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Journal of Small Business Management 2006 44(3), pp.


Professional HRM Practices in Family

Owned-Managed Enterprises*
by Jan M. P. de Kok, Lorraine M. Uhlaner, and A. Roy Thurik

This study examines determinants of professional human resource management

(HRM) practices within a sample of approximately 700 small to medium-sized firms.
Predictions from the agency theory and the resource-based view of organizations lead
to alternate hypotheses regarding the direct and indirect negative effects of family
ownership and management on the usage of professional HRM practices. Results
support predictions for both direct and indirect effects. These indirect effects occur
through intermediary variables that reflect organizational complexity, such as firm
size, (the presence of a) formal business plan, and HRM specialization. The findings
lend partial support to both theories.

Introduction tives, and strategies” (Schermerhorn

Human resource management (HRM) 2001, p. 2400). Effective HRM practices
has been defined as the “process of are becoming increasingly important in
attracting, developing and maintaining a the modern knowledge-based economy,
talented and energetic workforce to as companies face the double challenge
support organizational mission, objec- of the need for more highly trained

*The present report has been written in the framework of the research program SCALES which
is carried out by EIM and financed by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. Lorraine Uhlaner
also acknowledges financial support of Arenthals Grant Thornton Netherlands, Fortis Bank,
and Mees/Pierson Bank, a subsidiary of Fortis Bank specialized in private wealth manage-
ment. An earlier version of this paper has been presented at the 2001 RENT conference on
research in entrepreneurship (Turku, Finland).
Jan M. P. de Kok is senior researcher at EIM.
Lorraine M. Uhlaner is director, European Family Business Institute, Erasmus School of
Economics and Business Economics.
A. Roy Thurik is professor of economics and entrepreneurship, Erasmus School of Eco-
nomics and Business Economics; director, Centre for Advanced Small Business Economics
(CASBEC); and research professor of entrepreneurship, growth and public policy, Max Planck
Institute of Economics in Jena (Germany).
Address correspondence to: Jan de Kok, EIM Business & Policy Research, P. O. Box 7001,
2701 AA Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. Tel: +31(0)79 343-0601. E-mail:
©2006, International Council for Small Business


employees and the shortage of qualified effects, via various organization charac-
labor. These challenges, coupled with the teristics variables associated with greater
third trend toward smaller firms in organizational complexity and resource
general, reinforce the need for effective richness, may support a resource-based
HRM practices in the small firm view of the firm. The organization char-
(Audretsch and Thurik 2001). acteristics chosen for the present study
Empirical research confirms that in include firm size, formal business plan-
general, smaller firms make less use of ning, HRM specialization, and export
professional HRM practices than larger strategy. In addition, we control for other
firms. For example, smaller firms make organization characteristics such as firm
less use of formalized recruitment prac- age, sector, unionization, and franchis-
tices, provide less training to their ing. Before presenting the methodology
employees, and are less likely to use for- and results of an empirical study of
malized performance appraisals. Despite approximately 700 SMEs, we will review
the size effect, research suggests that far aspects of the literature that provide con-
from being homogeneous, small firms ceptual support for the proposed model
vary widely in the professional HRM and hypotheses.
practices in use (De Kok and Uhlaner
2001). Professional HRM
Variation in family ownership and Practices
management may help to explain the dif- One of the lingering questions in
ferences in HRM practices among small HRM research is whether or not there
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). is a single set of policies or practices
Dyer (2003) and Schulze, Lubatkin, and that represents a universally superior
Dino (2003) all point out that the family approach to managing people. Theories
is a neglected variable in organizational on best practices or high commitment
research. Nevertheless, a research stream theories suggest that universally, certain
is emerging that generally confirms a HRM practices, either separately or in
negative relationship between family combination with others, are associated
firm governance and the use of pro- with improved organizational perform-
fessional HRM practices (Fiegener et al. ance. They maintain that well-paid,
1996; Cyr, Johnson, and Welbourne well-motivated workers, working in an
2000). In this paper, we pursue this atmosphere of mutuality and trust, gen-
research stream further by deriving and erate higher productivity gains and lower
testing a model to explain whether and unit costs (Boxall 1996; Pfeffer 1994).
why family-owned and managed firms1 These HRM practices have therefore
tend to use fewer professional HRM prac- been labeled as “best practices,” “high
tices than other SMEs. In developing the performance practices,” or “high com-
propositions of the model, we compare mitment workplace systems.” Some
and contrast predictions and explana- empirical research supports this view.
tions based on agency theory with those For instance, Huselid (1995) reports from
based on the resource-based view. We a sample of 968 firms that those using
argue that the direct effect of family own- comprehensive employee recruitment
ership and management on the types of and selection procedures, extensive
HRM practices found in SMEs is consis- employee involvement and training, and
tent with agency theory whereas indirect formal performance appraisal appro-

