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Facial Bones
Karen Gripp and Luis Fernando Escobar

H umans are very adept at recognizing one another. This ability

is largely based on the identification of faces. The uniqueness
of each human face, with the possible exception of monozygotic
skeletally complex, composed in part of the cranial base, and in-
volves both the nasal extension from the upper third of the
face (frontonasal process) and the maxillary processes from the first
twins, allows for identification and recognition of an individual branchial arch. The lower third is composed skeletally of the
with deeper implications in human interaction and, more impor- mandible.
tant, in social functioning. The recognition of an individual face, Although these three segments develop through similar em-
whose combination of features is remembered as belonging to a bryologic processes, their individual origins differ. The form
certain person, may be compared to the recognition of a syndrome of the facial bones is not as dependent on brain development as
diagnosis based on certain characteristics of the facial structures. are the calvarial bones. Anencephaly, for example, presents with
The shape of individual facial structures can be recognized, but no calvarial bones but relatively good formation of the cranial
the combination of findings may lead to the identification of a base and skeletal facial structures. The various facial bones are
facial ‘‘gestalt’’ that may be associated with a genetic syndrome. derived as portions of the neurocranium, chondrocranium, or
On a more formal level, anthropometric measurements of facial viscerocranium. These skeletal elements have neural crest or
structures may be taken, and profiles of these measurements can paraxial mesodermal origins.
be constructed. Facial indexes such as those developed by Blumenbach The chondrocranium is the cartilaginous precursor of the
and Camper in the eighteenth century demonstrate the fascination cranial base and the capsules surrounding the nasal and auditory
that the facial bones provoked in early ‘‘dysmorphologists.’’ At- organs. The base of the skull becomes part of the neurocranium,
tempts to objectively recognize the abnormal from the normal facial the bony tissue that surrounds the brain. The cranial base ossifies
appearance have led to the development of dysmorphic indexes.1 endochondrally, while the vault undergoes intermembranous
Today, computer-driven facial recognition uses the correlation of the ossification.
measurements to identify individual faces or to identify a pattern The viscerocranium is comprised of neural crest-derived
known to be characteristic for a specific syndrome. Based on consistent bones of the jaws (maxilla and mandible) as well as the zygoma
patterns of age-dependent growth and maturation of facial structures, (part of the temporal bone), nasal, and lacrimal bones.
facial photographs may be manipulated to predict the changes The teeth, with the exception of their enamel, which is ec-
with age. todermally derived, are also comprised of neural crest cells.
The human facial form results from the interaction between Craniofacial development is an extremely complex process
the skeletal and soft tissue elements. The skeletal framework pro- that requires a perfectly organized interaction and integration be-
vides the structural support of the face and is largely responsible for tween multiple specialized tissues, such as ectoderm, neural crest,
size, shape, and proportions of each facial structure.2,3 Anomalies mesoderm, and pharyngeal endoderm. The complex mechanisms
such as cyclopia or proboscis are clearly associated with structural and molecular cascades continue to be an enigmatic process. It has
abnormalities of the facial skeleton; however, more subtle facial not been until recent years that molecular biologists have been able
anomalies may lack evident skeletal findings that would be identi- to focus on specific mechanisms involved in craniofacial develop-
fiable only on facial radiographs or other imaging studies. Consistent ment.4–6 We are beginning to understand some of these mecha-
differences in the facial bony structures may underlie the character- nisms, such as those that involve fibroblast growth factor or nodal
istic facial findings that would allow syndrome recognition. signaling and the role of homeobox genes. The complex interplay of
The face may be conveniently divided into thirds—the upper, numerous signaling cascades controls the proliferation and differ-
middle, and lower—delimited by horizontal planes passing through entiation of specific cell populations. A thorough understanding of
the pupils of the eyes and the rima oris. The three parts corre- these developmental events is essential to defining the basis for the
spond generally to the embryonic frontonasal, maxillary, and patterning of individual facial bones and their relative positioning.
mandibular processes, respectively. The upper third of the face is This chapter includes information regarding the most
predominantly of neurocranial composition. The middle third is common defects that affect the facial skeleton. We review their

268 Craniofacial Structures

frequency and their involvement in specific syndromic disorders. into a triangular shape, leading to trigonocephaly. The orbits
We limit our discussion to the frontal bones, orbits, zygomas, the assume an excessively mesial position, which may be apparent as
nasal skeletal area, the maxillary structures, and the mandible. ocular hypotelorism.

References Diagnosis

1. Escobar LF, Bixler D, Padilla LM: Quantitation of craniofacial Premature metopic sutural synostosis is characterized by the
anomalies in utero: fetal alcohol, Crouzon syndromes and Thanato- presence of a keel-like ridge at the site of the metopic suture. The
phoric dysplasia. Am J Med Genet 45:25, 1993. head, viewed from above, appears triangular (Fig. 8-1). Physical
2. Friede H: Normal development and growth of the human neuro- examination of the affected individual may show a vertical bony
cranium and cranial base. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg 15:163, 1981. ridge of the forehead that coincides with the anatomic midline.
3. Lavelle CL: An analysis of foetal craniofacial growth. Ann Hum Biol Due to bony hypotelorism, the superolateral aspect of the orbits is
1:269, 1974. positioned more mesially and posteriorly than normal. The oc-
4. Trainor PA: Making headway: the roles of hox genes and neural crest ciput bulges with compensatory expansion to accommodate brain
cells in craniofacial development. Scientific WorldJournal 3:240, 2003.
5. David NB, Saint-Etienne L, Tsang M, et al.: Requirement for endoderm
and FGF3 in ventral head skeleton formation. Development 129:4457,
In patients in whom metopic synostosis is suspected, radio-
2002. logic confirmation is obligatory. Hypotelorism characterizes the
6. Couly G, Creuzet S, Bennaceur S, et al.: Interactions between Hox-negative anteroposterior skull films, in addition to low-set lateroinferior
cephalic neural crest cells and the foregut endoderm in patterning the facial orbital angles. The roof of the orbits seems to be highly placed in
skeleton in the vertebrate head. Development 129:1061, 2002. relation to the horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone. Computer-
ized tomography (CT) may show compression of the anterior
cranial fossa and the cribriform plate in the midline.1 When 3-D
8.1 CT study is used to identify metopic synostosis, it is important to
Premature Metopic Sutural Synostosis note that physiologic metopic closure occurs between 3 and
9 months of age; closure earlier than 3 months should be sus-
Definition pected abnormal.2 The spectrum of facial morphology associated
Premature metopic sutural synostosis is the premature fusion of with metopic synostosis is broad, from minor prominence of the
the metopic suture in utero. It deforms the anterior cranial fossa forehead to severe aesthetic deformity.

Fig. 8-1. A. Preoperative right lateral, frontal, and top views of the craniofacies in a patient with isolated
premature metopic synostosis. B. Right lateral, frontal, and top views of patient 3 months after surgical
correction. Note the reduction of hypotelorism. (From Marsh and Vannier.1)
Facial Bones 269

Two types of premature metopic sutural synostosis can be this primary union from closing prematurely. Any interruption
recognized. Isolated metopic synostosis occurs at a rate of ap- either during mesenchymal differentiation or in the maintenance
proximately 0.3 per 1000 live births and is usually sporadic. In the of an open sutural space can lead to premature metopic synostosis.
second type, metopic synostosis is associated with multiple con- It has been suggested that absence of interosseous movement might
genital anomalies.3 These anomalies include aortic stenosis, tetralogy lead to sutural fusion. Experimental evidence seems to support this;
of Fallot, omphalocele, cleft palate, hypospadias, multiple hemi- immobilization of adjacent bone by cyanoacrylate glue, bone
vertebrae, congenital abducens nerve palsies, absence of the corpus grafting, or periosteal grafting induces synostosis.14 This also
callosum, and agenesis of the septum pellucidum.1 It is not clear at would be consistent with the occurrence of metopic synostosis in
present whether the different phenotypical combinations seen in infants with intrauterine constraint of the cranium due to uterine
these patients represent different conditions or belong together in a malformation or twinning.15 Teratogens causing trigonocephaly
wide spectrum of abnormalities with a single etiology. Mental re- include valproic acid and hydantoin (Table 8-1).7,16 Metopic syn-
tardation is rarely seen as part of isolated early metopic sutural ostosis constitutes 4–10% of all cases of craniosynostosis,1,17,18 and
synostosis. There is no evidence that a disturbance in brain growth as male to female ratios of 3:4 and 2:3 have been reported.17
a result of the cranial deformity contributes to the retardation oc-
casionally seen. Syndromes that include metopic synostosis are listed Prognosis, Treatment, and Prevention
in Table 8-1. Early surgical intervention strikingly improves the growth of the
facial skeleton in isolated metopic synostosis.19–21 Bicoronal cra-
Etiology and Distribution niectomies can be helpful to free the frontal bones, with excision
As with any other type of early synostosis, early metopic fusion may of the keel down to the frontonasal suture. Orbital advancement
lead to a sequence of developmental abnormalities. In this case, may be necessary to restore a normal brow contour. Straightening
striking changes in the facial skeleton may result. Unfortunately, of the supraorbital bar and reshaping of the forehead using var-
the mechanism that prematurely initiates this normal process of iations according to the deformity are very satisfactory. Following
development is unknown. During fetal life the two frontal bones this procedure, hypotelorism tends to disappear clinically and
are separated by a sutural space, which consists of fibrous tissue and diminishes radiologically.21
mesenchymal cells responsible for the growth of the frontal bones. Recent forensic findings in Salzburg, Austria, suggest that the
This mesenchymal tissue has the potential to differentiate either great musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had premature syn-
into bone or into secondary cartilage.12 For the metopic suture, it is ostosis of the metopic suture.22 This was characterized, in his case,
suggested that closure of the sutural space is due to the differen- by mild hypotelorism, reduction of the orbital volume, and a
tiation of the mesenchyme into chondroid tissue instead of bone. supraglabellar sulcus divided in the midline by a small protu-
The chondroid tissue, then, is responsible for the growth of each berance that formed a ridge near the nasion.
frontal bone toward the other and constitutes the first bridge of The prognosis of affected individuals is very encouraging, and,
union between the two bones.13 Active bone resorption prevents unless seen in multiple anomaly syndromes, metopic synostosis should

Table 8-1. Syndromes associated with premature metopic suture synostosis

Syndrome Prominent Features Gene/Locus

Baller-Gerold4 Growth deficiency, craniosynostosis, radial aplasia/hypoplasia, short curved ulna, AR (218600)
missing small bones of the hands, imperforate anus, anteriorly placed anus, mental
deficiency (50%)
Chromosome abnormalities5 Multiple congenital anomalies, learning differences Abnormal karyotype
Deletion 9p6 Craniosynostosis, trigonocephaly, midfacial hypoplasia, short nose, anteverted nares, (158170)
long philtrum, poorly formed ears, extra digital flexion creases, excess in whorl patterns, Abnormal karyotype
heart defect
Hydantoin, prenatal7 Growth deficiency, ocular hypertelorism, broad nasal bridge, short nose, clefting, (132810)
hypoplasia of distal phalanges, low arch dermal ridges, digitalized thumb, short neck, rib Hydantoin teratogenesis
anomalies, variable mental function
Jacobsen8 Low-set ears, ptosis, congenital heart disease, hypospadias, labial and clitoral hypoplasia, (147791)
joint contractures, hypotonia, mental retardation, thrombocytopenia Monosomy
Opitz-C9 Craniosynostosis, narrow bifrontal diameter, microcornea, short broad nose, long (211750)
philtrum, thin lips, high arched palate, micrognathia, rhizomelic shortening Unknown
and postaxial hexadactyly of all limbs, thin ribs, humeral and femoral shortening
Saethre-Chotzen10 Coronal synostosis, ptosis, small rounded ears, brachydactyly, soft tissue syndactyly, AD (101400)
hallux valgus TWIST, 7p21
Trigonocephaly-short stature- Marked frontal vertical ridge, narrow forehead, hypertelorism, growth retardation, XL (314320)
developmental delay11 variable mental development
Trigonocephaly, isolated5 Craniosynostosis limited to the metopic region, giving a prow appearance to the AD (190440, 275600)
forehead, normal brain development
270 Craniofacial Structures

be considered a relatively benign form of craniofacial synostosis. No

reports of prenatal diagnosis of metopic synostosis can be found in the 8.2
literature, but ultrasonography may be helpful in detecting this ab- Orbital Hypotelorism
normality via fetal cephalometry and detection of unusual craniofacial
shape. Prevention methodology is limited to prenatal counseling. Definition
Orbital hypotelorism is the decreased measurement between the bony
References (Premature Metopic Sutural Synostosis) orbits, determined by decreased bony interorbital measurement and
1. Marsh JL, Vannier MW: Cranial deformities. In: Comprehensive Care decreased interpupillary measurement. Cyclopia represents the most
for Craniofacial Deformities. JL Marsh, MW Vonnier, WG Stevens, severe form of orbital hypotelorism.
eds. CV Mosby, St. Louis, 1985, p 154.
2. Vu HL, Panchal J, Parker EE, et al.: The timing of physiologic
closure of the metopic suture: a review of 159 patients using recon- Diagnosis
structed 3D CT scans of the craniofacial region. J Craniofac Surg 12: Orbital hypotelorism encompasses a wide spectrum of abnor-
527, 2001. malities ranging from mild reduction of the interorbital mea-
3. Lajeunie E, Le Merrer M, Marchac D, et al.: Syndromal and surement to complete fusion of the orbits. Even though simple
nonsyndromal primary trigonocephaly: analysis of a series of 237
clinical inspection can detect orbital hypotelorism in the majority
patients. Am J Med Genet 75:211, 1998.
of cases, inner canthal measurements are very useful in the rec-
4. Cohen MM Jr, Toriello HV: Is there a Baller-Gerold syndrome? Am
J Med Genet. 61:63, 1996. ognition of mild forms (Fig. 8-2).1 In contrast to orbital hy-
5. Azimi C, Kennedy SJ, Chitayat D, et al.: Clinical and genetic aspects of pertelorism, inner canthal measurements are very helpful as an
trigonocephaly: a study of 25 cases. Am J Med Genet 117A:127, 2003. indicator of reduced space between interorbital walls. More ac-
6. Deroover J, Fryns JP, Parloir C, et al.: Partial monosomy of the short curate measurements can be made from the posteroanterior ra-
arm of chromosome 9: a distinct clinical entity. Hum Genet 44:195, diographs of the skull when direct evaluation is possible.
1978. Orbital hypotelorism can result from abnormalities in several
7. Hanson JW, Myrianthopoulos NC, Sedgwick MHA, et al.: Risks to the developmental events. Although it may be seen as an isolated
offspring of women treated with hydantoin anticonvulsants, with feature reflecting one end of the spectrum of continuous variation
emphasis on the fetal hydantoin syndrome. J Pediatr 89:662, 1976.
in facial structure, the clinician should methodically search for
8. Penny LA, Dell’Aquila M, Jones MC, et al.: Clinical and molecular
associated anomalies. Since orbital hypotelorism is consistently
characterization of patients with distal 11q deletions. Am J Hum Genet
56:676, 1995. found in association with holoprosencephaly, this possibility
9. Lalatta F, Clerici Bagozzi D, Salmoiraghi MG, et al.: ‘C’ trigonocephaly should always be considered.2,3
syndrome: clinical variability and possibility of surgical treatment. Am Additional facial findings associated with holoprosencephaly
J Med Genet 37:451, 1990. include absence of the upper frenulum and a single upper medial
10. Paznekas WA, Cunningham ML, Howard TD, et al.: Genetic hetero- incisor. These subtle findings can be present in otherwise healthy
geneity of Saethre-Chotzen syndrome, due to TWIST and FGFR carriers of mutations predisposing to holoprosencephaly, for ex-
mutations. Am J Hum Genet 62:1370, 1998. ample, in sonic hedgehog (SHH), and may allow the identification
11. Say B, Mayer J: Familial trigonocephaly associated with short stature of affected family members, suggesting an autosomal dominant
and developmental delay. Am J Dis Child 135:711, 1981.
inheritance pattern.
12. Hall BK: Tissue interactions and chondrogenesis. In: Cartilage:
The most severe form of orbital hypotelorism is seen in
Development, Differentiation and Growth, vol. 2. BK Hall, ed.
Academic Press, New York, 1983, p 188. cyclopia, ethmocephaly, and cebocephaly, which are among the ar-
13. Manzanares MC, Goret-Nicaise M, Dhem A: Metopic sutural closure rhinencephalic defects.4 Cyclopia is the fusion of the orbits into a
in the human skull. J Anat 161:203, 1988. single ring, which may encircle a wide range of intraorbital anomalies
14. Engstrom C, Kiliaridis S, Thilander B: Facial suture synostosis related (Fig. 8-3). Several chromosomal abnormalities have been associated
to altered craniofacial bone remodelling induced by biochemical forces with cyclopia, including del 18p,5 del 2p,6 partial trisomy 3p, and
and metabolic factors. In: Normal and Abnormal Bone Growth: Basic partial trisomy 7q.7 In ethmocephaly, severe ocular hypotelorism
and Clinical Research. AD Dixon, BG Sarnat, eds. Alan R. Liss, Inc., occurs together with a blind-ended proboscis located between the
New York, 1985, p 379. eyes; this differs from cebocephaly, which presents with a blind-ended
15. Graham JM Jr, Smith DW: Metopic craniosynostosis as a consequence
single nostril nose.
of fetal head constraint: two interesting experiments of nature. Pediatrics
In addition to the association with holoprosencephaly, orbital
65:1000, 1980.
16. Lajeunie E, Barcik U, Thorne JA, et al.: Craniosynostosis and fetal hypotelorism can be seen in maternal phenylketonuria, Coffin-
exposure to sodium valproate. J Neurosurg 95:778, 2001. Siris, Langer-Giedion, Meckel-Gruber, and Williams syndromes
17. Cohen MM Jr: Craniosynostosis and syndromes with craniosynostosis: (Table 8-2). Chromosomal abnormalities such as trisomy 13 and
incidence, genetics, penetrance, variability and new syndrome updat- trisomy 20p have also been associated with reduction of the inter-
ing. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser XV(5B):13, 1979. orbital measurement.16
18. Shuper A, Merlob P, Grunebaum M, et al.: The incidence of In some cases, clefting disorders (cleft lip and palate) are
isolated craniosynostosis in the newborn infant. Am J Dis Child 139: associated with some degree of orbital hypotelorism.17 An auto-
85, 1985. somal dominant form of ocular hypotelorism with submucosal
19. Dhellemmes P, Pellerin PH, Lejune JP, et al.: Surgical treatment of
cleft palate and hypospadias was recognized by Shilbach and
trigonocephaly. Childs Nerv System 2:228, 1986.
Rott18 in a five-generation family with 10 affected individuals.
20. Anderson FM, Gwinn JL, Todt JC: Trigonocephaly: identity and surgical
treatment. J Neurosurg 19:723, 1962. Pashayan and Lewis19 described a patient with hypotelorism,
21. Marchac D: Early surgery in craniofacial synostosis. In: Craniofacial nasomaxillary hypoplasia, and cleft lip and palate. The patient had
Surgery. EP Caronni, ed. Little, Brown and Co., Boston, 1985, p 246. normal neurologic structures and development. Another case was
22. Puech B, Puech PF, Tichy G, et al.: Craniofacial dysmorphism in reported by Joss et al. in 2002.20 This rare entity was confirmed by
Mozart’s skull. J Forensic Sci 34:487, 1989. Stark,21 who reported a similar case.
Facial Bones 271

