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A Review of Anterior Segment Dysgeneses

Faisal Idrees, MBBS, FRCSd, MRCOphth,1 Daniela Vaideanu, MBChB, MRCOphth,2
Scott G. Fraser, MBChB, FRCOphth, FRCSEd, MD,1,2 Jane C. Sowden, PhD,1
and Peng T. Khaw, PhD, FRCOphth, FRCS, FMedSci3

Institute of Child Health, University College London, London; 2Sunderland Eye Infirmary, Sunderland;
and 3Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, United Kingdom

Abstract. The anterior segment dysgeneses are an ill-defined group of ocular developmental
abnormalities that share some common features and have a high prevalence of glaucoma. Current
classification of what are and what are not anterior segment dysgeneses seems to vary and our
knowledge of them is incomplete. As the limits of classical clinical medicine based on evaluation of
signs and symptoms are reached, further advancements increasingly will come from molecular
medicine and genetics. In this article we review the normal and abnormal development of the anterior
segment (concentrating primarily upon neural crest derived dysgeneses), describe the various clinical
entities produced and their diagnosis, and discuss the current knowledge of the genetics of these
disorders. We also suggest a new approach to the classification of anterior segment dysgeneses, based
upon the embryological contribution to the formation of the anterior segment of the eye. (Surv
Ophthalmol 51:213--231, 2006. Ó 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)

Key words. anterior segment dysgeneses  developmental glaucoma  genetics  glaucoma

 neural crest

I. Introduction alterations in genetic code cause functional abnor-

The anterior segment dysgeneses, at present, are malities we must be sure that we can differentiate
an ill-defined group of developmental abnormalities between what is normal and abnormal. Just as we
that share some common features and a high systematically discover the nucleotide sequence of
prevalence of associated glaucoma. Classifications a particular gene we must be sure that we have
of what is and what is not an anterior segment systematically described and categorized the possible
dysgeneses seem to vary and our knowledge of them phenotypic changes that the gene could produce.
is incomplete. Abnormalities of the anterior segment that can
Throughout the whole of medicine a revolution is lead to glaucoma have recently received attention45
occurring as the limits of classical clinical medicine as they often have large pedigrees and severe
based on the evaluation of signs and symptoms is phenotypes. Although relatively rare, they may
reached and further advances are increasingly provide important insights into one of the most
coming from the fields of molecular medicine and common forms of glaucoma—chronic open-angle
molecular genetics. These new disciplines are un- glaucoma (COAG). This article reviews the normal
doubtedly going to allow us a far greater understand- and abnormal development of the anterior segment
ing of many diseases including the anterior segment concentrating primarily upon neural crest derived
dysgeneses. However, if we are to understand how dysgeneses. It describes the various clinical entities

Ó 2006 by Elsevier Inc. 0039-6257/06/$--see front matter
All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.survophthal.2006.02.006
214 Surv Ophthalmol 51 (3) May--June 2006 IDREES ET AL

produced and discusses the current knowledge of and spinal ganglia, and of course many of the
the genetics of these disorders. We also suggest an structures of the eye.8,131
approach to the classification of anterior segment Johnston et al studied the fate of neural crest
dysteneses, including those that are primarily due to derived cells in the chick eye and found that they
non-neural crest derived embryonic tissues. form the sclera, melanocytes, fibroblasts, muscles of
the uveal tract, and pericytes of the vascular
system.55 In the developing anterior segment,
neural crest cells migrate between the surface
II. Embryology of the Anterior ectoderm and the periphery of the optic cup,
Segment (Fig. 1) namely, the developing anterior chamber. Once at
Cells derived from the neural crest are extremely the anterior chamber, the neural crest cells form the
important for ocular development in general and corneal endothelium and keratocytes, iris stroma
anterior segment development in particu- cells (i.e., the anterior iris) and melanocytes,
lar.8,10,25,57,131 An understanding of the migration trabecular meshwork, and juxtacanalicular tis-
and differentiation of neural crest cells (Table 1) and sue.10,57,131 Until 7 months gestation, neural crest
how these processes can go wrong is vital for an cells form a continuous layer extending from the
understanding of both the ocular and systemic cornea to the trabecular meshwork and onto the
features of the anterior segment dysgeneses. anterior surface of the iris becoming continuous
Neural crest cells are neuroectodermal cells that with the pupillary membrane and tunica vasculosa
migrate from the crest of the developing neural lentis.57 However, intercellular gaps between endo-
tube at about the 24th day of gestation.131 They thelial cells that cover the iridocorneal angle have
migrate to many sites all over the developing been demonstrated by scanning laser microscopy.80
embryo and give rise to many structures including This correlates with physiological evidence that
the bone and cartilage of the skull, the meninges, some degree of aqueous drainage is effective by
the teeth, dermis, melanocytes, peripheral nerves, 17--18 weeks of fetal life, and gradually increases
Schwann cells, the neuroendocrine system, cerebral during development.80

Fig. 1. Composite illustration of anterior segment chamber demonstrating: line drawing highlighting important structures
at irido-corneal angle with a cut away representing the different layers of trabecular meshwork (left); gonioscopic view of
a normal angle with a slit-lamp beam (center); embryological derivatives forming the structures of the anterior chamber
(right) (red 5 surface ectoderm; blue 5 neuroectoderm; green 5 cranial neural crest cells; see Table 1). Cep 5 corneal
epithelium; Cen 5 corneal endothelium; Cstr 5 corneal stroma; *5 Schwalbe’s line; ss 5 scleral spur; CB 5 ciliary body;
Cp 5 Ciliary process; Cm 5 ciliary muscle; PCE 5 pigmented ciliary epithelium; SC 5 Schlemm’s canal; TM 5 trabecular
meshwork; IP 5 iris process; Iris S 5 iris stroma; L 5 lens; Z 5 zonule/suspensory ligament of lens.