The terms “family-owned and managed firms” and “family firms” are used as synonyms in this


aches linked to incentives are likely to setting bodies as the Society for Human
have lower employee turnover, higher Resource Management in the United
productivity, and enhanced corporate States). We have therefore decided to use
financial performance. this term for our present study.
Others, however, argue that a contin-
gency approach is more likely to gener- Family Ownership and
ate superior performance, with empirical Management and
research also supporting this perspective
(Cappelli and Crocker-Hefter 1996;
Professional HRM
Meyer, Tsui, and Hinings 1993; Lawler Practices: Empirical and
and Jenkins 1992). Research to date, Theoretical Perspectives
though informative, does not unequivo- Past research confirms a negative
cally support either a best practices or a relationship between family ownership
contingency view. Additional sampling is and management and professional HRM
required to represent size, sector, and practices and expertise. For instance,
governance structures more fully. In Aldrich and Langton (1997) find a nega-
addition, these need to be tested for the tive relationship between the number of
full range of HRM practices. family members who work in a firm and
Because of the limitations of the formal HRM practices. Fiegener et al.
research to date, we have decided to (1996) confirm a negative relationship
avoid using such labels as “best practice” for promotion decisions. Though non-
and “high performance” for a defined set family firms emphasize outside work
of HRM practices because doing so seems experience and university training in
premature (especially in the context of promotion decisions, family firms rarely
SMEs). Using the term “formal” with ref- do so. Research by Reid and Adams
erence to such HRM practices (De Kok (2001) confirms this pattern. In a study
and Uhlaner 2001; Heneman and Berkley of Irish SMEs ranging in size from 20 to
1999; Aldrich and Langton 1997) is also 100 employees, they find that family
problematic. The term “formal” takes on businesses are less likely to have profes-
multiple meanings in the literature, for sional HRM practices, including the use
example, whether a practice is written, of references, appraisal systems, a peer
standardized, and/or defined by the appraisal process, training assessment, or
employer. Certain HRM practices (for merit-based pay.
example, performance pay, or referrals by Past researchers have drawn upon a
employees) may be considered appropri- wide variety of theories to explain the
ate by experts but not necessarily formal, differences in professionalism of man-
according to one or more of these agement and/or HRM practices between
definitions. firms, and specifically between family
The term that seems to be most suit- and nonfamily-owned firms. In this
able for our study is “professional” HRM study, we will focus on two theories in
practices (Gnan and Songini 2003; Matlay particular: the agency theory and the
1999). The HRM practices chosen for our resource-based view.
study are derived primarily from experts
in the field of HRM, whether or not the Agency Theory and the
practice has been empirically validated Family Firm
against performance indicators within Agency theory examines the relation-
SMEs. Such practices typically conform to ship between principals and agents,
legal requirements and professional stan- often representing owner(s) and
dards established in a number of western manager(s) of an organization. Recently,
economies (and listed in such standard- agency theory is being used to study


family firms: whenever the owner and cially when they are from the same
manager are part of the same family, family. Even if their performance is
coordination between the two (for appraised, the basis for rewarding family
example, through contracts and monitor- employees is less likely to be related
ing) should be more efficient and thus, solely on their performance, and thus
less expensive (Steier 2003). If the owner makes a professional compensation
and manager are one and the same, mon- system also unnecessary. At least in
itoring is not even necessary, saving even smaller firms, recruitment is also simpli-
more on agency costs. fied to the extent that family members
At a lower hierarchical level (man- are chosen over nonfamily members.
agers versus employees), agency theory Since the family owner–manager’s expec-
may also be useful for the study of HRM tations and goals influence the choice of
practices (Randoy and Goel 2003; HRM policy, it is thus seen as less likely
Heneman, Tansky, and Camp 2000). For that (especially smaller) family firms will
employees who belong to the same choose professional HRM policies.
family as the owner and managers, the
same logic as that mentioned previously The Family Firm and the
suggests that less professional HRM prac- Resource-Based View
tices are required to align the interests of An alternative explanation for the
managers and employees. This may also relationship between family ownership
hold for employees who are not related and management and professional HRM
to the owner and/or managers, to the practices is grounded in the resource-
extent that family-owned enterprises are based view of the firm. The resource-
able to create an organizational culture based view is based on the assumption
where all employees feel they belong to that differences in physical, organiza-
the same family (Pollak 1985). tional, and human resources between
However, it is not always the case that firms cause a fundamental heterogeneity
employees are loyal towards the family in their productive potential (Priem and
and/or perform well. In the case of a rel- Butler 2001). It is one of the main theo-
ative not performing well, other family retical perspectives of HRM research, and
owner/managers may be more reluctant is recently also used to understand the
to take action than against a nonper- relationship between family ownership
forming nonrelative for fear of damaging and management and other organiza-
family relations, even if it is bad for the tional characteristics (Sirmon and Hitt
business. Schulze, Lubatkin, and Dino 2003).
(2003) refer to this latter phenomenon as Reid and Adams (2001) found that
an altruism problem: a situation where many family firms use less professional
the owner/manager, by attempting to HRM practices, and explain this by sug-
help other family members, unintention- gesting that such firms have more limited
ally and/or indirectly encourages them to organizational capabilities. In this paper,
shirk their duties. Nevertheless, such we further develop their explanation,
altruism, although leading to negative and argue that the resource-based view
performance, does not necessarily can be used to suggest an indirect effect
change the impact of family firm gover- of family ownership and management on
nance on the types of monitoring devices professional HRM practices. Especially
used (Gomez-Mejia, Nunez-Nickel, and among SMEs, family ownership and man-
Gutierrez 2001). agement may be negatively associated
Following these arguments, we with professional HRM practices because
suggest that family firms have less of a of resource limitations of family firms.
need to monitor agents in the firm, espe- These limitations follow from their com-


