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MIS – 107
MID Term – 1
Name: Ferdaus Shabab Hossain
Student ID: 2031219630
Contact number: 01883501289

Category: Food
Company: McDonald’s Corporation

Table of Contents
Answer to question number 1:....................................................................................................................2
Answer to question number 2:....................................................................................................................4
Answer to question number 3:....................................................................................................................6
Answer to question number 4:....................................................................................................................8

Answer to question number 1:

Information system (IS) is the collection of technical and
human resources that offer the garage, computing, distribution, and communication for
the information required through all or some part of an organization. A unique form of
Information System is a control data gadget (MIS), which offers information for dealing
with a business enterprise.
McDonald’s should invest more on Information System to be more profitable. Information
System helps to perform multitask, which helps to increase efficiency. McDonald’s uses
Information System to provide profitability and information to help managers
and employees plan their future direction. Every branch manager should monitor the
performance of their employees to decide whether they deserve any promotion or
any kind of support or even if an employee fails in the job. So McDonald's uses Information
System to record all this information about employees. Also, Information Systems are used
to record all economic activities such as restaurant, money, budget and profit. They also
developed information systems to maintain and take advantage of customer information
around the world, which will help them promote their chain in the future broadly.

Value chains help increase business efficiency so that businesses can provide more value
at the lowest possible price. The ultimate goal of the value chain is to create competitive
advantage for the company by keeping costs high and increasing productivity.
1. Inbound Logistics: “McDonald's only buys raw vegetables and other raw materials from
its specific, predefined suppliers. As capital and wages increase, so
does their productivity. McDonald's has practiced vertical backward integration to
replace most of its suppliers. This was done for two reasons: a) to reduce costs and
b) to ensure that the products are of high quality. These suppliers include beef and milk,
which are used in products made from their farms. Other providers are local grocery
stores that provide McDonald's with fresh vegetables. Soft drinks are
exclusively provided by Coca-Cola, which is also an ally. McDonald's supplies include
raw materials such as flour, sugar, yeast, etc.
2. Operations: McDonald's Brothers changed the design of the restaurant's kitchen. Rather
than having enough different equipment and stations to
prepare a variety of foods, Speedy Kitchen had: a large grill where one person could
cook many burgers at once. A seasoning station where people add the
same seasonings to every burger. A deep fryer where one person can make French fries.
3. Outbound Logistics: McDonald's is committed to providing the best food and the best
service at the best prices in a clean and welcoming environment. That's why they work
with their employees, franchisees and suppliers to serve a balanced array of food
choices and provide consumers with the nutritional information they need to make the
right decisions. At the restaurant level, McDonald's focuses on energy conservation,
sustainable packaging and waste management. We are dedicated
to improving innovation and efficiency to make businesses more sustainable,

environmentally friendly and profitable. And we will continue
to improve our menus, modernize the customer experience, and make our brand
accessible, so that customers can always enjoy the McDonald's experience to the fullest.
4. Marketing and Sales: McDonald's restaurants are present in 119 countries and
territories around the world, serving 58 million customers daily. McDonald's runs more
than 31,000 rest restaurants worldwide, employing more than 1.5 million people. The
company also operates other restaurant brands, such as Piles Cafe.
McDonald's has been running a massive advertising campaign for decades. In addition to
the general media (television, radio, and newspapers), the company makes significant
use of sports sponsors and bobo billboards and signatures from the Little League to the
Olympic Games and provides drink coolers at the Olympic Games. 'Orange with its logo
for local events. Of any kind. Nevertheless, television has always played a central role
in a company's advertising strategy.
5. Technology Development: McDonald's will focus on restaurant modernization, menu
development and the value of technology. McDonald's signs a five-year IT
support contract with Fujitsu. The IT subcontractor will support POS systems and back
office operations for company-owned and franchisee branches and will
replace various existing providers.
6. Human Resource Management: There may be some positives to the job offered
by McDonald's, but workers often choose employment at McDonald's in the context of
other attractive options. Regardless of what people think of working at McDonald's, it
can be said that they can offer benefits for some employees who want flexible hours
and are involved in other activities and responsibilities. Hey? For those marginalized in
the job market, who are less likely to have a job elsewhere, McDonald's finds much-
needed jobs.