Fig. 8-2. Standard curves for outer canthal, inner canthal, and interpupillary measurements. Data from
a study population of 2403 newborns to children 14 years of age (56% male, 44% female; 2006 white,
206 black, 43 Asian). (From Feingold and Bossert.12)

Other developmental abnormalities that involve mechanical Etiology and Distribution

influences on the final position of the orbits include craniosyn- Hypotelorism results from excessive medial migration of the or-
ostotic processes such as premature closure of the metopic bits due to inadequate development of the frontal-cribriform area,
suture. as a result of either metopic craniosynostosis or neural hypoplasia
272 Craniofacial Structures

Fig. 8-3. Hypotelorism associated with holoprosencephaly, absent nasal structures, and median cleft in
trisomy 13 (left). At right is an infant with cyclopia and proboscis. (Courtesy of Dr. Will Blackburn and Nelson
Reede Cooley, Jr.)

Table 8-2. Syndromes with orbital hypotelorism

Syndrome Prominent Features Gene/Locus

Coffin-Siris8 Growth deficiency, variable mental development, mild microcephaly, (135900)

coarse facies with full lips, hypoplastic to absent fifth finger,
radial dislocation at elbow, coxa valga, general hirsutism
Holoprosencephaly9 Deficit of midline facial development, incomplete morphogenesis Heterogeneous, including
of the forebrain, cyclopia, olfactory placodes consolidated into maternal diabetes
single tubelike proboscis above the eye (600725) SHH, 7q36
(603073) ZIC2, 13q32
(603714) SIX3, 2p21
(602630) TGIF, 18p11.3
Langer-Giedion10 Growth deficiency, mild to severe mental deficiency, microcephaly, AD (150230)
heavy eyebrows, deep-set eyes, sparse scalp hair, redundancy of the skin, microdeletion
cone-shaped epiphyses, brittle nails, multiple exostoses, syndactyly, 8q24.11-q24.13
tendency to fractures
Phenylketonuria, maternal11 Mental deficiency, growth deficiency, round facies, strabismus, smooth Maternal metabolic
philtrum, small upturned nose, mandibular hypoplasia, congenital disturbance
heart disease
Kallmann12 Anosmia, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, short stature, sensorineural Heterogeneous
hearing loss, mental retardation (147950, 308700, 244200)
FGFR1, 8p11
Meckel-Gruber13 Growth deficiency, posterior encephalocele, microcephaly, cerebellar (AR 249000)
hypoplasia, microphthalmia, cleft palate, ear anomalies, polydactyly, 17q22-q23 and other loci
bile duct proliferation, fibrosis and cysts of the kidneys and liver,
cryptorchidism, incomplete development of external and/or internal genitalia
Smith-Lemli-Opitz14 Elevated 7-dehydrocholesterol, microcephaly, epicanthus, ptosis, cardiac AR (270400)
defects, postaxial polydactyly, increase of whorls on dermatoglyphic pattern, DHCR7, 11q12-q13
hypospadias, syndactyly of toes 2 and 3, failure to thrive, mental retardation
Trisomy 1315 Holoprosencephaly, microcephaly, iris colobomata, microphthalmia, retinal dysplasia, Abnormal karyotype
cleft lip and palate, distal proximal triradii, camptodactyly, congenital heart disease,
cryptorchidism, bicornuate uterus
Facial Bones 273

(the holoprosencephaly series). Since orbital hypotelorism is of- 15. Delatycki M, Gardner RJ: Three cases of trisomy 13 mosaicism and a
ten part of a multiple congenital anomalies disorder, the inci- review of the literature. Clin Genet 51:403, 1997.
dence, sex ratio, and recurrence risk are variable, depending on 16. Taybi H: Radiology of Syndromes and Metabolic Disorders, ed 2. Year
the underlying cause. When hypotelorism occurs as part of the Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, 1983, p 444.
holoprosencephaly spectrum, the underlying cause for the holo- 17. Ben-Hur N, Ashur H, Mieurreri M: An unusual case of median cleft lip
with orbital hypotelorism—a missing link in the classification. Cleft
prosencephaly may be identifiable. A chromosome anomaly or gene
Palate J 15:365, 1978.
mutation may be identified, allowing for testing of at-risk fam- 18. Shilbach U, Rott HD: Ocular hypotelorism, submucosal cleft palate
ily members and appropriate counseling. Human teratogens and hypospadias: a new autosomal dominant syndrome. Am J Med
causing holoprosencephaly include maternal diabetes, alcohol, re- Genet 31:863, 1980.
tinoic acid, and possibly drugs interfering with cholesterol metab- 19. Pashayan HM, Lewis MB: Hypotelorism, nasomaxillary hypoplasia and
olism.22,23 The autosomal recessive Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome,14 cleft lip and palate in a patient with normocephaly and normal
due to an enzymatic block of the last step of cholesterol biosyn- intelligence—a case report. Cleft Palate J 17:62, 1980.
thesis, represents a rare cause of holoprosencephaly (Table 8-2). 20. Joss SK, Paterson W, Donaldson MD, et al.: Cleft palate, hypotelorism, and
hypospadias: Schilbach-Rott syndrome. Am J Med Genet 113:105, 2002.
Prognosis, Treatment, and Prevention 21. Stark DB: Hypotelorism, nasomaxillary hypoplasia and cleft lip and
palate in a patient with normocephaly and normal intelligence, a case
Patients affected with cyclocephalic disorders have severe mal- report (letter). Cleft Palate J 17:262, 1980.
formations of the brain that result in developmental delay. De- 22. Cohen MM, Shiota K: Teratogenesis of holoprosencephaly. Am J Med
pending on the extent of the defect, these individuals may not Genet 109:1, 2002.
survive the neonatal period or infancy. The mild forms of orbital 23. Edison RJ, Muenke M: Central nervous syndrome and limb anomalies
hypotelorism do not cause visual impairment and have few clinical in case reports of first-trimester statin exposure. N Engl J Med 350:
implications. They usually do not require surgical correction, ex- 1579, 2004.
cept for aesthetic reasons.
Prenatal diagnosis is possible by ultrasonography, by inter-
orbital measurement.6 The presence of orbital hypotelorism should 8.3
alert the ultrasonographer to search for other fetal anomalies. Orbital Hypertelorism
Reproductive genetic counseling is the only means of prevention
and should be individualized to each case. Recurrence figures can be Definitions
estimated according to the inheritance pattern of the primary defect. Orbital hypertelorism is the excessive separation of the medial
walls of the bony orbits. As with other growth parameters, the
References (Orbital Hypotelorism)
interorbital measurement is age-related, with an increase from
1. Feingold M, Bossert WH: Normal values for selected physical param- approximately 16 mm at birth to approximately 27 mm in adult
eters. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser X(13):1, 1974. life. Orbital hypertelorism is present when the interorbital mea-
2. Sedano HO, Gorlin RJ: The oral manifestations of cyclopia. Oral Surg surement exceeds 2 standard deviations (SD) above the mean. In
Oral Med Oral Pathol 16:823, 1963.
the adult, the upper limit of normal is approximately 30 mm.
3. Roulatt V, Pruzansky S: Premaxillary agenesis, ocular hypotelorism,
holoprosencephaly and extracranial anomalies in an infant with a
normal karyogram. Cleft Palate J 17:197, 1980. Ocular Hypertelorism
4. Cohen MM Jr: An update of holoprosencephalic disorders. J Pediatr Ocular hypertelorism is the increased space between the eyes as
101:865, 1982. determined by interpupillary measurement. Determination of oc-
5. Klein VR, Harrod MJE, Brown CEL, et al.: Prenatal diagnosis of ular hypertelorism using interpupillary measurement requires that
cyclopia. Proc Greenwood Genet Center 6:138, 1987. the eyes be properly aligned. Alternatively, ocular hypertelorism can
6. Grundy HO, Niemeyer P, Rupani MK, et al.: Prenatal detection of cyclopia
be assumed if the interorbital measurement is greater than 2 SD
associated with interstitial deletion 2p. Am J Med Genet 34:268, 1989.
above the mean and the eyes are of normal size.
7. Burrig KF, Gebaner J, Terinde R, et al.: Case of cyclopia with an
unbalanced karyotype attributable to a balanced 3/7 translocation. Clin
Gen 35:262, 1989. Telecanthus
8. Carey JC, Hall BD: The Coffin-Siris syndrome: five cases including Telecanthus is the increased measurement between the inner
two siblings. Am J Dis Child 132:667, 1978. canthi but with normally spaced eyes. Telecanthus results from
9. Cohen MM Jr: Malformations of the craniofacial region: evolutionary, lateral displacement of the inner canthus and lacrimal punctae.
embryonic, genetic, and clinical perspectives. Am J Med Genet 115:
The iris is shifted medially from its normally central position
245, 2002.
in the palpebral aperture. Graphs with the normal range of in-
10. Ludecke HJ, Wagner MJ, Nardmann J: Molecular dissection of a
contiguous gene syndrome: localization of the genes involved in the traorbital, interpupillary, and inner canthal measurements have
Langer-Giedion syndrome. Hum Molec Genet 4:31, 1995. been prepared by several groups of investigators (Fig. 8-2).1–6
11. Sweeney E, Fryer A: Nasomaxillary hypoplasia and severe orofacial
clefting in a child of a mother with phenylketonuria. J Inherit Metab Diagnosis
Dis 25:77, 2002. The term hypertelorism was probably introduced in 1924 by Greig7
12. Dode C, Levilliers J, Dupont JM, et al.: Loss-of-function mutations in to describe a discrete condition with excessive separation of the
FGFR1 cause autosomal dominant Kallmann syndrome. Nat Genet
eyes. It is often used indiscriminately to convey the impression
33:463, 2003.
13. Paavola P, Salonen R, Baumer A, et al.: Clinical and genetic
that the eyes are widely spaced. The experienced observer can
heterogeneity in Meckel syndrome. Hum Genet 101:88, 1997. usually detect true orbital hypertelorism and ocular hypertelorism
14. Cunniff C, Kratz LE, Moser A, et al.: Clinical and biochemical by simple inspection (Fig. 8-4).
spectrum of patients with RSH/Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome and This, however, is not always the case. The clinician can
abnormal cholesterol metabolism. Am J Med Genet 68:263, 1997. be confused by the impression of hypertelorism produced by
274 Craniofacial Structures

(Fig. 8-5). It often represents the mildest form of midline facial

clefting. Over 200 malformation syndromes include orbital hy-
pertelorism; Table 8-3 lists the most common of these syndromes.
Orbital and ocular hypertelorism usually coexist. It is possi-
ble, however, for the eyes to be displaced laterally by encroach-
ment into the orbital space by tumor, neural tissue, or ethmoid air
cells, with normal interorbital measurement.35

Etiology and Distribution

During early stages of embryonic life, the eyes extend laterally as
evaginations of the forebrain. Differential growth, occurring prior
to ossification of the bones of the skull, results in convergence
toward the facial midline from this primitive lateral position.
Aberrations in this differential growth affect the position of the
Since orbital hypertelorism is a characteristic finding in
several craniofacial malformation syndromes that involve differ-
ent pathogenicities, there is no identifiable single mechanism that
leads to the disorder. Three main mechanisms have been postu-
lated to produce orbital hypertelorism.4,36 The first possible
mechanism is a time-specific deficiency in differential growth, with
a primary effect on the forebrain and optic primordia or their
supporting tissues. The second possible mechanism is migration
being interrupted due to the presence of a midline lesion, such as a
nasoencephalocele, which inhibits the progressive medial approx-
imation of the orbits. A third proposed mechanism is the occur-
rence of a parallel pathologic process on the cranial base (secondary
to craniosynostosis, for example) that could separate the orbits
during intrauterine life and persist through early postnatal growth.
Isolated hypertelorism is rare and usually occurs in a spo-
radic form. Apparently dominant and recessive cases have been
reported; however, the sexes appear to be equally affected. Syn-
Fig. 8-4. Isolated ocular hypertelorism in a 9-year-old male without dromic hypertelorism has many causes (Table 8-3), and the re-
associated defects (Greig hypertelorism). currence risks depend on the cause. As the genes causally involved
in these syndromes are identified, it becomes clear that many of
them encode transcription factors active in early embryologic
development. The gene product encoded by the cleidocranial
telecanthus in the presence of normal interorbital and interpupil-
dysplasia gene is a transcription factor essential for cell prolifer-
lary measurements. Diagnosis of orbital hypertelorism requires
ation and differentiation,37 whereas the transcription factor en-
radiologic studies to confirm the presence of a wide separation of
coded by the Greig syndrome gene (GLI3) acts as a repressor of
the orbits. Because of involvement of soft tissue, the determination
signaling through FGF838 and sonic hedgehog (see Section 8.2).
of the measurement between the bony orbital walls is difficult.
Of note, the protein product encoded by the gene involved in
Several quantitative methods such as inner canthal measurement,
Gorlin syndrome (Table 8-3) is a cell membrane bound receptor
interpupillary measurement, canthal index, and circumference
for sonic hedgehog. In contrast to these molecules involved in
interorbital index have been used in an attempt to establish the
transcription and the sonic hedgehog signaling pathway, muta-
position of the orbits in relation to each other.1 Of the various
tions affecting proteins involved in the cytoskeletal organization,
methods for determining orbital hypertelorism, the preferable one
such as filamin A (OPD spectrum disorders, Table 8-3), are
probably is the interorbital measurement as determined directly
more likely to result in structural malformations by abnormal
from posteroanterior skull radiographs.4 Values 2 SD or greater
cell migration.29
above the mean compared with Tessier data are diagnostic of or-
In a review of patients with a primary presenting diagnosis of
bital hypertelorism.
hypertelorism, excluding patients with syndromic craniosynostosis
The use of computed tomography (CT) to measure inter-
or cleft lip, the most common cause was frontonasal dyspla-
orbital space has been investigated.8 However, the high cost may
sia, followed by craniofrontonasal dysplasia.39 Numerous chro-
limit its use for assessment of orbital hypertelorism. On the other
mosome aberrations cause orbital hypertelorism. These include
hand, CT scanning allows study of the orbital contents with re-
XXXXY syndrome, trisomy 22, trisomy 13, deletion 4p, deletion
spect to the bony orbit. It allows independent measurement for
5p, and deletion 17p. Teratogenic exposures associated with hy-
each globe, which is necessary to uncover asymmetric displace-
pertelorism include hydantoin, warfarin, and aminopterin.
ment that could lead to binocular stereoscopic vision and other
visual complications.
Orbital hypertelorism may be an isolated craniofacial char- Prognosis, Treatment, and Prevention
acteristic, but this is uncommon.9,10 Usually it is a component The prognosis of the patient with bony orbital hypertelorism
of one of numerous multiple congenital anomaly syndromes depends on the primary defect. Multiple congenital anomaly
Facial Bones 275

