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Hereditas 130: 245-255 (1999)

Analysis of genetic diversity in geographically structured populations:

A Bayesian perspective
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, U-3043 Storrs, CT 06269-3043,

Holsinger, K. E. 1999. Analysis of genetic diversity in geographically structured populations: A Bayesian perspective.
Hereditus 130: 245-255. Lund, Sweden. ISSN 0018-0661. Received January 12, 1999. Accepted March 29, 1999

Bayesian approaches have been widely applied to partitioning diversity within and among levels in many different
multi-level modeling contexts. In spite of the structural similarities between these Bayesian models and hierarchical
approaches to partitioning diversity in population genetics, population geneticists have not explored the use of
hierarchical Bayesian models to providc cstimates of Wright’s F-statistics. In this paper I describe and il~uslrdkthe
application of a simple rnnltilocus, two-allele model sufficient for partitioning diversity within and among populations.
Extenions of the model incorporate both fixed-effect and random-effect models of population sampling at multiple
hierarchical levels with multiple alleles per locus. The Bayesian approach developed here is closely related to previously
developed methods for likelihood analysis of the same problem. I illustrate the utility of the Bayesian approach with a
reanalysis of previously published allozyrne data from Arguniu spinosu.

Kent E. Holsinger, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, (1-3043 Storrs, CT
06269-3043, USA

Biological diversity is inherently hierarchical. This is because F,, is closely related to the number of mi-
particularly evident at the level of species and above: grants per generation when populations have reached
closely related species are part of the same genus, a drift-migration equilibrium (WRIGHT1931; see,
closely related genera are part of the same family, HAMRICK1987 and GOVINDJARU 1989 for applica-
closely related families are part of the same order, tions and SLATKINand BARTON1989 and COCKER-
and so on. Similar hierarchical structure is often HAM and WEIR 1993 for a discussion of theoretical
evident within species. Not only are there differences issues).
among individuals from the same population, there Investigators in many other fields encounter hierar-
are differences among populations within a given chically structured data and are interested in parti-
geographical region and differences among geograph- tioning that variability in ways analagous to the
ical regions. For population geneticists this hierarchi- partitioning of genetic diversity into within and
cal structure is reflected in the extent to which genetic among population components. An investigator
differences between individuals are the result of dif- might want to determine, for example, whether most
ferences found between members of the same popula- of the variability in individual performance on stan-
tion, between members of different populations in the dardized examinations is due to variation among the
same geographical region, or between members of individuals taking the test or due to differences
populations in different geographical regions. among the teachers to whom they were exposed. If
WRIGHT(1951, 1965) introduced the use of F- each student has only one teacher, the hierarchical
statistics to describe this hierarchical structure. In a structure of this data is precisely analagous to the
simple, two-level sampling hierarchy (individuals hierarchical structure of genetic data collected from
within populations within a given geographical re- geographically structured populations. Because of the
gion), F,, measures the proportion of genetic diversity frequency with which investigators encounter hierar-
in the entire sample that is due to allele frequency chically structured data, statisticians have developed
differences among populations. Because of this sim- a variety of sophisticated methods for partitioning of
ple interpretation, estimates of F,, have been widely variation among hierarchical levels (see SEARLE et al.
used to partition genetic diversity into within and 1992 for an overview). Indeed, many classic experi-
among population components and to investigate the mental designs are intended to produce reliable and
influence of life-history variables on that partitioning efficient estimates of the hierarchically structured
(see, for example, HAMRICKet al. 1979; NEVOet al. components of variance. Quantitative geneticists have
1984; HAMRICKand GODT1990). FA,estimates have made extensive use of many of these techniques for
also been widely used to infer patterns of gene flow analysis of variance components (see, for example,
246 K. E. Holsizger Hereditas 130 (1999)

