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4-2)(89) The generator generate 240 V between

adjacent brushes and delivers a current of 2400 A to

the load.
a) The current delivered per brush set
b) The current flowing in each coil
c) The average voltage induced per coil

U0 = 240 V
I = 2400 A
I= 2400/6 = 400 A
Icoil = 400 / 2 = 200 A
Uav = U /6 = 240 / 6 = 40 V
4-9)(94) A separate excited dc generator turning at
1400 r/min produces an induced voltage of 127 V. The
armature resistance is 2 Ω and the machine delivers a
current of 12 A
a) The terminal voltage
b) The heat dissipated in the armature
c) The braking torque exerted by the armature
n = 1400 r/min
U0 = 127 V
Ra = 2 Ω
I = 12 A
Ut = U0 – I*R = 127 – 12*2 = 103 V
Pa = Ua * I = I*R * I = I2 * R = 122 * 2 = 288 W
P = U0 * I = 127 * 12 = 1524 W
M = 9.55*P/n = 9.55 * 1524 / 1400 = 10.4 Nm
4-10)(94) A separately excited dc generator produces a
no-load voltage of 115 V. What happens if
a) The speed is increased by 20 percent?
b) The direction of rotation is reversed?
c) The exciting current is increased by 10 percent
d) The polarity of the field is reversed?
U0 = 115 V
a) U0 = U0 * 1.2 = 138 V
b) Change the induced voltage (U0) polarity.
c) The induced voltage is gonna be increased with
around 10 %
d) Change the induced voltage (U0) polarity.
4-11)(94) Each pole of a 100kW, 250 V flat-compound
generator has a shunt field of 2000 turns and a series
field of 7 turns. If the total shunt field resistance is 100
Ω, calculate the mmf when the machine operates at
rated voltage:
a) At no-load
b) At full-load
P = 100kW
U = 250 V
Nshunt = 2000
Nseries = 7
Rshunt = 100 Ω
Ishunt= U / Rshunt = 250 / 100 = 2.5 A
mmfshunt = Ishunt * Nshunt = 2.5 * 2000 = 5000 A
Iseries = P/ U = 100000 / 250 = 400 A
mmfseries= Nseries * Iseries = 7 * 400 = 2800 A
mmf = mmfshunt + mmfseries = 7800 A
4-12)(94) The diagram shows the no-load saturation
curve of a separately excited dc generator when it
revolves at 1500 r/min. Calculate the exciting current
needed to generate 120 V at 1330 r/min.

1330/1500 = 0.887
120/ 0.887 = 135 V
Ix = 2 A
4-13)(94) The induced voltage in coil D is momentarily
18V, in the position shown. Calculate the voltages
induced in colis A,B and C at the same instant.

D = 18V
A = - 18V
B = 18 V
C = -18V
4-14)(94)Calculate the voltage induced in coil A when
the armature has rotated by 90°; by 120°

a) A = 20 V
b) A = 18V
4-15)(94) Brush x is positive with respect to brush y
(previous figure). Show the polarity of each of the 12
coils. Does the polarity reverse when a coil turns
trough 180°.
5-1) (97) The armature of a permanent-magnet dc
motor has a resistance of 1 Ω and generates a voltage
of 50 V when the speed is 500 r/min. If the armature is
connected to a source of 150 V, calculate the following:
a) The starting current
b) The counter-emf when the motor runs at 1000
r/min. At 1460 r/min.
c) The armature current at 1000 r/min. At 1460 r/min.

U0 = 50 V when n = 500 r/min
Us = 150 V
I = Us / R = 150 / 1 = 150 A
50/500 = U0/1000
U0 = 100 V
50/500 = U0/1460
U0 = 146 V
I = U / R = (Us – U0) / R = (150 -100) / 1 = 50 A (n= 1000
I = U / R = (Us – U0) / R = (150 -146) / 1 = 4 A (n= 1460
5-2) (99) The following details are given on a 225 kW
(300hp), 250 V, 1200 r/min dc motor.
armature coils = 243
turns per coil = 1
type of winding = lap
armature slots = 81
commutator segments = 243
field poles = 6
diameter of armature = 559 mm
axial length of armature = 235 mm
P = 225 kW
Us = 250 V
n = 1200 r/min
a) The rated armature current
b) The number of conductors per slot
c) The flux per pole
a) I = P/U0 = 225 000 / 250 = 900 A
b) 243 * 2 = 486 = Z ( conductor in the armature )
486 / 81 = 6 conductor per slots
Φ = 6.28 * M / (Z*I)
M = 9.55 * P / n = 9.55 * 225 000 / 1200 = 1791 Nm
Φ = 6.28 * 1791 / (4486 * 900) = 25.7 mWb
5-3) (102) A 2000 kW, 500 V, variable-speed motor is
driven by a 2500 kW generator, using a Ward-Leonard
control system. The total resistance of the motor and
generator armature circuit is 10 mΩ. The motor turns
at a nominal speed of 300 r/min, when U0 is 500 V.
a) The motor torque and speed when
Us = 400 V and U0 = 380 V
b) The motor torque and speed when
Us = 350 V and U0 = 380 V
nn = 300 r/min
Un = 500 V
R = 0.01 Ω

