases.4 The
with non-O1 and nontoxigenic O1 strains predominating over toxigenic O1 most recent epidemics occurred in Haiti in 2010 and Yemen in 2016 and
strains. In its natural environment, V. cholerae lives attached to algae or to 2017.5 Figure 286-1 shows the distribution of cholera in the world from 1989
crustacean shells and copepods, with which it coexists in a symbiotic manner. to 2015.6 
Several conditions, such as temperature, salinity, and availability of nutrients,
determine the survival of V. cholerae; when these conditions are adverse, vibrios PATHOBIOLOGY
survive in a viable but nonculturable state. More recent data suggest that V. cholerae O1 and O139 cause clinical disease by secreting an enterotoxin that
cholera phages modulate the abundance of V. cholerae in the environment and promotes the secretion of fluids and electrolytes by the small intestine. The
determine the beginning and end of epidemics. Phages may also play a role in infectious dose of bacteria varies with the vehicle. When water is the vehicle,
the emergence of new V. cholerae serogroups by transferring genetic material more bacteria are needed to cause disease (103 to 108), but when the vehicle
to nontoxigenic strains. is food, lower amounts are needed (102 to 104). The incubation period varies
From its aquatic environment, V. cholerae is introduced to humans through from 12 to 72 hours; the median is 1.4 days. Cholera toxin (CTX) has two
contamination of water sources and food.2 Once humans are infected, very subunits, a pentamer B subunit and a monomer A subunit. The B subunit
high attack rates may take place, particularly in previously naïve populations. allows binding of the toxin to a specific receptor, a ganglioside (GM1) located
Acquisition of the disease by drinking contaminated water from rivers, ponds, on the surface of cells lining the mucosa along the intestine of humans and
lakes, and even tube well sources has been documented.2b Drinking unboiled certain suckling mammals. The active, or A, subunit has two components,
water, introducing hands into containers used to store drinking water, drinking A1 and A2, linked by a disulfide bond. Activation of adenylate cyclase by the
beverages from street vendors, drinking beverages to which contaminated ice A1 component results in an increase in cyclic adenosine monophosphate in
has been added, and drinking water outside the home are risk factors; these intestinal epithelial cells, which blocks the absorption of sodium and chloride
factors contributed to the acquisition of cholera during the large Peruvian by microvilli and promotes the secretion of chloride and water by crypt cells.
epidemic of 1991. Drinking boiled water, acidic beverages, and carbonated These events lead to the production of watery diarrhea with electrolyte con-
water and using narrow-necked vessels for storing water are protective measures. centrations similar to those of plasma, as shown in Table 286-1. A few other
Epidemics of cholera associated with the ingestion of leftover rice, raw fish, toxins have been isolated from pathogenic V. cholerae, but their roles in genesis
cooked crabs, seafood, raw oysters, and fresh vegetables and fruits have been of the disease are less clear. 
documented. Person-to-person transmission is less likely to occur because
a large inoculum is necessary to transmit disease. High transmission rates CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
(approximately 50%) are reported among household contacts of patients with Cholera is characterized by watery diarrhea and dehydration, which ranges from
cholera in endemic areas. mild to severe and life-threatening.7 Patients with mild dehydration cannot be
Epidemics of cholera tend to occur during the hot season. Factors affect- differentiated from those infected by other enteric pathogens causing watery
ing climate change and climate variability have an impact on the incidence of diarrhea. In contrast, patients with severe dehydration secondary to cholera are
cholera. The El Niño–southern oscillation (ENSO), a periodic phenomenon easy to identify in that their stools have the appearance of rice water, and no
representative of global climate variability, affects the transmission of cholera other clinical illness produces such severe dehydration as quickly (in a matter
and vector-borne diseases. ENSO causes the warming of normally cool waters of a few hours) as cholera. Onset of the disease is abrupt and characterized by
in the Pacific coastline of Peru, thereby promoting phytoplankton bloom, watery diarrhea, vomiting, generalized cramps, and oliguria. Physical exami-
zooplankton bloom, and V. cholerae proliferation.3 nation shows a feeble pulse, fever is rarely present, patients look anxious and
Some host factors are important in the transmission of cholera. The chronic restless, the eyes are very sunken, mucous membranes are dry, the skin has
gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori predisposes to cholera by induc- lost its elasticity and when pinched retracts very slowly, the voice is almost
ing hypochlorhydria, which reduces the ability of the stomach to contain the nonaudible, and intestinal sounds are prominent. Although watery diarrhea

