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What is police patrol?

Police patrol is the job and duty of police officer that takes place in a certain area in a community. It is done to

prevent crime and to keep order so that the people in a community will live safely. The law enforcement

officers are the one who granted a power by the law of the land to enforce it to everybody and patrolling is

one of the way to prevent further crime and apprehend a person who are doing criminal act that threaten the

safety of the public.

What is patrolling?
Patrolling is an act of watching or walking or traveling to a certain area. It is a form of tactic of law

enforcement personnel to prevent crime. It is done by a unit or a group or it could be sometimes doing by a

one person specially in a large establishment. The idea of patrolling is to give a sense of security to certain

place, so that a person who has a plan to do unlawful acts will immediately turn back because he/she knows

that there is a security or if he or she done a specific criminal act it is more easy to apprehend that person

because there is a patrolling unit that would take action to that crime act.

What are the different methods in patrolling and describe it?

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