paratively smaller size and reduced com- ticularly the recognition of the impor-
plexity. In our study, variables which tance of HRM issues) that leads to less
reflect this reduced complexity (in addi- use of professional HRM practices in
tion to firm size) include a (less) spe- small businesses (Golhar and Deshpande
cialized HRM department or staff, less 1997; Hendry et al. 1991). In other
formal planning, and lack of an export words, it is not the small number of
strategy. In the following discussion, employees that explains the lack of pro-
we will discuss the rationale for our fessional HRM practices, but the lack
argument. of specific organizational and human
First of all, family firms are often resources.
smaller than nonfamily firms (Cromie,
Stephenson, and Monthieth 1995; Daily Organizational Complexity and Pro-
and Dollinger 1993). They are also less fessional HRM Practices. Company
complex than nonfamily firms in that growth theories (Gnan and Songini
they are less specialized, less likely to 2003; Chandler and McEvoy 2000) point
have an HRM department (Reid and towards the positive correlations
Adams 2001), and less likely to use between firm size, complexity, and pro-
formal accounting and planning prac- fessional HRM practices. As firms
tices than nonfamily firms2 ( Jorissen increase in size and complexity, they
et al. 2002). typically develop more layers of man-
Second, the resource-based view sup- agement and more formalized and/or
ports a relationship between firm size systematized procedures and policies in
and organizational complexity on the order to process information more effec-
one hand, and professional HRM prac- tively within the organization. There
tices on the other. The remainder of this are various explanations for this finding.
section provides a brief overview of For example, larger companies have a
literature on this subject, where specia- greater demand for human resources,
lization, formal planning, and export and (thus, we assume) therefore, a
strategy will be used as specific indica- greater demand for specific HRM prac-
tors of organizational complexity. tices such as recruitment, selection, and
performance appraisal. This stimulates
Firm Size and Professional HRM Prac- more professional development of these
tices. The link between firm size and practices.
professional HRM practices is well estab- Specialization is typically associated
lished (De Kok 2003). Firm size is often with greater firm size (Wagar 1998;
used as a general indicator for the Jackson, Schuler, and Rivero 1989).
lack of specific resources, for example, Employees in smaller firms often have to
financial, organizational, and/or human perform a greater variety of tasks than
resources. For example, most profes- do employees in larger firms, and spe-
sional HRM practices require consider- cialists are less likely to be found in
able development costs (Klaas, smaller firms. For example, firm size is
McClendon, and Gainey 2000). This positively related to HRM specializa-
results in a cost advantage for larger tion (that is, the presence of a specific
firms, which is strengthened by the HRM department and/or manager)
limited supply of financial resources of (Cyr, Johnson, and Welbourne 2000;
many small firms. Others argue that it is Heneman and Berkley 1999). Daman-
the lack of specific knowledge (par- pour (1996) provides an explanation for

Even when controlling for size and other factors.