Number of cholera cases per continent


400 Asia
350 America
Number of cases per 1000







1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
  FIGURE 286-1.     World distribution of cholera from 1989 to 2015 based on reports to the World Health Organization. (Reprinted with permission from the World Health Organiza-
tion. Cholera, 2016. Wkly Epidemiol Rec. 2017;92:521-530.)

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The genetic material of El Tor V. cholerae O1 is included in two circular
chromosomes, the larger containing 3 megabases and the smaller containing
1.07 megabases. The main virulence genes are ctxA and ctxB, which encode
CTX subunits A and B, respectively, and tcpA, which codes for toxin coregu-
lated pilus. Regulation of expression of these genes is complex. Recent data
suggest that vibrios are able to upregulate the expression of CTX in response to
intestinal fluid components as well as in the presence of certain environmental
factors. Genes unique to El Niño–southern oscillation (ENSO) V. cholerae
may encode specific features that allow this biotype to better survive in the
environment as well as to be more infectious to humans.

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Stools of adults with severe cholera 130 100 20 44
Intravenous lactated Ringer solution 130 109 4 28* 0 271
Intravenous normal saline 154 154 0 0 0 308

Standard oral rehydration solution promoted by the WHO 90 80 20 10 111 311
Reduced-osmolarity oral rehydration solution promoted by the WHO 75 65 20 10† 75 245
Rice-based oral rehydration solution 90 80 20 10† 270
*Lactated Ringer solution contains citrate instead of bicarbonate.

Bicarbonate is replaced by trisodium citrate.
Glucose concentration is in mg/dL, electrolyte concentrations are in mEq/L, and osmolarity is in mOsm/L.
Cl− = chloride; K+ = potassium; Na+ = sodium; WHO = Word Health Organization.
Modified with permission from Seas C, DuPont HL, Valdez LM, et al. Practical guidelines for the treatment of cholera. Drugs. 1996;51:966-973.