TABLE 1 such as dysgeneses mesodermalis corneae et iridis and

Embryonic Derivatives that Contribute to Anterior primary mesodermalis of the iris are outmoded (no
Segment Formation mesoderm involved).8,10,11 For diseases of primarily
non-neural crest origin we reserve the term ASD-non
Ectoderm neural crest (ASDnon-nc) as further described below.
Surface ectoderm Conjunctival epithelium
Corneal epithelium
Neuroectoderm Sphincter and dilator muscles of iris III. Definition of Anterior Segment
Pigmented iris epithelium Dysgeneses
Pigmented ciliary epithelium
Non-pigmented ciliary epithelium The anterior segment of the eye comprises all the
Zonules of the iris structures lying between the front surface of the
Cranial neural Corneal stroma and endothelium
cornea and the front surface of the vitreous; usually
crest cells Sclera (except temporal portion)
Trabecular meshwork included within this definition are the eyelids. An
Schlemm’s Canal anterior segment dysgeneses is a developmental
Chamber angle
Thin layer of anterior iris stroma
abnormality of the structures of the anterior
Ciliary muscles segment.
Ciliary stroma Refining of the definition and difficulties in
Uveal and epithelial melanocytes
clinical diagnosis may be resolved as the molecular
Temporal portion of sclera genetics of these conditions becomes clearer.
Endothelial lining of blood vessels However, we propose to consider the classification
in terms of the likely underlying embryological basis
of the abnormality. Firstly we define those condi-
At 7 months gestation, the trabecular meshwork is tions derived primarily from the neural crest cells as
separated from the anterior chamber by the layer of ASD-neural crest (ASDnc) and distinguish them from
neural crest cells and little aqueous can drain. It is those conditions with structures, which have a pri-
thought that retraction of these cells allows expo- mary contribution from non-neural crest cells and
sure of the trabecular meshwork and therefore refer to these as ASD-non neural crest (ASDnon-nc).
drainage of aqueous; this change correlates with the The ASDnc is a developmental abnormality of the
fact that aqueous outflow increases 0.09 ml/min/ cornea, angle, or iris that can be recognised from
mm Hg at 7 months to 0.3 ml/min/mm Hg at 8 a number of specific clinical signs. These occur with
months.68 a number of other ocular or systemic abnormalities
In 1979, Kupfer and Kaiser-Kupfer suggested that but may also occur in isolation in some patients. The
a group of developmental anomalies of the anterior abnormalities are likely to be caused by an un-
chamber, often associated with increased intraocular derlying failure of neural crest cell migration or
pressure (IOP) and systemic abnormalities, could be differentiation. These abnormalities are often asso-
explained by aberrant migration or defective differ- ciated with an increased risk of glaucoma.
entiation of neural crest cells.67 This was initially Within the ASDnon-nc type we have included other
limited to Axenfeld-Rieger, iridogoniodysgeneses/ phenotypes affecting the anterior segment where
iris hypoplasia, and Peters anomaly, but has since the neural crest tissue is not thought to be the site of
been expanded to include infantile congenital the primary defect. These include aniridia, which is
glaucoma,34,140 (more commonly known as primary mainly a defect affecting the posterior iris, which
congenital glaucoma). Although opinions vary, it has develops from the periphery of the embryonic optic
also been suggested that sclerocornea,8,22,57 mega- cup and is therefore of neuroectodermal ori-
locornea,57 and congenital hereditary endothelial gin.93,101,126 However, Thut et al have shown that
dystrophy8 are part of the same disease spectrum. the lens is the source of an evolutionarily conserved
In this review, we use the term anterior segment signal that instructs cells of the presumptive neural
dysgeneses as an umbrella term to describe the retina to express genes characteristic of the de-
clinical spectrum of diseases that results from veloping iris and ciliary body.126 Therefore, we
abnormalities of the different embryological de- consider that aniridia is due to gene mutations
rivatives. However, we concentrate primarily upon which act primarily in the lens. Other recently
diseases caused by abnormal neural crest migration identified conditions include anterior segment
and differentiation, referring to them as anterior mesenchymal dysgeneses (ASMD). The causative
segment dysgeneses-neural crest (ASDnc). The term gene mutations have been identified in these
anterior segment cleavage syndrome is no longer families and act primarily in the lens (which derives
appropriate as no anterior segment cleavage plane from surface ectoderm) with the defects found in
occurs during development,8 whereas other terms, the neural crest derived tissues of the angle probably
216 Surv Ophthalmol 51 (3) May--June 2006 IDREES ET AL

occurring as a secondary consequence. Further

characterisation of similar conditions may lead to
greater refinement of the ASDnon-nc classification to
include ASDn (ASD-neuroectoderm) and ASDse
(ASD-surface ectoderm), indicating the develop-
mental origin of the affected tissue.

IV. Classification of the Anterior

Segment Dysgeneses
There have been numerous classifications of the
anterior segment dysgeneses, based on their clinical
features. This classification remains useful at present
but as the molecular genetics of the different
conditions are unraveled it seems desirable that
future classifications should reflect or incorporate
the underlying genetic cause. Many of the anterior
segment dysgeneses manifestations have been given
eponymous titles when certain abnormalities are
grouped together. This is useful as an aide memoire
but the fact that different members of the same family
(who share the same gene mutations) can have quite
different phenotypes indicates the limitations of
these classifications. Most of the anomalies can have Fig. 2. Photographs illustrating findings in ocular phe-
an association with systemic disease. notypes included in anterior segment dysgeneses. A:
The anomalies that make up the clinical spectrum central corneal opacity; B: peripheral corneal opacity; C:
haab striae; D: megalocornea; E: sclerocornea; F: posterior
of the anterior segment dysgeneses are discussed embryotoxon; G: polycoria; H: iris hypoplasia. (Figure 2B
below.34,114,115,140 is reprinted from Lehmann et al71 with permission of
Investigative Ophthalmololgy and Visual Science.)
This is the most common childhood glaucoma the apparent movement of tissues relative to each
and usually presents within the first 6 months of life. other so that the ciliary body moves backwards to
It has also been called isolated trabeculodysgeneses expose the developing trabecular meshwork. An-
or goniodysgenses to indicate that the cornea and derson suggests that premature and/or excessive
iris are morphologically normal. Use of the term formation of collagenous beams within the trabec-
congenital suggests that it is present at birth; in fact, ular meshwork prevents this normal posterior
although the angle abnormality may be present at migration of the ciliary body.5
birth, the IOP rise may not occur until sometime Barkan first described a membrane over the
after. Thus ICG should be reserved for those eyes angle,9 and he described it as a persistent fetal
without any other markers of anterior segment membrane that he considered to be a thin mem-
dysgeneses except in the angle. It is likely that ICG brane impeding aqueous outflow. This, however, has
will be more fully understood when the genetics are not been shown to exist with light or electron
fully elucidated. microscopy.34,78 Others stated it was most likely
The other features associated with ICG, namely, compressed trabecular tissue.25 Gonioscopically,
large eyes, thin sclera, and breaks in Descement a membrane is not always seen in these children,
membrane (Haab striae [Fig. 2C]) are secondary to but characteristically the iris inserts into the
the rise in IOP rather than being an intrinsic trabecular meshwork, that is, the iris root is seen
abnormality of the disease itself. By the same token, to be very anterior.78,115 The role of the neural crest
any process that causes raised IOP in infants under cells is not fully understood but is likely to play
the age of 2 can cause the same signs to develop. a role. Kaiser-Kupfer has suggested that persistence
The underlying reason for the block to aqueous of neural crest cells lining the angle is responsible
drainage has not been fully elucidated, which for the resistance to outflow.57 ICG is, perhaps,
reflects our incomplete knowledge of the develop- indicative of our poor understanding of the details
ment of the trabecular meshwork. What is known to of angle development and the limitations of clinical
be an essential step in the formation of the angle is observations in understanding etiology.

