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Chapter # 05 Citizen and Citizenship

Q.1: Define citizen and explain the kinds of citizens.

Ans: Citizen:
A citizen is an individual who bears citizenship of a country and enjoys his rights as citizen and is bound to
discharge or fulfill his duties as per the law of that country.
Kinds of Citizens: There are two kinds of citizens.
1. Natural Citizen or Citizen by Birth: These are the citizens who acquire the citizenship of a country by
their birth in a country or they are children of the citizens of such country.

2. Naturalized Citizens: These are the people who adopt citizenship of a country where they were not
born. They fulfill certain legal formalities to become the citizen of that country.

Q.2: What is meant by citizenship? Explain the characteristics of a good citizenship.

The word citizenship is derived from the word Citizen, which means a person living in a country having
rights and responsibilities as per the law of that country. Citizenship is the status of being a citizen that a
person enjoys by abiding the law of his country. Citizenship has close legal and lawful relation with the
state. This lawful relation compels the state to give certain rights and facilities to a citizen so as to let him
live happy and peaceful life within the state. In the same way a citizen keeps abiding by the law of the
state and remains loyal to it. He also contributes towards the progress and prosperity of the state.

Characteristics of a Good Citizenship:

Lord Bryce has quoted three characteristics of a good citizen namely, intelligence, tolerance and honesty.
He thinks that these three qualities are the roots that keep growing other good characteristics in a person.
However some of the characteristics of good citizenship are given hereunder:

(1) Intelligence:
Intelligence means the ability to think and understand. As citizens of a democratic state are directly
involved in the affairs of the state, therefore, intelligence is the most important quality that is need in
every citizen of the state. It is the intelligence that guides a citizen to elect the right person to run the
affairs of the state.

(2) Tolerance:
This quality of tolerating the criticism and negative propaganda of the opponents develops strength in the
people and the leaders to maintain a certain level of standard in dealing with the national as well as the
international affairs. Tolerance broadens the mind and the opens the hearts of the people so as to bear
criticism and accept the mistakes. This sense of tolerance is the essence of the democracy.

(3) Honesty:
It is the popular saying that honesty is the best policy. Therefore, honest citizens play vital role in the
progress of a country. When all citizens perform their duties and pay the taxes with honesty and the
government fulfills its responsibilities with honesty the country will automatically run on the track of
progress and prosperity.
(4) To be Educated:
To be educated is another important quality of good citizen. An educated citizen can decide and elect
better candidate to rule the country than an uneducated one. Education eliminates the bigotry from the
society and spread the sense of love and brotherhood. It also grows the patriotism within the young

(5) To be Healthy:
The old saying Health is wealth is the right formula to become a good citizen. Because healthy brain lives in
a health body and healthy body builds a healthy personality and a healthy person can work more for his
family, society and the state. Healthy citizens bring name to the country in the field of education, science,
technology, inventions and the sports.

(6) Patriotism:
A good citizen is always faithful to his, family, society and the country. He is always ready to sacrifice his
life and property for the country.

(7) Responsible:
A good citizen knows his responsibilities and discharges his duties with utmost responsibility.

(8) Abiding by Law:

A good citizen always abide by the law of his country and never think of breaking law in any circumstances.

(9) Right Use of Vote:

A good citizen keeps eye on the political, economical and social condition of his country. He knows the
good and bad activities of the political parties; therefore, at the time of election he uses his vote with
sensibility to choose the right person to hold the reigns of the state.

(10) Ambitious to Serve the Nation:

A good citizen takes part in the social welfare programs with devotion. He has true ambitions to serve in
the welfare of the people and the state.
Chapter # 06 Rights and Duties

Q.1: Explain the meanings and characteristics of Rights?

Rights are the demands of the citizens that a state accepts and gives them for their welfare and well-being.
The rights are compulsory for social life without which human personality cannot be built perfectly.
We give hereunder definitions of rights given by some of the world famous scholars:
(1) According to 'Austin', right is that power of a person by which he or she preaches others to adopt
patience, tolerance and other good deeds.
(2) 'Green' says that rights are necessary for completion of a perfect personality.
(3) Holland defines rights as the ability by way of which a person can put pressure on the activities of
others not by himself but with the general opinion of the people.
(4) Professor Laski says that rights are the conditions without which nobody can say himself or herself as
the best.
Characteristics of Rights:
(1) Rights are the facilities that are necessary to live a smooth and peaceful life. Without availing rights
nobody can nor build his or her personality neither proper in the life.
(2) Rights are introduced in a society; there can be no right if there is no society. Giving rights to the people
means that the state and the society accept them as citizens.
(3) Rights are given to the entire population equally. If the rights are given only to certain class of people it
will not be treated as facilities not the rights.
(4) Rights and duties are reciprocal and may not be separated from each other.
(5) Rights always deal with the collective benefits.
(6) Rights increase with the progress and increase in society as the needs of the mankind increase with the
developments in the society.
(7) A state is never the creator of rights of the people but it is, in fact, protector of the rights.
Q.2: What are the kinds of rights? Explain in detail.
There are two kinds of rights:
(a) MORAL RIGHTS:- Moral rights are those rights, which are generally accepted by the soul of the
mankind. These rights are accepted on the basis of social values. There is no power to give
punishment if these rights are not given or accepted by the state or the society. These rights
guide individual about his or her character and behaviour. The most valued right, for example,
is that it is the moral rights of old parents to be looked after by their grown up and well-off
children. But or any individual of the society. This cannot be legally demanded or promulgated
by the state

