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General Direction: Read the statement carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.


1. He is known as the “Father of Rondalla”.

A. Jose Manuel B. Pedro Bakay C. Julian Pilo D. Juan Silos, Jr.
2. Who greatly had a high influence on the music of the Visayas?
A. Americans B. Spaniards C. Japanese D. Europeans
3. It is the country’s only land-locked region with a mountainous topography; dubbed as the “Watershed Cradle of
North Luzon”.
A. Cordillera B. Cavite C. Mindoro D. Palawan
4. It is a chanted epic poetry during the rice harvest of the Ifugaos that consists of poems about heroism, honor, love
and revenge.
A. Alim B. Hudhud C. Maknongan D. Kabunyan
5. Which of the following are the functions of indigenous musical instruments?
A. Courtship & Wedding B. Birth C. War D. All of the above
6. What is the meaning of “ronda” in Rondalla?
A. Sing B. Serenade C. Dance D. Hop
7. Which of the following musical instruments is a chordophone?
A. Guitar B. Trumpets C. Saxophone D. Flute
8. Why do people of Kalinga use the bamboo percussion instrument known as tongatong, during their house
A. The sound of the tongatong casts away the evil spirit in the house.
B. To let the people in their community know that they just had a new house
C. To communicate with the spirits whom they believe will protect their homes
D. They believe that the upbeat playing of tongatong will bring luck in their homes.
9. Which sounds are most likely imitated by the music of Palawan?
A. Noises B. Musical Instruments C. Human Voices D. Nature and Environment
10. Hudhud is in Ifugao; Tultul is in ________.
A. Mindoro B. Palawan C. Visayas D. Marinduque
11. How do you describe the “ambahan” songs of the Mangyan group in Mindoro?
A. It is a five-syllabic song intended for war.
B. It is a romantic song sang by Mangyan men only.
C. It is a poem turned to songs having four stanzas with ten syllables.
D. It is a rhythmic poetic expression with a meter of seven syllable lines and having rhythmic end-syllables.
12. Which instrument is the largest among the stringed-instruments in Rondalla?
A. Guitar B. Laud C. Octavina D. Bajo de Arco
13. Jamie, a prominent Ifugao song writer and composer, was asked by the local government to compose a special
Hudhud to be sang during the Cordillera day. Who could possibly be the topic of her composition?
A. Bittegan, the poor folks of the villages.
B. Kadangyan, the rich and wealthy tribes.
C. Wang-Od, the last traditional tattoo artist in the world.
D. Aliguyon, a folk hero and brave warrior of the Ifugaos.
14. If you were to make an indigenous musical instrument, which of the following materials are you going to use?
A. Leaves, fibers, fruit rinds C. Plastic containers, paper plates
B. Nutshells, rubber band, stick D. Bamboo, wood, horns of animals
15. Orlando, a full-blooded Ifugao, wants to court Rechelyn, a simple girl she loves from her village. He planned to
court her with a traditional song his grandfather taught him. Which of the following Ifugao songs should he sing?
A. Itetem B. Salidumay C. Bagbagtu D. Hitun Algo

Maureen L. Madiano
16. What nickname is given to MIMAROPA?
A. The Last Frontier
B. The Home of Sweet Mangoes
C. Summer Capital of the Philippines
D. Southern Tagalog Region of the Philippines
17. These indigenous people of Mindoro are known for their art and craft called ambahan.
A. Aetas B. Badjao C. Mangyan D. Tausug
18. This festival is named after the natives of Aklan. It is held every third Sunday of January in honor of the arrival of
the Santo Niño as a gift from Ferdinand Magellan to the queen of Cebu.
A. Sinulog B. Sublian C. Ati-atihan D. Kadayawan
19. What does “kara” in Masskara mean?
A. Crowd B. Folks C. Face D. Body
20. This refers to the body tattoos of the native warriors in Leyte.
A. Subli B. Pintado C. Bodabil D. Babaylan
21. What does “Ati-atihan” mean?
A. “Make-believe Atis” C. “Make-peace everyone”
B. “Jesus Christ is born!” D. “To God be the glory!”
22. Why is Bacolod tagged as the “City of Smiles”?
A. because of their smiling masks
B. because of their colourful costumes during their street dancing
C. because the Negrenses in Bacolod always welcome their visitors with smiles
D. because the spectacular display of colors, beauty and culture of the Negrenses make every
spectators smile
23. Which of the following festivals features the unique culture and colourful history of the Province of Leyte through a
A. Pintados B. Kasadyaan C. Ati-atihan D. Pintados & Kasadyaan
24. Why do the participants in Pintados festival adorn their bodies with tattoos from head to toe with beautiful designs
and incredible styles that look like armours?
A. It adds confidence to the participants.
B. Those designs do not have meaning at all.
C. To resemble the tattooed warriors of the pre-colonial times
D. Participants just want to express how expressive they are in painting such designs.
25. What province celebrates Ati-atihan?
A. Aklan B. Cavite C. Davao D. Baguio
26. Why are the Hanunuo Mangyan very well known in Mindoro and the other nearby provinces?
A. Because they make bags
B. Because of their unique lifestyle
C. Because they create first class baskets
D. Because they produce blankets made of animal skins
27. Which place in MIMAROPA is very well known in the production of marble?
A. Mindoro B. Marinduque C. Romblon D. Palawan
28. Where do the Mangyans in Mindoro originally carved their literary pieces and poems called ambahan?
A. wood B. bamboo sticks C. rocks D. caves
29. If you were to participate in the Ati-atihan festival, which of these phrases should you shout?
A. Pit Senior B. Tara na! C. Viva Nazareno! D. Hala Bira!
30. Your MAPEH teacher informed you about your Mask Making activity in Arts. She instructed you to bring crayons
and oil pastels to color your mask. However, you thought of an alternative natural dyes that could be found in your
own homes. What could these be?
A. Glitters C. Leaves & stem of trees
B. San francisco leaves & annatto/atsuete D. Food coloring & fruit juices