B. IRIS HYPOPLASIA (IH)/ eral iris to this line.6 In 1934, Rieger103 described
IRIDOGONIODYSGENESES ANOMALY (IGDA) the same changes but with the addition of changes
This was first described by Berg13 in 1932 in in the iris structure such as pulling of the iris
a family who had thin, featureless irides and a very towards part of the angle (corectopia), thinning of
high incidence of glaucoma at a relatively young age the iris and, if this is severe, hole formation in the
(16--43 years). He described the three key features iris, sometime mimicking multiple pupils (polyco-
of IGDA as iris hypoplasia, goniodysgeneses, and ria, see Table 2 and Fig. 2G).
early onset glaucoma. It may also be added to this It has been noted that the severity of both
that the cornea is essentially normal with no anomalies can vary quite considerably, with a severe
embryotoxon or iris adhesions. Axenfeld little different from a mild Rieger and for
There have been a number of pedigrees54,141,142 this reason the spectrum of abnormalities is often
described since then—all with the characteristic called Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly (AXRA).115 For
gray/brown iris color that represents the pigmented the moment, it may still be useful to attempt to
iris epithelium showing through the hypoplastic iris separate classical Axenfeld-type changes (i.e., only
stroma. The glaucoma that occurs is thought to be peripheral iris involvement) from classical Rieger-
due to goniodysgeneses, although unlike true type changes, as it may be that they represent
primary goniodysgeneses (i.e., ICG) the angle may different mutations of the same gene.3,63,74,75
look normal on gonioscopy and there is a poor When they are associated with systemic anomalies,
response to goniotomy. One feature of the iris that they are given the suffix-syndrome, namely, Ax-
is often overlooked in IH/IGDA is that the iris enfeld-Rieger syndrome (AXRS). The features of
collarette is absent or small and peripheral and this this will be discussed later.
can be a useful phenotypic marker for IH/IGDA. Around 50% of those with AXRA develop
We suggest that the term iridogoniodysgeneses glaucoma, and a rise in IOP is most likely to occur
should be replaced by the term iris hypoplasia later in childhood. The risk of developing glaucoma
(goniodysgeneses not been proven).4,21,50,138 does not seem to be related to the severity of the
phenotype.114,115 It can however, present at any time
from birth to adulthood and patients need lifelong
C. AXENFELD AND RIEGER ANOMALY follow-up (as indeed do all patients with anterior
This condition was originally described by Axen- segment dysgeneses). If the rise in IOP occurs in the
feld in 1920 as a bilateral, white line on the posterior first two years of life it is important to differentiate
aspect of the cornea with strands from the periph- AXRA from ICG (either from the family history or, if

Diagnostic Table for ASD, Linking Most Common Signs with the Diagnosis
and Suggesting the Appropriate Genetic Screening
218 Surv Ophthalmol 51 (3) May--June 2006 IDREES ET AL

possible, from examination) as the former tends to other ocular anomalies (e.g., Peters). Patients with
respond less favorably to goniotomy.81,114 cornea plana (flattening) usually have a degree of
peripheral sclerocornea.
D. PETERS ANOMALY Like other anterior segment dysgeneses, sclero-
This anomaly is caused by the absence of corneal cornea has a higher than normal incidence of raised
endothelium, Descemet membrane, and posterior IOP and glaucoma.
corneal stroma. Usually this occurs in the central
cornea leading to a central corneal opacity—which is G. MEGALOCORNEA (FIG. 2D)
often present at birth. Classically, iris synaechiae Megalocornea can occur without associated ante-
extend from the collarette to this defect, as can rior segment abnormalities or in association with
strands from the lens. It may be unilateral or other entities such as AXRA. True or primary
bilateral.130,140 megalocornea is a corneal diameter of greater than
The Peters phenotype varies greatly. The 12 mm in a newborn or greater than 13 mm at any
corneal opacity can vary from subtle (when it age.77 This definition would also describe an eye
appears as a small indentation on the posterior with raised IOP in a neonate such as those with
corneal surface—some authors call this posterior ICG. To differentiate primary megalocornea from
keratoconus)58,64,140 to so dense that the diagnosis raised IOP, it must be non-progressive, have an IOP
can be made only with the use of ultrasound.47 The within the normal range, and have no breaks in
opacity may be the only abnormality, or it may be Descement membrane or optic disk cupping.
associated with adherent iris strands, or there may Corneal topography shows a normal cornea cen-
be full-blown lens and iris adhesion. The opacity can trally; therefore, the enlargement occurs at the
improve a little with time, perhaps due to improved limbus. Specular microscopy shows normal endo-
endothelial function in cells surrounding the de- thelial densities and morphology, unlike in ICG.117
fect.140 Glaucoma occurs in about 50% of cases but The classification is complicated by the use of the
is only rarely present at birth.140 Lowering of IOP term megalocornea in a description of the buph-
can sometimes improve the corneal opacity itself. thalmic eye; this is really a secondary megalocornea.
It is probably better to restrict the term megalocor-
E. CONGENITAL HEREDITARY ENDOTHELIAL nea to the primary type only and to use buphthalmos
DYSTROPHY (CHED) to describe large eyes secondary to raised IOP from
This is a complete or almost complete absence of any cause.
the corneal endothelium and therefore presents with
diffuse bilateral corneal oedema, which does not H. UNCLASSIFIED
resolve or improve in the presence of a normal IOP. It Even those who are familiar with the anterior
has been classified within the anterior segment segment dysgeneses often find that certain patients
dysgeneses,22,140 as it probably represents failure of do not fit into the categories described but do seem
migration/differentiation of neural crest cells. to have some sort of dysgeneses of their anterior
Severity of disease and inheritance has led to two segment often with a secondary glaucoma. From
types of CHED being described. Type 1 CHED is less a clinical point of view often the only solution is to
severe than type 2 CHED, the latter has an earlier describe them (usually by looking for the character-
age of onset with worse vision and a higher likeli- istic features of anterior segment dysgeneses) and
hood of nystagmus.60,79 Type 1 may well not present follow their glaucoma expectantly. From a diagnostic
until sometime after birth and can have a relatively point of view it again seems likely that in the future,
good prognosis. molecular genetics will hold the key to classification
of these anomalies. As our knowledge increases, the
F. SCLEROCORNEA (FIG. 2E) classification scheme suggested in this paper, may
This is a non-progressive scleralization (i.e., change.
opacification and vascularization) of the cornea, Many clinicians use the term anterior segment
probably caused by abnormal neural crest migra- dysgeneses when the clinical features do not seem to
tion.7 It may result from the disordered second wave fit a particular category, but this can cause un-
of neural crest cell migration, which normally passes derstandable confusion. We suggest that this term is
between the corneal epithelium and endothelium to avoided except as an umbrella term for all the
form the stroma. It is usually bilateral, varying from conditions. Instead of using the term anterior
mild and peripheral to diffuse. Both sclerocornea segment dysgeneses alone, we suggest using the
and megalocornea can occur as isolated abnormal- signs described under the section Diagnosing the
ities,14,52 but they are more often associated with Anterior Segment Dysgeneses, if possible, to assign

the anterior segment dysgeneses to a particular type.

