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Teacher – I
February 16, 2021


Elementary School Principal – I
Sitio Santo Nino, Bamban, Tarlac

Dear Ma’am Von:

Good day!

I humbly wrote this letter to explain the incident as to why I was not able to attend the scheduled
activity/work assigned today. This is about my medical condition that I need to seriously attend to. I took
the chance to scheduled a flight on Friday, February 12, 2021, bound for Cebu, to safely travel to Samar
via sea travel. (Since there aren’t any available scheduled flights directing from Clark to Samar).
The reason for this sudden decision is due to my medical condition that is getting worse. I am suffering
from GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE (GERD) which causes me to develop anxiety and depression.
It was getting hard for me to cope up, to live, and to work normally. My shortness of breath is getting
worse that I could hardly climb a stair or walk a few distance without panting as if I’ll collapsed any
second of that moment. That even my family-in-law and some friends had observed my deep breathing
as if I’m gasping for air. And not to mention my weight loss due to deprivation of mostly everything to
eat. I even came to a point wherein I would cry myself to sleep due to mild panics and shortness of

That’s when I decided I needed to come home and seek my family’s help. I cannot stand the stress and
discomfort anymore, Ma’am Von. I always feel like I’m going to die anytime soon. I’m starting to
experience mild aches on my right and left chest and even on my throat that I’m starting to think maybe
I have a heart disease already or an esophageal cancer due to GERD that has been torturing me for a
year now. I cannot even proceed to undergo ultrasound because the thought of it gives me anxiety

In short, I came all the way here due to my medical condition. It is my health that I’m so worried right
now, Ma’am Von. With this, I would like to humbly ask for your favor to allow me to file for a sick leave
instead. As prescribed by my Physician too.

I am very sorry for my negligence and mistakes, Ma’am Von. I am aware of every little detail of it. What
I don’t know is that even in a work-from-home arrangement, I still need to undergo the standard
process of going out of town. But then, I made another mistake. I feel bad for not being with my
colleagues today to help them. I would make it up to them and especially to you, Ma’am Von.

Again, I sincerely apologize to you and to my colleagues.

Thank you!

Sincerely Yours,

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