Fig. 8-5. Ocular hypertelorism in a 26-month-old male with Aarskog syndrome showing triangular face,
broad forehead, and widow’s peak (A); in an infant girl with bifid nose (B); in an infant girl with median cleft
face (C); and in an adult with frontonasal dysplasia showing broad nose and widow’s peak (D). (B and C
courtesy of Dr. Charles I. Scott, Jr, A. I. duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE.)

syndromes that severely affect the orbital area may represent major results during early infancy. Early intervention results in a normal
surgical challenges requiring multiple interventions. appearance, which minimizes the psychological problems for the
Orbital hypertelorism is classified into three different cate- patient. Prognosis should be individualized according to the pri-
gories according to the interorbital measurement. Each category is mary defect involved.
treated surgically in a different manner. First-degree orbital hy- Prenatal diagnosis of orbital hypertelorism is possible with
pertelorism (interorbital distance [IOD] between 30 and 34 mm) real-time ultrasonography. Normal standards have been estab-
can be corrected by rhinoplasty, correction of the epicanthal folds, lished by different investigators, with similar results.41–43
or both. Second-degree orbital hypertelorism (IOD between 34 Figure 8-6 shows a coronal section of the fetal craniofacies at
and 40 mm) can be corrected by extracranial osteotomy. Third- 18 weeks gestation from our normal sample. Landmarks for de-
degree orbital hypertelorism (IOD greater than 44 mm) requires termining the interorbital measurement have been identified. In
an intracranial approach.40 Surgical correction rests on transpo- the presence of fetal orbital hypertelorism, along with an accurate
sition of the portion of the orbit that must be moved to effect a last menstrual period date, the clinician should investigate the
movement of the globe. This procedure can be done with excellent possibility of associated birth defects.
Table 8-3. Syndromes associated with orbital hypertelorism
Syndrome Prominent Features Gene/Locus

Aarskog11 Moderate short stature, rounded facies, ptosis, slight downward-slanting XL (305400)
palpebral fissures, small nose, anteverted nostrils, hypodontia, brachydactyly, FGD1, Xp11.21
mild interdigital webbing, mild pectus, shawl scrotum
Acrocallosal12 Growth and mental deficiency, agenesis of the corpus callosum, preaxial AR (200990)
polydactyly, syndactyly, prominent forehead and occiput, hypoplastic
Acrodysostosis13 Growth deficiency and mental deficiency, brachydactyly, low nasal bridge, (101800)
upturned small nose, short and broad hands
Cat eye14 Mental deficiency, inferior coloboma of the iris, micrognathia, cardiac defects, (115470)
anal atresia, rectovesicular fistula, renal agenesis Partial tetrasomy
22 due to inv dup (22)(q11)
Cleidocranial dysplasia15 Wide, late-closing fontanel; depressed nasal bridge; supernumerary teeth; AD (119600)
hypoplastic clavicles; minor skeletal abnormalities; mild short stature CBFA1(RUNX2), 6p21
Craniofrontonasal16 Broad nasal root, bifid nasal tip, narrow shoulders, longitudinal grooves and XL (304110)
splits in nails EFNB1, Xq12
Coffin-Lowry17 Downslanting palpebrae, open mouth with thick lips, growth and mental deficiency, XL (303600)
pectus anomalies, wide hands with tapering digits, hyperextensible joints, drop attacks RSK2, Xp22.2-p22.1
Donnai-Barrow18 Diaphragmatic hernia, exomphalos, absent corpus callosum, iris coloboma, myopia, AR (222448)
sensorineural deafness
Escobar19 Small stature, inner canthal folds, micrognathia, cleft palate, expressionless face, AR (265000)
multiple large joint pterygia, camptodactyly, syndactyly, cryptorchidism
Frontonasal dysplasia20 Lateral displacement of inner canthi, widow’s peak, broad nasal bridge, hypoplasia to (136760)
absence of the prolabium, premaxilla
Gorlin21 Macrocephaly, odontogenic keratocysts, basal cell nevi, palmar pits, mental AD (109400)
retardation, medulloblastoma PTCH, 9q22.3
Greig High forehead, frontal bossing, macrocephaly, broad nasal root, postaxial polydactyly, AD (175700)
cephalopolysyndactyly22 broad thumbs, syndactyly, preaxial polydactyly of toes GLI3, 7p13
Killian/Teschler-Nicola23 Obesity, short stature, seizures, hypotonia, deafness, sparse anterior scalp hair, Tetrasomy 12p
delayed dental eruption, large ears, flat broad nasal root, coarse face, long
philtrum, thin upper lip, short neck, broad hands with short digits,
diaphragmatic hernia
Larsen24 Flat facies; depressed nasal ridge; prominent forehead; dislocations of elbow, wrist, Heterogeneous
and knee; dysplastic epiphyseal centers; spatulate thumbs; short nails; short (150250, 245600, 245650)
metacarpals; talipes equinovarus; cervical vertebrae hypoplasia 3p21.1-p14.1 for AD form
Lenz-Majewski25 Short stature, variable mental development, prominent forehead, late closure of (151050)
fontanels, proptosis, choanal stenosis, cutis laxa, cutaneous syndactyly, sparse hair,
dysplastic enamel, proximal symphalangism, absent middle phalanges, long and
flared metaphyses
Multiple lentigines Lentigines, prominent ears, ptosis, short neck, pulmonic stenosis, ECG abnormalities, AD, allelic to Noonan (151900)
(LEOPARD)26 short stature PTPN11, 12q24.1
Neu-Laxova27 Microcephaly, lissencephaly, absence of corpus callosum, absence of olfactory bulbs, AR (256520)
absence of lids, flattened nose, gaping mouth, micrognathia, short neck, transparent
scaling skin, ichthyosis, short limbs, syndactyly of fingers and toes, poorly mineralized
bones, cataracts, microphthalmia, absence of eyelashes and scalp hair
Noonan28 Short stature, variable mental impairment, epicanthal folds, ptosis, downslanting AD (163950)
palpebrae, low-set and abnormally shaped ears, webbed neck, shield chest, Heterogeneous
pectus carinatum and/or excavatum, cubitus valgus, pulmonary valve stenosis, PTPN11, 12q24.1
cryptorchidism, bleeding tendency, multiple giant cell lesions
Oto-palato-digital (OPD) OPD type 2: growth deficiency, large anterior fontanel, wide sutures, prominent XL (311300, 304120, 309350,
spectrum29 forehead, flat nasal bridge, small mouth, cleft palate, small mandible, flexed 305620)
overlapping fingers, short thumbs, syndactyly, bowed long bones, subluxed Allelic to Melnick-Needles,
joints, narrow chest frontometaphyseal dysplasia,
and periventricular heterotopia
FLNA, Xq28
Hypertelorism-hypospadias Variable mental development, widow’s peak, laryngeal abnormalities, hypospadias, AD (145410)
(Opitz)30 cryptorchidism, bifid scrotum, hernias 22q11.2
XL (300000)
MID1, Xp22.3
(continued )

Facial Bones 277

Table 8-3. Syndromes associated with orbital hypertelorism (continued)

Syndrome Prominent Features Gene/Locus

Robinow31 Moderate short stature, macrocephaly, frontal bossing, proptosis, small triangular AD (180700)
mouth, micrognathia, hyperplastic alveolar ridges, short forearms, AR (268310)
hemivertebrae, small penis or clitoris, cryptorchidism Allelic to brachydactyly type B
ROR2, 9q22
Sotos32 Overgrowth, macrocephaly, prominent forehead, prognathism variable mental AD (117550)
development, large hands and feet, accelerated phalangeal centers, premature NSD1, 5q35
eruption of teeth
Teebi33 Heavy eyebrows, downslanting palpebrae, depressed nasal bridge, short nose, mild AD (145420)
syndactyly, shawl scrotum
Weaver34 Accelerated growth and maturation, long philtrum, large ears, mild hypertonia, AD (277590)
spasticity, camptodactyly, broad thumbs, thin deep-set nails, limited elbow and knee Unknown in most; NSD1, 5q35
extension, relatively loose skin, thin hair, umbilical hernia point mutation in some cases

7. Greig DM: Hypertelorism: a hitherto undifferentiated congenital

craniofacial deformity. Edinburgh Med J 31:350, 1924.
8. Costaras M, Pruzansky S, Broadbent BH Jr.: Bony interorbital distance
(BIOD), head size, and level of the cribriform plate relative to orbital
height: I. Possible pathogenesis of orbital hypertelorism. J Craniofac
Genet Dev Biol 2:5, 1982.
9. Myrianthopoulos NC: Epidemiology of craniofacial malformations:
foundations of craniofacial genetics. In: Clinical Dysmorphology of
Oral-Facial Structures. M Melnick, ED Shields, NJ Burzynski, eds. John
Wright, PSG, Boston, 1982, p 12.
10. Morin JD, Hill JC, Anderson MC, et al.: A study of growth in the
interorbital region. Am J Ophthalmol 56:895, 1963.
11. Fryns JP: Aarskog syndrome: the changing phenotype with age. Am J
Med Genet 43:420, 1992.
12. Koenig R, Bach A, Woelki U, et al.: Spectrum of the acrocallosal
syndrome. Am J Med Genet 108:7, 2002.
13. Robinow M, Pfeiffer RA, Gorlin RJ, et al.: Acrodysostosis: a syndrome
of peripheral dysostosis, nasal hypoplasia, and mental retardation. Am
J Dis Child 121:195, 1971.
14. Schinzel A, Schmid W, Fraccaro M, et al.: The ‘cat eye syndrome’: decentric
small marker chromosome probably derived from a 22 (tetrasomy
22pter;q11) associated with a characteristic phenotype. Report of 11 pa-
tients and delineation of the clinical picture. Hum Genet 57:148, 1981.
15. Cooper SC, Flaitz CM, Johnston DA, et al.: A natural history of
cleidocranial dysplasia. Am J Med Genet 104:1, 2001.
Fig. 8-6. Coronal ultrasonographic view of the fetal facial skeleton 16. Saavedra D, Richieri-Costa A, Guion-Almeida ML, et al.: Craniofronto-
at 18 weeks of gestation. Note localization of landmarks for nasal syndrome: study of 41 patients. Am J Med Genet 61:147, 1996.
evaluation of interorbital measurement. 17. Hunter AGW: Coffin-Lowry syndrome: a 20-year follow-up and review
of long-term outcomes. Am J Med Genet 111:345, 2002.
18. Gripp KW, Donnai D, Clericuzio CL, et al.: Diaphragmatic hernia-
exomphalos-hypertelorism syndrome: a new case and further evidence
References (Orbital Hypertelorism) of autosomal recessive inheritance. Am J Med Genet 68:441, 1997.
1. Feingold M, Bossert WH: Normal values for selected physical param- 19. Hall JG, Reed SD, Rosenbaum KN, et al.: Limb pterygium syndromes:
eters. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser X(13):1, 1974. a review and report of eleven patients. Am J Med Genet 12:377, 1982.
2. Merlob P, Sivan Y, Reisner SH: Anthropometric measurements of the 20. Sedano HO, Cohen MM Jr, Jirasek J, et al.: Frontonasal dysplasia.
newborn infant (27 to 41 gestational weeks). Birth Defects Orig Artic J Pediatr 76:906, 1970.
Ser XX(7):1, 1984. 21. Evans DGR, Ladusans EJ, Rimmer S, et al.: Complications of the
3. Laestadius ND, Aase JM, Smith DW: Normal inner canthal and outer naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome: results of a population based
orbital dimensions. J Pediatr 74:465, 1969. study. J Med Genet 30:460, 1993.
4. Tessier P: Orbital hypertelorism. 1. Successive surgical attempts, mate- 22. Debeer P, Peeters H, Driess S, et al.: Variable phenotype in Greig
rials and methods. Causes and mechanisms. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome: clinical and radiological findings in 4
6:135, 1972. independent families and 3 sporadic cases with identified GLI3 muta-
5. Hall JG, Froster-lskenius UG, Allanson JE: Handbook of Normal tions. Am J Med Genet 120A:49, 2003.
Physical Measurements. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989. 23. Schaefer GB, Jochar A, Muneer R, et al.: Clinical variability of
6. Saul RA, Stevenson RE, Rogers RC, et al.: Growth references from tetrasomy 12p. Clin Genet 51:102, 1997.
conception to adulthood. Proc Greenwood Genet Center, Suppl 1, 24. Larsen LJ, Schottstaedt ER, Bost FC: Multiple congenital dislocations
1988. associated with characteristic facial abnormality. J Pediatr 37:574, 1950.
278 Craniofacial Structures