For example, if a posterior embryotoxon is present
with other features then the diagnosis should be
Axenfeld/Rieger-type anterior segment dysgeneses.
If the iris collarette is missing then it would be iris
hypoplasia-type anterior segment dysgeneses. When
no defining signs are found we would suggest using
the term unclassified anterior segment dysgeneses.

V. Diagnosing the Anterior Segment

The relative rarity of the anomalies previously
described can make diagnosis difficult and trying to
remember the differing features can be confusing.
In fact, their diagnostic features are quite limited
and systematic examination of the anterior segment
can often allow a logical diagnosis to be made. As
with any anterior segment examination, description
begins with the cornea, then the iris, and, if
possible, the angle (Fig. 3, Table 2).

The signs of anterior segment dysgeneses to look
for in the cornea are discussed in the subsequent

1. Posterior Embryotoxon
This is the name given to a very prominent
Schwalbe’s line seen on the peripheral posterior
cornea (Fig. 2F). Although its origin is uncertain it
does seem to be a hallmark of certain anterior
segment dysgeneses. It has, however, been found to
be present in 8--15% of, apparently, otherwise
normal eyes.140
It can vary morphologically from a subtle thin
strand on the posterior surface of the cornea to
a very thick white band and can even be partially
detached and hang from the cornea. It is seen three
times more commonly temporally than nasally and
is often not seen superiorly and inferiorly as the
sclera extends further forward here. In the presence
of other anterior segment anomalies the presence of
a posterior embryotoxon indicates that the diagno-
sis is AXRA.

2. Corneal Opacities
Fig. 3. Flow chart for the diagnosis of ASD linking signs
Peripheral corneal opacities suggest sclerocornea with diagnosis and genotype; ASDnc 5 anterior segment
(Fig. 2B), especially if they are bilateral. Central dysgeneses--neural crest; ASDnon-nc 5 anterior segment
corneal opacities (Fig. 2A) with adherent iris and/or dysgeneses--non-neural crest (see text).
lens is likely to be Peters anomaly, especially if they
are bilateral. Sclerocornea can cause central opac-
ities but these tend to be more diffuse than those of
220 Surv Ophthalmol 51 (3) May--June 2006 IDREES ET AL

Classification of Axenfeld-Rieger Spectrum of Abnormalities According to Phenotype
Posterior Axenfeld Axenfeld Rieger Rieger
Embryotoxon Anomaly Syndrome* Anomaly Syndrome
Prominent anterior Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Schwalbe line
Hypoplastic anterior No No No Yes Yes
iris stroma
Polycoria No No No Yes Yes
Corectopia No No No Yes Yes
Abnormal angle tissue No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ocular hypertension/ No 6 6 6 6
Systemic abnormalities No No No No Yes
Diagnostic classification 8--15% of Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly
normal eyes Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
The use of syndrome in ‘Axenfeld syndrome’ does not imply extraocular abnormalities, but the combination of
Axenfeld anomaly and glaucoma—see text.

Peters. An anterior segment ultrasound may be The iris shown in Fig. 2H is characteristic of iris
necessary. hypoplasia/IGDA, with a featureless anterior iris
Corneal perforation, with no history of trauma or (loss of normal crypts and folds) allowing the
infection, can present with a central corneal opacity pigment epithelium to show through.140 The
and adherent iris/lens, especially in children, thus absence of an iris collarette or a very peripheral
classically, Peters anomaly is diagnosed in an eye small collarette is a very useful marker for IH/IGDA.
without inflammation. Classical Peters anomaly has a very obvious iris
Complete bilateral opacification from birth but abnormality in that it is attached to the posterior
normal IOP and no defects in Descement mem- cornea. Less severe Peters may of course have
brane is likely to be a severe form of CHED. a normal iris. None of the other classifications have
Breaks in Descement membrane are an important specific iris features.
sign of raised IOP in young children, but they are
not solely found in ICG, although this is the most
common cause. Splits by themselves can cause C. ANTERIOR CHAMBER ANGLE
corneal opacities secondary to edema, but the Iris processes need to be distinguished from
edema tends to improve markedly when the IOP is peripheral anterior synaechiae (PAS), as iris pro-
lowered, and they are of course not associated with cesses are often found in about one third of normal
adherent iris or lens. eyes, as extensions of the iris onto the trabecular
Although very rare, birth trauma—for example, meshwork.
difficult forceps delivery—can also cause corneal Iris processes are delicate, fine lacy structures that
splits and this should be borne in mind when insert close to the scleral spur, occasionally obscur-
assessing a patient. ing it but may insert as far as the Schwalbe’s line. Iris
processes do not interfere with aqueous outflow and
B. IRIS are most prominent during childhood and in brown
The iris changes in the anterior segment dysgen- eyes. However, with increasing age they tend to
eses are important in making a diagnosis (Fig. 3 and diminish where as PAS may in fact increase due to
Table 2). One of the most striking examples is the inflammatory processes.
classical Rieger iris with multiple holes and obvious PAS are generally broader, irregular, and pig-
signs of the iris being dragged into the angle.115,140 mented. They bridge the iris stroma to the
However, iris changes can be more subtle with only trabecular meshwork obscuring underlying struc-
slight peaking of the pupil, but because the iris is tures. On indentation gonioscopy the PAS, unlike
involved this remains compatible with the Rieger- the iris processes, inhibit movement of the iris.115,140
type anterior segment dysgeneses diagnosis. Axenfeld anomaly has the most characteristic
The iris in Axenfeld anomaly appears to be fairly angle appearance of the anterior segment dysgen-
normal without the gonioscope, although sometimes eses. The prominent Schwalbe’s line can usually be
the typical strands can be seen to attach into the seen and iris processes are attached to it. These iris
posterior embryotoxon without using a gonio lens. processes can vary from thin and scattered to thick,