Answer to question number 2:
1. Human Resource Management: McDonald's Human Resources Department
looks after all employees at McDonald's. It doesn't matter if they
work in the office or in the office. McDonald's tests every employee. They see how
they work and whether they deserve to be promoted. The Human
Resources Department also records former employees and their position in
the company. This will determine how much pension one will get when they turn 55.
In the event of a business accident, the Human Resources
Department will compensate the employee. At
McDonald's, for example, if someone is severely injured in a fall and it was
not their fault, they are eligible for compensation. When it comes to hiring,
McDonald's Human Resources Department has to make sure the seats are
vacant, decide where to advertise them, and once all the applications are submitted,
decide: Which applicant should be interviewed? The Human Resources Department
will then need to interview the applicant or arrange an interview with the
applicant and meet with the person in charge. Next, the HR department needs to
make a difficult decision on who will take the job and write it
down to notify unsuccessful candidates. The HR department uses ICT to create
spreadsheets that store employee data such as address, date of birth, and
employee data.
2. Marketing: The marketing department must be one step ahead of the customer, it
must predict what the customer will buy, and then the design department will
try to produce what the marketing department asks for, such as recyclable
packaging or a specific design on the box. Happy meal for example, if a new movie is
released, the marketing department will create the box in such a way as
to entice the customer to buy the product because it contains the stars of their
favorite movies. To know what a customer wants, you will first have to do market
research, look at what is already being done to try to improve it. Market research
also requires going to the customer level and asking what they think about different
products and what they think they should contribute. The most common way of
knowing the opinions of customers is through questionnaires that are used on many
occasions and in many businesses. The marketing department will also participate in
promotional activities such as Internet advertising, television and magazine
advertisements. They will advertise in a way that makes the customer think "I
wouldn't mind" and then persuade them to go out and buy the Big Mac or
whatever product. The marketing department will also have sales
representatives who will try to find the right product for that customer.
3. Operations: Numerous activities will require ICT. They will use ICT to create
posters advertising their products. They will use ICT to make the
poster attractive and attractive with various effects that can only be done
on one computer. They will also use ICT to create surveys and questionnaires, they

will have a database in which they have all the opinions of their
users and through the database they will see that the survey is a common mistake of
McDonald's users.

Answer to question number 3:
The wage organization's production method consists of a variety of categories on which the
goods or services offered by the pay organization are delivered before they are finally sold
to the customer. Operational management in the organization's production system is
a key requirement for the organization as a whole, rather than the individual departmental
duties. The rest of the restaurants are for rent. This leads to a high level of certification
that forms a large part of the McDonald's brand and culture. The McDonald's production
system works in a way that ensures timely delivery of quality food to customers. Quality is a
requirement that everyone strives to achieve in a production system. The
McDonald's production system consists of different sections or divisions. Considering the
fact that the restaurant offers different food items on its menu, it works much
like the assembly line. This includes management, kitchen staff, cashiers and users.
McDonald's Corporation has a divisional organizational structure. Conceptually, in this type
of structure, the business organization is divided into units that assign responsibilities based
on operational requirements. Each division manages an area of operation or a set
of specific strategic objectives. One of the objectives of this organizational structure is to
support autonomy and organizational flexibility to meet the needs of
companies in various organizational aspects and markets. The organizational structure of
McDonald's is characterized by the following characteristics of restaurant business
1. Global hierarchy: McDonald's Corporation has a global hierarchy that covers all activities
around the world. This characteristic of the organizational structure emphasizes
corporate control in the context of management control and direction. For
example, the CEO of McDonald's directs the activities of all business units through this
structural characteristic. The CEO relays mandates and instructions to middle
managers, as well as restaurant managers and company operations staff and
franchisees. This feature of McDonald's corporate structure is typical of most
global corporate organizations.
2. Sections based on performance: The performance-oriented segment is the
most characteristic of McDonald's organizational structure. Prior
to the reorganization McDonald's corporate structure included (a) the United States, (b)
Europe, (c) Asia / Pacific, (d) the Middle East and Africa, and (e) geography. There was a
target section. Companies, including Canada, Latin America, other
countries and companies (OCC). Following the restructuring, the company used
performance as a basis for new divisions of its corporate structure: (a) the US, (b) the
international core markets, (c) the high-growth markets and (d) the original
markets and companies. The US division provides McDonald's largest regional sales. The
combination of international key markets also makes up the majority of
the company's revenues. High-growth markets show considerable potential for business