FALCONER and MACKAY 1996 or LYNCH and populations). Nei’s definition of G,, in terms of ex-
WALSH 1998), but population geneticists have used pected heterozygosity is equivalent to Wright’s defini-
them less extensively (WEIRand COCKERHAM 1984 is tion in terms of genetic correlations regardless of the
an obvious exception; see also WEHRHAHN1989, number of alleles per locus (NEI 1973; compare
BALDINGand NICHOLS1995, and RANNALAand HOLSINGER and MASON-GAMER 1996) when identity
HARTICAN1995). by type is equivalent to identity by descent.
In recent years statisticians have increasingly made
use of Bayesian methods for analysis of complex Sources o j sampling error
hierarchical data (see GOLDSTEIN 1995 for a recent The definitions of the preceding paragraph assume, of
comprehensive survey of statistical approaches to course, that the allele frequencies are known without
multilevel modeling), and Bayesian methods have error. Applications of F-statistics to the interpreta-
recently been applied to the analysis of heterogeneity tion of actual genetic data, however, must account
in genetic samples (for example, ROEDERet al. 1998). for error associated with estimating allele frequencies
In this paper I describe a hierarchical Bayesian model from sample data. One source of error is immediately
for partitioning genetic diversity at biallelic loci apparent to anyone who has had a basic course in
within and among populations in a simple two-level statistics: sample allele frequencies from each popula-
hierarchy, and I show how it can be extended to tion may differ from the actual allele frequencies in
incorporate multiple alleles at each locus and arbi- those populations. A second source of error may be
trarily complex hierarchical structures. Inferring mi- less apparent: because the populations included in a
gration rates from F,, estimates normally involves study often represent only a portion of all popula-
neglecting the role of mutation in producing genetic tions that could have been included, the allele fre-
diversity. I also illustrate that a straightforward ex- quency distribution among populations for which
tension of the basic approach can be used to make allelic samples are available may be different from the
direct inferences about mutation rates (4N,p) and allele frequency distribution among all populations of
migration rates ( 4 N p ) , at least in some simple cases. interest. Two widely used statistics, Nei’s G,, (NEI
Finally, a reanalysis of allozyme data from Argania and CHESSER1983) and Weir and Cockerham’s 8
spinosa (Sapotaceae; PETITet al. 1998) provides an (WEIR and COCKERHAM 1984), take different ap-
example of how these techniques can be used in proaches to correcting for sampling error associated
practice. 1 also use these data to demonstrate how with estimates of Fv,.
patterns of genetic differentiation at selectively neu- NEI and CHESSER(1983) calculate the statistical
tral loci may bear little resemblance to those at loci bias associated with equating sample and population
subject either to uniform or divergent directional allele frequencies and use the calculated bias to pro-
selection. duce formulas that allow unbiased estimation of H ,
and Hi. For example, If f i I k is the sample estimate for
ESTIMATING F,, the frequency of allele A , in subpopulation k , then
1 - X,a: is a biased estimate of the genetic diversity
Wright defined F,, as “the correlation between ran- in subpopulation k because
dom gametes within [populations], relative to gametes
of the total [sample]” (WRIGHT1969, p. 294). When
considering one locus with two alleles, Wright’s FA,is
equal to the actual variance among populations di-
where nk is the sample size from population k and Ek
vided by the maximum possible variance given the
represents the mathematical expectation across the
observed mean allele frequencies. NEI (1 973) sug-
process of sampling alleles from subpopulation k. To
gested using the expected panmictic heterozygosity in
correct this bias, genetic diversity within subpopula-
a sample as a measure of genetic diversity in that
tion k is commonly estimated as
sample. Using this definition of genetic diversity the
proportion of genetic diversity due to allele frequency
differences among subpopulations is given by R k = (+)(
nk -

Hi - H ,
, This bias correction is equivalent to the bias correc-
Hr tion usually applied to estimates of a population
where H , is the average expected panmictic het- variance in which the sum of squared deviations
erozygosity within subpopulations and H I is the ex- about the mean is divided by n - 1 instead of by n,
pected panmictic heterozygosity in the total sample but it accounts only for sampling error associated
(calculated from the mean allele frequencies across with sampling alleles from within populations.
Hereditas 130 (1999) Bayesian analysis o j genetic diversity 247