broad beams of iris (Table 3). The confusing term such as Down, Turner, and Edward syndrome.34
Axenfeld syndrome appears in the literature. It Once again it is to be hoped that molecular genetics
refers to Axenfeld anomaly with glaucoma and does will provide the answer to this situation.
not imply the presence of systemic features accom-
panying the ocular signs. As many patients with only
a posterior embryotoxon have glaucoma the use of B. IRIS HYPOPLASIA/IRIDOGONIODYSGENESIS
the diagnostic term, Axenfeld syndrome adds As mentioned previously, patients with iris hypo-
nothing to the classification.3 The gonioscopic plasia have been described with systemic features
features of Rieger anomaly also include the prom- similar to those of AXRA and these patients have iris
inent embryotoxon (Fig. 2F) but the iris attach- hypoplasia/iridogoniodysgenesis syndrome (IH/
ments are much larger and cover 10--20  of the IGDS). Walter et al138 have described an IH/IGDS
angle (much more like PAS than thin beams of iris pedigree with maxillary hypoplasia, dental anoma-
tissue).114,115 If corectopia is present, the pupil lies, redundant periumbilical skin, and hypospadias.
points toward this large band of iris in the angle. Chisholm and Chudley21 reported an IH/IGDS
Descriptions vary of the angle of IGDA. Some family with maxillary hypoplasia, short philtrum,
authors suggest an anterior iris with fine strands dental anomalies, and abnormal umbilical involu-
from the trabecular meshwork to Schwalbe’s line.21 tion. A type of IH/IGDS has been described in
Pearce et al96 and Weatherill and Hart141 describe Pierre-Robin syndrome.27
excess tissue in the angle over the surface of the
trabecular meshwork with the iris being inserted
anteriorly and a circumferential angle vessel present C. AXENFELD-RIEGER SYNDROME
in the angle. At a practical level the angle changes of Various systemic abnormalities have been de-
IGDA are relatively subtle and would not be scribed in relation to Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly and
characteristic enough to make the diagnosis itself. the combination is called Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome. It
Angle changes in Peters anomaly are also non has classically been thought that the presence of
specific. In fact, the true cause of glaucoma in Peters systemic features indicated Rieger syndrome but in
has not been fully elucidated. Sometimes the angle fact, in keeping with the spectrum of anterior
can be shallow and the cause of the glaucoma is segment anomalies, systemic features can occur in
obvious. More often the angle appears grossly those with an Axenfeld or even IH/IGDA pheno-
normal on gonioscopy. Multiple PAS have also been type.138 Whereas some authors use certain systemic
described in Peters.115,140 features as criteria for the syndrome, we suggest that
AXRA in association with any of the well-described
systemic abnormalities should be called AXRS.
VI. Systemic Abnormalities and the Future information from molecular genetic studies
Anterior Segment Dysgeneses should confirm features that are consistently part of
Some of the anterior segment dysgeneses have the syndrome and those that are chance or in-
associated systemic features. AXRS has perhaps the completely penetrant associations.
best known associations. Many of the systemic
abnormalities can be seen to have primarily neural
crest cell origins in keeping with the proposed 1. Well-described Systemic Associations in AXRS
theory of pathogenesis of the anterior segment a. Facial and Dental Anomalies
dysgeneses. In fact some authors use the term Facial and dental anomalies are probably the
systemic neurocristopathy for these conditions.120 commonest systemic feature and often occur to-
gether (Rieger’s original description was of malfor-
mation of the anterior chamber and dental
Infantile congenital glaucoma by definition is not Hypertelorism is a wide separation of the two
associated with other systemic or ocular abnormal- orbits with an increased interpupillary distance, it
ities. However, the ICG that can occur with a number occurs when the axes of the orbits do not complete
of systemic abnormalities, including Löwe syndrome the shift from the 180  alignment to the normal
(oculocerebrorenal), Pierre-Robin syndrome, and angle of 71  at birth. The clinical appearance of
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, is indistinguishable hypertelorism often includes broadening of the
from the isolated type. This situation also occurs nasal bridge and a pushing upward and forward of
with the conditions caused by chromosomal abnor- the frontal region to form a prominent forehead.
malities, which have ICG as part of their spectrum, Both of these have been described in AXRS.120
222 Surv Ophthalmol 51 (3) May--June 2006 IDREES ET AL

Although hypertelorism implies an increased below. There are also a number of rare associations
interpupillary distance, it should not be confused that have been reported but are not listed below.
with telecanthus, which is defined as an increased
distance between the two medial canthal angles with
a. SHORT Syndrome
a normal interpupillary distance and is also de-
scribed in AXRS. SHORT syndrome16 was described in 1975 and
Maxillary hypoplasia is well described and consists consists of short stature, hyperextensible joints,
of flattening of the mid-face and a short upper lip/ hernia, ocular depression, Rieger anomaly, and
philtrum (i.e., relatively protruding lower lip because teething delay. Eight separate cases have been
the mandible is unaffected)—both of these are best described, seven had Rieger anomaly, and it is
seen in profile. Closely associated with these maxil- interesting to note that the other family member
lary abnormalities is dental hypoplasia. Other dental had megalocornea.
anomalies described are: small teeth (microdontia),
a decreased number of evenly spaced teeth (hypo-
b. Atrial Septal Defect and Sensorineural Hearing Loss
dontia), focal absence of teeth (oligodontia or
anodontia),115 characteristic conical shaped teeth, Atrial septal defect and sensorineural hearing
a single set of teeth, and abnormalities in enamel loss30 and other cardiac abnormalities have been
resulting in large numbers of dental caries at reported.132
a relatively young age.
c. Mytonic Dystrophy
b. Umbilical Abnormalities Busch et al found an association between myo-
Varying degrees of umbilical abnormalities have tonic dystrophy and Rieger anomaly.18
been described in relation to AXRA,40 and these
appear to represent a failure of involution of the
d. Rieger Anomaly with Hypertelorism and Psychomotor
periumbilical skin56 rather than a true umbilical
hernia—although a number of patients have been
found to have true umbilical herniation. Toppare et De Hauwere et al proposed Rieger anomaly with
al measured the peri-umbilical skin in neonates and hypertelorism and psychomotor retardation as
suggested that if the upper umbilical skin (i.e., the a separate syndrome.33 Learning difficulties have
cranial side) was greater than 18.82 mm this was been described as a separate association.
consistent with Rieger syndrome.129
e. Short FRAME
c. Hypospadias Brooks et al suggested a new syndrome called
Hypospadias has been described a number of short-FRAME consisting of short stature, facial
times as has inguinal herniation in association with abnormalities (underdevelopment of maxilla and
Axenfeld-Rieger type anomalies.21,56 mandible), Rieger anomaly, mid-line anomalies
(microcondyles, choanal atresia, anal atresia, scoli-
osis, kyphosis) and enamel defects.17
d. Anal Stenosis
Anal stenosis, appears to occur with some D. PETERS ANOMALY
frequency with Axenfeld-Rieger type anomalies.15,28 Peters anomaly has been associated with a much
larger, but less consistent range of systemic abnor-
e. Pituitary Abnormalities malities than those of AXRS. These include Peters-
plus syndrome,134 which consists of Peters anomaly
Pituitary abnormalities have also been described with short stature, abnormal ears, and brachyo-
in different forms. Primary empty sella syndrome,45 morphism. The same family had some members
isolated growth hormone deficiency and short with mental retardation and cleft lip and palate.
stature,61 and parasellar arachnoid cyst.115 Short stature has been reported in other Peters
families32,125 as has cleft lip and palate,32 skeletal
(including short stature) and facial anomalies in the
Krause-Kivlin syndrome,41 and Potter syndrome
2. Syndromes and Rare Associations with AXRA (agenesis of the urinary tract).44 Other associations
AXRA appears to be part of a number of include facial dysmorphia, dextrocardia,65 fetal
syndromes and the majority of these are listed transfusion syndrome,88 and hydrocephalus.41