I = (Us – U0) / R = (400 – 380) / 0.01 = 2000 A
P = I*U0 = 2000 * 380 = 760 kW
nn / U n = n / U0
n = nn * U0 / Un = 300 * 380 / 500 = 228 r/min
M = 9.55 * P / n = 9.55 * 760 000 / 228 = 31.8 kNm
I = (Us – U0) / R = (350 – 380) / 0.01 = - 3000A
P = I*U0 = 3000 * 380 = 1140 kW
n= 228 r/min
M = 9.55 * P / n = 9.55 * 1 140 000 / 228 = 47.8 kNm
5-4) (104) A shunt motor rotating at 1500 r/min is fed
by a 120 V source. The line current is 51 A and the
shunt field resistance is 120 Ω. If the armature
resistance is 0.1 Ω, calculate the following:
a) The current in the armature
b) The counter-emf
c) The mechanical power developed by the motor

n = 1500 r/min
Us = 120 V
Rshunt = 120 Ω
Ra = 0.1 Ω
I = 51 A
Ishunt = Us / Rshunt = 120 * 120 = 1 A
I - Ishunt = Ia
Ia= 51 -1 = 50 A
U0 = Us – Ua
Ua = Ia * Ra = 50 * 0.1 = 5 V
U0 = 120 – 5 = 115 V
P = Us * I = 120 * 51 = 6120 W
Pa = Us * Ia = 120 * 50 = 6000 W
PaR = Ia2 * R = 502 * 0.1 = 250 W
Pm = Pa - PaR = 6000 – 250 = 5750 W
5-5) (105) A 15 hp, 240 V, 1780 r/min dc series motor
has a full-load rated current of 54 A. Its operating
characteristics are given by the per-unit curves.
a) The current and speed when the load torque is 24
b) The efficiency under these conditions
PB = 15 hp = 15 * 746 = 11 190 W
nB = 1780 r/min
IB = 54 A
Us = 240 V
ML = 24 Nm
MB = 9.55 * PB / nB = 9.55 * 11 190 / 1780 = 60 Nm
M(pu) = ML / MB = 24/60 = 0.4
I(pu) = 0.6
n(pu) = 1.4
I = I(pu)* IB = 0.6 * 54 = 32.4 A
n = n(pu) * nB = 1.4 * 1780 = 2492 r/min

Pi = Us * I = 240 * 32.4 = 7776 W

Po = n*M / 9.55 = 2492 * 24 / 9.55 = 6263 W
μ =Po / Pi = 6263 / 7776 = 0.805 = 80.5 %
5-6) (111) A 225 kW (300hp), 250 V, 1280 r/min dc
motor has windage, friction, and iron losses of 8 kW. It
drives a large flywheel and the total moment of inertia
of the flywheel and armature is 177 kg*m2. The motor
is connected to a 210 V dc source, and its speed is 1280
r/min just before the armature is switched across a
braking resistor of 0.2 Ω.
a) The mechanical time constant T0 of the braking
b) The time for the motor speed to drop to 20 r/min
c) The time for the speed to drop to 20 r/min if the
only braking force is that due to the windage, friction,
and iron losses
P = 225 kW
U = 250 V
n= 1280 r/min
Ploss = 8 kW
J = 177 kg*m2
Us 210 V
Rb = 0.2 Ω
Pi = Us2 / Rb = 2102 * 0.2 = 220 500W
T0 = J*n2 / (131.5 * Pi) = 177*12802 /( 131.5 * 220 500)
= 10 s
1280 -> 0
640 -> 10s
320 -> 20s
160 -> 30s
80 -> 40s
40 -> 50s
20 -> 60s
T0 = J*n2 / (131.5 * Ploss) = 177*12802 / (131.5 * 8000)
=276 s = 4.6 min
t = T0 * 6 = 276 * 6 = 1656 s = 28 min
5-7) (112) The motor in Example 5-6 is plugged, and
the braking resistor is increased to 0.4 Ω, so that the
initial braking current is the same as before.
Calculate: (Plugging)
a) The initial braking current and braking power
b) The stopping time

R = 0.4 Ω
I = (Us + U0) / R = ( 210 + 210) / 0.4 = 1050 A
PB = U0 * I = 210 * 1050 = 220.5 kW
T0 = J*n2 / (131.5 * Pi) = 10 s (same as before)
t = 2* T0 = 20 s

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