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English Language

Section A


1. The captain of the Salty Dog

2. His father was the first mate and his job was to keep the
soldiers in order and make sure that the ship was on the right
path and if there was any damage caused to the ship then he
was the one responsible for mending it. His mother was the
one who had to keep lookout for other ships or any other form
of danger and also she was responsible of keeping look out for
3. They were ill-mannered because they didn’t say please or thank
you. They threw empty tin cans at the cook if the food wasn’t
good enough for them.
4. A simile is as nimble as a monkey.
5. It means when he wasn’t on the lookout with his mother.
6. He learnt how to mend, sail and polish the ship.
7. It means that he was the captain.
8. Frightening
9. Verb
10. Precious
Letter Writing

Flat no. #201,

Keshod Arcade,

Catholic Colony no. 2,


Dear Fatima,

How are you? I am fine. How is the weather in England I have heard
that it getting quite chilly these days. The weather in Karachi is
quite hot, but the weather can instantly change and turn into a
relaxing cool weather. Anyway I hope you and your family are safe
and healthy during these trying times. I wrote this letter to give you
some ideas of how to spend this time and also tell you how I spend
my time in quarantine.

The number one thing to do in this time is to have some family time
since your family is stuck in the same house as you for god knows
how many days. Play a board game with your siblings or make
something special for them. Unleash your inner creativity and make
masterpieces you don’t need to visit the supermarket to buy a
truckload of expensive items to make them. You can find lots and
lots of crafts that you can make out of only recycling materials and
things that you can find lying around your house. You can give these
mater pieces to your parents or siblings or any other family member
or you can make a few masterpieces and give to your teachers or
friends when the schools open. Another great way to spend time is
to learn a new language, I am currently learning Spanish. There are
many apps out there that can help you in learning a new language
such as Duolingo. This is a great opportunity to make a huge impact
on your grades, in this period of time you can improve in your weak
subjects and pass with high grades and make your parents and
teachers proud and happy. This is also a time when you can treat
yourself with self-love and study your character and make
improvements that can last a lifetime and benefit you later onwards
in life. You can also learn some basic skills of housekeeping and help
your mother with housework, she will definitely acknowledge it
especially since she is probably having a hard time since these days
no maids are coming and everyone is constantly bugging her with an
endless list of what they want to eat. Alongside this is a great time
to connect with old friends that have moved away somewhere else
and you don’t usually get time to talk to them.

These are only some ideas you can find more ideas on the internet,
but now I have to continue doing my math assignment that we got
and my cousins will be coming over in while for studying since now I
teach them so I have stop writing. I will be waiting for your reply. I
cant wait to meet you once again

Your best friend,



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