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My Teaching Philosophy,

Teaching Purpose: Ever since I was a student I wanted to be a teacher. I inspired from my

primary teacher  and then   my math teacher in high school .Now I am a teacher  and I like what
I do every day of my life. Because other than all the jobs, teaching is different because even if
you die your students will go on the way you show them ,you inspire the generation .The future
is in our hands we are the teachers we don't just teach English , math, science  also  we are role
model for our students they copy all our behaviors especially from kindergarten to high school if
our students like us they want to be like  us they copy us. For example  in high school I had a
teacher I love her very much I liked  to spend my time with my teacher she was a great teacher
who taught me a lot of things about life other than  math. Like that  I have students  who like me 
and wants to spend time with me after school so I want to be a good example for them .They
will  be the teachers ,doctors ,engineers, presidents of future what you teach them you will see
them. They are our future. If you suffer from someone who doesn't do her/his job properly
doesn't respect people and sometimes you say who has grown you up ,who was your teacher,
who was your mother, father etc. The most effective person in a student  life is a teacher after
mother and father , and especially  for teenagers maybe teachers and friends  affects  them  more
than mothers and fathers. For example most of my high school friends become a doctor they are
so compassionate me as well. So thanks to our  parents and  our valuable teachers. This job is 
not just about  earning money it's all about being permanent and growing our future. And why 
teaching English language is important for me? when I was in high school in preparation class in 
which  you mostly learn English and some others like music ,sport etc. start to  like English there
with support of my English teacher  with activities, projects role plays, movies etc. It was very
fun so I like English and I didn’t stop learning English even after I graduated from university I
was reading English books and watching English movies  listening VOA English listening
programs  like  American history etc. So After I graduated  I started to teach math in English in
the lesson already we speak English and I thought that why shouldn’t I teach English as well
because it’s  good to speak more than one language and  help your students to learn it and this
language is the most spoken language in the world wherever you go if you know English it will
be enough to communicate with the people. Also If I be an ESL teacher I can find a job easily
all over the world like being a math teacher . For these reasons  I want to teach English as well.
      My short term goals for teaching is teaching the curriculum properly excellently so my
student will get a good mark  in exams, finals. They will get  all the curriculum at least even if
the laziest student can get  60-70% of curriculum. My long term goals are as I mentioned at the
beginning of my writing  to be permanent inspire my students try to affect them in a good way
try to make them good people with great English skills because in this global world ,English is
necessary to be worldwide person .Just  by staying in our country , influence people ,help them
are  impossible. If they speak English understand English and become a good person and have a
good job  and inspire other people in a good way  and make the peace in the world  my dreams
will come true.
My teaching style :According to students’ purpose of learning English I can use various
approaches .For example If they want to prepare for a written exam. I prefer reading
approach .More than speaking and listening exercises we will focus on reading and grammar. If
they want to communicate with the people we will focus on speaking and listening and reading
exercises so it means I can use communicative approach and affective humanistic approach. I
like the idea that respecting students’ feelings using bright colors, pictures, music, fine art, and
dialogues, and games, helping learners to become more comfortable with the environment
which are used in affective humanistic approach .According to me these approaches are more
useful and effective than the others in this age. There are so many exams to pass(reading
approach) our age is like internet age people need to know English language for so many reasons
and we have to meet the needs of our students in their way so I use internet I use materials from
real life videos, movies etc. and I have to provide attractive environment so there are so many
distractions not to learn and study .So I use communicative and affective humanistic approach.
Communicative approach, affective humanistic approach, reading approach are relatable
approaches to my teaching. The main purpose of English is already communicating with the
people so to provide this communicative approach is suitable and more than just grammar rules it
helps us to improve our communicating skills listening speaking ,reading. When I use this in my
class I let them student to have dialogues each other and (Make my class real language class with
all of these but I will get rid of unnecessary distractions in the classroom.) Students will listen
music and watch video or movie together in teachers control related to objectives.

Also I can say that comprehension approach /TPR is very useful teaching style for
kindergarten and primary school students. They don’t know so many things vocabulary and
structures so it gives learners time to understand the language before speaking. And in TPR
instructors give commands to students in the target language with body movements, and students
respond with whole-body actions teaching them by using body language ,behaviors are very
smart for this age.

I want to teach secondary school students. At this age they become so curious about new things
new lives new languages , movies ,songs ,singers ,books etc. More than just memorizing rules if
they use English and they see that they can speak English and understand and see that english is
related to real life itself they will be willing to learn English if they want to learn it will be easier
for me so I will arrange the classroom first I will make it colorful with pictures posters and İf it’s
possible there will be a smart board so we can listen watch for the purpose of objectives and I
will prepare my lessons before flip chart I can make flipcharts for Active inspire .There will be
language games puzzles, picture script story games, group and pair work ,sample dialogues and
scripts so during the class they can practice ,play etc. There will be authentic materials in my
class like; order forms ,web sites from internet on smart board ,street signs, coupons ,traffic
tickets ,greeting cards , calendars , report cards ,TV guides ,food labels, magazines
,newspapers ,phone messages ,radio broadcasts ,podcasts , e-books ,movies ,videos and DVDs
,television programs .And we will learn from different cultures ,places, peoples etc. We will
learn from them love them and we will be willing to learn more about them by using English.
And after all I will give them feedback.