25. Robinow M, Johanson AJ, Smith TH: The Lenz-Majewski hyperostotic Table 8-4. Facial bone abnormalities in midline facial clefts
dwarfism: a syndrome of multiple congenital anomalies, mental
retardation, and progressive skeletal sclerosis. J Pediatr 91:417, 1977.
26. Digilio MC, Conti E, Sarkozy A, et al.: Grouping of multiple-
lentigines/LEOPARD and Noonan syndromes on the PTPN11 gene. 0 Keel-shaped maxillary alveolus, reduction of median and
Am J Hum Genet 71:389, 2002. paramedian midfacial height, thickening of the nasal septum,
27. Neu RL, Kajii T, Gardner LI, et al.: A lethal syndrome of microcephaly broad and flat maxilla, orbital hypertelorism, widening of
with multiple congenital anomalies in three siblings. Pediatrics 47: anterior cranial fossa
610, 1971. 1 Clefting of the maxilla with or without cleft palate, maxillary
28. Allanson JE, Hall JG, Hughes HE, et al.: Noonan syndrome: the hypoplasia, flattening of the nasal dorsum, asymmetry of
changing phenotype. Am J Med Genet 21:507, 1985. the ptyrigoid plates, keel-shaped alveolus
29. Robertson SP, Twigg SR, Sutherland-Smith AJ, et al.: OPD-spectrum
2 Alveolar cleft that extends to soft and hard palate, deviation of
Disorders Clinical Collaborative Group: Localized mutations in the gene
the nasal septum
encoding the cytoskeletal protein filamin A cause diverse malformations
in humans. Nat Genet 33:487, 2003. 3 Deviation of the nasal septum, no septation between nasal cavity
30. Opitz JM: G syndrome (hypertelorism with esophageal abnormality and and the cleft side of the maxilla, cleft extending to the medial
hypospadias, or hypospadias-dysphagia, or ‘Opitz-Frias’ or ‘Opitz-G’ portion of the orbital floor and into the inferior orbital rim, orbit
syndrome)—perspective in 1987 and bibliography. Am J Med Genet and anterior cranial fossa inferiorly displaced
28:275, 1987. 4 Palatal cleft from the maxilla to the infraorbital foramen, medial
31. Robinow M, Silverman FN, Smith HD: A newly recognized dwarfing septation separating the nasal cavity from the orbit, maxillary
syndrome. Am J Dis Child 117:645, 1969. sinus and mouth present
32. Allanson JE, Cole TRP: Sotos syndrome: evolution of facial phenotype
5 From narrow to broad cleft of the maxilla to the infraorbital
subjective and objective assessment. Am J Med Genet 65:13, 1996.
foramen and maxillary sinus, cleft entering the inferolateral
33. Teebi AS: New autosomal dominant syndrome resembling cranio-
orbital rim
frontonasal dysplasia. Am J Med Genet 28:581, 1987.
34. Weaver DD, Graham CB, Thomas IT: A new overgrowth syndrome 12 Flattening of the frontal process of the maxilla, orbital
with accelerated skeletal maturation, unusual facies, and camptodac- hypertelorism, flattening of the frontal bone, obtuse
tyly. J Pediatr 84:547, 1974. nasofrontal angle
35. Marsh JL, Vannier MW: Cranial deformities. In: Comprehensive Care 13 Bony cleft beginning in the region of the nasal bone and
for Craniofacial Deformities. CV Mosby, St. Louis, 1985, p 184. extending superiorly through the full height of the frontal bone;
36. DeMyer W: The median cleft face syndrome. Differential diagnosis of posteriorly, cleft extends through the cribiform plate and
cranium bifidum occultum and hypertelorism in median cleft nose, lip ethmoid sinus as far as the lesser wing and body of the sphenoid
and palate. Neurology 17:961, 1967. 14 Median frontal cleft defect sometimes with herniation of a
37. Coffman JA: Runx transcription factors and the developmental balance frontal encephalocele, flattened glabella, shortening of the
between cell proliferation and differentiation. Cell Biol Int 27:315, 2003. anterior dimension of the middle cranial fossa
38. Aoto K, Nishimura T, Eto K, et al.: Mouse GLI3 regulates Fgf8 expression
and apoptosis in the developing neural tube, face, and limb bud. Dev Biol Tessier types 6–11 involve regions other than the craniofacial midline.
251:320, 2002. Therefore, they are not included here. Further information is given by David et al.2
39. Tan ST, Mulliken JB: Hypertelorism: nosologic analysis of 90 patients.
Plast Reconstr Surg 99:317, 1997.
40. Psillakis JM: Surgical treatment of hypertelorbitism. In: Craniofacial
Surgery. EP Caronni, ed. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1985, p 190. (CT) scanning. Initially recognized by soft tissue abnormalities,
41. Mayden KL, Tortora M, Berkowitz RL: Orbital diameters: a new midline facial clefts vary from mild broadening of the philtrum,
parameter for prenatal diagnosis and dating. Am J Obstet Gynecol or a true medial cleft lip (MFC 0), to severe orbital hypertelor-
144:289, 1982. ism, with anterior cranium bifidum occultum. Recognition of the
42. Jeanty P, Cantraine F, Cousaert E, et al.: The binocular distance: a new degree of skeletal involvement requires radiologic techniques
way to estimate fetal age. J Ultrasound Med 3:241, 1984. such as CT. CT and tridimensional reconstruction are essential in
43. Escobar LF, Bixler D, Padilla M, et al.: Fetal craniofacial morphomet- evaluating accurately the severity of the defect and in planning
rics in utero. Evaluation at 16 weeks of gestation. Obstet Gynecol reconstructive procedures (Fig. 8-7). In addition, cephalometric
72:677, 1988.
analysis of the skeletal craniofacies is helpful in delineating
skeletal morphology.
Midline facial clefts are characterized by the combination of
8.4 two or more of the following: (1) true ocular hypertelorism,
Midline Facial Skeletal Clefting (2) broadening of the nasal root, (3) median facial cleft affecting
the nose or both nose and upper lip and at times the palate,
Definition (4) unilateral or bilateral clefting of the alae nasi, (5) lack of for-
Midline facial skeletal clefting is a sagittally oriented fissure di- mation of the nasal tip, (6) anterior cranium bifidum occultum,
viding the craniofacial structures at the midline. Midline facial and (7) V-shaped hair prolongation onto the forehead, generally
clefts result from failure of the facial processes to fuse during the over the area of the cranium bifidum.3
embryonic stage. Distinction has to be made between median and paramedian
craniofacial clefts and also between median clefts and the group of
frontoethmoidal meningoencephaloceles, which are associated
Diagnosis with a normal craniofacial skeleton that is displaced in position
Midline facial clefting (MFC) is classified according to the (Fig. 8-8).4,5 However, encephaloceles are sometimes associated
morphologic characteristics. Table 8-4 lists the different types of with true craniofacial clefts with markedly abnormal skulls.
facial bone involvement as shown by computed tomography Since frontoethmoidal meningoencephaloceles lack the frontal
Facial Bones 279

Fig. 8-8. Ten-month-old female with frontoethmoidal meningoen-

cephalocele. She was exposed prenatally to hydantoin and had a
unilateral constriction ring of the arm and nail hypoplasia.

Collins syndrome (autosomal dominant), and acrofrontofacionasal

dysostosis (autosomal recessive). In addition, it can be seen as part
of some multiple congenital anomaly syndromes or can represent a
single developmental event in a malformation sequence, as was
suggested by Toriello and collaborators.11
Midline facial clefting appears to result from insult during
the embryonic period.3 The developmental basis for these defects
was investigated by Darab and coworkers.12 They were able to
produce a spectrum of defects ranging from narrow midline
nasal-groove defects to frank midfacial clefting in mouse embryos
exposed to methotrexate during day 9 of pregnancy (correspond-
ing to week 4 of human gestation). Affected embryos showed di-
lation and congestion of blood vessels in the frontonasal process,
suggesting that vascular damage may be responsible for initiating
the sequence of events leading to midline facial clefting. Caution is
suggested, since mice may be highly sensitive to teratogenic clefting
and this may not be the case in humans.
The majority of midline facial clefts are sporadic, with a
somewhat low recurrence risk. The recurrence risk, however, can be
substantial if the clefts are associated with other anomalies in a rec-
Fig. 8-7. Three-year-old patient with facial cleft. Note the facial ognized malformation syndrome. A particularly interesting example
skeletal defect as seen via 3-D CT reformat sequence. (From David
is the craniofrontonasal syndrome, due to mutations in the EFNB1
et al.2)
gene located in the pericentromeric region of the X chromosome.13
In contrast to other X-linked disorders, craniofrontonasal syndrome
hairline indicator, this sign may be helpful in distinguishing the two affects females more severely, and males show milder manifestations,
entities. such as hypertelorism only.
Other entities that include ocular hypertelorism must be
carefully differentiated from mild forms of midline facial clefts. Prognosis, Treatment, and Prevention
Syndromes including ocular hypertelorism usually affect other The child with midfacial cleft should be approached by a multi-
areas of the body in addition to the midline of the face. disciplinary team of professionals. The evaluation and treatment of
these children should include audiology, genetics, maxillofacial
Etiology and Distribution prosthetics, neurology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, oral and
Severe midline facial clefting is associated with gross malforma- maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, pediatrics, psychiatry, psy-
tions of the head and rarely presents in an isolated form. As sug- chology, radiology, social work, and speech pathology. Some cen-
gested by Sedano and Gorlin3 in 1988, frontonasal malformation ters have the advantage of including physical anthropology. This
may represent the reaction of part, or parts, of an embryo as a unit ‘‘team’’ approach has greatly improved the prognosis for the child
to both normal and abnormal stimuli. The spectrum of frontonasal with midfacial clefts. Surgical reconstruction in childhood has
malformations involves individual entities that may include mid- become routine at a few centers. Initially, surgeons were reluctant
facial clefts as a major characteristic (Table 8-5). Examples are to do major reconstructive surgery on young children, preferring to
craniofrontonasal dysplasia, ophthalmofrontonasal dysplasia, and wait until most of the facial growth had occurred. The current
Greig cephalopolysyndactyly. Midline craniofacial clefting has been change to earlier surgery has probably been motivated by concern
reported to occur in hemifacial microsomia (sporadic), Treacher for the patient’s psychological adjustments. However, depending
280 Craniofacial Structures

Table 8-5. Syndromes associated with midline facial skeletal clefting

Syndrome Prominent Features Gene/Locus

Craniofrontonasal6 Broad nasal root, bifid nasal tip, narrow shoulders, longitudinal XL (304110)
grooves and splits in nails EFNB1, Xq28
Facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum7 Macrostomia, microtia, periauricular tags, hemivertebrae or hypoplasia Unknown, sporadic
of vertebrae, malfunction of soft palate, hypoplasia of one side of face (164210, 257700)
Frontonasal dysplasia8 Ocular hypertelorism, lateral displacement of inner canthi, widow’s peak, Unknown, sporadic
deficit in midline frontal bone, notched broad nasal tip, medial cleft lip, (136760)
broad nasal root, nasal tags, mental deficiency
Oto-palato-digital (OPD) Frontometaphyseal dysplasia: coarse facies; prominent supraorbital ridges; XL (305620, 311300,
spectrum9 partial anodontia; high palate; small mandible; wide foramen magnum; 304120, 309350)
flared pelvis; mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss; flexion FLNA, Xq28
defects of fingers, wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles Allelic to Melnick-Needles,
OPD types 1 and 2, and
periventricular heterotopia
Greig cephalopolysyndactyly10 High forehead, frontal bossing, macrocephaly, hypertelorism, broad nasal AD (175700)
root, postaxial polydactyly of hands, broad thumbs, preaxial polydactyly GLI3, 7p13
of feet, broad halluces, syndactyly

on the severity of the defects, multiple procedures may be required. 11. Toriello HV, Radecky LL, Sharda J, et al.: Frontonasal ‘‘dysplasia,’’
This process may take from a few months to years. Between 15% cerebral anomalies, and polydactyly. Report of a new syndrome and
and 20% of patients with midfacial clefts have some degree of discussion from a developmental field perspective. Am J Med Genet
developmental delay. This can, in most cases, be reasonably at- (suppl)2:89, 1986.
tributed to other causes, such as extreme prematurity, perinatal 12. Darab DJ, Minkoff R, Sciote J, et al.: Pathogenesis of median clefts in
mice treated with methotrexate. Teratology 36:77, 1987.
difficulties, or multiple other congenital anomalies.14
13. Wieland I, Jakubiczka S, Muschke P, et al.: Mutations of the Ephrin-B1
Prevention of midline facial clefting is limited to reproduc- gene cause craniofrontonasal syndrome. Am J Hum Genet 74:1209,
tive genetic counseling and prenatal testing for pregnancies at risk. 2004.
Prenatal diagnosis by ultrasonography has been accomplished in 14. Stewart RE: The value of establishing the genetic component in
the past, and ultrasonography is a relatively good indicator of the etiology of craniofacial anomalies. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser XVI(5):
severity of the defect.15,16 Since no chromosomal abnormality has 27, 1980.
been identified, amniocentesis has limited diagnostic value. In 15. Chevernak FA, Tortora M, Mayden K, et al.: Antenatal diagnosis of
specialized centers, fetoscopy remains as an important backup median cleft syndrome: sonographic demonstration of cleft lip and
procedure for confirmation of midline facial clefts. hypertelorism. Am J Obstet Gynecol 149:94, 1984.
16. Gianluigi P, Reece EA, Romero R, et al.: Prenatal diagnosis of cranio-
facial malformations with ultrasonography. Am J Obstet Gynecol 155:
References (Midline Facial Skeletal Clefting) 45, 1986.
1. Tessier P: Anatomical classification facial, cranio-facial and latero-
facial clefts. J Maxillofac Surg 4:69, 1976.
2. David DJ, Moore MH, Cooler RD: Tessier clefts revisited with a third 8.5
dimension. Cleft Palate J 26:163, 1989. Absence and Hypoplasia of the Zygoma
3. Sedano HO, Gorlin RJ: Frontonasal malformation as a field defect and
in syndromic associations. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral
Radiol Endod 65:804, 1988.
4. David DJ, Sheffield L, Simpson D, et al.: Frontoethmoidal meningoen- Absence and hypoplasia of the zygoma is the impaired develop-
cephaloceles, morphology and treatment. Br J Plast Surg 37:271, 1984. ment of the zygomatic bone leading to deficiency of the midface
5. Moore MH, David DJ, Cooler RD: Hairline indicators of craniofacial and orbital floor. Hypoplasia/aplasia of the zygoma represents an
clefts. Plast Reconstr Surg 82:589, 1988. anomaly of the first branchial arch and has wide phenotypic
6. Saavedra D, Richieri-Costa A, Guion-Almeida ML, et al.: Craniofronto- variability.
nasal syndrome: study of 41 patients. Am J Med Genet 61:147, 1996.
7. Kelberman D, Tyson J, Chandler DC, et al.: Hemifacial microsomia:
progress in understanding the genetic basis of a complex malformation Diagnosis
syndrome. Hum Genet 109:638, 2001. Hypoplasia of the malar bones and zygomatic arches is usually
8. Sedano HO, Cohen MM Jr, Jirasek J, et al.: Frontonasal dysplasia. recognizable on simple clinical inspection of the affected indi-
J Pediatr 76:906, 1970. vidual (Fig. 8-9). Striking deficiency of the midface in the zygo-
9. Robertson SP, Twigg SR, Sutherland-Smith AJ, et al.: OPD-spectrum matic area is characteristic. The deficient facial skeleton is
Disorders Clinical Collaborative Group: Localized mutations in the
reflected in soft tissue abnormalities such as tongues of hair
gene encoding the cytoskeletal protein filamin A cause diverse mal-
formations in humans. Nat Genet 33:487, 2003. protruding onto the cheeks, lateral canthal colobomas, downward
10. Debeer P, Peeters H, Driess S, et al.: Variable phenotype in Greig obliquity of the palpebral fissures, lower lid colobomas, lower
cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome: clinical and radiological findings in lid ciliary agenesis, and a small face with prominent nose. Facial
4 independent families and 3 sporadic cases with identified GLI3 anomalies of this type are usually seen in well-defined entities such
mutations. Am J Med Genet 120A:49, 2003. as Treacher Collins syndrome and ablepharon-macrostomia.1,2
Facial Bones 281

a defect of the inferior rim and floor of the orbit, with inferolateral
Total absence of the zygomatic bones and zygomatic arches is
rare, and, in many cases, a remnant of zygomatic bone can be
found appended to the sphenoid tubercle, without connection to
the maxilla or the frontal or temporal bone. Zygomatic absence is
responsible for the absence of the lateral orbital rim, with for-
mation of the lateral orbital wall by the hypoplastic greater wing
of the sphenoid.5
In the ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome, radiologic studies
may show profound hypoplasia of the malars, infraorbital rims,
and lateral walls and absent zygomatic arches. Other entities that
include zygomatic hypoplasia or absence are Goldenhar (hemi-
facial microsomia), Nager (preaxial acrofacial dysostosis), and
Miller (postaxial acrofacial dysostosis) syndromes (Table 8-6).
Clinical caution is suggested since the occurrence of incomplete
and or asymmetric forms may lead to diagnostic difficulties.

