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I started preschool in the city of Sullana, because I lived there, well I remember too little but,
my Family always commented me about my 2 preschools, why? because I start in 1 preschool
called "Los amarillitos" but I used to cry a lot every time I walked in, but my family didn´t know
there was a girl who was bullying me, she always annoyed me, I didn't want to saw her more.
After that, they changed me of pre-school and I went to my new preschool called "cuna
fatima", here all always was different, my teachers was very friendly and lovely, I remember I
didn't cry more, and I had some friends, who accompanied me to the new school when already
we had 4 years.

The name of the school is "Santa Ursula", I spent many years here, and I would have graduated
if I would have finished here, but it wasn’t like that, My parents decided to change all, change
of city, of school when I was in first of secondary, well this was a significative event in my life.

After that, I had to adapt to my new life, met new people, learn about my new school, about
Piura, the places, how to get around the city, etc. I felt happy because I learn a lot, I became a
little independent, then some days I spent moments alone, by the job of my fathers, and I felt
a little sad, I felt that I need company, and after talking about with my parents, Dakota came
into my life,(It's my doggie) and became my baby until now, and when they didn't have free
time some weekends, I was going to Sullana with Dakota and spent my weekend there, I
learned to travel alone.

“Choose medicine to study”: Before these significative events in my life, I didn't know wanted
to study, architecture looked a pretty career to me, but my Dad didn't want, he wanted me to
study medicine as he, and to change my mind, he started carried me to the hospital and his
office to see how was his job, how it was like to care for patients, after that I liked and I wanted
to study medicine.

With the years... was easy for me, I graduated from school and was a nice day.

“New Year, new experiences”: That year I started studying medicine and I felt so happy to
learn all.

After that, my only problem was the distance because I lived so far from the university, and I
wanted a motorcycle like my friends, but my dad didn't want again, Because, my family said
that it was dangerous, that very often my mom attended motorcycle accidents and saw people
die, so the matter was closed, but one day my parents gave me a surprise, a car, there I
understood why months ago he was teaching me to drive.

Unfortunately this happened when I was 17 years old and I couldn’t use it on the street
because I didn’t yet have a license to drive, while.. near home I practiced and adapted to it.

Then when I turned 18, this great moment came for me,

"get my license": My dad told me that I was driving well and that I was going to get my license
on the first try, but it wasn't like that, I was so nervous, I forgot the route, the car went off, I
threw some cones, it was a disaster, I was shaking too much, I seriously wanted to get that
After my total disaster, I remember that when I told all that, my parents only laughed at what
had happened to me, I couldn't do anything else, just wait to take the exam again.

So, I prepared myself more, from my mistakes I learned and recorded the way and everything I
had to do.

This time I felt less nervous, but I was still sweating a lot, I did the exam very quickly I think,
because I remember the misters in the cabin was surprised and congratulated me, I almost
cried of the happiness

Then they delivered the results, and I approved, I was too happy

My license was delivered to me approximately 30 minutes later and with my license and the
car I went home, at night with my parents went out to dinner to celebrate and it was a very
pleasant moment.

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