Maureen L. Madiano
31. These are sports that are played by two people striving against one another.
A. Dual Sports C. Team Sports
B. Individual Sports D. Semi-team sports
32. The objective of this game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net so that eventually the opponent is unable to return
the shot.
A. Baseball B. Lawn Tennis C. Badminton D. Table Tennis
33. What technique is used to start a badminton, or a table tennis game?
A. Drive B. Drop C. Serve D. Smash
34. This group governs the varsities of table tennis in different parts of the world.
A. Table Tennis World Cup C. Table Tennis Federation World
B. International Table Tennis Federation D. Table Tennis National Federation
35. Which of the following best describes the “smash” technique in badminton?
A. A high, deep shot to the back boundary line
B. A stroke over the net that drops very close to the net
C. A hard hit overhand stroke with a fast downward path
D. An overhead stroked played on the left or backhand side of the body
36. What is the other term for Table Tennis?
A. Pickleball B. Squash C. Racquetball D. Ping Pong
37. Where should the racket head be placed when serving a shuttle?
A. Above the waist C. Below the waist
B. Above the fingers D. Below the knees
38. How do you call the exchange of consecutive shots in badminton?
A. Alley B. Match C. Rally D. Love
39. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. Birdie B. Rackets C. Net D. Bat
40. An official standard ping-pong table is usually green, but it could also be ______.
A. White B. Black C. Blue D. Pink
41. According to the ITTF rules, how high must you throw the ball in the air to start a service in order for the service
to be considered legal?
A. 5.5 inches B. 6.3 inches C. 7.2 inches D. 8.6 inches
42. Each badminton game doubles is played up to how many points?
A. 15 B. 21 C. 25 D. 10
43. Badminton originated from a sport called poona. What country did poona originate in?
A. India B. Vietnam C. Colombia D. Philippines
44. Which of the following are the benefits of playing sports?
A. Healthy heart & diabetes control
B. Weight management & lower hypertension
C. Stronger immunity & improve blood circulation
D. All of the above
45. Why should a player do warm-up first before engaging himself to any sport activity?
A. It helps the body to deliver oxygen to the exercising muscle groups.
B. It helps increase body temperature which reduces the chance for muscle and tendon
C. It prepares the cardiovascular system for the upcoming (more strenuous) physical activity.
D. All of the above

Maureen L. Madiano
46. How many food groups are in the Food Pyramid Guide?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 8
47. What Food Group serves as the base of the Food Guide Pyramid?
A. fruits B. breads C. vegetables D. fats, oils, & sweets
48. Which Food Group is made up of plants and is a major source for Vitamin A?
A. Milk Group B. Meat Group C. Bread Group D. Vegetable Group
49. How many servings should you have of vegetables?
A. 1-3 servings B. 3-5 servings C. 5-6 servings D. 10-11 servings
50. These are excellent source of Vitamin C which heals cuts and keeps skin healthy, and fiber, which helps your
A. bread B. milk C. fruits D. chocolates
51. Foods from the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts group are an important source of _______.
A. Fiber B. Calcium C. Protein D. Calcium
52. What mineral is found in dairy products and helps build strong bone and teeth?
A. Flouride B. Calcium C. Zinc D. Copper
53. Which disease could a person have if he eats food with too much sugar everyday?
A. Osteoporosis B. Diabetes C. Cancer D. Colon Cancer
54. Which of the following is a benefit of drinking and eating food rich in calcium?
A. Prevention of blood clots
B. Increase of brain development
C. Strong bones, teeth, and prevents osteoporosis
D. Prevention of constipation and promotes digestion
55. All of the following are benefits of iron, EXCEPT
A. It treats anemia.
B. Controls hair loss
C. Produces energy and helps bring oxygen to the body.
D. It protects a person against colon, breast, and ovarian cancer.
56. What is the most important meal of the day?
A. Snack B. Breakfast C. Lunch D. Dinner
57. Which of the following will help you prevent colon, breast, and ovarian cancer?
A. fiber
B. calcium
C. iron
D. carbohydrates
58. What is the main reason why many children are experiencing malnutrition?
A. Because of the pubertal changes
B. Because of the rapid growth development
C. Because of the poor food intakes and food choices
D. Because many children undergoing several changes
59. Matet, a student of Emilio Ambalada Poblete NHS, just caught cough and cold from the field trip they had yesterday.
Renz, her friend, was so worried about her so he stormed to the market to buy some fruits for her. Which of the
following should he prioritize buying since he knew these could give Vitamin C that helps fight illnesses?
A. oranges, lemons, papayas, guavas C. bread, rice, pasta, cereals
B. meat, eggs, okra, cheese, yogurt D. chocolates, brownies, cakes
60. Ming wishes to join a beauty pageant next year, so she decided to make her own food dietary table. One of her
aims is to lose weight and at the same time achieve a healthy digestive system. Every morning, she eats anything from
the bread, cereal, rice and pasta group which is a good source of __________.
A. Calcium B. Vitamin C C. Vitamin D D. Carbohydrate

Maureen L. Madiano
Maureen L. Madiano

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