Etiology and Distribution

It is important to emphasize that absence or hypoplasia of the
zygoma does not occur as an isolated malformation. It is the result
of a deficient growth and aberrant tissue interaction between
several embryologic craniofacial structures. Opitz21 suggested that
these abnormalities constitute part of the mandible, zygoma, ear
ossicles developmental field (MZEDF), which may imply that
whenever one of the three structures becomes anomalous, ab-
normal growth will occur in the other two. Positive statistical
correlations exist between the frequency of aberrant development
of these three structures, supporting a developmental field con-
cept.22 This idea is particularly attractive when one observes the
close clinical linkage between syndromes that affect the structures
derived from the first branchial arches. These include mandibu-
lofacial dysostosis; ablepharon-macrostomia; otocephaly; and Gold-
enhar, Miller, and Nager syndromes.
Etiologically, the primary developmental defect that leads to
abnormalities of the zygoma is unknown; however, damage to the
stapedial artery has been suggested to cause failure of migration of
the neural crest cells, leading to deficient growth of the zygomatic
Fig. 8-9. Top: Frontal (A) and lateral (B) view of patient with structures.23 This appears to be a plausible explanation, but it fails
hypoplasia of zygomatic bone. Bottom: Frontal view of 13-month-old to account for the occurrence of bilateral defects. Nevertheless, the
female with Treacher Collins syndrome showing downslanting possibility that some cases of first branchial arch deficiency are due
palpebral fissures, sagging (cleft) lower lids, and hypoplasia of the
to this mechanism or to similar mechanisms of vascular origin
zygoma. (A and B from Jackson et al.2)
cannot be dismissed. If the vascular theory holds true, this may lead
to excessive and/or premature deficiencies in the amounts of cell
death in the first and second arch. Among the cell populations that
Due to the wide spectrum of abnormalities associated with may be particularly affected are the first arch epithelial placode
absence or hypoplasia of the zygoma, radiologic studies are es- cells.24
sential in establishing the areas involved and in evaluating the The appearance of single ossification centers for each of the
extent of the defect. This is best accomplished by the Waters zygomatic bones at approximately the 8th week of gestation has
radiologic view and frontal tomograms that demonstrate defi- led to the suggestion that any arrest in chondrogenesis could
ciency of the malar bones and partial or complete absence of the result in absence or hypoplasia of the zygoma.2 This suggested
zygomatic arches. In addition, modification of the orbital shape mechanism would support the idea of failure of cell differentiation
with an inferolateral elongation can be observed. due to the absence of an appropriate extracellular matrix during the
The hypoplasia can be described in relation to the three artic- early developmental stages.25 The gene causally involved in man-
ulations of the zygoma: zygomaticotemporal, zygomaticofrontal, dibulofacial dysostosis has been identified as TCOF1. It encodes a
and zygomaticomaxillary. Impairment in the development of the nucleolar phosphoprotein named treacle, whose biologic function
temporal process of the zygoma, in conjunction with impairment remains poorly defined. Investigation of a mouse model showed
of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, results in partial that heterozygous Tcof1 deletion leads to perinatal death from
to complete absence of the zygomatic arch. Impairment of the severe craniofacial anomalies caused by a massive increase of
frontal process causes absence of the anterior portion of the lateral apoptosis in the prefusion neural folds. These studies, in combi-
orbital wall. Impairment along the maxillary articulation results in nation with the mutations identified in patients with Treacher
Table 8-6. Syndromes associated with absence or hypoplasia of the zygoma
Syndrome Prominent Features Gene/Locus

Bloom6 Growth deficiency, microcephaly, dolichocephaly, small nose, butterfly AR (210900)

telangiectatic erythema involving the midface region exacerbated by sunlight RECQL3, 15q26.1
Chondrodysplasia punctata7 Growth deficiency, short limbs, epiphyseal stippling, low nasal bridge, Multiple loci
downward-slanting palpebral fissures, variable joint contractures, XL (302960)
scoliosis, follicular atrophoderma, ichthyosis EBP, Xp11.23
XL (302950)
ARSE, Xp22.3
AD (118650)
AR (215100)
PEX7, 6q22-q24
Deletion 22q11.28 Cleft palate, conotruncal heart malformation, thymic hypoplasia, (192430)
abnormal external ear, prominent nasal tip, hypoplastic alae Microdeletion, 22q11.2
nasi, learning difficulties
Diamond-Blackfan anemia- Macrocytic anemia, short stature, downslanting palpebral fissures, AD (606164)
microtia-cleft palate9 microtia, cleft palate, micrognathia
Facio-auriculo-vertebral Macrostomia, unilateral hypoplasia of malar and mandibular region, Unknown, sporadic
spectrum10 microtia, periauricular tags, epibulbar dermoid, hemivertebrae or (164210, 257700)
hypoplasia of vertebrae, malfunction of soft palate, cardiac and renal
Hallermann-Streiff11 Small stature, brachycephaly, frontal bossing, thin calvarium, delayed Unknown, sporadic
ossification of sutures, micrognathia, anterior displacement of the (234100)
temporomandibular joint, microphthalmia, cataracts, small nose with
hypoplasia of the cartilage, microstomia, hypoplasia of the teeth,
partial anodontia
Marshall12 Short stature, depressed nose with flat nasal bridge, anteverted nares, AD (154780)
flat midface, myopia, cataracts, calvarial thickening, irregular distal Allelic to Stickler type 2
femoral and proximal tibial epiphyses, bowing of the radius and ulna COL1A11, 1p21
Miller13 Downslanting palpebral fissures, eyelid coloboma, ectropion, micrognathia, AR (263750) Most sporadic,
cleft lip and/or palate, postaxial limb deficiencies, syndactyly, AD rarely reported
accessory nipple
Mohr14 Short stature, conductive deafness, low nasal bridge, broad nasal tip, AR (252100)
slightly bifid, midline cleft of tongue, hypoplasia of the maxilla and body
of the mandible, duplication of hallux and first metatarsals, duplication
of tarsal bones, polydactyly, metaphyseal flaring
Nager15 Normal intelligence, short stature, conductive deafness and articulation AD, AR (154400)
problems, downslanting palpebral fissures, micrognathia, absence of the
lower eyelashes, periauricular tags, atresia of external ear canal,
hypoplasia to aplasia of the thumb, proximal radioulnar synostosis,
short forearms
Oto-palato-digital (OPD) OPD type 1: variable mental deficiency, short stature, moderate conductive XL (311300, 304120,
spectrum16 deafness, thick base of skull, facial bone hypoplasia, absence of frontal and 309350, 305620)
sphenoid sinuses, partial anodontia, impacted teeth, small trunk, pectus FLNA, Xq28
excavatum, small iliac crests, joint contractures, broad distal phalanges, Allelic to Melnick-Needles,
accessory ossification center at the base of the second metatarsal frontometaphyseal dysplasia
and periventricular heterotopia
Pycnodysostosis 17 Small stature, osteosclerosis with tendency toward transverse fracture, AR (265800)
delayed closure of sutures, persistence of anterior fontanel, lack of CTSK, 1q21
frontal sinus, facial hypoplasia, irregular permanent teeth, dysplasia to
loss of acromion of the clavicle, acro-osteolysis of distal phalanges,
wrinkled skin over dorsa of distal fingers
Seckel18 Growth deficiency, mental deficiency, microcephaly, receding forehead, AR (210600)
prominent nose, downward-slanting palpebral fissures, clinodactyly ATR, 3q22-q24
of fifth finger, proximal radial hypoplasia with dislocation of heterogeneous
radial head, hypoplasia of proximal fibula
Townes-Brocks19 Hemifacial microsomia with preauricular tags, abnormal ear shape, AD (107480)
sensorineural hearing loss, thumb anomalies, imperforate anus, renal SALL1, 16q21.1
Treacher Collins20 Downslanting palpebral fissures, cleft in zygomatic bone, lower lid AD (154500)
coloboma, partial to total absence of lower eyelashes, malformed TCOF1, 5q32-q33
auricles, external ear malformation, conductive deafness, cleft palate,
extension of scalp hair onto lateral cheek

Facial Bones 283

Collins syndrome, suggest that the protein is crucial for the survival 9. Gripp KW, McDonald-McGinn DM, La Rossa D, et al.: Bilateral
of cephalic neural crest cells, and that haploinsufficiency is disease microtia and cleft palate in cousins with Diamond-Blackfan anemia.
causing.26 Am J Med Genet 101:268, 2001.
10. Kelberman D, Tyson J, Chandler DC, et al.: Hemifacial microsomia:
progress in understanding the genetic basis of a complex malformation
Prognosis, Treatment, and Prevention
syndrome. Hum Genet 109:638, 2001.
The prognosis for patients with zygomatic anomalies and related 11. Cohen MM Jr: Hallermann-Streiff syndrome: a review. Am J Med
disorders is very good. In a small number of cases, neonatal Genet 41:488, 1991.
complications cause insults to the central nervous system, but the 12. Griffith AJ, Sprunger LK, Sirko-Osadsa DA, et al.: Marshall syndrome
majority of patients have normal intelligence. associated with a splicing defect at the COL11A1 locus. Am J Hum
Treatment of these anomalies is primarily surgical and is de- Genet 62:816, 1998.
13. Miller M, Fineman R, Smith DW: Postaxial acrofacial dysostosis
signed to build the zygomatic bones and zygomatic arches. If other
syndrome. J Pediatr 95:970, 1979.
anomalies are involved, the correction can be made at the same 14. Toriello HV: Heterogeneity and variability in the oral-facial-digital
time these are corrected depending on the degree of involvement. syndromes. Am J Med Genet (suppl)4:149, 1988.
These procedures are usually performed during childhood with 15. Aylsworth AS, Lin AE, Friedman PA: Nager acrofacial dysostosis: male-
excellent results. Jackson and collaborators1 have used bilateral to-male transmission in 2 families. Am J Med Genet 41:83, 1991.
full-thickness vascularized skull grafts raised on the anterior 16. Robertson SP, Twigg SR, Sutherland-Smith AJ, et al.: OPD-spectrum
one-third of the temporalis muscle to correct the skeletal anomalies Disorders Clinical Collaborative Group: Localized mutations in the gene
in the ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome. The grafts are con- encoding the cytoskeletal protein filamin A cause diverse malformations
toured to form the zygomatic arch and to augment the lateral in humans. Nat Genet 33:487, 2003.
orbital wall. Only cranial bone grafts may be used on the anterior 17. Gelb BD, Shi GP, Chapman HA, et al.: Pycnodysostosis, a lysosomal
disease caused by cathepsin K deficiency. Science 273:1236, 1996.
aspect of the orbital rim. Considering that, in most severe
18. O’Driscoll M, Ruiz-Perez VL, Woods CG, et al.: A splicing mutation
forms, two malar bones and two zygomatic arches have to be re- affecting expression of ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein
constructed and that partial resorption may occur, the donor sites (ATR) results in Seckel syndrome. Nat Genet 33:497, 2003.
for bone grafts may be insufficient. In such cases, cranial vault and 19. Kohlhase J, Wischermann A, Reichenbach H, et al.: Mutations in the
tibia are used to preserve ribs and iliac crest for additional proce- SALL1 putative transcription factor gene cause Townes-Brocks
dures that may be required. Distraction osteotomy may be used as a syndrome. Nat Genet 18:81, 1998.
primary procedure or after bone grafting.27 20. Splendore A, Silva EO, Alonso LG, et al.: High mutation detection rate in
As was mentioned previously, zygomatic deficiency is not an TCOF1 among Treacher Collins syndrome patients reveals clustering of
isolated birth defect, and careful consideration of syndromic as- mutations and 16 novel pathogenic changes. Hum Mutat 16:315, 2000.
sociations must be made. Recurrence figures must be calculated 21. Opitz JM: The developmental field concept in clinical genetics.
J Pediatr 101:805, 1982.
for the primary diagnosis. In mandibulofacial dysostosis, for ex-
22. Kumakawa K, Funasaka S: Middle ear malformation with normal external
ample, the recurrence risk for the offspring of an affected indi- meatus; correlation of ossicular anomalies with anomalies of auricle, jaw
vidual will be 50%, with high penetrance and equal distribution and face. Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho 88:30, 1985.
between sexes. 23. Poswillo D: The embryological basis of craniofacial dysplasia. Postgrad
Prenatal diagnosis of zygomatic hypoplasia in association Med J 53:517, 1977.
with mandibulofacial dysostosis has been accomplished via fe- 24. Sulik KK, Johnson MC, Smiley SJ, et al.: Mandibulofacial dysostosis
toscopy and ultrasonography.28,29 Fetal cephalometry with ultra- (Treacher Collins syndrome): a new proposal for its pathogenesis. Am
sound should be attempted to establish the degree of deficient J Med Genet 27:359, 1978.
growth. Prenatal counseling is at present the only means of pre- 25. Herring SW, Powlatt UF, Pruzansky S: Anatomical abnormalities in
vention. mandibulofacial dysostosis. Am J Med Genet 3:225, 1979.
26. Dixon J, Brakebush C, Fassler R, et al.: Increased levels of apoptosis in
the prefusion of neural folds underlie the craniofacial disorder,
References (Absence and Hypoplasia of the Zygoma) Treacher Collins syndrome. Hum Mol Genet 9:1473, 2000.
1. Jackson IT, Shaw KE, Pinal-Matorras F: A new feature of the able- 27. McCarthy JG, Hopper RA: Distraction osteogenesis of zygomatic bone
pharon macrostomia syndrome: zygomatic arch absence. Br J Plast Surg grafts in a patient with Treacher Collins syndrome: a case report.
41:410, 1988. J Craniofac Surg 13:279, 2002.
2. Kay ED, Kay CN: Dysmorphogenesis of the mandible, zygoma and 28. Nicolaides KH, Johanston D, Donnai D, et al.: Prenatal diagnosis of
mandible, ear ossicles in hemifacial microsomia and mandibulofacial mandibulofacial dysostosis. Prenat Diagn 4:201, 1984.
dysostosis. Am J Med Genet 32:27, 1989. 29. Crane JP, Beaver HA: Midtrimester sonographic diagnosis of mandi-
3. Tessier P: Anatomical classification of facial, craniofacial and latero- bulofacial dysostosis. Am J Med Genet 25:251, 1986.
facial clefts. J Maxillofac Surg 4:69, 1976.
4. Marsh JL, Vannier MW: Cranial deformities. In: Comprehensive Care
for Craniofacial Deformities. JL Marsh, MW Vannier, WG Stevens,
eds. CV Mosby, St. Louis, 1985, p 256. Midface Retrusion and Hypoplasia
5. Raulo Y: Treacher Collins syndrome: analysis and principles of surgery.
In: Craniofacial Surgery. EP Caronni, ed. Little, Brown and Co, Definition
Boston, 1985, p 372.
Midface retrusion and hypoplasia is the underdevelopment or
6. Ellis NA, German J: Molecular genetics of Bloom’s syndrome. Hum
posterior positioning of the midface. Affecting the inferior por-
Molec Genet 5:1457, 1996.
7. Spranger JW, Opitz JM, Bibber U: Heterogeneity of chondrodysplasia tion of the orbits, nasal bones, and maxilla, the human midface
punctata. Hum Genet 11:190, 1971. growth deficiency gives these individuals a semilunar configura-
8. Driscoll DA, Spinner NB, Budarf ML, et al.: Deletions and micro- tion of the anterior portion of the craniofacial profile.1 Retrusion
deletions of 22q11.2 in velo-cardio-facial syndrome. Am J Med Genet or hypoplasia of the midface suggests a complex growth deficiency
44:261, 1992. involving neural tissue, cranial base, and branchial arches.
284 Craniofacial Structures

rective surgical procedures. The cast is cut and different segments

Diagnosis are mobilized to determine what type of procedure will produce the
For practical purposes, the facial skeleton is divided into three most favorable result.1
main areas: the upper face, composed of the frontal bones and Midfacial hypoplasia or retrusion may cause obstruction of
upper part of the orbits; the midface, composed of the lower the nasal airway and inability to feed adequately. This is seen in
portion of the orbits, nasal bones, and maxilla; and the lower face, syndromes such as the Antley-Bixler syndrome, in which patients
consisting mainly of the mandible. Abnormalities in any one of show choanal atresia and feeding difficulties.5 Since the infant is
these areas distort the normal shape of the craniofacies as a whole. usually a nose breather, obstruction of the nasal airway in the
Each is a unique area of growth and development, with relatively neonatal period requires rapid recognition and treatment. Oro-
independent clinical delineation. Of the three facial areas, the tracheal intubation is usually required.
midface may be the most fascinating multistructural complex of Some patients with midface hypoplasia and/or retrusion have
facial development. It represents the central point of union of the isolated hypoplasia of the maxilla, which provides support to the
growing and migrating craniofacial processes (branchial arches), upper lip. This is usually a hereditary feature (autosomal dominant)
with the final developmental result based on normal growth of the and is commonly associated with prognathism. The majority of cases
cranial base and brain. In some instances, pathologic processes of of maxillary hypoplasia result from congenital anomaly syndromes,
the upper and lower skeletal face will modify the shape of the such as Crouzon, Apert, and Binder syndromes6 (Table 8-7).
midface (Fig. 8-10). Acrocephalosyndactyly syndromes are good
examples of such modification.2 Etiology and Distribution
The middle one-third of the skeletal face constitutes the struc- Midface hypoplasia or retrusion is seen not as an isolated finding
tural support of the nose, which is an important element in facial but only as part of a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome. In
aesthetics. Alterations of the anteroposterior dimensions of the the absence of a traumatic or infectious cause, a genetic or en-
midface lead to changes in facial convexity and in dental occlusion.1 vironmental origin should be investigated.28 The inheritance of
Evaluation of patients with midface retrusion includes exter- midface hypoplasia should be considered in the context of the
nal measurements, lateral radiographs, cephalometry, and study of entity with which it is seen.
dental occlusion. A complete dimensional study of the whole face is The growth and development of the midface are not com-
necessary not only to analyze the relationship between the maxilla pletely understood. It has been suggested that the three areas of
and the rest of the facial skeleton but also to determine alterations the face (upper, middle, and lower one-third) may have relatively
of the upper or lower one-third of the face.3 independent mechanisms of growth and development, the mid-
Cephalometry is an accurate method of assessing alterations face being the most complex of the three.29 Insufficient infor-
in the anterior projection of the face. It also provides documen- mation is available at present to define a single mechanism that
tation of the preoperative and postoperative findings in affected results in midface hypoplasia; perhaps it would be unwise to seek
individuals. Fixed anatomic points, such as the cranial base, the a single cause. This fascinating area of structures may be a de-
Frankfurt plane, and other facial planes, are used in the regular velopmental field in which growing parts of an embryo are con-
cephalometric evaluation. Excellent normative data have recently trolled and coordinated in a spatially ordered, temporally synchronized,
been published for all postnatal ages.4 Dental models have been and epimorphically hierarchical manner.
used to confirm the cephalometric measurements; these may help Several authors have attempted to delineate a developmental
the clinician to evaluate malocclusion problems and to plan cor- field by anthropometric analysis. This attempt is based on the

