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Nama : Faidatul Rohmah

Nim : 1150019035

6 Ways To Take a Body Temperature

There are six different ways to check the temperature. First how to check the first
temperature let's talk about what constitutes normal body temperature in adults can vary
anywhere between 97 degrees to 99 degrees Fahrenheit with an average of about 98 point six
and the child is also can vary anywhere between 97 points four to about a hundred degrees
Fahrenheit and anything greater than the 104 considered a fever in adults and children the
first way we will check the temperature is through the mouth so Orally and you can this one
of two ways you can use the digital thermometer way you can use the most commonly used
digital thermometer or you can use a glass thermometer that is really not used as much
because they can break so let me show you first how to use this glass thermometer before
taking the oral temperature you want to make sure that the person is not consumed anything
and if they have waited fifteen minutes before taking what temperature you want to Do is you
want to do hand hygiene and gloves.

How to take an Oral Temperature

Make sure the person has’n ate or drank anything and if they have with about fifteen Minutes
to take the temperature.

Digital :

1. Perform hand hygiene and don gloves ( due to the chance of encountering oral
2. Place prime cover over the termometer.
3. Turn on the thermometer.
4. Place the tip of the termometer under the tongue and have the person close their
5. Remove thermometer once berapa.
6. Read the Temperature measurement, oral temperature, how to take a temperature.
7. Remove probe cover and clean the thermometer per fasilitas protocol.
8. Coffe gloves and perform hand hygiene.
9. Chart reading (include the router taken).

Glass :

1. Perform hand hygiene and don gloves (due to the chance of encountering oral
2. Place probe cover over the thermometer.
3. Flick the thermometer with your wrist until the liquid is BELOW 98.6⁰F.
4. Place the tip of the thermometer UNDER the tongue and have the person close their
5. Remove thermometer after 3 minutes.
6. Read the temperature measurement. Oral temperature, how to take a temperature,
glass termometer.
7. Remove probe cover and clean the thermometer per fasilities protocol.
8. Doff gloves and perform hand hygiene.
9. Chart reading (include the route taken).

How to take a Tympanic temperature

1. Perform hand hygiene .

2. Place probe filter on the device.
3. Turn on the device.
4. Pull the pinna of the ear up and back.
5. But the children less than 12 mounts pull the pin na of the ear down and back (some
sources say children 3 or under go tympanic temperature, how to take a temperature,
temperature ear.
6. Press the button on device to take the temperature.
7. Remove device and read temperature measurement.tympanic temperature, how to
take a temperature, temperature ear.
8. Dispose of probe filer and clean the thermometer per facilities protocol.
9. Perform hand hygiene.
10. Chart reading (include the route taken).

How to take an Axilla (armpit) Temperature

1. Perform hand hygiene

2. Place a probe cover on the thermometer.
3. Turn on the thermometer.
4. Place the thermometer directly on the skin (not on clothing) of the armpit and close
the armpit by bending down the patient’s arm.armpit temperature, axilla temperature
5. Remove the thermometer when the device beeps.
6. Read temperature measurement.
7. Dispose of thermometer probe and clean the thermometer per facilities protocol.
8. Perform hand hygiene.
9. Chart reading (include the route taken).

How to take a Temporal Temperature

1. Perform hand hygiene.

2. Remove probe cover (some models have this) and place a probe cover on the device,
if it requires one. Some devices don’t have probe filters, but require a thorough
cleaning after use.
3. Turn on the thermometer.
4. Start on the center of the forehead and sweep the thermometer across the forehead to
the hairline.temporal artery temperature, temporal thermometer
5. If the patient is very sweaty, start on the center of the forehead and sweep the
thermometer across the forehead to the hairline and THEN behind the base of the ear.
6. Read temperature measurement.
7. Clean thermometer per facilities protocol.
8. Perform hand hygiene.
9. Chart reading (include the route taken).

How to take Rectal Temperature

1. Perform hand hygiene and don gloves.

2. Place probe cover on thermometer and lubricate the tip of the thermometer.
3. Turn on the thermometer.
4. Position patient on their back with knees bent up.
5. Insert thermometer into the rectum about 1 inch.rectal temperature, taking a temp
6. Remove thermometer when device beeps.
7. Read temperature measurement.
8. Clean patient (if needed), dispose of thermometer probe, and clean thermometer per
facilities protocol.
9. Doff gloves and perform hand hygiene.
10. Chart reading (include the route taken).

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