(b) LEGAL RIGHTS:- These are the rights that are given by the state to its citizens or the residents. States
protect these rights of citizens by itself. If any individual or institution tries to forfeit the rights of any
individual, group or society, the state gives punishment to the culprits and let the effected enjoy their
rights. People can avail their rights by knocking the door of court of justice. Law can change legal rights
Legal rights are divided into three kinds:
i. Social Rights:
Social rights let individuals live social, cultural and moral life peacefully. It deals with the daily life of
individuals. Some of the social rights are as under:
1) Right to Live:
Every citizen has right to live. Anybody interfering the life of others is liable to punishment under the law of
the state. In this respect no individual is allowed to even commit suicide because committing suicide is a
treated as a crime. However a state can demand sacrifice of lives to protect the state and its territory in case
of war or foreign aggression.

(2) Right to Marry:

Every citizen whether male or female has right to marry as per his or her liking and will. Nobody can get
married by forces even by the parents. In a married life wife and husband enjoy most of the rights equally. In
this includes the right to give and demand divorce and providing lively hood.

(3) Right to Worship and Adopt any Religion:

Every citizen has right to choose religion for him as per the liking of his soul. Nobody can force others to
follow his religion or a religion as per his order or desire.

(4) Right to Take Education:

Every citizen without any discrimination of color, cast or status has right to acquire education as per his wish
and needs. However it is the responsibility of the parents to educate their children as per need of the time.
Particularly in present time education is compulsory to progress and live successfully in this age of cutthroat

(5) Right to Express one's Opinion:

Every citizen has something to say and share with the common people as well as the executives of the state.
Most of the people want to bring in betterment in the system of government and the social life of the
citizens. Therefore, they demand right to express themselves at any forum. A good government give its
citizen's right to express their views in private as well as public meetings, but it does not government or its
people. Allow any idea that goes against the interest of the state.

(6) Right to Move from one place to Other:

Every citizen has right to move from one place to other from one corner to the other corner of the state.

(7) Right to Join any Party or Organizations:

Every citizen has right to join any political party other legal institution or NGO. He or she can form an NGO or
party too.

(8) Equal Right of Citizens:

Every citizen has equal right as Bona fide citizen the state, without discrimination of cast, color and status.

(9) Right to Protect Ones Culture and Language:

Every citizen has right to protect his language and culture remaining within the limits as per the law of the
ii. Political Rights:
Political rights allow a citizen to participate in political and administrative activities of a country. In
democratic state citizens enjoy the following rights:

(1) Right to Vote:

This right allows every citizen to vote for his favourite candidate in elections. People of a country, form the
government of their choice by choosing the candidates. In Democracy a government can only be formed by
way of general election and people vote for their favourite candidates go form a new government.
(2) Right to Candidature:
Every citizen has right to participate in election to acquire seat in provincial or national assembly so as to
represent the people of his election area. However he or she must have attended the required age and fulfill
the other requirements.

(3) Right to Hold Government Employment:

Every citizen has right to apply for the posts in government departments if he or she fulfills the required
demands of the post.

(4) Right to Criticize:

Citizens have right to criticize the wrong decisions and steps against the interest of the state and people.
Citizens criticism provides the government with the opportunity to correct its decisions and policies.

(5) Right to Form a Political Party:

Every bona fide citizen possesses the right to form a political party keeping within the framework of law of
the state.
(6) Right to Agitate Against Injustice and Forfeiture of Rights:
Every legal citizen of a state reserves the right to raise his voice against any act of injustice against him or
forfeiture of his or her rights by any person or the state itself. He also reserves the right to register his
agitation and complain against the injustice by sending application to the respective departments.

iii. Economical Rights:

These are the rights, which protect people's economic freedom and interests. Important economic rights are
as under:
(1) Right to Earn Livelihood:
Every citizen has right to learn his or her livelihood. Government is responsible for providing employment
and professional opportunities to its citizens. In some states government pays unemployment allowance to
its citizens.
(2) Right to Own Property:
Every citizen has right to buy and own personal property as per law of the state. Government also protects
the properties of the citizens. State has right to take over the properties of the citizen in case of war or any
other emergency. It can also fix tax on properties of the citizens.
(3) Right to Enter into Agreements:
Every citizen has right to enter into legal contracts with any person, group of people or organization local or
foreigner as per agreed conditions within the limits of the state law. State does not allow a citizen to enter
into any contract, which is against the law of the state, not good for any of the party, unethical or
(4) Right to Work According to Labour Laws:
Every citizen has right to work according to his or her capacity as per labour laws of the state. Every citizen
has right to take rest after certain period of work and enjoy weekly holidays for recreation. As per modern
labour law, timing of the work are decided and a worker may not work longer than 8 hours in a shift. If a
worker performs his duty for more than 8 hours he is entitled of receiving payment for overtime.