Fig. 8-10. Preoperative (A) and postoperative (B) profile of patient with midface retrusion. (From Ortiz-
Monasterio and Musolas.1)
Table 8-7. Syndromes associated with midface retrusion and hypoplasia
Syndrome Prominent Features Gene/Locus

Achondroplasia7 Rhizomelia, megalocephaly, small foramen magnum, short cranial base, low nasal bridge, AD (100800)
prominent forehead, narrowing of lumbar interpedicular distance, lumbar lordosis, short FGFR3, 4p16.3
trident hand
Angelman8 Growth deficiency, mental retardation, ataxia, seizure disorder, inappropriate laughter, (105830)
microbrachycephaly, widely spaced teeth Mat del 15q11-q13
Pat UPD 15q
Antley-Bixler9 Growth deficiency, variable mental development, brachycephaly, choanal stenosis/atresia, AR (207410)
craniosynostosis, depressed nasal bridge, radiohumeral synostosis, arachnodactyly, Abnormal steroid
femoral bowing, femoral fractures biogenesis in some
Apert10 Craniosynostosis, high forehead, flat facies, irregular supraorbital horizontal groove, AD (101200)
shallow orbits, hypertelorism, severe syndactyly hands and feet, broad distal phalanges FGFR2, 10q26
of thumb, mental retardation
Cohen11 Truncal obesity, hypotonia, high nasal bridge, short philtrum, downslanting palpebral AR (216550)
fissures, prominent maxillary central incisors, large ears, chorioretinal dystrophy, narrow COH1, 8q22
hands and feet
Deletion 1p3612 Mental retardation, expressive language most severely affected, deep-set eyes, prominent Subtelomeric deletion
supraorbital ridges, seizure disorder
Deletion 18q13 Mental retardation, hypotonia, behavior problems, short stature, narrow external ear Monosomy for
canal, microcephaly, hypoplastic labia majora, cryptorchidism variable 18q region
Deletion 22q11.214 Cleft palate, conotruncal heart malformation, thymic hypoplasia, abnormal external ear, (192430) 22q11.2
prominent nasal tip, hypoplastic alae nasi, learning difficulties microdeletion
Crouzon15 Bicoronal or pansynostosis, proptosis, beaked nose AD (123500)
FGFR2, 10q26
Facio-auriculo-vertebral Macrostomia, unilateral facial hypoplasia, microtia, periauricular tags, hemivertebrae or Unknown, sporadic
spectrum16 hypoplasia of vertebrae, malfunction of soft palate (164210, 257700)
Prenatal alcohol17 Growth deficiency, fine motor dysfunction, poor eye-hand coordination, variable Teratogen
microcephaly, short palpebral fissures, short nose, smooth philtrum, thin smooth upper
lip, joint anomalies, small distal phalanges
Prenatal valproate18 Narrow bifrontal diameter, high forehead, epicanthal folds, low nasal bridge, short nose, Teratogen
congenital heart disease, long and thin fingers and toes, meningomyelocele, cleft lip
Prenatal fluconazole19 Phenocopy of Antley-Bixler syndrome Teratogen,
interference with
steroid biogenesis
Hallermann-Streiff 20 Small stature, brachycephaly with parietal bossing, thin calvarium, delayed ossification AD (234100)
of the sutures, microphthalmia, small nose, microstomia, hypoplasia of the teeth, atrophy
of the skin, hypotrichosis
Pfeiffer21 Brachycephaly, coronal synostosis, hypertelorism, broad distal phalanges of the thumb, AD (101600)
medial deviation of thumbs and broad first toes FGFR1, 8p11
FGFR2, 10q26
Rieger22 Iris dysplasia, short philtrum, thin upper lip, hypodontia, failure of involution of AD (180500)
periumbilical skin PITX2, 4q25-q26
Rubinstein-Taybi23 Short stature, small cranium, palpebral downslant, beaked nose, epicanthal folds, (180849)
strabismus, malformed auricles, broad thumbs, broad toes, cryptorchidism, mental Microdeletion or
retardation mutation
CREBBP, 16p13.3
Saethre-Chotzen24 Coronal synostosis, ptosis, small rounded ears, brachydactyly, soft tissue syndactyly, (101400)
hallux valgus TWIST, 7p21
Stickler25 Flat facies, depressed nasal bridge, epicanthal folds, clefts of hard and/soft palate, AD (108300, 604841,
micrognathia, deafness, retinal detachment, cataracts, hypotonia, marfanoid habitus, 184840)
flat vertebrae COL2A1, 12q31
COL11A1, 1p21
COL11A2, 6p21
Trisomy 2126 Hypotonia, short stature, brachycephaly, upslanting palpebral fissures, small ears, cardiac Abnormal karyotype,
defects, single palmar crease, clinodactyly trisomy 21
Turner27 Small stature, ovarian dysgenesis, transient congenital lymphedema, broad chest, widely Abnormal karyotype,
spaced nipples, pectus excavatum, abnormal auricles, inner canthal folds, excessive 45,X
pigmented nevi, renal malformation, congenital heart disease

286 Craniofacial Structures

concept of spatial relationship between structures belonging to the 10. Wilkie AOM, Slaney SF, Oldridge M, et al.: Apert syndrome results
same growth field, which represents an area of convergence and from localized mutations of FGFR2 and is allelic with Crouzon
concentration of several growth forces.30,31 Positive results were syndrome. Nat Genet 9:165, 1995.
obtained by Siebert,29 who suggested a positive delineation of the 11. Cohen MM Jr, Hall BD, Smith DW, et al.: A new syndrome with
midface developmental field. However, the representative variables hypotonia, obesity, mental deficiency, and facial, oral, ocular and limb
anomalies. J Pediatr 83:280, 1973.
used (inner canthal measurement, outer orbital measurement, nose
12. Heilstedt HA, Ballif BC, Howard LA, et al.: Physical map of 1p36,
breadth, and mouth width) are soft tissue measurements that placement of breakpoints in monosomy 1p36, and clinical character-
probably do not truly reflect the growth of the skeletal midface. ization of the syndrome. Am J Hum Genet 72:1200, 2003.
More studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms involved in 13. Kline AD, White ME, Wapner R, et al.: Molecular analysis of the 18q-
the aberrant growth of the middle one-third of the skeletal face. syndrome—and correlation with phenotype. Am J Hum Genet 52:895,
Prognosis, Treatment, and Prevention 14. Driscoll DA, Spinner NB, Budarf ML, et al.: Deletions and
microdeletions of 22q11.2 in velo-cardio-facial syndrome. Am J Med
The treatment of hypoplasia of the midface is surgical, and the Genet 44:261, 1992.
central section of the face must be advanced; a horizontal os- 15. Reardon W, Winter RM, Rutland P, et al.: Mutations in the fibroblast
teotomy of the maxilla closely following the trace of a LeFort I growth factor receptor 2 gene cause Crouzon syndrome. Nat Genet
fracture is indicated. 8:98, 1994.
When the facial hypoplasia extends to the floor of the orbit, to 16. Kelberman D, Tyson J, Chandler DC, et al.: Hemifacial microsomia:
the nose, and to the malar eminence, the osteotomy varies ac- progress in understanding the genetic basis of a complex malformation
cording to the amount of advancement required and the particular syndrome. Hum Genet 109:638, 2001.
areas of the face that must be mobilized. Ortiz-Monasterio and 17. Jones KL, Smith DW: The fetal alcohol syndrome. Teratology 12:1, 1975.
Musolas1 have suggested the use of Tessier osteotomies types 2.4 18. Kozma C: Valproic acid embryopathy: report of two siblings with
further expansion of the phenotypic abnormalities and a review of the
and 5, which follow the course of a LeFort III fracture. These
literature. Am J Med Genet 98:168, 2001.
procedures are complemented by cartilage or bone grafts to the 19. Aleck KA, Bartley DL: Multiple malformation syndrome following
pyriform area that will be useful in the restoration of the facial fluconazole use in pregnancy: report of an additional patient. Am J
convexity. Distraction osteogenesis has been used in combination Med Genet 72:253, 1997.
with LeFort procedures to increase the amount of midfacial ad- 20. Cohen MM Jr: Hallermann-Streiff syndrome: a review. Am J Med
vancement in a single surgical procedure.32,33 Further refinement Genet 41:488, 1991.
of this technique allows for distraction in more than one plane.34 21. Cohen MM Jr: Pfeiffer syndrome update, clinical subtypes, and
Midface advancement is a rewarding technique, with excellent guidelines for differential diagnosis. Am J Med Genet 45:300, 1993.
functional correction and improvement of facial aesthetics. The 22. Semina EV, Reiter R, Leysens NJ, et al.: Cloning and characterization
prognosis must be individualized according to the associated of a novel bicoid-related homeobox transcription factor gene, RIEG,
involved in Rieger syndrome. Nat Genet 14:392, 1996.
congenital malformations, but in general it is considered very good.
23. Hennekam RCM, Tilanus M, Hamel BCJ, et al.: Deletion at chromosome
Prenatal studies of the midface have rarely been reported.29 16p13.3 as a cause of Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: clinical aspects. Am J
Recent advances in ultrasonography have raised the possibility of Hum Genet 52:255, 1993.
accurately measuring the midface at early gestational ages.35 The 24. Pantke OA, Cohen MM Jr, Witkop CJ Jr, et al.: The Saethre-Chotzen
presence of midface hypoplasia during a fetal sonogram should syndrome. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser XI(2):190, 1975.
alert the ultrasonographer to the possibility of associated fetal 25. Snead MP, Yates JRW: Clinical and molecular genetics of Stickler
anomalies. syndrome. J Med Genet 36:353, 1999.
Midface hypoplasia is not an independent entity. Prevention 26. Korenberg JR, Chen XN, Schipper R, et al.: Down syndrome
of this condition is related to the individual situation, with pre- phenotypes: the consequences of chromosomal imbalance. Proc Nat
natal counseling apparently the only method available at present. Acad Sci 91:4997, 1994.
27. Saenger P: Turner’s syndrome. N Engl J Med 335:1749, 1996.
28. Hopkin GB: Hypoplasia of the middle third of the face associated
References (Midface Retrusion and Hypoplasia) with congenital absence of the anterior nasal spine, depression of the
1. Ortiz-Monasterio F, Musolas A: Midface retrusion. World J Surg nasal bones, and angle class III malocclusion. Br J Plast Surg 16:146,
13:410, 1989. 1963.
2. Marsh JL, Vannier MW: Cranial deformities. In: Comprehensive Care 29. Siebert JR: Prenatal growth of the median face. Am J Med Genet
for Craniofacial Deformities. CV Mosby, St. Louis, 1985, p 209. 25:369, 1986.
3. Ricketts RM: Divine proportion in facial esthetics. Symposium on 30. Lauder GV: Form and function: structural analysis in evolutionary
maxillo-facial surgery. Clin Plast Surg 9:401, 1982. morphology. Paleobiology 7:430, 1981.
4. Saksena SS, Bixler D, Yu PL: A Clinical Atlas of Roentgencephalometry 31. Cheverud JM: Phenotypic, genetic, and environmental morphology inte-
in Norma Lateralis. Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 1987, p 5. gration in the cranium. Evolution 36:499, 1982.
5. Escobar LF, Bixler D, Sadove M, et al.: Antley-Bixler syndrome from a 32. Alonso N, Munhoz AM, Fogaca W, et al.: Midfacial advancement by bone
prognostic perspective: report of a case and review of the literature. distraction for treatment of craniofacial deformities. J Craniofac Surg
Am J Med Genet 29:829, 1988. 9:114; discussion 119, 1998.
6. Gross-Kieselstein E, Har-Even Y, Navon P, et al.: Familial variant of 33. Toth BA, Kim JW, Chin M, et al.: Distraction osteogenesis and its
maxillonasal dysplasia? J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 6:331, 1986. application to the midface and bony orbit in craniosynostosis syndromes.
7. Bellus GA, Hefferon TW, Ortiz de Luna RI, et al.: Achondroplasia is defined J Craniofac Surg 9:100; discussion 119, 1998.
by recurrent G380R mutations of FGFR3. Am J Hum Genet 56:368, 1995. 34. Satoh K, Mitsukawa N, Hosaka Y: Dual midfacial distraction
8. Buntinx IM, Hennekam RCM, Brouwer OF, et al.: Clinical profile of osteogenesis: Le Fort III minus I and Le Fort I for syndromic
Angelman syndrome at different ages. Am J Med Genet 56:176, 1995. craniosynostosis. Plast Reconstr Surg 111:1019, 2003.
9. Antley RM, Bixler D: Trapezoidocephaly, midface hypoplasia and 35. Escobar LF, Bixler D, Padilla LM, et al.: A morphometric analysis of
cartilage abnormalities with multiple synostoses and skeletal fractures. the fetal craniofacies by ultrasound: fetal cephalometry. J Craniofac
Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser XI(2):397, 1975. Genet Dev Biol 10:19, 1990.
Facial Bones 287

malformations. It usually occurs with developmental abnormalities

8.7 of other systems that lead to early neonatal death.1 The second
Agnathia group is considered less severe and consists of agnathia without
holoprosencephaly. Affected patients usually have microstomia,
Definition aglossia, blind mouth, middle ear anomalies, cleft lip, cleft palate,
Agnathia is the complete absence of the mandible. This rare and downward-slanting palpebral fissures (Fig. 8-11).
condition can be viewed as the most severe form of micrognathia Most pregnancies with agnathic fetuses are associated with
(reduction in mandibular size). However, agnathia and micro- polyhydramnios, which probably result from fetal inability to
gnathia probably have different etiologies. swallow because of persistence of the oropharyngeal membrane.
As a consequence, premature labor is frequent, with only rare
Diagnosis cases reaching 38 weeks of gestation. The neonate shows a blind-
Using simple clinical inspection, the dysmorphologist is fre- ending mouth, which impedes the passing of an oropharyngeal
quently able to detect changes in mandibular shape and size. In tube to establish an airway. Early recognition of this situation may
agnathia, the missing lower one-third of the facial skeleton causes prompt the clinician to perform a tracheostomy.
striking morphologic changes (Fig. 8-11). Affected individuals Ear positioning is variable, and the use of the term otocephaly
have severe soft tissue anomalies, such as microstomia, cleft lip does not seem justified. Patients with fusion of the ears in the
and/or palate, and ear abnormalities ranging from absence or midline are rare.3 Inner ear anomalies have been reported to occur
misplacement of the external auricle to abnormalities of the inner in about 40% of cases.4
ear. Some patients also have holoprosencephaly and upper res-
piratory tract anomalies.1 Etiology and Distribution
Two groups of patients with agnathia are now recognized:
It seems possible that two different mechanisms are responsi-
those who have varying degrees of cyclopia, with holoprosence-
ble for agnathia holoprosencephaly and agnathia without brain
phalic brain, and those without cyclopialike facial malformations.2
anomalies (otocephaly).1,5,6 Agnathia is considered to be a defect
The former is a rare lethal condition that has been reported to
in the ventral portion of the first branchial arch and may be
occur in association with microstomia, aglossia, synotia, and brain
secondary to defective neural crest migration or proliferation or
to a mesodermal deficiency in the arch itself.6 Persistence of the
Fig. 8-11. Infant with agnathia without holoprosencephaly. oropharyngeal membrane occurs. Bixler and collaborators1 have
suggested that a defect in prechordal mesoderm formation and/or
its interactions accounts for agnathia-holoprosencephaly. Subse-
quent effects on neural crest cells may result. A graded series of
defects resulting from abnormal formation of the prosencephalon
and the mandible occurs.
Agnathia without holoprosencephaly is a very rare abnor-
mality, with sporadic occurrence. Autosomal recessive inheritance
has been suggested by Pauli et al.2 based on their observation of two
affected stillborn siblings. However, an unbalanced chromosome
abnormality was later identified in this family.7 Animal models
(mouse and guinea pig) have also indicated the existence of an
inherited type of agnathia without holoprosencephaly; however,
this evidence is not conclusive at the present time.8
Agnathia with holoprosencephaly seems to have a higher
incidence than agnathia without holoprosencephaly, with only
24 cases of the latter identified in the 25 years prior to 1985.1 In
patients with agnathia with holoprosencephaly, situs inversus may
also be present.9 Sex ratios are equal, and excessive incidence has
not been described in any racial group.

