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Better Health for New Nations

Narrator : Today Dr. Weiss is saying good-bye to his good friend,
Dr Wayne Keller. Dr. Keller is leaving the hospital
clinic. He has a job with WHO, the World Health
Organization. This is one of the organization of the United
Nations. Dr. Keller is going to Africa to work with one of
the new nations. He wants to open a new modern clinic
Dr. Keller : Good morning Paul, Are you very busy now? I want
to say good-bye.
Dr. Weiss : Please come in Wayne. There are some mothers
and children in the waiting room. But they can wait a
few minutes
Dr. Keller : Yes, they don’t look very sick. They look healthy.
Dr. Weiss : you are right Wayne. They are healthy, today
mothers don’t wait for their children to be sick. They take
them to the doctor every few months.
Dr. Keller : That is very good, it keeps the children healthy.
Narrator : A nurse comes on. She speaks to Dr. Weiss
Nurse : Dr. Weiss, Mrs. Drake is here with her son. She
wants to see you at once. Her son is sick.
Dr. Weiss : Thank you Nurse. Well, Wayne, maybe
not all of our children are healthy at this moment. Bring
Mrs. Drake and her little boy in please, Nurse.
Narrator : Mrs. Drake comes in with her son, Donald
Mrs. Drake : Oh, Dr. Weiss! Donald has a lot of red spots.
Narrator : Dr. Weiss examine Donald. Mrs. Drake
Mrs. Drake: What does he have, Dr. Weiss?
Dr. Weiss : Mrs. Drake, Donald has a measles! He must
stay in bed for about a week. Keep other children
away from him.
Narrator : Mrs. Drake thanks Dr. Weiss and leaves with
Donald. The nurse goes out, also.
Dr. Keller : Well, Paul, I must go. Thanks again for your help
You are a good man to work with.
Dr. Weiss : Thanks, Wayne. It is not easy to find another
good doctor for your place, you know. But you are leaving
to do a very important job.
Dr. Keller : Yes, and it is a big job, too. Paul, I want all the
children of the world to be as healthy as the children
here in the city.
Dr. Weiss : That is really something to work for!
Dr. Keller : Well, good-bye, Paul. Keep up the good work
here at the clinic!
Dr. Weiss : Good-bye Wayne. Good luck with your new job.
Characters : Para pelaku
Act out : Perankan
Measles : Cacar
Red Spot :Bintik2 merah
Choose one of these words or expressions to fill the blank in
each sentence below:
1. Luck
2. Waiting room
3. Africa
4. Healthy
5. United Nations
6. Examines
7. Clinic
8. Place
9. Spot
10. Measles
11. Job
12. World Health Organization
1. Dr. Keller has a job with the………
2. He is going to……..
3. He is going to open new, modern …….. there.
4. The children don’t look sick, they look…………
5. He has red …………… all over his body.
6. WHO is one of the organizations of the …………
7. It is not easy to find another doctor for your……..
8. There are some mothers and children in the ……….
9. The doctor …………… Donald
10. Donald has the ………….
11. It is very important ……………
12. Good …………… with your new job.

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