why specialization (or more generally, SMEs’ limited capacity to acquire infor-
structural complexity) is consistent with mation and use sources is a major factor
the resource-based view. “In complex in explaining their low level of involve-
organizations, coalitions of specialists in ment and performance in export
differentiated subunits increase the markets. The exporting performance of
depth of the knowledge base, which in SMEs is determined in part by their
turn, increases the development of new ability to acquire and manage foreign
ideas” (Damanpour 1996, p. 695). In market information.
other words, greater specialization is
associated with greater knowledge Model and Hypotheses
resources. This assumption is indirectly In this section, we present the model
confirmed by research by Damanpour and hypotheses to be tested in our
(1996) using a meta-analysis from over research. The main characteristic of this
20 published studies showing a positive model is that it distinguishes between a
relationship between specialization and direct and indirect effect of family own-
innovation. ership and management on professional
Some research using the resource- HRM practices. (See Figure 1).
based view sees strategic planning as a H1 predicts an indirect (negative) rela-
type of organizational capability (Michal- tionship between family ownership and
isin, Smith, and Kline 1997). Research management (referred to as the family
specifically linking formal business plan- firm variable in the model) and profes-
ning and/or strategic planning to profes- sional HRM practices via certain organi-
sional HRM practices is quite limited. zation characteristics associated with
However, in light of the previous dis- greater complexity and/or richer organi-
cussion, it is logical to infer that firms zational resources (arrows 1 and 2 in
with the organizational capabilities and Figure 1). The assumptions for this
resources to develop formal plans are hypothesis draw upon the resource-
also more likely to have the resources to based model and research on organiza-
develop professional HRM practices. Fur- tion complexity and uncertainty to
thermore, the availability of a business suggest that family firms may use fewer
plan can be interpreted as a characteris- professional HRM practices because they
tic of organizations with a relatively long have fewer resources (typically being
planning horizon. These firms will be smaller) and therefore, are less complex.
more aware of the need to use profes- We state H1 as follows:
sional HRM practices to build a compe-
tent employee base, implying a relatively
high perceived value of HRM practices H1: Family firms apply less professio-
by the chief executive officer (CEO). In nal HRM practices because of
addition, the presence of a formalized differences in certain organization
plan may reflect overall formalization characteristics associated with orga-
levels in the organization. nizational complexity an/or resource
Recent research on exporting links the availability.
existence of an export strategy with
greater resource availability. The pres- To test H1, we include a limited
ence of an export strategy within an SME number of variables to represent these
may indicate an organization’s ability to organization characteristics, including
handle greater complexity and environ- firm size, the presence of formal business
mental uncertainty, which require access plans, HRM specialization either by
to more resources. For instance, Julien department or individual manager, and
and Ramangalahy (2003) conclude that export strategy.


Figure 1
Proposed Model: Influences on Professional Human
Resource Management (HRM) Practices

Organization 2
1 Characteristics
HRM Practices

Family Firm 3

H2 predicts that at least part of the 31 of which responded. The results of

differences in the extent to which this pilot were used to modify the ques-
professional HRM practices are used by tionnaire. Subsequently, it was submitted
family and nonfamily firms cannot be to several senior Australian academics in
attributed to differences in organization HRM for their comments. The revised
complexity or resource availability but questionnaire was then translated
rather to a direct effect of the family firm and further revised by Dutch HRM
variable consistent with agency theory researchers and practitioners.
predictions (arrow 3 in Figure 1). We A stratified sample plan was drawn,
state H2 as follows: distinguishing six sectors (manufactur-
ing, construction, trade and repairs,
H2: Family firms, even when controlling catering, transport and communication,
for certain organization characteris- services) and three size classes (20–49
tics associated with complexity and/or employees, 50–99 employees and
resource availability, are likely to 100–199 employees). Not all respondents
have less professional HRM practices fell within the originally defined sample
than similar nonfamily firms. classes. One hundred enterprises have
either less than twenty or more than 200
Method employees. To avoid the loss of these
This section discusses the collection observations, we decided to apply the
of the necessary data, and the variables small business administration definition
used in the analyses. of SMEs (Flanagan and Deshpande
1996), and to include all enterprises with
Sample and Data Collection 1–500 employees in our analysis.
Data was collected by means of a Four thousand questionnaires were
written questionnaire sent to Dutch small sent, addressed to the CEOs. Seven
and medium-sized enterprises. The ques- hundred thirty-six (736) questionnaires
tionnaire was developed by the Univer- were received, 52 percent of which were
sity of Southern Queensland, Australia answered by the CEO and 33 percent by
(Wiesner and McDonald 2001). A first an employee directly answering to the
version of the questionnaire was submit- CEO, resulting in an 18 percent response
ted to a sample of 70 Australian SMEs, rate. To check for sample selection bias