Prognosis, Treatment, and Prevention

As was mentioned previously, agnathia without holoprosence-
phaly seems to carry a better prognosis than agnathia with ho-
loprosencephaly. In general, the prognosis in both situations is
poor; however, there are no adequate data concerning survival
rates. In the presence of airway obstruction, the clinician should
consider a tracheostomy, since this is the only means of ensuring
good ventilatory support. Once the patient is stable, evaluation for
surgical correction of associated anomalies is indicated, with the
planning of feeding methods to support the child.
Reports of prenatal diagnosis of this condition can be found
in the literature.10,11 The authors used prenatal radiographs to
identify agnathia and polyhydramnios. The use of ultrasonogra-
phy, which can demonstrate polyhydramnios and agnathia with
288 Craniofacial Structures

holoprosencephaly, has been found to be preferable. Computer Rarely seen as an isolated characteristic, hypoplasia of the
tomography has also been used for prenatal diagnosis.12 mandible can be familial.2 However, it is more common as part of
Since most of the cases are sporadic, no biochemical, DNA, a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome, with which it follows
or chromosomal markers have been useful in the diagnosis of the corresponding mode of inheritance. More than 130 syn-
agnathia. There appears to be no effective means of prevention at dromes and 47 chromosomal anomalies have been reported to
present. include micrognathia as a consistent feature (Table 8-8).

References (Agnathia) Etiology and Distribution

1. Bixler D, Ward R, Gale DD: Agnathia-holoprosencephaly: a develop- Micrognathia is believed to result from hypoplasia of the neural
mental field complex involving face and brain. Report of 3 cases. crest cell population in the first branchial arch. The bony elements
J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 1:241, 1985. of the lower jaw are neural crest-derived. From two different ossi-
2. Pauli RM, Pettersen JC, Arya S, et al.: Familial agnathia-holoprosen- fication centers that appear at about the 6th week of gestation, each
cephaly. Am J Med Genet 14:677, 1983. side of the mandible is formed by posteroanterior ossification
3. Johnson W, Cook JB: Agnathia associated with pharyngeal isthmus
spreading over the framework provided by Meckel’s cartilage. At
atresia and hydramnios. Arch Pediatr 78:211, 1961.
4. Le Marec B, Bourdiniere J, Le Clech G, et al.: A propos d’un cas
birth, the mandible consists of two halves, with a fibrous union at
d’tocephalie (A case of otocephaly). J Genet Hum 24(suppl):253, 1976. the symphysis. Complete ossification of the mandible and the fi-
5. Opitz JM: Letter to the editor. Clin Genet 17:238, 1980. brous union occurs within the 1st year of life. Evidence for the
6. Johnston MC, Sulik KK: Some abnormal patterns of develop- supportive role of Meckel’s cartilage during growth of the mandi-
ment in the craniofacial region. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser XV(8): ble is shown by the effects of the lathyrogen B-aminoproprionitrile
23, 1979. (BAPN) on facial growth.39 Administration of BAPN to pregnant
7. Krassikoff N, Sekhon GS: Familial agnathia-holoprosencephaly caused rats at about day 15 of gestation reduces the length of the mandible
by an inherited unbalanced translocation and not autosomal recessive in the fetuses.
inheritance. Am J Med Genet 34:255, 1989. In some instances, micrognathia may be due to mechanical
8. Juriloff DM, Sulik KK, Roderick TH, et al.: Morphogenesis of sponta-
influences during growth and development. The best example of
neously occurring otocephaly in a newly developed mouse mutant.
Teratology 21:47A, 1980.
this situation is the mandibular hypoplasia seen in the oligohy-
9. Ozden S, Bilgic R, Delikara N, et al.: The sixth clinical report of a rare dramnios sequence, in which compression impedes normal
association: agnathia-holoprosencephaly-situs inversus. Prenat Diagn growth and development of the mandible.
22:840, 2002. Teratogenic factors also have been suggested to play a role in
10. Ursell W: Hydramnios associated with congenital microstomia, agnathia the etiology of micrognathia. Observations in fetuses of mothers
and synotia. J Obstet Gynecol Br Commonwealth 79:185, 1972. who received radiotherapy during pregnancy showed an increased
11. Cayea PD, Bieber FR, Ross MJ, et al.: Sonographic findings in otocephaly incidence of mandibular hypoplasia.40 Administration of the
(synotia). J Ultrasound Med 4:377, 1985. antiniacin agent 6-aminonicotinamide and the glutamine ana-
12. Ebina Y, Yamada H, Kato EH, et al.: Prenatal diagnosis of agnathia- logue diazo-oxo norleucine to rats during gestational day 15
holoprosencephaly: three-dimensional imaging by helical computed
produced severe growth retardation of Meckel’s cartilage, thereby
tomography. Prenat Diagn 21:68, 2001.
producing an inadequate framework for mandibular develop-
Anomalies of the mandible with or without ear abnormalities
8.8 are considered to occur with a frequency greater than one of every
Micrognathia 100 newborn babies.1 Micrognathia does not follow a sex pref-
erential pattern. The mode of inheritance, if any, should be
Definition evaluated in the context of the disorder of which micrognathia
Micrognathia is the reduction in size of one or all parts of the constitutes a part.
mandible. Micrognathia should be differentiated from retro-
gnathia, in which the mandible is of normal size but is posteriorly Prognosis, Treatment, and Prevention
positioned in relation to the skull base.
The prognosis of the patient with mandibular hypoplasia depends
on associated birth defects. Cases of isolated micrognathia or even
Diagnosis Pierre Robin sequence have an excellent prognosis. The neonate
Malformations of the mandible are among the most common with airway obstruction may require tracheotomy and feeding
malformations known to humans. Among these, micrognathia may gastrostomy. Surgical mandibular advancement was previously not
be the most common.1 Severe micrognathia can be detected by recommended for use during infancy.42 This has changed due to
the clinician by simple inspection (Fig. 8-12). Mild forms may be the availability of distraction osteogenesis. This technique has been
difficult to detect, however, and can be easily confused with ret- used successfully in children as young as 6 months.43 As the dis-
rognathia. Roentgenocephalometry is extremely helpful in the traction devices become smaller, they can be implanted in even
differentiation between true micrognathia and retrognathia, and it younger infants. This technique may be used to prevent tracheot-
also provides a substantial amount of information necessary for omy or to allow for decannulation in tracheotomy-dependent
objective decisions concerning treatment. patients.44 When there is a stable airway and nutrition can be
Mandibular hypoplasia may induce other anomalies, as is the maintained, orthognathic surgery can be deferred until mid- to late
case in the Pierre Robin sequence. Here, acting as a single initi- adolescence depending on the sex, since females can undergo such
ating defect, the small mandible keeps the tongue in a posterior surgery earlier.
location, impairing the closure of the posterior palatal shelves in Micrognathia has been clearly identified in the prenatal
the midline. This results in cleft palate. period via ultrasonography.45,46 The routine ultrasonographic
Facial Bones 289

Fig. 8-12. Mild micrognathia in a 12-year-old male with MPS 1-H/I-S compound (A), moderate
micrognathia in an infant with cerebrocostomandibular syndrome (B and C), and severe micrognathia
associated with radial reduction defects in a 5-year-old boy with Nager syndrome (D). (B and C courtesy
of Dr. Charles I. Scott, Jr, A. I. duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE.)

examination between 16 and 18 gestational weeks should allow 5. Wagner T, Wirth J, Meyer J, et al.: Autosomal sex reversal and
delineation of the morphology of the mandible. Prenatal recog- camptomelic dysplasia are caused by mutations in and around the
nition of micrognathia is helpful in that it allows the neonatolo- SRY-related gene SOX9. Cell 79:1111, 1994.
gist, facial surgeon, otolaryngologist, and anesthetist to be prepared 6. Dignan PSJ, Martin LW, Zenni EJ Jr: Pierre Robin anomaly with an
for possible complications during and after delivery. accessory metacarpal of the index fingers: the Catel-Manzke syndrome.
Clin Genet 29:168, 1986.
7. Schinzel A, Schmid W, Fraccaro M, et al.: The ‘cat eye syndrome’:
References (Micrognathia) Decentric small marker chromosome probably derived from a 22
1. Melnick M: Anomalies of branchial-arch-derived otomandibular (tetrasomy 22pter;q11) associated with a characteristic phenotype.
structures. In: Clinical Dysmorphology of Oral-Facial Structures. Report of 11 patients and delineation of the clinical picture. Hum
M Melnick, ED Shields, NJ Burzmski, eds. John Wright, PSG, Boston, Genet 57:148, 1981.
1982, p 336. 8. Plotz FB, van Essen AJ, Bosschaart AN, et al.: Cerebro-costo-mandibular
2. Warkany J: Congenital Malformations. Notes and Comments. Year syndrome. Am J Med Genet 62:286, 1996.
Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, 1971, p 622. 9. Pena SDJ, Shokeir MHK: Autosomal recessive cerebro-oculo-facio-
3. Hall JG, Reed SD, Driscoll EP: Part 1. Amyoplasia: a common, sporadic skeletal (COFS) syndrome. Clin Genet 5:285, 1974.
condition with congenital contractures. Am J Med Genet 15: 571, 1983. 10. Cohen MM Jr, Hall BD, Smith DW, et al.: A new syndrome with
4. Ellis NA, German J: Molecular genetics of Bloom’s syndrome. Hum hypotonia, obesity, mental deficiency, and facial, oral, ocular and limb
Molec Genet 5:1457, 1996. anomalies. J Pediatr 83:280, 1973.
Table 8-8. Syndromes associated with micrognathia
Syndrome Prominent Features Gene/Locus
Amyoplasia congenita3 Round face; small upturned nose; midline capillary hemangioma; severe Unknown, sporadic
flexion contractures at metacarpophalangeal joints, with mild (108110)
contractures at interphalangeal joints, hips usually dislocated,
adducted, or abducted
Bloom4 Growth deficiency, mild microcephaly with dolichocephaly, small nose, AR (210900)
facial telangiectatic erythema that involves the butterfly midface region RECQL3, 15q26.1
exacerbated by sunlight
Campomelic dysplasia5 Growth deficiency, large brain with gross cellular disorganization, AR (211970)
small flat-appearing face, cleft palate, short palpebral fissures, anterior SOX9, 17q24-q25
bowing of tibiae, short fibula, absence of mineralization of the sternum,
hypogenitalism, XY gonadal dysgenesis
Catel-Manzke6 Hyperphalangy of index finger, postnatal growth deficiency, cleft palate, (302380)
malformed ears, cardiac defects, clinodactyly Majority of cases are
sporadic affected males
Cat eye7 Cognitive delay, mild hypertelorism, inferior coloboma of the iris, (115470)
preauricular pits and tags, cardiac defects (TAPVR), imperforate partial tetrasomy 22
anus, renal agenesis (isochromosome 22pter-q11)
Cerebro-costo-mandibular8 Cognitive delay, growth deficiency, glossoptosis, cleft soft palate, AD (117650)
bell-shaped small thorax, anomalous rib insertion with ‘‘rib gaps’’
Cerebro-oculo- Reduced white matter of brain with gray mottling, microcephaly, large AR (214150, 126340)
facio-skeletal (COFS)9 pinnae, blepharophimosis, microphthalmia, cataracts, nystagmus, ERCC6, 10q11
camptodactyly, flexion contractures of elbows and knees, hirsutism, kyphosis ERCC2, 19q13
Cohen10 Truncal obesity, hypotonia, high nasal bridge, short philtrum, AR (216550)
downslanting palpebral fissures, prominent maxillary central incisors, COH1, 8q22
large ears, chorioretinal dystrophy, narrow hands and feet
Cornelia de Lange11 Short stature, cognitive delay, initial hypertonicity, low-pitched weak cry, AD (122470)
long curly eyelashes, small nose, bushy eyebrows, synophrys, hirsutism, Most cases sporadic
micromelia, genital anomalies NIPBL, 5p13.1
Deletion 22q11.212 Cleft palate, conotruncal heart malformation, thymic hypoplasia, (192430)
abnormal external ear, prominent nasal tip, hypoplastic alae microdeletion 22q11.2
nasi, learning difficulties
Diamond-Blackfan Macrocytic anemia, short stature, downslanting palpebral fissure, microtia, Dominant (606164)
anemia-microtia- cleft palate, micrognathia
cleft palate13
Dubowitz14 Prenatal growth deficiency, variable mental deficiency, short attention AR (223370)
span, microcephaly, short palpebral fissures, round nasal tip, prominent
dysplastic ears, eczema
Escobar15 Multiple pterygia, short stature, inner canthal folds, cleft palate, AR (265000)
emotionless face, scoliosis, camptodactyly, syndactyly, genital
Facio-auriculo-vertebral Macrostomia, unilateral facial hypoplasia, microtia, periauricular tags, Unknown, sporadic
spectrum16 hemivertebrae or hypoplasia of vertebrae, malfunction of soft palate (164210, 257700)
Hallermann-Streiff17 Small stature, brachycephaly with parietal bossing, thin calvarium, Unknown, sporadic
delayed ossification of the sutures, microphthalmia, small nose, (234100)
microstomia, hypoplasia of the teeth, atrophy of the skin,
Lethal multiple Generalized amyoplasia, multiple pterygia, contractures, growth AR (253290)
pterygium18 deficiency, epicanthal folds, ocular hypertelorism, flat nose, Heterogeneous
cryptorchidism, mild neck edema and loose skin
Marshall-Smith19 Accelerated linear growth and skeletal maturation, long cranium, Unknown
prominent forehead, bluish sclerae, broad proximal and middle (602535)
phalanges with narrow distal phalanges, hypertrichosis, respiratory
Meckel-Gruber20 Growth deficiency, occipital encephalocele, microcephaly, ear anomalies, AR, multiple loci
cleft palate, microphthalmia, polydactyly, cystic renal dysplasia, (606361) 8q24
cryptorchidism (603194) 11q13
(249000) 17q22-q23
(continued )

Table 8-8. Syndromes associated with micrognathia (continued)

Syndrome Prominent Features Gene/Locus

Melnick-Needles Melnick-Needles: prominent eyes, late closure of fontanels, short upper XL (309350, 311300,
(Oto-palato- arms and distal phalanges, bowing of radius and tibia, coxa valga, 304120, 305620)
digital spectrum)21 small thoracic cage, pectus excavatum, iliac flaring; often male lethal FLNA, Xq28
Allelic to OPD1, OPD2,
frontometaphyseal dysplasia,
periventricular heterotopia
Miller22 Downslanting palpebral fissures, eyelid coloboma, ectropion, cleft lip AR (263750)
and/or palate, postaxial limb deficiencies, syndactyly, accessory nipple Most sporadic, AD rarely
Miller-Dieker23 Lissencephaly, heterotopias, absent or hypoplastic corpus callosum, (247200)
small brain stem, hypotonia, seizures, microcephaly, small nose, late Microdeletion 17p13.3
eruption of primary teeth, cryptorchidism
Moebius24 Mask-like facies with sixth and seventh nerve palsy, hypoplasia to (157900)
absence of the central brain nuclei, myopathy Majority of cases
sporadic, few familial
Nager25 Normal intelligence, short stature, conductive deafness and articulation AD, AR (154400)
problems, malar hypoplasia, palpebral downslant, absence of lower
eyelashes, periauricular tags, atresia of external ear canal, hypoplasia
to aplasia of the thumb, proximal radioulnar synostosis, short
Nijmegen breakage26 Microcephaly, short stature, palpebral upslant, long nose, immune AR (251260)
dysfunction, chromosome breakage, malignancies, neurodegeneration NBS1, 8q21
Pallister-Hall27 Hypothalamic hamartoblastoma, hypopituitarism, flat midface, anteverted AD (146510)
nares, laryngeal cleft, bifid epiglottis, multiple frenuli, abnormal lung GLI3, 7p13
lobation, nail dysplasia, postaxial polydactyly, anal defects Allelic to Greig
Progeria28 Alopecia, hypoplasia of nails, loss of subcutaneous fat, periarticular AD (176670)
fibrosis, skeletal hypoplasia, dysphasia, dental anomalies, atherosclerosis LMNA, 1q21.2
Prenatal accutane29 Bilateral microtia, anotia, U-shaped palatal cleft, ocular hypertelorism, Teratogen
conotruncal heart defects, hydrocephaly, cerebellar hypoplasia, agenesis
of the vermis, thymic abnormalities
Seckel30 Prenatal growth deficiency, microcephaly, receding forehead, prominent AR, heterogeneous
nose, mental retardation (210600) ATR, 3q22
(606744) 18p11-q11
Splenogonadal fusion31 Fused spleen and gonad, limb defects, deep and narrow palate, multiple (183300)
unerupted teeth Sporadic, mostly males,
possibly due to vascular event
Stickler32 Flat facies, depressed nasal bridge, epicanthal folds, clefts of hard AD
and/soft palate, deafness, retinal detachment, cataracts, hypotonia, (108300) COL2A1, 12q31
marfanoid habitus, flat vertebrae (604841) COL11A1, 1p21
(184840) COL1A2, 6p21
Treacher Collins33 Downslanting palpebral fissures, cleft in zygomatic bone, lower lid AD (154500)
coloboma, partial to total absence of lower eyelashes, external TCOF1, 5q21-q33
ear malformation, conductive deafness, cleft palate, extension of scalp
hair onto lateral cheek
Trisomy 834 Variable cognitive deficiency, strabismus, hypertelorism, full lips, Abnormal karyotype
cupped ears, camptodactyly, limited supination, long slender trunk,
narrow pelvis
Trisomy 935 Growth deficiency, severe mental deficiency, narrow bifrontal diameter, Abnormal karyotype
prominent upper lip, low-set ears, joint anomalies, hypoplastic
phalanges, congenital heart disease
Trisomy 1836 Growth deficiency, hypertonicity, prominent occiput, small mouth, Abnormal karyotype
clenched hand, overlapping fingers, cardiac defects, renal
malformation, rocker-bottom feet
Deletion 4p37 Growth deficiency, hypotonia, severe mental deficiency, strabismus, Abnormal karyotype
hypertelorism, prominent glabella, posterior midline scalp defects,
periaurcular tags, clefting, genital anomalies
Deletion 13q38 Growth deficiency, mental deficiency, microcephaly, hypertelorism, Abnormal karyotype
microphthalmia, retinoblastoma, webbed neck, congenital heart
disease, hypospadias, lumbar agenesis