is the hallmark of cholera, some patients do not have diarrhea but instead
have abdominal distention and ileus, a relatively rare type of cholera called
cholera sicca. CHOLERA PATIENTS
Laboratory findings in patients with severe dehydration consist of an increase
in hematocrit, urine specific gravity, and total serum protein; azotemia; meta- Determine the degree of dehydration on arrival.
bolic acidosis with a high anion gap; normal or low serum potassium levels; and Rehydrate the patient in two phases:
• Rehydration phase—lasts 2 to 4 hours
normal or slightly low sodium and chloride levels. The calcium and magnesium • Maintenance phase—lasts until the end of the diarrheal episode
content in plasma is high as a result of hemoconcentration. Leukocytosis Register and periodically review input and output in predesigned charts.
is observed in patients with severe cholera. Hyperglycemia, caused by high Use the intravenous route in the following situations:
concentrations of epinephrine, glucagon, and cortisol stimulated by hypov- • In all severely dehydrated patients, in whom the total volume to be infused
olemia, is more commonly seen than hypoglycemia. Acute renal failure is the during the rehydration phase is 100 mL/kg. For patients older than 1 year,
most severe complication of cholera. Incidence rates of 10.6 cases per 1000 30 mL/kg should be infused in the first 30 minutes, the remaining 70 mL/kg
were reported in Peru during the first months of the 1991 epidemic. Patients should be infused in 2.5 hours. For children younger than 1 year, the first
30 mL/kg should be infused in 1 hour.
with acute renal failure almost always have a history of improper rehydration. • Patients with some dehydration who are unable to tolerate the oral route
Cholera in pregnant women carries a poor prognosis. Pregnant women have • Patients with high stool output (>10 mL/kg/hour) during the maintenance
more severe clinical illness, especially when the disease is acquired at the end phase
of the pregnancy. Fetal loss occurs in as many as 50% of these pregnancies. Use oral rehydration solutions, glucose or rice based, during the maintenance phase
Cholera in the elderly also carries a poor prognosis because of an increase in to match ongoing losses. Volumes of 800 to 1000 mL/hour are usually required.
complications, particularly acute renal failure, severe metabolic acidosis, and Low-osmolarity solutions are not recommended.
pulmonary edema.  Start an oral antimicrobial agent in patients with severe cholera when full rehydra-
tion has been achieved and oral tolerance is confirmed. Single-dose doxycycline,
300 mg, is the preferred regimen. Erythromycin or a quinolone is a suitable alter-
Chaotic movement under dark-field microscopy and a high number of bacteria Discharge patients only if oral tolerance is adequate (≥1000 mL/hour), urine output
in a stool sample from patients with diarrhea are characteristic of V. cholerae is satisfactory (≥40 mL/hour), and stool volume is low (≤400 mL/hour).
infection. Specific antisera against the serotype block the movement of vibrios Modified with permission from Seas C, DuPont HL, Valdez LM, et al. Practical guidelines for the
and allow confirmation of the diagnosis. Under epidemic conditions, observ- treatment of cholera. Drugs. 1996;51:966-973.
ing bacteria with a darting movement in a stool sample from a patient with
suspected infection under dark-field microscopy is adequate to make the diag-
nosis. Definitive confirmation requires isolation of the bacterium in culture.
Specific medium is needed to isolate V. cholerae from stool. Higher sensitivity
route is preferred during this phase, and the use of oral rehydration solutions
and specificity have been reported with DNA amplification by polymerase is highly recommended. Oral rehydration therapy uses the principle of common
chain reaction (PCR) for detection of vibrios in stool and environmental transportation of solutes, electrolytes, and water by the intestine not affected
samples. A number of rapid tests have been developed, but few are suitable by cholera toxin. People with diarrhea can undergo successful rehydration
for public health purposes.  with simple solutions containing glucose and electrolytes. The World Health
Organization recommends an oral rehydration solution with reduced osmolar-
ity (245 mOsm/L) to treat all diarrheal diseases. This solution contains lower
sodium than the standard oral rehydration solution promoted since 1975 (75 vs.
90 mEq/L). No more symptomatic hyponatremia is observed with the reduced-
TREATMENT  osmolarity solution than with the standard solution. The addition of l-histidine
to rice-based oral rehydration solutions has been shown to reduce the volume
The objectives of therapy are to restore the fluid losses caused by diarrhea and and duration of diarrhea and the unscheduled use of intravenous therapy in
vomiting, to correct the metabolic acidosis, to restore potassium deficits, and adult cholera patients. Patients without severe dehydration who tolerate the
to replace continuous fluid losses. Treatment of patients with milder forms of oral route can be rehydrated with oral rehydration solutions exclusively and
dehydration is easy, but treatment of patients with severe dehydration requires discharged promptly from the health center. Recommendations for treatment
experience and proper training. The intravenous route should be restricted of cholera patients are shown in Table 286-2. Treatment of cholera caused by
to patients with some dehydration who do not tolerate the oral route, those V. cholerae O139 is the same as described earlier.
who purge more than 10 to 20 mL/kg/hour, and all patients with severe dehy- Antimicrobial agents are not life-saving and always need to be accompa-
dration. Rehydration should be accomplished in two phases: the rehydration nied by fluid therapy. Effective antibiotics in patients with severe dehydration
phase and the maintenance phase. The purpose of the rehydration phase is to decrease the duration of diarrhea and the volume of stool by nearly half.A1 Oral
restore normal intravascular volume, and it should last no longer than 4 hours. tetracycline and doxycycline are the agents of choice in areas of the globe where
Intravenous fluids should be infused at a total volume of 100 mL/kg during the sensitive strains predominate. A single dose of doxycycline (300 mg) is the
rehydration phase in severely dehydrated patients. Lactated Ringer solution is preferred regimen. Pregnant women can be treated with erythromycin or fura-
preferred, but other solutions may be used as well (see Table 286-1). All signs zolidone. Because of the emergence of resistance to tetracyclines and other
of dehydration should have disappeared and the patient should pass urine at antimicrobials in many endemic areas, the quinolones and, more recently,
a rate of 0.5 mL/kg/hour or greater after the rehydration phase is finished. The azithromycin have been tested in clinical trials. A single-dose regimen of azithro-
maintenance phase follows immediately. During this phase, the objective is to mycin (20 mg/kg) showed clinical and bacteriologic results that were compa-
maintain normal hydration status by replacement of ongoing losses. The oral rable to a 3-day regimen with erythromycin and to a single-dose regimen of

