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Neko (5e Race)

Contents [hide]
Home of user- 1 Neko

generated, 1.1 Physical Description

1.2 History
homebrew 1.3 Society
pages! 1.4 Neko Names
1.5 Neko Traits
Navigation 1.5.1 Domestic
Main Page 1.5.2 Wild
1.6 Random Height and Weight
Changes Neko [edit]
Help Portal
“ Nekos: The desire of the people that can't control a tabaxi, can't own a cat but can't
Search tolerate humanity either. Sad, sad people ”
—King Tiburus, the hunter
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Fast, elegant, and always ready to get down and dirty. When a wanted ad comes
Homebrew up in your city for an uncatchable burglar, chances are that a neko was the culprit.
5e However, it is also just as likely when your team is saved from a bear by a passing
Homebrew ranger, that a neko was to thank. Harmonious, good nurtured and admirable,
4e nekos only want two things: to do what they want and to have fun while doing it.
3.5e Physical Description [edit]

Homebrew Nekos are small sized humanoids that look very similar to elves or humans, but
2.5e they have cats hairy ears, long furry tails and, occasionally, whiskers. Their hands
Homebrew are structurally like a human hand, but they are wider, tend to be much more hairy
Pathfinder and the fingers are slightly shorter, with curved nails. Unlike humans they are
Homebrew much more slender and quick with a vast array of hair and eye colors of almost
D20M any combination. They are a bit smaller than the usual catfolk or tabaxi, not that
Homebrew strong and mainly look a lot more human like. However, they do have quickness
and often a super endearing face to boot. Their heads are actually more rounded,
System Ref. Documents
5e SRD making them appear more youthful and often more desireable than the rest of the
3.5e SRD catkind races, earning them points in societies that would normally discredit them
3.5e UA as thieves.
3e SRD
History [edit]
SRD The neko are the descendants of an ancient race of cat
Modern SRD people who were covered from head to toe in fur and
were much more feline than the nekos of today. Some
Open Game Content
All 3rd-Party investigators even believe that nekos, tabaxis and catfolk
have these race as direct ancestors, but nothing has
been confirmed. These ancient cat people were rare due
5e OGC
to them living in the vast deserts, but their settlements
3.5e OGC
were sought after by early races because of their hunting
prowess. The early race eventually intermingled with By Aoi Ogata
these early races (particularly humans) and the modern-
Community day neko was the result. These interactions were not wholly friendly, as many of
early neko were sought after to be caught as pets or even forced into mercenary
work. The neko sometimes born as a result of deviant sexual behaviors or bastard
births often had harsh lives and lived like strays in societies. However, they
learned to turn their charm into a weapon and make a living stealing and then
disarming pursuants with their adorability.
User Email As the modern-day neko became more common, the ancient neko eventually died
out. However, some neko will only live as their ancient ancestors did, and are thus
Publications called wild neko. These abandoned the settings in which they were likely born to
Random return to the deserts from whence they originated. They have a harsh distrust
Page towards other races, particularly humans. However, the rest of the nekos
Donations developed with the humans and elves, which they share a bond with becoming
domesticated. These domesticated types are vehemently despised by the wild
What Links subrace, considered to have been brainwashed to forget the wrongs done to their
Here origin race and cowards, while the domesticated kind despise the wild one by
Related considering them incapable of having any other emotion besides anger and being
Changes uncultured.
Special Society [edit]
Wherever they live, neko prefer to have a polyamorous society, where the concept
of marriage is lost to them; although it is not always possible for domestic neko if
the society forbids it.
Link Domestic nekos typically are residents in other societies where they perform jobs
either as servants or employees of guilds. Many are sometimes "owned" by a
master or guild, where they will work for the rest of their lives. Some perform jobs
as maids, others, mercenaries. Sometimes a domesticated neko may buy their
freedom. However, an untethered neko is usually severely mistreated, as many
believe they "belong" with a master and not by themselves. They often have
trouble finding work and resort to thievery or eking a living on the streets. Because
of their upbringing, they cannot simply run away to become wild neko, and more
frequently than not they get enslaved by them.
Wild neko, on the other hand, live in societies mimicking their ancestors, making it
look virtually unchanged. They have settlements built in deserts, but also some
forests or jungles far from civilization. Wild nekos are hunters in groups of scouts
and move as a swift unit. When confronted with foreigners, they can be very
brusque and dismissive. They usually have an initiation ritual that is independant
of each tribe, being from something as ordinary as a passage celebration to brutal
ones like sending maturing young ones without any gear into the wilderness as
solitary hunters to prove their survivability and worth. Their society is ruled by a
hierarchy of elders who keep the wisdoms and living styles of their ancestors
close to heart. They rarelly escape this tribal societies to get into cities. This
escapees are often killed, if not by humanoids that get affected by them, by
groups of domestic or untethered nekos, that see them as unworthy of living in a
civilization and a complete lost cause.

Neko Names [edit]

Domestic nekos get named after birth. Their name might change after they get a
master, in which case it can be even given by the master or chosen by
themselves. This names are permanent and sometimes include several
nicknames. Wild Nekos get their name after they prove their worth to their society,
either given by the elders or by themselves. They do not get nicknames unless the
elders approve it. Nekos are notorious for incorporating cat puns and cat-type
wordplay into their names.
Male: Chrimi, Maosen, Bellmont, Felix
Female: Mewlin, Pawla, Tailam, Floof

Neko Traits [edit]

Anime cat people.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Nekos age as fast as humans but live a bit longer than humans; up to 120
years. There are some that have reached 150 years, but they are extraordinary.
Alignment. Domestic neko tend towards neutral alignments, while Wild neko tend
towards more chaotic alignments. They are rarely evil.
Size. Neko are somewhat smaller than the rest of the cat races, being slightly
taller than dwarves. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Great Flexibility. You are proficient in the Acrobatics skill.
Naturally Graceful. When you are unarmored or wearing only light armor, you
receive half the fall damage you would receive because you always land on your
feet when falling.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and one other language of
your choice.
Subrace. Choose either the Domestic or Wild subrace.
Domestic [edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Domesticated Skills. Working for others often requires some specialization. You
are proficient in one tool of your choice.
Civilized Lurker. Coming from urban environments and working in them gives
you an upper hand in sneaking around there. You have advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks when in urban environments.
Wild [edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
Connection. You are well connected with the lore of your roots. You are proficient
in the History skill.

Random Height and Weight [edit]

Table: Neko Random Height and

Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
3′2″ +1d6 60lb. x2d6lb.

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