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Analyti cal summary

A 500-word summary of a technical or scientific article that demonstrates

In this article, the authors aim to monitor the growing trend of using electric cars and their charging
points in Szeged. The author has written the article keeping in mind a particular type of audience. This
article can be successfully understood by students, teachers and people having a little scientific
knowledge as well because in this article, no complex words or concepts are used. The authors have
presented complex automotive terms and concepts in easy wording to make it easier for the audience
to understand the article.

Basically, the article has started by presenting a background of transport industry and educating people
about its evolution. Then, it has discussed that what is the reason that the purchase activity of electric
cars by the population is increasing, which, on the one hand, creates beneficial environmental effects in
the region, but it raises new challenges in promoting their decent service. Then it raises questions in the
minds of the readers to know more about the topic. Such as, “Does it mean that conventional filling
points are modified or complemented or a whole new energy supply system is created?” Then it
gradually takes the audience to its proposed solution by telling that the solution will be decided by
taking public’s word on the matter through survey.

Then the authors prove their arguments by providing authentic statistics whilst improving the worth of
their writing. It has been pointed out that on October 10, 2015, at stations and often in vehicles with a
sample of 465 participants were targeted with questionnaire. A targeted passenger community review
was configured after a brief assessment, where the questions were swapped or updated based on
experiences. The audience were forced to think about the importance for people’s opinions by
presenting the fact that a modern Ikarus–Skoda trolleybus is present in the minds of passengers and
people, with all the externals taken into account in terms of environmental security. The survey findings
were instructive, providing a strong basis for further inquiry. The aim of this survey was to look into
people's travel habits, as well as the general currency and perceptions of electric vehicles and charging
stations, as well as the ventilation of incidental interactions and the estimation of social support for
electric travel. Examining travel patterns as deduced by the survey, it was determined that the use of
electric vehicles may be a real option for most of the respondents. However, because of the relatively
low range, the few charging points and the high purchase price, the majority of respondents were not
considering purchasing new electric vehicles in the immediate future. Then the audience were informed
with the market trends of electric cars. Because of the large price gap between new conventional and
electric cars, it was more likely that demand for used hybrid electric cars would rise first, followed by
demand for solely electric cars, as the issue of short range only affects these vehicles. The most useful
charging points were considered to be gas stations near highways, supermarkets, market parking, and
P+R parking, based on planned charging frequency. Based on the processing of the responses, the
population of Szeged finds it very necessary or important to preserve the purity of air and to help the
expansion of the city's charging network extensively.

Overall, the research study highlighted all the possible outcomes in the future of electric cars and their
usage. Additionally, market trends of electric cars were presented and concluded on the fact that the
number of potential buyers of electric cars was more tolerant of the price of a new electric vehicle, the
necessary expansion of the charging network and the further development of user discounts.

What made you choose the article that you chose?

I chose this article because of the following reasons:

1. I am interested in cars and their future

2. The efficient technical writing style used in this article intrigued me.

What choices about form did you make? Why did you make those specific choices?

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