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Film Clip Analysis and Reaction Paper

1. Dr. William started her presentation with a quote, “In this world, there are three types of
lies: True lies, damned lies and statistics.” Statistics is a product of man’s scientific investigation
and interpretation of numerical data; hence, its reliability and validity depend on the
methodology and the integrity of the researcher or statistician who handled and processed the
data. I agree with Dr. William that a statistical data can be misinterpreted and mispresented,
whether it is intentional, or unintentional, such erroneous manipulation of data defeats the
purpose of statistics which is to present facts and shed light to current issues that need to be

As countries around the world are now investing in their research and development
initiatives, statistical data derived from these research endeavors greatly influence policy
making and governance. It is therefore important for consumers of research and statistics to
verify the source of data and methodology that led to the drawn interpretation and conclusion.
In the examples given by Dr. William, it was evident that statistics can be used for self interest
and other agenda other than truth telling and fact finding, in this case, the public and consumer
of research and statistics may be deceived and may be influenced by wrong information.

As a nurse who works in the hospital, I am aware that an error in statistical data of the
hospital which guide the administrators in the implementation of processes, setting of priorities
and allocation of resources can lead to mismanagement of patients. It is therefore important
that these data are validated for their reliability and integrity, because when numbers lie, they
may result in loss of lives.

2. Listening to the speech of Dr. William made me realized that statistics are not merely
numbers, but powerful numbers that greatly influence our perception about important issues in
economy, politics, social and moral aspect of the society. What strike me the most is how she
was able to build a conclusion that there are intentional and unintentional lies in statistics based
on the premise that statistical data are susceptible to fraudulent manipulation and
misinterpretation. We encounter the same statistics as in her examples like what has been
reported in the fox news, but sometimes, we accept the interpretation of these data without
verifying the source and the manner that it was derived, this imprudence may lead to poor
decisions and judgements.

Though it is not my first time to enroll in a statistic subject, I still need to learn more
about the processes of data collection, interpretation and analysis, because based from Dr.
William’s speech which I agree, one needs to learn about appropriate methodology to produce
statistical data.

I cannot think of a part of her speech which did not strike me because all information
that she shared were relevant and important.
3. Assumptions are characteristics of parametric tests used in statistical analyses that need
to be met to ensure that the drawn conclusions especially from inferential statistics are reliable
and valid. Among these assumptions are normality of data distribution, homogeneity; linearity
and independence of data. When these assumptions set for a statistical analysis are not met, it
can be lead to erroneous data analysis and interpretation, hence, it is necessary that all
statistical analysis especially those involving parametric tests must have set of assumptions to
ascertain their validity.

4. Almost if not all programs and policies created for the health care system are based
from statistical data. The sustainable developmental goals for health for example (SDG3) are
based from statistical premise such as there is still significant incidence of maternal mortality
death around the world, hence, the goal is to reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less
than 70 per 100 000 live births. The other health goals under the SDG3 such as the eradication
of AIDS, TB, malaria and other communicable diseases; strengthening of prevention and
treatment of substance abuse and harmful alcohol, among others are all based from statistical
data gathered. This shows that statistics shape the vision of policy makers and authorities in
addressing health concerns and demands, however, when misleading and dubious statistical
data become basis for health governance and legislation, it can lead to corruption and
mismanagement of resources. And if these will happen, the beneficiaries of health care services
will be most affected, the vulnerable populations will become more at risk to complications in
health, and priorities and demands in health care can be neglected.

A specific example of this is the current Covid-19 pandemic which has cause millions of
death worldwide and still continue to spread infection across population and ages. The
epidemiologic statistics being shown everyday wherein the number of active cases, recoveries
and deaths are being broadcasted through media outlets condition the minds of the people, and
may cause unnecessary panic and stress, or undue complacency when the data are not reliable
or valid. On the other hand, the health sectors are also basing their decisions and actions in
these data, and if it is erroneous it may lead to poor management, such as what is happening in
the country today. While the neighboring countries in Asia were able to suppress the
transmission and cases of Covid-19, we are still struggling to flatten the curve, and this fate of
our country can be attributed to earlier statistics which have shown insignificant number of case
compared to other countries, as such have resulted in somewhat “complacency” and “lax”
handling of the Covid-19 as evident by inadequate diagnostic capacity in the earlier stage of the
transmission, poor allocation of health care equipment such as PPE’s and emergency equipment

5. As a health care professional, I have a duty to my profession and my patients. One of

the important duties embedded in my profession is to ensure the veracity of information that
are being propagated and shared among the members of the health care team, as such, as a
consumer of researches and statistical data in health, I need to be more cautious, and validate
any statistical data or information that I share and I choose to adopt so that I will not contribute
more to confusion and misleading information that may affect the integrity and functions of my
profession. Furthermore, I have the duty to ensure that my clients and colleagues are properly
guided and informed of the implications and interpretation of statistical data especially when it
concerns their health and the delivery of health care services.
B. Creative Essay
1. Paulinian education is anchored in (1) Christ centeredness; (2) Commitment to mission;
(3) Charism; (4) Charity and (5) Community. Called the 5Cs, these are the core values of

As a catholic institution, SPUP imbibed among us students Christ as center of our lives,
and encourage us to nurture our spiritual and religious aspect by following Christ’s teachings
and performing our Christian duties towards God and our neighbor. For me the best way to
inculcate Christ presence in my life is to always pray and attend Sunday masses.

On commitment to mission, I believe that as a Paulinian, I have a moral obligation to my

God and my country. And I must uphold my commitment to the mission of following God’s
words and becoming a woman for others. Serving Christ through excellent service at my
workplace and at the same time striving for excellence in education is my way of committing
myself to the mission.

One of my motivations in pursuing my master's degree in nursing is to add more to my

knowledge and competencies, so that I can become more effective in my field. Charism for
me is the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Charity and community are core values that constantly remind us of our responsibility to
serve our fellowmen in the best way we can. They remind us of becoming socially aware and
engage in community programs and activities that aim to improve the quality of life.

2. I always believed that the vision and mission of an institution are the guiding principles
to its operation and services. As such, SPUP has proven countless times that through its
vision and mission, it is able to transform students like me to become globally competitive
professionals, productive citizens and competent leaders ready to face the challenges and
demands of our profession.

As a graduate school student, I consider myself as a recipient of holistic Paulinian

education that hone not only my knowledge and skills, but also my commitment to serve my
profession and community with competence and integrity.

3. The role of statistics in the society cannot be taken for granted, as I have mentioned,
these numbers are persuasive, influential and powerful. It is therefore vital for professionals
like me to have a broad understanding of statistical concepts and principles that we can
apply whether as consumers or as researchers. I agree that the subject is included in the
curriculum to help us understand how statistics which guide most of our policies and
processes are derived.

Furthermore, as a nurse, I encounter statistics almost everyday especially in the

workplace, and to be able to appreciate these more, I need to become knowledgeable in the
interpretation and analysis of these data so that it will also guide me in my decision of
whether to adopt the conclusion and recommendations drawn from them.

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