E. CONGENITAL HEREDITARY ENDOTHELIAL before we fully elucidate the genetic causes of these
DYSTROPHY conditions.
Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy has
no consistently reported systemic associations. A. INFANTILE CONGENITAL GLAUCOMA (ICG)
It has long been recognized that ICG is
inherited in an autosomal recessive manner and,
therefore, there is rarely a family history of the
Systemic associations with sclerocornea have not disease except in consanguineous marriages. The
been reported as frequently as those of megalocor- incidence is high in the Gypsy population of
nea. Mental retardation, deafness, and craniofacial Slovakia, with reported rates of 1:1, 250,43 and in
(Hallermann-Streiff syndrome), digital, and skin the Middle East with reported rates of 1:2, 500.133
abnormalities have been described.111,118 Mieten Incidence is less in Western countries, ranging
syndrome141 consists of sclerocornea associated with between 1:5, 000 and 1:10, 000.39 Sarfarazi
a range of systemic abnormalities affecting the lung, discussed the association of ICG with chromosomal
face, ears, and skin including deafness and cryptor- abnormalities and suggested that the association is
chidism. either secondary to the host of other abnormalities
or is purely co-incidental.109
Three loci have been identified, and they have
G. MEGALOCORNEA been designated GLC3A110 and GLC3B1 and most
recently GLC3C (Stoilov I: The Third Genetic Locus
Megalocornea has a surprisingly large number of
[GLC3C] for Primary Congenital Glaucoma [PCG]
systemic associations, although it is possible that
Maps to Chromosome 14q24.3 [abstract]. Invest
some authors may confuse buphthalmos with
Ophthalmol Vis Sci 43: 3015, 2002). GLC3A has
megalocornea (see above). Megalocornea is a well-
been mapped to region 21 on the short arm of
recognized part of Marfan syndrome,29 and it has
chromosome 2, that is, 2p21, while GLC3B has been
also been described in, among others, osteogensis
mapped to 1p36. Stoilov et al have discovered
imperfecta, Crouzon syndrome, and other cranial
mutations in the CYP1B1 gene in the GLC3A linked
deformities.105 One of the most frequently docu-
families.122 This gene codes for human cytochrome
mented associations of megalocornea is with mental
P4501B1, which is an essential component of
retardation; Verloes et al have presented a number
cellular energy transfer, and although it may seem
of reports of this association.136
surprising that this is related to ICG, it has
Megalocornea has been categorized into four
previously been suspected that the P450 family
types. Type 1 is Neuhauser syndrome,90 and is
played an important role in growth and differenti-
associated with megalocornea, iris hypoplasia, and
ation.121 Since 1997, numerous mutations of
mental retardation. Type 2 is megalocornea associ-
CYP1B1 have been characterized in ICG patients
ated with camptodactyly, scoliosis, and growth
in different populations.24,83,94,116,123 To date, the
retardation. Type 3 is megalocornea associated with
genes responsible for GLC3B and GLC3C have not
severe hypotonia and macrocephaly. Type 4 is
been identified. CYP1B1 oxidises all-trans-retinol to
megalocornea associated with megaloencephaly
all-trans-retinal, the rate-limiting step for retinoic
and obesity.
acid biosynthesis. The reason this is intriguing is
that retinoic acid receptor mutations cause anterior
segment dysgeneses.19
Interestingly, recent papers12,23 studying the
VII. Genetics of the Anterior Segment expression patterns of CYP1B1 in mice found that
Dysgeneses it was not expressed in the trabecular meshwork but
Current knowledge of the genetics of the anterior is confined anteriorly to the ciliary body and
segment dysgeneses is incomplete although consid- posteriorly to the retinal neuroepithelium and
erable progress has been made in the last 5 years. around the optic nerve, but not in the nerve itself.
For the more common ones, such as PCG and Bejjani et al speculate that mutation in this gene can
Axenfeld-Rieger, we are beginning to understand directly contribute to the abnormal elevation of the
more of the underlying mutations and in doing so IOP in ICG patients or indirectly affect aqueous
learning more about the underlying pathophysiol- outflow by disrupting the proper development of
ogy of the diseases themselves. However, the rarer the trabecular meshwork.12
conditions such as megalocornea and sclerocornea The chromosome 6p25 region has also been
have few large families and it will be some time implicated in ICG as well as other anterior segment
224 Surv Ophthalmol 51 (3) May--June 2006 IDREES ET AL