by size and sector, we compare the firm size, HRM specialization, formal
response rates for the eighteen strata. business plan, and export strategy. Firm
There does not appear to be a serious size was measured as the log (number of
sample selection bias by either size or employees), including employees with
sector. Whether selection is biased by the temporary contracts, with no correction
respondent’s attitude towards HRM for part-time work. To measure the HRM
cannot be determined.3 specialization variable, respondents
were asked two questions: whether or
Description and Construction not an HRM department was present;
of Variables and whether or not an HRM manager
The professional HRM practices scale was present in the firm. These questions
was developed from a subset of ques- were then used to construct a dichoto-
tionnaire items on recruitment practices, mous variable “HRM specialization”
selection methods and procedures, com- where 0 = neither HRM department nor
pensation, training and development, HRM manager is present; 1 = either an
and appraisal. Each of these items was HRM department or HRM manager is
measured on a three-point scale (1 = no; present (or both). To measure the formal
2 = for some vacancies/jobs; 3 = for all business plan variable, respondents were
vacancies/jobs). A list of all items can be asked whether or not a formal business
found in the Appendix. The selected plan or strategic plan exists (0 = no; 1 =
items all represent practices that are con- yes). To measure export strategy, respon-
sidered to be in accordance with profes- dents were asked whether or not the firm
sional standards and/or published as exports (0 = no; 1 = yes).
“best practices” for approaching that par- The variable family firm was con-
ticular area based on judgments by a structed as follows: a company received
multinational group of experts from a score of 1 when it answered in the affir-
Australia and the Netherlands. The pro- mative to both of the following ques-
fessional HRM practices scale was tions: (1) members of one family own
created in three steps. First, a separate this business, and (2) members of one
factor analysis was carried out using family manage this business. No distinc-
Principal Components Analysis and a tion was made between firms with single
Varimax rotated solution to identify rele- owner–managers and those in which two
vant items for each of the five categories or more family members own and/or
of HRM practices (recruitment, selection, manage the firm. It received a score of 0
compensation, training and develop- otherwise. Finally, certain control vari-
ment, and appraisal). Second, the items ables were measured, including firm age;
selected for inclusion for each category sector (service sector, trade sector, and
were averaged to construct a separate manufacturing sector); franchising (0 =
subscale. To determine the reliability of no; 1 = yes); and the percentage of
these subscales, Cronbach’s alpha relia- employees belonging to a union
bility coefficients were calculated for the (referred to as unionization in the fol-
selected items. Finally, the professional lowing discussion).
HRM practices scale was calculated as an
unweighted average of the underlying Data Analysis
subscales. For H1, two protocols were used to
Indicators of organizational complex- test for mediating effects of the resource
ity (and resource availability) include availability indicators; one proposed by

The details of sampling can be found in De Kok, Uhlaner, and Thurik (2003).


James and Brett (1984) and the second the case of a significant effect of x on y
by Baron and Kenny (1986). According in the model y = f(x) in combination with
to Baron and Kenny (1986), one can test a significant added effect of x on y in the
for the mediating effect of variable m model y = f(m, x).
(resource availability), by first examining A limitation of the just-described pro-
the relationship between proposed tocols is that the relationship between
antecedent x (family firm) and conse- the family firm and the indicators of
quence y (professional HRM practices), resource availability are established by
and then investigating the extent to looking at bivariate correlations. Because
which this relationship diminishes (or we hypothesize that the family firm vari-
even vanishes) if mediating variable, m able is related to indicators of resource
is included in the model. The first step availability other than firm size, we elab-
is to use bivariate tests to check for orate on the protocol as follows: we
the significance of the relationships control for firm size bias by estimating
between x and y, x and m, and m and logistic regressions where the other indi-
y. Second (given significant bivariate cators of resource availability (HRM spe-
relationships), the models y = f(x) and cialization, formal business planning,
y = f(m, x) must be estimated. To sup- and export strategy) are related to the
port the inference that m completely family firm variable as well as firm
mediates the effect of x on y, the effect size.
of x on y should be significant in the
model y = f(x) but not in the model Results
y = f(m, x). Scale Formation for Professional
Based on the same starting premise HRM Practices
of significant bivariate relationships The average scores, percentiles, and
between x and y, x and m, and m and y, reliabilities of the professional HRM prac-
James and Brett (1984) compared the tice subscales are presented in Table 1.
models y = f(m) and y = f(m, x). If the For four of the five subscales (all but
added effect of x (tested by the signifi- appraisal), Cronbach’s alpha exceeds
cance of the R-squared change when x 0.60 (Table 1). According to criteria pro-
is added to the first model) is not signif- posed by Nunnally (1978),4 the reliabili-
icant, m can be seen as completely medi- ties for these subscales are acceptable for
ating the relationship between x and y. an explorative study. The reliabilities of
Conversely, a significant result provides these subscales are comparable with
support for a direct effect. those reported by Huselid (1995) and
In this study, we combine the two Delery and Doty (1996). With a Cron-
protocols by estimating three separate bach’s alpha of 0.43, the reliability of the
models: y = f(x), y = f(m) and y = f(x, m). appraisal subscale is unsatisfactory.
We assume the presence of a mediating Given the importance of this subscale,
effect when the following requirements we nevertheless decided to include it in
are met: (1) significant effect of m on y our study.
in the model y = f(m); (2) a significant Because of missing data, none of the
effect of x on y in the model y = f(x); and subscales can be calculated for all firms.
(3) a nonsignificant effect of x on y in This introduces the risk of a selection
the model y = f(m, x). Likewise, we bias. To determine whether such a bias
assume the presence of a direct effect in may occur, we examined for each sub-

For early stages of basic research, Nunnally (1978) suggested that a Cronbach’s alpha between
0.5 and 0.6 would be sufficient.