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ranges in severity from mild diarrhea to severe watery diarrhea. Fever and
ciprofloxacin in children and comparable to a single-dose regimen of ciprofloxa- bloody diarrhea are unusual, but immunocompromised persons and those
cin (1 g) in adults, and 1 g azithromycin is equivalent to 3 days of norfloxacin
(400 mg twice daily).A2  The addition of oral zinc (30 mg/day) to an erythromycin with liver disease can experience more severe illness, including fever, chills,
regimen in children reduced the duration of diarrhea by 12%, with an additional and septic shock.
11% reduction in the volume of diarrhea in comparison to placebo. Antimotility V. parahaemolyticus lives in marine environments and is a source of intestinal
agents such as loperamide or diphenoxylate, adsorbents, analgesics, and anti- illness associated with the ingestion of contaminated shellfish. Certain serovars
emetics are not recommended. Antisecretory drugs, including racecadotril, an have shown pandemic spread (O3:K6 and O4:K68). It is not well known
enkephalinase inhibitor, are not useful in patients with severe cholera. how this Vibrio causes infection in humans, but the clinical illness may mimic
cholera, although most cases are milder and self-limited forms of acute watery
diarrhea. Acute dysentery is reported rarely. Oral antibiotics, as used for trave-
ler’s diarrhea (Chapter 270), are usually efficacious, although local resistance
PREVENTION patterns vary.
Access to potable water and ensuring proper management of excreta to avoid V. vulnificus is associated with wound infections in persons in contact with
contamination of other water sources are important measures to reduce trans- contaminated water as well as with primary sepsis in immunocompromised
mission of cholera. Alternative ways to prevent cholera transmission are nec- hosts. This pathogen is responsible for 95% of seafood related mortality in
essary in developing countries. Water can be made safer to drink by boiling, the United States. Wound infections follow trauma and are characterized by
adding chlorine, or filtering it with cloth made of cotton. Chemoprophylaxis rapid progression of skin and soft tissue involvement, with necrosis and bulla
of household contacts of cholera cases is not routinely recommended. formation occurring in more severe cases. Fever, chills, and sepsis syndrome
An ideal vaccine against cholera should elicit a fast and long-lasting immune may ensue rapidly. Primary sepsis with bacteremia and metastatic lesions on
response with minimal side effects. Parenteral vaccines are no longer recom- the skin, characterized by disseminated erythematous lesions that may evolve to
mended. Two oral vaccines, the two-dose regimen of the inactivated vaccine necrotic lesions, is a distinctive clinical manifestation in patients with chronic
WC-BS (whole cell plus B subunit) and a single dose of the live attenuated liver illnesses or alcohol dependence and in patients with blood disorders such
CVD 103-HgR vaccine, have been tested extensively in epidemic settings as thalassemia. A history of seafood ingestion, usually oysters, is typical. Patients
and in field trials in endemic areas, where they have safely elicited excellent are acutely ill with high fever and need to be managed aggressively with fluid
immunogenicity.A3,A4 Although the WC-BS vaccine showed good short-term resuscitation, surgical débridement, general supportive care, and antibiotic
protective efficacy (85% at 6 months), the results at 3 and 5 years were less coverage. V. parahaemolyticus wound infections are generally less severe than
impressive (40% or less).A5,A6 A large effectiveness study in Mozambique con- those caused by V. vulnificus. However, in persons with liver disease or those