292 Craniofacial Structures

11. Allanson JE, Hennekam RCM, Ireland M: De Lange syndrome: 36. Baty BJ, Blackburn BL, Carey JC: Natural history of trisomy 18 and
subjective and objective comparison of the classical and mild pheno- trisomy 13: I. Growth, physical assessment, medical histories, survival,
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including 36 previously unreported patients. Am J Med Genet 63:277, 1996. 39. Diewert VM: Correction between alterations in Meckel’s cartilage and
15. Hall JG, Reed SD, Rosenbaum KN, et al.: Limb pterygium syndromes: induction of cleft palate with B-aminoproprionitrile in the rat. Teratology
a review and report of eleven patients. Am J Med Genet 12:377, 1982. 24:43, 1981.
16. Kelberman D, Tyson J, Chandler DC, et al.: Hemifacial microsomia: 40. Fogh-Andersen P: Rare clefts of the face. Acta Chir Scand 129:275, 1965.
progress in understanding the genetic basis of a complex malformation 41. Diewert VM: Contributions of differential growth of cartilages to
syndrome. Hum Genet 109:638, 2001. changes in craniofacial morphology. In: Factors and Mechanisms
17. Cohen MM Jr: Hallermann-Streiff syndrome: a review. Am J Med Influencing Bone Growth. Alan R. Liss, Inc, New York, 1982, p 229.
Genet 41:488, 1991. 42. Marsh JL, Vannier MW: Cranial deformities. In: Comprehensive Care
18. Chen H, Immken L, Lachman R, et al.: Syndrome of multiple pterygia, for Craniofacial Deformities. JL Marsh, MW Vannier, WG Stevens,
camptodactyly, facial anomalies, hypoplastic lungs and heart, cystic eds. CV Mosby, St Louis, 1985, p 260.
hygroma, and skeletal anomalies: delineation of a new entity and 43. Denny AD, Talisman R, Hanson PR, et al.: Mandibular distraction
review of lethal forms of multiple pterygium syndrome. Am J Med osteogenesis in very young patients to correct airway obstruction. Plast
Genet 17:809, 1984. Reconstr Surg 108:302, 2001.
19. Williams DK, Carlton DR, Green SH, et al.: Marshall-Smith syndrome: 44. Perlyn CA, Schmelzer RE, Sutera SP, et al.: Effect of distraction
the expanding phenotype. J Med Genet 34:842, 1997. osteogenesis of the mandible on upper airway volume and resistance in
20. Paavola P, Salonen R, Baumer A, et al.: Clinical and genetic heteroge- children with micrognathia. Plast Reconstr Surg 109:1809, 2002.
neity in Meckel syndrome. Hum Genet 101:88, 1997. 45. Malinger G, Rosen N, Achiron R, et al.: Pierre Robin sequence
21. Robertson SP, Twigg SR, Sutherland-Smith AJ, et al.: OPD-spectrum associated with amniotic band syndrome ultrasonographic diagnosis
Disorders Clinical Collaborative Group: Localized mutations in the and pathogenesis. Prenat Diagn 7:455, 1987.
gene encoding the cytoskeletal protein filamin A cause diverse mal- 46. Rotten D, Levaillant JM, Martinez H, et al.: The fetal mandible: a 2D
formations in humans. Nat Genet 33:487, 2003. and 3D sonographic approach to the diagnosis of retrognathia and
22. Miller M, Fineman R, Smith DW: Postaxial acrofacial dysostosis micrognathia. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 19:122, 2002.
syndrome. J Pediatr 95:970, 1979.
23. Allanson JE, Ledbetter DH, Dobyns WB: Classical lissencephaly
syndromes: does the face reflect the brain? J Med Genet 35:920, 8.9
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24. Baraitser M: Genetics of Moebius syndrome. J Med Genet 14:415,
1977. Definition
25. Aylsworth AS, Lin AE, Friedman PA: Nager acrofacial dysostosis: male-
Congenital asymmetry of the facial skeleton is a quantitative dis-
to-male transmission in 2 families. Am J Med Genet 41:83, 1991.
26. Van der Burgt I, Chrzanowska KH, Smeets D, et al.: Nijmegen crepancy in size between the right and left sides of the facial skel-
breakage syndrome. J Med Genet 33:153, 1996. eton. The facial midline is determined by the sagittal line drawn
27. Kang S, Allen J, Graham JM Jr, et al.: Linkage mapping and phenotypic from the vertex (highest midpoint of the craniofacies) through the
analysis of autosomal dominant Pallister-Hall syndrome. J Med Genet nasion and subnasale points to the gnathion (lowest medial point
34:441, 1997. of the mandible).
28. Eriksson M, Brown WT, Gordon LB, et al.: Recurrent de novo point
mutations in lamin A cause Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. Diagnosis
Nature 423:293, 2003. Asymmetry of the facial skeleton and of the human skull as a
29. Sulik KK, Cook CS, Webster WS: Teratogens and craniofacial whole to a degree that can be readily appreciated is so common
malformations: relationships to cell death. Development 103(suppl):213,
that it has to be recognized as the rule.1 Such normal or anatomic
asymmetry must be distinguished from pathologic asymmetry
30. O’Driscoll M, Ruiz-Perez VL, Woods CG, et al.: A splicing mutation
affecting expression of ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein (Fig. 8-13). This difficult task is facilitated by quantitative pro-
(ATR) results in Seckel syndrome. Nat Genet 33:497, 2003. cedures that can validate clinical observations. Useful techniques
31. Bonneau D, Roume J, Gonzalez M, et al.: Splenogonadal fusion limb include anthropometry, cephalometry, tridimensional computed
defect syndrome: report of five new cases and review. Am J Med Genet tomography (CT), and for the prenatal period fetal cephalometry
86:347, 1999. via ultrasound. These techniques not only describe the severity of
32. Snead MP, Yates JRW: Clinical and molecular genetics of Stickler the asymmetry but provide information necessary to plan ade-
syndrome. J Med Genet 36:353, 1999. quate corrective treatment.
33. Splendore A, Silva EO, Alonso LG, et al.: High mutation detection During the neonatal period, one should be particularly
rate in TCOF1 among Treacher Collins syndrome patients reveals
careful in distinguishing between facial asymmetry resulting from
clustering of mutations and 16 novel pathogenic changes. Hum Mutat
molding of the cranial bones during the birth process and true
16:315, 2000.
34. Riccardi VM: Trisomy 8: an international study of 70 patients. Birth malformation of the facial skeleton. Facial asymmetry resulting
Defects Orig Artic Ser XIII(3C):171, 1977. from excessive molding of the cranium or from displacement of
35. Cantu ES, Eicher DJ, Pai GS, et al.: Mosaic vs. nonmosaic trisomy 9: the mandible during breech or face presentations is very common
report of a liveborn infant evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybrid- and is usually self-correcting. Morphometric analysis of the face is
ization and review of the literature. Am J Med Genet 62:330, 1996. helpful in establishing the role of skeletal abnormalities in facial
Facial Bones 293

Fig. 8-13. Facial asymmetry in a 31-month-old male with hemifacial microsomia (A), an infant with
asymmetric crying face (B), and a teenage girl with Parry-Romberg syndrome (C and D). (Courtesy
of Dr. Charles I. Scott, Jr, A. I. duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE.)

asymmetry. However, the precise diagnosis requires roentgeno- the mandible, maxilla, pyriform apertures, and orbits. This radio-
graphic examination of the craniofacial skeleton, and sometimes graphic view also discloses obliquity and rotation of the plane
more sophisticated technology such as CT, tridimensional imag- formed by the two mandibular midlines, dental and skeletal. The
ing (TDI), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). With the dental midline is rotated toward the normal side, while the skeletal
anteroposterior radiographs of the skull, one can use cephalo- midline is rotated toward the abnormal side. The sagittal plane view
metric measurements to quantify the extent of the defect and the can demonstrate discrepancies in the ramus height and relationships
particular facial areas involved. CT, TDI, and MRI are very useful of the maxilla, mandible, and base of the skull. A panoramic view
in distinguishing between congenital (‘‘developmental’’) skeletal may reveal anomalies in height and shape of the mandibular rami
facial asymmetry and acquired skeletal facial asymmetry due to and the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The transverse plane is
pathologic processes and trauma. evaluated with a submental vertex radiologic plate to demonstrate
Radiologic analysis assessing asymmetry of the facial skeleton the shape and width of the mandibular body, asymmetry in the
should include three planes as described by Murray and collabora- zygomatic arches, and medial and anterior displacement of the TMJ.
tors.2 The frontal plane view, which is evaluated with an ante- The most common cause of congenital facial asymmetry
roposterior cephalometric radiograph, demonstrates asymmetry of probably is the group of disorders known as the otocraniofacial
294 Craniofacial Structures

syndromes.3 These involve unilateral and bilateral developmental

malformations of the skeletal craniofacial structures that may arise Etiology and Distribution
from a growth deficiency of the first and second branchial arches. Asymmetry of the facial skeleton rarely occurs as an isolated
They include conditions such as mandibulofacial dysostosis and anomaly. In the majority of cases, it represents one component of a
hemifacial microsomia. With an incidence of one in 4000, multiple anomaly syndrome, usually resulting from an insult in the
hemifacial microsomia represents a wide spectrum of abnormal- early development of the branchial arches or brain. One must
ities of the facial skeleton.4 Different classifications have been understand that in the human, various insults to the fetus can
suggested according to the severity of the defects.5 In type I, the produce unilateral facial skeletal defects.
malformation of the facial skeleton is slight and mandibular Growth of the facial skeleton is influenced by multiple factors,
growth is compromised; however, the anatomic development of including brain growth.6 Asymmetrical growth of the brain pro-
the TMJ is not impaired. Type II shows a pronounced mal- duces rotation of the face on the cranium, which progresses with
formation of the facial skeleton. The body and ramus of the lower age and further growth. As the temporal lobes of the cerebrum
jaw, along with the TMJ, are underdeveloped on the affected side. show a greater asymmetric development, increased displacement of
Rudiments of the condylar and coronoid processes are situated the nasomaxillary segment on the affected side occurs, and this in
below the malar arch and frontally to the site of the natural po- turn produces a rotation of the face. This seems to apply to a few
sition of the articular fossa. Underdevelopment of the temporal conditions that include facial asymmetry in their phenotype;
bone, the mastoid process, and the articular fossa and tubercle however, it cannot be generalized.
also can be observed. Type III is also characterized by pronounced Vascular theories to explain unilateral birth defects have gained
malformation of the facial skeleton. The body of the mandible on popularity.7–9 Robinson and collaborators7 suggested that a vascular
the affected side is underdeveloped and ends in a rudiment of the accident interrupting the blood flow to developing facial structures
ramus. The TMJ is absent. Radiologic studies usually show pro- could result in tissue ischemia, necrosis, or both. The severity of the
nounced asymmetry and disfigurement of the facial skeleton. The resulting defects would be directly proportional to the magnitude
underdeveloped side of the face is flattened, involving the orbit, and duration of tissue injury, allowing for a wide phenotypic vari-
malar bone, and frontal and occipital bones. The affected malar ability. It has been suggested that a lesion in the stapedial artery, the
bone is considerably lower than the analogous bone on the intact second aortic arch vessel, can produce unilateral craniofacial defects.
side. The body of the lower jaw is hypoplastic and deformed, and Animal models seem to support this theory.9 Vascular theories
the ramus appears as a pointed rudiment. may also be supported by the increased incidence of hemifacial

Table 8-9. Syndromes associated with congenital asymmetry of the facial skeleton
Syndrome Prominent Features Gene/Locus

Apert13 Craniosynostosis, high forehead, flat facies, irregular supraorbital horizontal AD (101200)
groove, shallow orbits, hypertelorism, severe syndactyly hands and feet, broad FGFR2, 10q26
distal phalanges of thumb, mental retardation
Craniofrontonasal14 Broad nasal root, bifid nasal tip, narrow shoulders, longitudinal grooves and XL (304110)
splits in nails EFNB1, Xq12
Cat eye15 Mental deficiency, inferior coloboma of the iris, micrognathia, cardiac defects, (115470)
anal atresia, rectovesicular fistula, renal agenesis Partial tetrasomy
22 due to inv dup (22)(q11)
Facio-auriculo-vertebral Macrostomia, unilateral facial hypoplasia, micrognathia, microtia, periauricular Unknown, sporadic
spectrum16 tags, hemivertebrae or hypoplasia of vertebrae, malfunction of soft palate, (164210, 257700)
renal and cardiac abnormalities
Hemimaxillofacial Unilateral enlargement of maxillary alveolar bone and gingival, hypoplastic Unknown
dysplasia17 teeth, hypertrichosis of ipsilateral facial skin
Hemifacial hyperplasia Abnormal growth of the facial skeleton, zygomatic deficiency, convergent AD (141350)
with strabismus18 strabismus, amblyopia of the affected side, submucous cleft palate
Hemifacial microsomia Similar facial findings to those seen in hemifacial microsomia, periauricular AD (141400)
with radial defects19 pits or skin tags, shortening of the mandibular ramus, radial limb defects,
triphalangeal thumbs, duplication of the thumb
McCune-Albright20 Fibrous dysplasia in bone, irregular patches of pigment of trunk, precocious (174800)
puberty, hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, acromegaly, Cushing, GNAS1, 20q13.2
hyperprolactinemia, short stature
Muenke21 Uni- or bicoronal synostosis, macrocephaly, hearing loss, learning differences AD (602849)
FGFR3, 4p16.3
Saethre-Chotzen22 Coronal synostosis, ptosis, small rounded ears, brachydactyly, soft tissue AD (101400)
syndactyly, hallux valgus TWIST, 7p21
Townes-Brocks23 Hemifacial microsomia with preauricular tags, abnormal ear shape, sensorineural AD (107480)
hearing loss, thumb anomalies, imperforate anus, renal malformations SALL1, 16q21.1
Wildervanck24 Ear anomalies, preauricular tags, pseudopapilledema, Duane anomaly, (314600)
Klippel-Feil anomaly Sporadic, most cases female
Facial Bones 295

microsomia in offspring of diabetic mothers10,11 and in products of 6. Trenouth MJ: Asymmetry of the human skull during fetal growth.
twin or higher-order multiple pregancies.12 Anat Rec 211:205, 1985.
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asymmetry as part of the clinical picture (Table 8-9). An autosomal of unilateral craniofacial defects. J Pediatr 111:236, 1987.
dominant form of isolated facial asymmetry has been described in 8. Bavnick JNB, Weaver DD: Subclavian artery supply disruption sequence:
Hypothesis of vascular etiology for Poland, Klippel-Feil and Möbius
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maxillomandibular region, without involvement of the upper 9. Poswillo D: The pathogenesis of the first and second branchial arch
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nosis for patients with facial asymmetry. Mildly affected individ- 14. Saavedra D, Richieri-Costa A, Guion-Almeida ML, et al.: Cranio-
uals in whom there is no concern regarding appearance during frontonasal syndrome: study of 41 patients. Am J Med Genet 61:147,
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made and appropriate surgery undertaken.4 For many years it was Decentric small marker chromosome probably derived from a 22
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skeleton, even in severe cases, should not be surgically corrected of 11 patients and delineation of the clinical picture. Hum Genet 57:
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tion of facial symmetry through surgery in the preschool period. newly recognized disorder of facial asymmetry, hypertrichosis of the
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