Table 1
Scores and Reliability Statistics on Subscales of
Professional HRM Practicesa
Recruitment Selection Compensation Training and Appraisal

Mean 1.6 2.0 1.8 1.7 2.0
10 percent 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.3
90 percent 2.0 2.8 2.2 2.3 2.7
Cronbach’s 0.62 0.69 0.64 0.81 0.43
Valid 533 619 621 669 598

All subscales are defined on the interval [1,3].

scale and whether the respondents to ing overall HRM scale is defined for 519
that subscale differ significantly in their enterprises (Cronbach’s alpha equals
average scores on a number of variables 0.78).
compared to the nonrespondents.5 No
significant differences in firm size were Descriptive and Bivariate Statistics
found between respondents and nonre- Table 3 reports the means, standard
spondents. What does matter is the posi- deviations, and correlation coefficients
tion of the respondent within the between the major variables in this study.
organization. For CEOs, the response rate The relationships between each of the
is significantly lower than for other organization characteristics variables
respondents.6 This holds for all sub- and professional HRM practices are all
scales, with the exception of the recruit- expected to be positive. Reviewing the
ment subscale. A possible explanation bivariate correlation statistics presented
for this finding is that the CEO takes less in Table 2 provides support for the rela-
time to fill in the complete questionnaire. tionship between professional HRM
The professional HRM practices scale practices and all four organization char-
is calculated as an unweighted average acteristics variables, including firm size
of the underlying subscales. The result- (r = 0.41; p < .01), HRM specialization

These control variables are size, sector, current working position of the respondent, location
of the firm, current tenure of the respondent, whether the respondent is (part) owner, whether
the company is owned by a family, whether the enterprise is member of a franchise organi-
zation, if a business plan is available, and the respondent’s gender.
The response rate is also lower if the respondent has a long tenure with the firm, or is (part)
owner of the firm. Because ownership, tenure, and being CEO are strongly related with each
other, these differences in response rate are interpreted as confirmations of the CEO-effect.


Table 2
Pearson Correlation between All Variables for the Total Sample
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Family Firma 1
2. Firm Size (log −0.27** 1
3. Formal Business −0.24** 0.25** 1
Plan (0 = no; 1 = yes)a
4. Franchise (0 = no; 0.05 −0.01 −0.00 1
1 = yes)a
5. Unionization (%) −0.03 0.13** 0.07 −0.10** 1
6. HRM −0.29** 0.41** 0.22** −0.06 0.05 1
7. Professional HRM −0.40** 0.41** 0.35** 0.03 0.03 0.43** 1
8. Firm Age (Log 0.06 0.11** −0.03 −0.20** 0.17** −0.01 −0.03 1
[firm age])
9. Export Strategya −0.08* 0.10** 0.06 −0.11** 0.09* 0.12** 0.19** 0.06 1
10. Trade Sectora −0.00 0.00 −0.03 0.17** −0.16** −0.03 −0.04 0.05 0.09* 1
11. Manufacturing 0.01 0.08* 0.04 −0.12** 0.29** −0.03 0.06 0.07 0.25** −0.28** 1


12. Service Sectora 0.00 −0.11** −0.02 0.03 −0.19** 0.00 −0.06 −13** −0.32** −0.33** −0.62** 1
Mean 0.45 4.16 0.66 0.07 1.52 0.54 1.82 3.37 0.27 0.13 0.35 0.42
S.D. 0.50 0.79 0.47 0.25 1.33 0.50 0.30 1.00 0.44 0.33 0.48 0.49
N 695 700 685 671 670 696 519 682 693 695 695 695

Dummy variable. The relation between two nominal variables is measured by the Phi coefficient. For dummy variables, the Phi coefficient is
identical to Pearson’s correlation. Fisher’s exact test was used to test for dependency between two dummy variables.
*p < .05-level (2-tailed).
**p < .01-level (2-tailed).

Table 3
Results of Logistic Regression to Examine the Relationship
between Family Ownership and Three Indicators of
Organizational Complexity
Variable Organizational Characteristicd

HRM Formal Export

Specialization Business Plan Strategy

Family Firm −0.78** −0.75** −0.32

Firm Size 1.26** 0.65** 0.22
Firm Age −0.11 −0.11 0.06
Trade Sector −0.02 −0.21 −0.22
Service Sector 0.34 −0.09 −1.77**
Other Sector 0.62* −0.12 −0.49
Goodness of Fit Measures
% Predicted Correctly a 70 (54) 71 (67) 72 (73)
R 2 (Nagelkerke) 0.29 0.14 0.17
c 2 Test for Model Parsimony b 7.79 (0.099) 2.2 (0.70) 71 (0.00)
c 2 Test for Model fitc 161 (0.00) 68 (0.00) 81 (0.00)
Valid Observations 669 660 668

The reference value (the share of firms with HRM specialization/formal business
plan/export strategy) is reported within parentheses.
Test for the joint hypothesis that the parameters for age, trade, service and other
sectors are equal to zero. Probability value within parentheses.
Test for the hypothesis that all included parameters (except constant) are equal to
zero. Probability value within parentheses.
The significance of the parameters is based upon both Wald statistics and Likeli-
hood Ratio test statistics. Both test statistics lead to the same conclusions. A con-
stant term has been estimated, but is not included in the table.
*Significant at 5% level.
**Significant at 1% level.

