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Prompt #1) TYPES OF WORK; Identify any Professions or Positions that are in alignment
with your interests.  Is there anything here that calls out to you that might be exciting?

Right away I noticed: teacher, trainer, and diversity/inclusion. Teaching is the new goal after I
complete my degree I am hoping to teach a leadership class that would allow me to express my
creativity but also implement the lessons that I have learned in all of my OGL classes. When I
viewed trainer, I thought of physical trainer, though it could be a trainer in any organization
essentially which I find attractive in a career because I would be able to teach in a different
perspective. Then diversity and inclusion caught my eye because of the societal need for these
ideas to be included in all organizations.

Prompt #2) INTERFACES of WORK: Identify any Role that is in alignment with your

interests.  How might you learn more about this role and how well you enjoy filling it?

Leadership management support, as in program lead, project lead, and site manager were
three that aligned with my interests in being a leader for an organization. Having the ability to
organize a project would bring me optimal joy, along with creating a program, and supervising
different sectors of my place of work. I could search for organizations that have a project
management division within their company so that I could apply as a project team member
then work my way up to project lead potentially. In doing this I could also ensure that working
on projects is fulfilling to me.

Prompt #3) PLACES of WORK: Is there any industry or place of work that has an appeal?
What would be the next step in learning more about it?

Educational: This area of work is my current goal of employment I would like to explore
teaching English in another country for a year or so after I graduate while simultaneously
obtaining my credential. Though it seems like tough ambitious goal, it would fulfill my need to
gain a new perspective and culture. I could then bring that experience to my teaching style
when I would return to the states.
Food bank/Outreach: These two were my second choice because I could myself in a position of
leadership with either type of organization. Perhaps my way into this could be starting off
volunteering then applying for a position within the teams. One attractive feature of this field
for me is the opportunity for fundraising, and events to help with fundraising, this is an area I
have excelled in the last several years.

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