firmed the high short-term protection against cholera (80%) by this vaccine, who are immunocompromised, fatal infections can occur.
especially against severe dehydration (90%). In Guinea, oral vaccine was 87% The recommended antibiotic approach is an intravenous combination of
protective. In addition, reanalysis of data on this vaccine in field trials and in cefotaxime, 2 g four times a day, plus doxycycline, 100 mg two times a day.
Zanzibar has shown that it may also confer herd protection in the unvacci- This combination is synergistic in vitro. Alternative antimicrobials are cef-
nated population. Cost-effectiveness of interventions like this require prices of tazidime and ciprofloxacin.
the oral vaccine below 1.3 USD. More recently, a single dose of the whole cell
oral killed vaccine achieved 89.7% effectiveness during a cholera outbreak.8
Complementary use of oral cholera vaccination, water sanitation, and hygiene Grade A References
interventions may have additive impact in endemic areas. A large field trial of the
live attenuated vaccine in an endemic country showed no protective efficacy. A1. Leibovici-Weissman Y, Neuberger A, Bitterman R, et al. Antimicrobial drugs for treating cholera.
However, this vaccine is immunogenic and effective in adult travelers and has Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;6:CD008625.
been recently licensed in the United States.9 Indications for use of the cur- A2. Bhattacharya MK, Kanungo S, Ramamurthy T, et al. Comparison between single dose azithromycin
and six doses, 3 day norfloxacin for treatment of cholera in adult. Int J Biomed Sci. 2014;10:248-251.
rently available cholera vaccines include travel to endemic areas and situations A3. Lopez AL, Deen J, Azman AS, et al. Immunogenicity and protection from a single dose of interna-
in which high attack rates of cholera are expected, such as after environmen- tionally available killed oral cholera vaccine: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Clin Infect Dis.
tal disasters, in refugee camps, and in urban slums in highly endemic areas. 2018;66:1960-1971.
Preemptive and reactive vaccination approaches should be thoroughly evaluated A4. Desai SN, Akalu Z, Teshome S, et al. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial evaluating safety and
immunogenicity of the killed, bivalent, whole-cell oral cholera vaccine in Ethiopia. Am J Trop Med
in epidemic settings. New oral vaccines, including both killed and live Vibrio, Hyg. 2015;93:527-533.
are being evaluated in endemic areas, with promising preliminary reports.  A5. Bi Q, Ferreras E, Pezzoli L, et al. Protection against cholera from killed whole-cell oral cholera vac-
cines: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2017;17:1080-1088.
PROGNOSIS A6. Qadri F, Wierzba TF, Ali M, et  al. Efficacy of a single-dose, inactivated oral cholera vaccine in
Bangladesh. N Engl J Med. 2016;374:1723-1732.
Patients with severe cholera left untreated or improperly treated carry a poor
prognosis, with mortality rates higher than 50%. However, case-fatality rates
during epidemics may be reduced to values below 1% even in disaster situ- GENERAL REFERENCES
ations, provided adequate access to health care centers and proper manage- For the General References and other additional features, please visit Expert Consult
ment of patients can be ensured. For example, mortality rates were extremely at
low during the Latin America epidemic in the 1990s, but rates of 19 to 35
deaths/1000 person-years were estimated during the epidemic in Haiti.10
Lack of treatment, delay in treatment, and not being managed in an estab-
lished treatment center were factors associated with mortality in a study in