(r = 0.43; p < .01), formal business plan p < .01), The correlation between the
(r = 0.35; p < .01), and export strategy (r family firm variable and export strategy
= 0.19; p < .01). is somewhat weaker than for the other
The bivariate correlations between three relationships though still statisti-
family firm and three of the four organ- cally significant at the 0.05 level (r =
ization characteristics variables are fairly −0.08; p < .05).
strong, statistically speaking, and nega- To control for firm size bias, we esti-
tive (with firm size, r = −0.27, p < .01; mate three logistic regressions, relating
with HRM specialization, r = −0.29, p < three indicators of resource availability
.01; with formal business plan, r = −0.24, (HRM specialization, formal business


plan, and export strategy) to family firm bution to the R2 when family firm is
as well as firm size. In addition, we have entered last in the equation, though
included sector dummies as control reduced in magnitude, is still statistically
variables (Table 3). The results provide significant (∆R2 = 0.05; p < .01). We there-
partial support for H1: even after con- fore accept H2, and conclude that a
trolling for firm size, organizational direct effect of the family firm variable
complexity (as indicated by HRM spe- on professional HRM practices does
cialization and formal business plan) exist.
tends to be lower for family firms as com- In addition, we also accept H1, con-
pared to nonfamily firms. Only for export cerning the presence of an indirect effect
strategy do we find that the relationship of the family firm variable on profes-
with the family firm variable is no longer sional HRM practices with indicators of
significant, once we control for firm firm size and organizational complexity
size. serving as intervening variables. This
Finally, we note that the bivariate rela- conclusion follows from the findings
tionship between family firm and pro- that, first of all, family firm is related to
fessional HRM practices is significant and each of these indicators; second, that
negative (r = −0.40; p < .01). these indicators have a significant effect
The logistic regressions show the sig- on professional HRM practices (in the
nificance and sign of the relationships first as well as in the third model in
between the family firm variable (x), Table 4); and finally, that the estimated
resource availability indicators (m), and family firm parameter decreases (from
professional HRM practices ( y). We can −0.23 to −0.14) when the effects of
now test for the mediating effect of the organizational complexity indicators
resource availability in the relationship are added into the linear regression
between family firm and professional model.
HRM practices. The estimation results of
the regression models for y = f(m, c), y = Discussion
f(x, c) and y = f(m, x, c) are presented as Our results support both hypotheses
models 1, 2, and 3 in Table 4, where c set forth; namely that firms with family
represents additional control variables in ownership and/or management are less
the equation. In addition, the last column likely to use professional HRM practices,
in Table 4 reports the change in R2 for and that this may be due both to direct
two separate analyses (either when a and indirect effects of the independent
block is entered first—without the variable. The direct effect can be
control variables; or last in the all- explained by agency theory and the indi-
variable regression model). rect effect by the resource-based view. In
In a regression that only includes the discussion, we examine these prem-
family firm as the independent variable, ises more closely and discuss alternative
the estimated parameter equals −0.23 theories that could also explain our
( p < .01), and this family firm effect results.
explains approximately 15 percent of the
variation in professional HRM practices. Direct Effect
Which part of this total family firm One explanation for the direct effect
effect is mediated by firm size and indi- is offered by agency theory, according to
cators of organizational complexity? This which the family firm effect is due in part
can be determined by looking at the to a decreased (perceived or actual) need
third model reported in Table 4. In this for monitoring of the management by the
full model, the estimated family firm owner and of the employees by the man-
parameter is −0.14 ( p < .01). The contri- agement. However, organization control


Table 4

Results of Ordinary Least Squares Regression Analyses on Professional HRM Practicesb
Explanatory Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 DR2a
Controls and Controls and All Variables
Organization Family Firm
Characteristics B-Value t-Value
B-Value t-Value
B-Value t-Value

Organization Characteristics 0.30**/0.20**

Firm Size (Log) 0.09 5.16** 0.07 4.40**
Formal Business Plan 0.14 5.51** 0.13 5.21**
Export Strategy 0.09 3.26** 0.08 3.06**
HRM Specialization 0.16 6.11** 0.13 5.28**
Family Firm −0.23 −9.05** −0.14 −6.01** 0.15**/0.05**
Controls 0.01/0.01
Firm Age (log) −0.01 −0.58 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.14
Unionization (%) 0.01 −1.51 0.00 −0.30 −0.01 −1.62
Manufacturing Sector 0.05 1.67 0.04 1.03 0.05 1.62
Service Sector 0.01 0.26 −0.02 −0.70 0.00 0.15
Franchise 0.09 1.65 −0.23 −9.05 0.09 1.82
Constant 1.25 15.86** 1.91 35.72** 1.38 17.46**
R-Square 0.31 0.16 0.36
Adjusted R-Square 0.30 0.15 0.35