I intend to use so teaching techniques in my lessons. For example, warm language, 80/20,
lowering the affective filter etc. Firstly my lessons will be student centered. I think language is
learned less through teacher talk and more through practice so my lessons will be more student
centered. I will use personalized learning. I will consider what students like to do, read , watch
or listen etc.. This will engage the student in the lessons. I will give them projects so it will
encourages students to develop their skills . I will consider; who will learn, what they want to
learn, how they are going to learn it, how to follow their progress. I will decide content and
technique according to their purpose and then I will follow the process and give feed back.
Students will be able to identify, understand, and assess with the support of their parents and
teachers. By using formative assessments students will be able to grade themselves and
discover exactly what to do to improve their work. I will help them to find their short and long
term goals step by step. I also believe it is important to examine the language needs and goals of
learners .I will help them to find their short term and long term goals. I will tell them if they
want their long term goals to be real they need to focus on short term goals step by step we will
manage to learn a new language. There is no elevator to success they have to take the stairs so
every step they will learn new things and improve their language skills important is going to our
summit step by step. I wil teach my lessons friendly and always use warm language. The most
effective learning environment is where students feel relaxed. The student needs motivation, self-
confidence, and low anxiety. The best learning will occur when affective filter is low. ,I will
help them to earn their confidence by lowering the affective filter .If I be a friend of my students
they will feel themselves relaxed with me and I will lower their affective filter they will not
afraid of making mistakes ,looking ridiculous which is very important for language learning and
practice. I will give them formative feedbacks so they will not see me as a judge. I will try to
consider different styles of learning. As a teacher I can help all students to learn in their best way
by creating lesson plans focusing on the different styles of learning like visual, auditory-musical,
linguistic, kinesthetic, social-interpersonal, and social-intrapersonal. We will practice so much. If
we don’t practice what we learned we forget them easily so 80% of the lesson we will practice
20% of the lesson we will learn something new.(80/20) According to zone of proximal
development when we learn something new we will increase it to i+1 level so students will be
able to do with our guidance and learn new things not much not little to get bored. And We will
not learn English just in classroom we will do it all time out of the classroom on the internet in
real life with native speaker when we go to shopping etc. My lessons will be student centered
and as I lower their affective filter by being friendly they will be more comfortable with this
teaching technique and I will give them projects, group works so they will own their work and
feel powerful to do something as they do they will want to manage more I will give presents for
the best projects so they will compete each other. As I use 80/20 ratio for practicing and teaching
so instead of teaching all the lesson and boring sleepy hours they will be active all the time. I
always use warm language in my lessons I try to be kind and see them as a person and if they
like me it will affect my lesson .I think I have to do teacher talk not all the lesson and it will not
be a boring teacher talk I will ask questions try to get their response and try to get feedback when
I speak and I try to maintains eye contact with as many students as possible. After objective
discussion I have to explain the subject when I explain it I use it.I use diffuse mode and focused
mode. I will explain generally and in details. As they learn in lesson they will apply it in the
real world. For example we learned some vocabularies about things in our kitchen I will tell
them to write the names of objects in kitchen on a small papers and they will stick these small
papers on those objects as they use it they will see the name on it and practice it and use it with
their family members.

In warm up I will show an attractive video related to our subject and I can show some pictures
and talk about it and we can play a simple vocabulary game like I will tell them a word related
subjects we learned before and they will do the same who tell more words he/she will be
awarded. etc. For guided and independent practice making words game. I will give them some
letters vowel and consonant letters to make words we will begin from 3 letter words and in
order we will do a word with more letters. In the end who manage to the longest word he/she
will win .We can play this word game as a group or individual or as class we can make the
words together on the board .As independent practice I will tell them a word and the last letter
of my word will be the beginning of the next word so the next student tell me this word in 15
second if he /she cannot he/she will be eliminated and so on we will find the last students who
managed to tell all the words. For assessment activity I can use dictation. I read paragraph or
sentence to the students they will write what I say correctly. They will have fun and enjoy
English lesson and they will learn with joy.

I evaluate students by daily home works , projects ,quizzes , final exams .Daily homework is
necessary for language learning to remember what they learned. Projects are most of the time
competitive and attractive for students .they have fun and they get their marks and I put them on
a bulletin boards everyone can see their work and they feel proud of it. Before the formal exams
students should see my question style and get used to it and the quizzes will be kind of practice
for real exam.

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