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We often say “Sweet dreams,” but have you ever wondered why we dream? Some say
that dreaming is our brain’s way of exercising. While we sleep, our brain may be
testing the connections and pathways to see if they are working well. Others believe
that dreaming is our brain’s way of sorting out problems. Problems that have not been
addressed during the day are sometimes resolved in our sleep. Yet another
explanation is that dreaming is our brain’s way of fixing and organizing all the
information we have. While sleeping, our brains have a chance to sort out the
information that we want to keep from the stuff we no longer want. Still another idea
is that dreams are just another form of thinking. Will we ever get to know the answer
to this question? Maybe we should sleep on it.

1. Based on the selection, what does our brain exercise through sleeping?

a. the connections and pathways b. the left and right hemispheres

c. the content and concepts d. the gray matter

2. Which of the statements does NOT show how dreams fix our problems?

a. As we dream, we constantly think about what we have learned or experienced.

b. Our dreams help us focus on things we are unable to notice during the day. c. Our brain comes
up with solutions in our sleep.

d. Our brain sorts and files information.

3. How does a brain - through dreams - perform the function of an office clerk? a. It sorts
information we need from what we don’t need.

b. It files what we know into fixed categories. c. It clears the board to store new information.
d. It functions alone.

4. Based on how it is used in the selection, which of the following words is a synonym for the
word "resolved?"

a. accommodated b. reflected c. decided d. fixed

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the brain?

a. Our brain makes connections. b. Our brain never stops thinking.

c. Sleeping is our brain’s way of shutting down. d. Our brain replays our experiences as we

6. Which question is the selection trying to answer?

a. What are the types of dreams? b. Why are our reasons for dreaming? c. Are all dreams
sweet? d. How can we stop from dreaming?

7. In the selection, what does it mean to “sleep on it?"

a. ignore it b. take a nap c. think about it d. forget about it

8. Which could be a good title for this selection?

a. Dreaming: Explained b. Preventing Our Dreams

c. Interpreting One’s Dream d. Finding Solutions to Dreaming

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