growth based on rapid economic growth, but account for a small percentage of
McDonald's revenues.
3. Groups based on functions: McDonald's maintains functional groups in its corporate
structure. For example, in corporate operations, a company has a group of people
responsible for human resource management and a group for supply
chain and resilience for supply chain management and sustainability efforts. Each group
is led by a company director or senior manager. This organizational
structure feature enables McDonald's to perform core functions in its business.
Groups can be added or changed as the company grows and its target markets change.

Answer to question number 4:
Collaboration is the act where two or more firms joins together to produce something together,
jointly developing and agreeing upon a set of common goals and direction, sharing the risks and
responsibility for obtaining those goals, working together to achieve those goals, using the
expertise and resources of each collaborator.
Collaboration can be done in two ways:
1. Virtual meeting system: Many companies, large and small, are adopting video and web
conferencing technology to reduce travel costs and enable people from different places to meet
and collaborate. Companies like Heinz, GE and PepsiCo use the virtual conferencing system for
product descriptions, training courses, strategic sessions and even interesting chats. Video
conferencing allows people in multiple locations to communicate simultaneously via two-way
video and audio transmission. The high-end video conferencing system features tele
sphere technology, an integrated audio and visual environment, and you feel like you're not
in a real physical location. Free or low-cost Internet-based systems such as Skype Group Video
Conferencing, Google+ Hangouts, Zoom, and ooVoo are low-quality, but still useful for small
businesses. Apple's FaceTime is useful for one-on-one conferences. Some of
these applications are available for mobile devices. Companies of all sizes have found that web-
based online conferencing tools such as Cisco WebEx, Skype for Business, and Adobe
Connect are especially useful for offering training and sales. Through these
products, participants can share documents and presentations along with audio
conferencing and live video via webcam.
2. Cloud Collaboration Services: Google offers many online tools and services, some of which are
suitable for collaboration. This includes Google Drive, Google Docs, Google apps
and Google sites. Most are free.

A Time/Space Collaboration Matrix is a tool for classifying groupware working under different

circumstances. Groupware systems aim to overcome distance and time constraints. I’ll use the
virtual meeting system collaboration because it is a fast mode to collaborate and the applications
can be easily found and can be used in multiple devices.
McDonald’s can collaborate with a food delivering firm, like UberEats. It will attract more customers
to them, hence increasing their goodwill. This will allow McDonald’s to be more profitable as they
are expanding their business.
Cross-functional teams have become increasingly popular in recent years for three main reasons:
they improve coordination and integration, expand organizational boundaries, and shorten the
production cycle in the development of new products. Bringing people from different fields
together can improve the problem and make a more comprehensive decision. Teams
create a sense of collaboration that makes it easier to achieve customer satisfaction
and organizational goals at the same time.
The collaboration and social technologies described are means of overcoming the boundaries of
time and space. Using this time / space framework will help McDonald's choose the most
appropriate tools for collaboration and teamwork.

 Collaboration. (n.d.). ggbcf.


 Cross-Functional Teams. (2020, February 6). Inc.


 Functional areas. (2020, June 22). PhD Essay.

 Information System. (n.d.). Press Books. Retrieved 2020, from

 Information System used in. (2017, October 15). Slideshare.

 Laudon, K., & Laudon, J. (2017). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm (15th ed.).


 Organizational Structure. (2019, February 26). Panmore Institute.


 Time/Space Matrix. (n.d.). Sabahatblog.


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