Q.3: Explain the important duties of the citizens.

A state is the protector of the rights of the citizens. But it also binds the citizens to discharging some duties.
Duty means responsibility, therefore, every citizen is responsible for discharging some duties. State binds the
citizens to do, and prevent from doing some works. These duties are assigned to the citizen so as to make
the society and the atmosphere peaceful to let the citizen live in peace and happiness. Rights and duties are
reciprocal, duty of one citizen is right of the other and vice versa. To live peacefully is the right of every
citizen. In the same way, to let others live peacefully is the responsibility of every citizen. This is why a state
imposes certain duties on the citizens.
Here are some duties of the citizens:
(1) Loyalty with the State:
A citizen is bound to remain loyal to the state. He must remain ready to sacrifice his property, wealth and
the life for state in case of war or disastrous situation. Loyalty of the citizen is the most important factor in
the development of countries.
(2) Abiding by the Law:
Every citizen is responsible for abiding by the law of the state. If the citizens do not follow the law of the
state, it will ruin the law and order situation and no citizen could get his or her even a single right and this
situation will destroy the entire administration of the state.
(3) Payment of Taxes:
Taxes are the main source of earnings for a state; therefore, every citizen is bound to pay all the taxes, which
have been levied, by the state. Non-payment of the taxes can cause collapse of the administration of the
(4) Correct Use of Vote:
Electing the right persons to rule the country is the most important factor that makes the citizens
responsible for choosing the right people by way of voting in the elections.
(5) Co-operation with the State Officials:
Citizens are responsible for cooperating with the government officials in their way of performing duties.
Citizens may identify the criminals and help police and law enforcing authorities in eliminating the evils from
the society. Moreover citizens must cooperate the government various department in establishing peace
and happy atmosphere within the society.
(6) Tolerance:
Tolerance is the basis of a peaceful society. Democracy can run only when people develop tolerance among
them so as to flourish happiness and peace far and wide in the state. However criticize on government's
activities, which are against the interest of the state and the people.
(7) Acquiring Education:
Education is the lifeline of a developing and progressive state. Education produces better, loyal and
responsible citizens. Education makes the people aware of the rights and wrongs of the state and their own
rights and responsibilities.
(8) To Do Hard Work:
Every citizen must work hard in his respective departments so as to make his own life and the others lives in
the society as a whole. On the other hand to keep busy in work keeps people away from evils and all
activities which are injurious to the people and the society.

Q.4: Discuss the right and duties as given in 1973 constitution.


Fundamental Rights are enshrined in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Chapter 1 of
the Constitution contains articles about the fundamental rights. Articles 8 to 28 of the constitution
deals with the all fundamental rights provided to the citizens of Pakistan. Followings are the
fundamental rights guaranteed to the citizens of Pakistan under constitution.

(1) No person shall be deprived of life or liberty, save in accordance with law (article 9)
(2) Safeguard as to arrest and detention. All arrested person must be informed of grounds of
their arrest, they have right to consult and defended by lawyer of their choice.
(3) Right of fair trial under article 10A
(4) Slavery, forced labor is prohibited and no child under age of 14 year be employed in
factory and mines.
(5) There shall be protection against retrospective punishment
(6) There shall be protection against double punishment and self-incrimination.
(7) Freedom of movement to everyone
(8) Freedom of assembly for all citizens
(9) Freedom of association for all citizens
(10) There shall be freedom of trade, business and profession for all citizens.
(11) Freedom of speech for all citizens
(12) All citizens shall have right to have access to information in all matters of public
importance under article 19A.
(13) Freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institution in country
(14) Safeguard against the taxation for the purposes of any particular religion.
(15) Safeguard as to educational institutes in respect of religion etc.
(16) All citizens have right to acquire, hold and dispose of property in any part of Pakistan.
(17) Protection of property rights of owners.
(18) All citizens are equal and there shall be no discrimination on bases of sex etc.
(19) Free and compulsory education to all children of age 5 to 16 by Government
(20) No discrimination in respect of access to public places.
(21) Safeguard against discrimination in services.
(22) All citizens have right to preserve their particular language, script and culture

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