F-Statistic 22.86** 14.56** 25.78**

Change in R2 when adding this variable first/last to the model (including all variables, that is, organization characteristics,
family firm, controls).
B-values refer to the unstandardized coefficients of the explanatory variables.
*p < .01-level.
**p < .001-level.
#p < .05.
theory and institutional theory might need of legitimacy to the extent that it
also support a direct effect. Organiza- attracts family and friends to work for
tional control theory points out that clan the firm. In addition, employer legiti-
and social control systems are more macy in the family firm may derive less
effective than the bureaucratic and from the professional manner in which a
administrative systems when strategy, firm handles its HRM policies than from
decision-making, and power in the ways in which family ties are managed.
organization are managed by few people In addition, family ownership is asso-
who share common values and coordi- ciated with a desire to remain independ-
nate themselves by informal relation- ent and keep full control over the
ships (Gnan and Songini 2003). It could organization (Bacon et al. 1996; Blais and
be that in family firms, the social inter- Toulouse 1990). Case studies suggest that
actions among family members allow the employers often associate professional
use of informal and cultural mechanisms HRM practices with a loss of control over
that substitute or complement the formal (and flexibility of) the employee rela-
administrative systems. tions (Koch and De Kok 1999). This
Institutional theory may also help to would provide an additional explanation
explain the direct effect. Whereas agency for a direct negative effect of family own-
theory focuses on the relationships ership and management on professional
between two specific stakeholders of an HRM practices.
organization, institutional theory typi-
cally examines additional stakeholders.
Indirect Effect
Institutional theorists view organizations
More than half of the family firm
as entities that gain legitimacy and stake-
effect is explained by firm size and indi-
holder acceptance by conforming to their
cators of organization complexity. This is
stakeholders’ expectations. Examples of
in line with the resource-based view of
stakeholders are governmental institu-
organizations. In particular, it is posited
tions, professional organizations, and
that these variables are likely to reflect
certifying bodies (Paauwe 1998).
greater resource availability and/or
Williamson (2000) uses institutional
organization capabilities within the firm,
theory to develop a strategic model of
making it easier for the firm to develop
small business recruitment. In particular,
professional expertise in HRM practices
he introduces the notion of employer
as well.
legitimacy, defined as “a generalized per-
Alternatively, these findings can be
ception or assumption held by job appli-
explained by the company growth
cants that an organization is a desirable,
theory, which suggests that as a company
proper or appropriate employer given
gets larger, the management task
the system of norms, values, beliefs and
becomes more complex and requires a
definitions that exist within an industry”
more professional approach. Rather than
(Williamson 2000, p. 28). Williamson
not being able to use professional HRM
(2000) posits that to the extent that an
practices (due to a lack of resources), this
organization’s recruitment procedures
argument suggests that professional
and other human resource policies are
HRM practices are less relevant to family
viewed as proper and appropriate by
potential job applicants, the organization
will be seen as a legitimate employer.
That is, small firms copy the HRM prac- Conclusions
tices of larger firms to gain employer The primary purpose of this study is
legitimacy. But within this context, one to examine and explain differences in
might argue that the family firm has less professional HRM practices between


family and nonfamily-owned and Audretsch, D. B., and A. R. Thurik (2001).
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developed a model concerning direct Economy: Sources of Growth in the
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acteristics on the use of professional nomies,” Industrial and Corporate
HRM practices. Change 10, 267–315.
We find that, based on our sample and Bacon, N., P. Ackers, J. Storey, and D.
model, family firms are less likely to use Coates (1996). “It’s a Small World:
professional HRM practices than their Managing Human Resources in Small
counterparts. This family firm effect Business,” The International Journal
occurs not only indirectly (since family of Human Resource Management
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complex than nonfamily businesses, Baron, R. M., and D. A. Kenny (1986).
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Subscales of Formal HRM Practices
This appendix provides additional information on the HRM subscales used in this
study. The HRM subscales are defined by a selection of available items in the ques-
tionnaire. Each of these items is measured on a three-point scale (no, for some vacan-
cies/jobs, for all vacancies/jobs). The following table presents the selected items that
are used to define the subscales. An elaborate discussion of the subscales, includ-
ing a discussion of the correspondence with the results of factor analysis on all items,
can be found in De Kok, Uhlaner, and Thurik (2003).

Items Included in Subscales

Subscale Item

Recruitment Recruitment and selection office

Temporary employment agencies
Referrals by employees
References from other sources
Open house
Selection Use of written job descriptions
Job analysis
Psychological tests
Interview panels
Compensation Performance pay
(Partly) based on job evaluation
Competitive wages
Wages based on acquired skills
Group incentive programs
Individual incentive programs
Profit sharing
Annual bonus
Additional financial benefits, other than pensions (for example,
insurance and savings arrangements)
Training and Training provided to employees
development Formal training budget available
Recent introduction of formal training programs
Recent intensification of existing training programs
Formal in-house training by internal staff
Formal in-house training by external staff
External training
Management and development training
Appraisal Rating scales
Management by objectives
Appraisal conducted by line manager


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