dysgeneses,137 and this will be discussed in the and iris hypoplasia/IGDA syndrome result from the
following sections. same underlying developmental abnormality. The
range of variable features between these conditions
probably reflects differences in genetic backgrounds
B. IRIS HYPOPLASIA/IRIDOGONIODYSGENESES between individuals and the effect of specific gene
ANOMALY (IGDA) mutations within a given gene. In the future it is very
The iris hypoplasia/IGDA locus was mapped to likely that this situation will become more compli-
6p25 by Mears et al,138 and the linkage of IGDA to cated as other loci are found and candidate genes
6p25 was confirmed by Mirzayans et al.87 Interest- within these regions are identified. Ultimately we
ingly, AXRA45 and iris hypoplasia/IGDA have been expect to see the emergence of a new classification
mapped to 6p25, which has been linked to the system, which brackets clinical phenotypes with
FOXC1 gene as well as in the report of Nishimura genotype descriptions and hopefully will lead to
et al92 who found two ICG patients with chromo- refinement of treatment strategies.
somal anomalies involving 6p25. Deletions in 6p
were identified in an aniridic family and a Peters
anomaly family.73 Autosomal dominant iris hypopla- C. AXENFELD-RIEGER
sia, rather than being considered a distinct clinical Autosomal dominant inheritance has been iden-
entity, should be regarded as just one part of tified in Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly and syndrome for
a spectrum of IGDA. In fact AXRA and iris many years.113 There is considerable genetic het-
hypoplasia/IGDA may merely represent allelic erogeneity of Axenfeld-Rieger as suggested by
disorders arising from mutations of the FOXC1 affected individuals having a variety of chromosomal
gene. In addition duplications and deletions of the abnormalities, which include deletions of chromo-
6p25 region including the FOXC1 gene have been somes 438 and 1398 and the failure to find linkage to
identified with the clinical phenotypes.71,72 4q25 in one pedigree.70 Deletion of 13q14 was
However, Heon et al mapped IH/IGDS to 4q25,50 described in two cases.2,119
which is also the locus for AXRS, and mutations were It is thought that there may be a number of genes
found by Alward et al4 in these patients affecting the that can cause AXRS as a variety of chromosomal
same gene, PITX2, which is implicated for AXRS. abnormalities have been reported to give rise to the
Walter et al138 studied the IGDS patients reported by classic features in addition to the 4q25 (sometimes
Chisholm and Chudley21 and established that in the referred to as Rieger syndrome type 1 or RIEG1) and
family with the extraocular abnormalities shared by 13q14 (sometimes referred in the literature as RIEG2
AXRS (maxillary hypoplasia with dental anomalies, or Rieger syndrome type 2) loci.46 Using linkage
inguinal hernia, redundant periumbilical skin, and analysis, loci have been found for Axenfeld-Rieger
hypospadias in males) linkage was to the 4q25 region, on chromosomes 4q25,89,109, 6p25,46,51,107 13q14, 98
the locus for the PITX2 gene. They also demonstrated and another potential locus for a candidate gene at
that in the family without extraocular abnormalities 16q24 is being investigated. Semina et al cloned the
reported by Pearce et al96,97 there was no linkage to PITX2 gene (originally called RIEG1 gene) from the
4q25. Mutations in PITX2 gene have been reported 4q25 region and identified six mutations in affected
by Alward et al4 and Kulak et al.66 individuals.113 They also report a strong homology
Clearly the importance of the locus 6p25 for between the human (PITX2) and mouse (Pitx2)
anterior segment dysgeneses cannot be underesti- gene. This is important as mouse Pitx2 mRNA has
mated and although the FOXC1 gene (formerly been localised in the periocular mesenchyme,
FKHL7) has been linked to a number of diseases, maxillary and mandibular epithelia, umbilicus,
which may merely represent allelic disorders, it is Rathke pouch, and limb mesenchyme of the
possible that there may be other candidate genes mouse—consistent with the sites of some of the
close to this locus. This is supported by Davies et al,31 abnormalities in AXRS. The PITX2 gene is a member
who reported a child with microphthalmia and of the homeobox transcription gene family and
corneal clouding and a number of other dysmor- appears to play an important role in embryogenesis.
phic features, including hypertelorism, microgna- Homeobox genes are conserved throughout the
thia, and limb, ear, and heart defects. Although this animal kingdom and play a fundamental role in the
child had an interstitial deletion of 6p25-p24, it did genetic control of body patterning and develop-
not include FOXC1 but did include AP-2-alpha, ment. Riise et al reported the case of an 8-year-old
which they suggest as a possible candidate gene. girl with AXRS who was found to have a small
The recent progress in identifying the genetic deletion of PAX6.104
changes underlying these conditions has made it PITX2 and DLX2 are transcription markers
clear that the clinical phenotypes of Axenfeld-Rieger observed during early tooth development. Espinoza

et al demonstrated that PITX2 binds to bicoid and mal recessive, and in others as sporadic.140 As
bicoid-like elements in the DLX2 promoter and described above Peters anomaly is phenotypically
activates this promoter 30-fold in hamster ovary very variable, so much so that it has been suggested
cells.26,37 They have shown that differing PITX2 that it is a morphological abnormality likely to have
mutations have varying abilities to transactivate the a range of different causes.130 This is exemplified by
DLX2 promoter and therefore different mutations the different syndromes in which it occurs. A
can lead to residual activity of the mutant. The result number of the syndromes associated with Peters
is that certain AXRS phenotypes may be less severe anomaly have dominant or recessive inheritance
as DLX2 expression is required for tooth and wheres others are caused by chromosomal abnor-
craniofacial development. malities. Peters anomaly has been described as part
Physical or functional haploinsufficiency of PITX2 of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and warfarin toxicity in
has been shown by Flomen et al as being the pregnancy,59,84 which further illustrates its multifac-
pathogenic mechanism for AXRS.38 They demon- torial causes.
strated that the syndrome can result from the Hanson et al described a mutation of the PAX6
haploid, whole gene deletion of PITX2 but also gene, on chromosome 11p13, in a family with Peters
from a translocation break upstream from the gene. anomaly.49 PAX6 is another homeobox developmen-
They suggest that there may be key regulatory tal gene expressed in different parts of the body,
region upstream important for the homeobox gene including the developing eye and known to be the
expression. Kozlowski and Walter,63,75,139 with re- cause of many cases of aniridia.7,42,100,135
combinant techniques and transactivation studies, PAX6 plays an important role in ocular develop-
demonstrated reduced activity of certain PITX2 ment by regulating the expression of genes that are
mutations. They were able to show that those involved in embryogenesis of the eye. The level of
mutant PITX2 proteins that retained partial func- protein production from both normal copies of
tion result in milder anterior segment abnormalities a gene are required by some cellular processes.
where as non-functional mutant proteins produced PAX6 gene is one such paired-box gene. Disruption
AXRS. Increasing use of mutational and functional of one copy of this gene reduces the protein
analyses is yielding a greater insight into the product, termed haploinsufficiency, resulting in
pathogenesis of PITX2 and, as more loci are abnormal development possibly by altering the
investigated, the potential of discovering new expression of other genes.124 As shown above,
causative genes or regulatory factors becomes a real mutations in the same gene (PAX6) can produce
possibility.74,99,106 extensive phenotypic variability (variable expressivity)
As described above, the FOXC1 gene, a member of (Sale MM et al: Hum Mut in Brief: 537, 2002,
the forkhead/winged-helix transcription factor fam- Mutant phe-
ily, at 6p25 is particularly linked with AXRA and it notypes from among the anterior segment dysgen-
had been considered that mutations at 6p25 were eses therefore include Axenfeld-Rieger, Peters
not associated with extraocular phenotypes in the anomaly, and aniridia.48,49,100,104 Within the same
way that PITX2 is. Mirzayans et al have shown that family, Hanson et al described patients with PAX6
AXRS can result from mutations of FOXC1.86 mutations but with variable phenotypes, including
Mutations in FOXC1, ranging from single missense a Rieger type-anterior segment dysgeneses.49 Dow-
mutations to null defects, have been identified in ard et al reported a mutation in PITX2 gene
patients, suggesting haploinsufficiency accounts for producing Peters anomaly and a number of extra-
this phenotype as well.62,71,82,86,92,107,108 Mears et al ocular associations, including failure of involution
excluded FOXC1 mutations in two families with of the umbilical skin and signs of abnormal dental
AXRA but with linkage to 6p25,82 which could development.35
suggest another gene at this locus. However, In a recent paper, Edwards et al report mutations
Lehmann71,72 and Nishimura91,92 have reported in CYP1B1 that cause Peters anomaly in a Saudi
chromosomal duplication of the 6p25 region in Arabian population.36
patients as a possible alternative explanation to Zhou and Kochhar suggest that inhibition of
another gene at that locus. retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathway by RA receptor
antagonist influences the expression of AP-2 tran-
scription factors (a family of RA responsive pro-
D. PETERS ANOMALY teins),143 thus missregulating the neural crest cell
Isolated Peters anomaly has been described in differentiation by increased apoptosis in the de-
some pedigrees as autosomal dominant,49 autoso- veloping eye, in vitamin A deficiency (VAD) model.
226 Surv Ophthalmol 51 (3) May--June 2006 IDREES ET AL