Noncholera vibrios have worldwide distribution and coexist in environments in
which V. cholerae lives. They cause a spectrum of clinical syndromes, including
acute diarrhea, soft tissue infections, and sepsis,12 especially in immunocom-
promised hosts. The CDC estimates about 80,000 cases of vibriosis annu-
ally in the United States, about two thirds of which are food borne.13 Vibrio
parahaemolyticus predominates (about 45% of isolates) but is associated with
a case-fatality rate below 1%. In contrast, Vibrio vulnificus accounts for about
20% of the isolates but is associated with a case-fatality rate of about 30%.
Vibrio illnesses in the United States are seasonal and peak during the summer.
The incubation period for noncholeragenic Vibrio infection is usually 12 to
72 hours but can be as long as 1 week.
Nontoxigenic V. cholerae causes gastroenteritis, but unlike toxigenic V. chol-
erae O1 or O139, nontoxigenic V. cholerae does not cause epidemics. Illness

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GENERAL REFERENCES 7. Clemens JD, Nair GB, Ahmed T, et al. Cholera. Lancet. 2017;390:1539-1549.
8. Azman AS, Parker LA, Rumunu J, et al. Effectiveness of one dose of oral cholera vaccine in response
1. Weill FX, Domman D, Njamkepo E, et al. Genomic history of the seventh pandemic of cholera in to an outbreak: a case-cohort study. Lancet Glob Health. 2016;4:e856-e863.
Africa. Science. 2017;358:785-789. 9. Wong KK, Burdette E, Mahon BE, et al. Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immu-
2. Richterman A, Sainvilien DR, Eberly L, et al. Individual and household risk factors for symptomatic nization Practices for use of cholera vaccine. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2017;66:482-485.
cholera infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Infect Dis. 2018;218:S154-S164. 10. Luquero FJ, Rondy M, Boncy J, et al. Mortality rates during cholera epidemic, Haiti, 2010-2011.
  2b.  Deen J, Mengel MA, Clemens JD. Epidemiology of cholera. Vaccine. 2020;38:A31-A40. Emerg Infect Dis. 2016;22:410-416.
3. Anyamba A, Chretien JP, Britch SC, et al. Global disease outbreaks associated with the 2015-2016 11. Djouma FN, Ateudjieu J, Ram M, et al. Factors associated with fatal outcomes following cholera-
El Nino event. Sci Rep. 2019;9:1-14. like syndrome in far north region of Cameroon: a community-based survey. Am J Trop Med Hyg.
4. Loharikar A, Newton AE, Stroika S, et al. Cholera in the United States, 2001-2011: a reflection of 2016;95:1287-1291.
patterns of global epidemiology and travel. Epidemiol Infect. 2015;143:695-703. 12. Baker-Austin C, Oliver JD, Alam M, et al. Vibrio spp. infections. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2018;4:1-19.
5. Federspiel F, Ali M. The cholera outbreak in Yemen: lessons learned and way forward. BMC Public 13. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vibrio species causing vibriosis. Questions and answers.
Health. 2018;18:1-8. Accessed April 23, 2019.
6. Cholera, 2016. Wkly Epidemiol Rec. 2017;92:521-530.

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REVIEW QUESTIONS 4. Intravenous fluids are indicated in patients with cholera under the follow-
ing conditions:
1. Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease caused by:
A . In every patient with cholera irrespective of the degree of dehydra-
A . Vibrio cholerae O1 and Vibrio cholerae O139 tion
B. Vibrio cholerae O1 only B. In patients with some degree of dehydration
C. Vibrio cholerae O139 only C. In patients with severe dehydration, in those who cannot tolerate the
D. Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae oral route, and in those with high stool output
E. Vibrio vulnificus D. In patients who do not respond to antimicrobials
Answer: A  Cholera is the disease caused by both O1 V. cholerae and, since E. In those thought to be infected by resistant pathogens
1992, O139 V. cholerae. These two pathogens have the potential to cause local Answer: C  Intravenous fluids should be restricted to those with severe dehy-
epidemics with pandemic potential. dration, to those with lesser degrees of dehydration who cannot tolerate the
oral route, and to those with high stool output.
2. The typical solute concentration of cholera stools, compared with
plasma, is: 5. A patient with chronic liver disease presents to the emergency depart-
A . Hypertonic ment with the acute onset of fever after ingestion of oysters. The physical
B. Hypotonic examination reveals a patient in shock with multiple erythematous lesions
C. Isotonic on the extremities. The most likely pathogen involved is:
D. Hyperosmolar A . Vibrio cholerae O1
E. Hypo-osmolar B. Vibrio cholerae O139
Answer: C  Typical diarrhea of cholera is isotonic compared with plasma, C. Vibrio vulnificus
having almost the same concentration of sodium. D. Salmonella enterica
E. Shigella dysenteriae type 1
3. The benefit of using effective antimicrobials in patients with severe Answer: C  Vibrio vulnificus is the most likely pathogen. It causes severe sepsis
cholera is: with soft tissue involvement in patients with chronic liver disease.
A . To reduce the excretion of Vibrio
B. To reduce the duration of diarrhea and volume of stool by half
C. To reduce the duration of hospitalization by half
D. To reduce the need for intravenous treatment
E. To reduce the need for oral rehydration solutions
Answer: B  Effective antimicrobials reduce the duration of diarrhea and the
volume of stools by almost half compared with controls.

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