This can result in the absence of endothelium, VIII. Anterior Segment Dysgeneses—Non
accompanied by other anomalies of iris and anterior Neural Crest (ASDnon-nc)
chamber, consistent with Peters anomaly.
The embryological development of the lens and
the anterior segment are linked with the critical role
E. CONGENITAL HEREDITARY ENDOTHELIAL of surface ectoderm and its separation for anterior
DYSTROPHY (CHED) chamber formation and the signalling from the
Like sclerocornea, CHED has been described as developing lens for the organisation of the anterior
having autosomal dominant (CHED 1) and autoso- segment.10 We have already detailed abnormalities
mal recessive (CHED 2) forms, with the recessive of neural crest migration giving rise to anterior
form being more severe and having an earlier age of segment dysgeneses, likewise we recognize that
presentation. Kirkness et al and Pearce et al other anterior segment dysgeneses may arise from
reported large pedigrees with AD inheritance.60,95 abnormal lens development and its failure to
One of these families underwent linkage and a locus provide the organising signalling to the surrounding
was found on chromosome 20. Interestingly, Toma developing anterior segment. It is important,
et al analyzed the evidence on cytogenetic location however, to make the distinction that these anterior
markers used in the mapping CHED and posterior segment dysgeneses secondarily produce the
polymorphous corneal dystrophy and concluded changes in otherwise neural crest derived tissues.
that both loci were in the pericentric region of Various terms have been used for such diseases,
chromosome 20, that is, 20p11.2-q11.2. CHED 1 has which invariably include the use of a term to denote
been mapped to 20p13.127 anterior segment dysgeneses with cataract. Such
In 2004, Mintz-Hittner et al described a mutation diagnostic labels include anterior segment mesen-
in VSX1(RINX) gene, located at 20p11.2 in a family chymal dysgeneses (ASMD); anterior segment ocu-
with craniofacial anomalies, empty sella, corneal lar dysgeneses (ASOD); anterior segment ocular
endothelial changes (CHED 1), and abnormal dysgeneses, and cataracts.112 We suggest, as ex-
retinal and auditory bipolar cells.85 plained earlier, for refining such diagnostic terms
and instead using ASDnon-nc for all such diagnoses
where it is apparent that the primary pathology is
F. SCLEROCORNEA the non-neural crest derived lens, resulting in
Fifty percent of cases of sclerocornea have been a secondary effect, to a varying degree, upon other
reported as either autosomal recessive or dominant, neural crest derived structures of the anterior
the remainder being sporadic.52 It is generally felt segment.
that the dominantly inherited form is less severe Thut et al showed in chicks that the lens is the
than the recessive form (often from consanguineous source of an evolutionary conserved signal that
marriages).14 instructs cells of the presumptive neural retina to
express genes characteristic of the developing iris
and ciliary body.126 They particularly identified two
G. MEGALOCORNEA genes that play a critical role in iris and ciliary body
Although there are rare reports of autosomal development, Tgfb1i4 and Ptmb4.
recessive pedigrees, megalocornea has been most The phenotypes of these ASDnon-nc inevitably
commonly described as X-linked recessive. Riddell share many features of the ASDnc diseases therefore
showed that carrier females may have a slightly they will not be covered in any detail in this review.
larger than normal cornea.102 However, certain genes have recently been linked to
Chen et al demonstrated, in studies of a four- this group of anterior segment dysgeneses. The
generation family, close association between regions forkhead transcription factor gene FOXE3, the
DXS87 and DXS94 on chromosome Xq21.3-q22 and murine form of which is expressed in the lens
megalocornea.20 epithelium, has been implicated in anterior seg-
The syndromic cases mentioned in the previous ment dysgeneses and particularly Peters anomaly.93
section tend to occur in isolation rather than being The homeobox-containing gene, PITX3, mapping
familial. to 10q24-5, has been found to produce very similar
A table containing the genes, loci, and proteins phenotype to FOXE3. Jamieson et al showed that
known to be causing conditions included in the MAF, a basic region leucine zipper transcription
anterior segment dysgeneses definition can be factor, has a key role in lens development and
found in previously published review in Survey of related anterior segment development.53 They iden-
Ophthalmology.76 tified a family where anterior segment dysgeneses,

cataract, and microphthalmia co-segregated with developmental glaucoma, Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly and
a translocation in both unbalanced and balanced syndrome, primary congenital glaucoma, Peters anomaly
forms. Cloning the breakpoint of the translocation, and syndrome, aniridia, megalocornea, sclerocornea,
16q23.2, demonstrated it transacted the genomic- neural crest, glaucoma genetics, anterior segment dysgeneses
control domain of MAF. The murine form, Maf, has genetics, eye embryology. All references judged to be of
been shown to be expressed in lens placode, vesicle, clinical importance and additional references of the
and later the primary lens fibers. key articles were included. Only original articles and
PAX6 was introduced earlier in the review and major journal review articles were used. Articles in
shown to have an important role in anterior English and German (translated) were used by
segment dysgeneses. PAX6 has a wide expression abstract and text. References span the period 1890
in the developing eye, in both the neuroectoderm to 2004.
and the surface ectoderm, and their derivatives, the
cornea, retina, and lens.7,101,124 Hanson et al
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