WEIR and COCKERHAM (1984) take a different SLATKIN and BARTON1989; WEHRHAHN 1989; RAN-
approach to the problem of sampling error, an ap- NALA and HARTICAN1995) can be interpreted without
proach derived from the analysis of variance. For reference to a particular evolutionary model, but they
each allele sampled from population k, a set of implicitly assume a random-effect model of population
indicator variables is defined: sampling. The Bayesian approach 1 describe below
extends the existing framework of likelihood models
I , if it is allele A , and extends it by allowing for multiple levels in the
0, if it is not allele A , sampling hierarchy and for either fixed-effect or ran-
An analysis of variance on these indicator variables is dom-effect population sampling (or both).
performed, partitioning the sum of squares into
A Bayesian approach
within population and among population compo-
nents. The sums of squares are converted to mean Before describing the Bayesian approach to analysis of
squares by dividing each by its associated degrees of population structure, consider the simple case of esti-
freedom. Under a particular model of population mating allele frequencies at a set of biallelic loci within
divergence, COCKERHAM (1 969) showed that the ex- a single population (compare WEIR1996). The sample
pected mean squares associated with such an consists of data on genetic variation at Zloci, each with
ANOVA model are a function of coancestry coeffi- 2 alleles A , and A,. Let arkbe the number of A , alleles
cients that are equivalent to Wright's F statistics, in the sample, and let nrk be the sample size at locus
assuming that the populations sampled are a random i from population k . If we assume that alleles are
subset of all diverging populations. Estimates of the sampled independently within each population and that
coancestry coefficients are derived by equating the we can ignore gametic disequilibrium, the probability
observed and expected mean squares. of getting the observed sample from a population in
Estimates of population structure derived from which p l k is the frequency of A , at locus in population
Weir and Cockherham's 8 can be quite different from k is just
those derived from Nei's bias-corrected G,, for two
the 8 includes a correction for sampling error
associated with differences between the allele fre-
L is the likelihood of the sample (EDWARDS1972).
quency distribution the set of populations sampled
Maximum-likelihood estimates for the p j k are those
and the actual allele frequency distribution of the
entire set of populations. I
values of p r kthat maximize L(a, njk,p j k ) ,in this case
Interpretating 8 in terms of coancestry coefficients
djk= ajk/njk.Bayesian estimates for the p j k also depend
on the likelihood, but they use it to refine prior beliefs
depends on a particular model of population diver-
about the p j k . Specifically, if +(pik) is the probability
gence that may sometimes be a poor representation
we assign to the frequency of A , in population k prior
of the actual process.
to collecting the data (the prior probability forp,), then
Fortunately, G,, and 8 typically differ little when the the posterior probability for pik is given by
number of populations sampled is relatively large.
Nonetheless, the current state of the art is unsatisfac- p(Pik I nik? a i k )

tory in two ways. First, in circumstances where the

sampled populations are themselves regarded as a
sample from all possible populations (the random-ef-
i = fi (;z),n.(l
Ik = I -p rk )12lk--L"k 4 o l i k 1. (2)

fect model of population sampling, WErR 1996), it The choice of priors, i.e., the +kjk), is affected by many
would be useful to have a method of partitioning factors, and point estimates for pikcan be derived from
genetic diversity into its within and among population the posterior distribution, Poljk I njk, a l k ) , in several
components whose interpretation does not depend on ways (LEE1989;O'HAGAN1994).In the absence of any
a particular evolutionary model. Second, in circum- prior information about allele frequencies, a uniform
stances where the sampled populations represent the distribution for +(plk)on [0,I ] is often chosen, suggest-
entire set of populations in which investigators are ing that every possible allele frequency is equally likely.
interested (the fixed-effect model of population sam- If we use the mean of the posterior distribution as a
pling, WEIR1996), it would be useful if the conceptual point estimate for p j k , then dik = (ark+ l)/(njk+ 2).*
framework used to make estimates of Fsz were closely
related to the one used make estimates in the random- * I f we use the mode of the posterior distribution as a point
effect population model. Likelihood methods (e.g., estimate for P , ~ then
, p,k = a,&,,, and the Bayesian point estimate
BARTONet al. 1983; WEHRHAHN and POWELL1987; is equivalent to the maximum-likelihood estimate.
248 K. E. Holsinxer Hereditas 130 (1999)

Table 1. Comparison of’ F,, Estimates I

G,, 0 Gf: 0B

0.091 1 0.1667(0.0372, 0.2844) 0.0877(0.0423, 0.1418) 0.1722(0.0460, 0.4068)

‘Data from Aedes aegyytii (J. Powell cited in WEIR 1996, p. 201). Reduced to two alleles per locus by combining least
frequent alleles at each locus into a single, pseudo-allele class. G,, is from GENESTAT (LEWISand WHITKUS1989). 8 is
from GDA (LEWISand ZAYKIN1999). Gf: and €IB are from a Gibbs sampler implemented in WinBUGS (GILKSet al.
1994). Numbers in parentheses represent lower and upper bounds of the 95 YOcredibility interval.

Constructing a Bayesian model for inferring the pling (GELFANDand SMITH 1990). Gibbs sampling
partitioning of diversity within and among popula- provides a numerical approximation of the full poste-
tions involves adding a hierarchical component to rior distribution with which it is also easy to judge
equation (2). Specifically, let the frequency distribu- the reliability of point estimates.
tion of plk in all populations (including those not The results in Table 1 illustrate that G;B, and B E
sampled) be a beta distribution with parameters a, provide estimates of F,, quite comparable to G,, and
and h,, Be(a,, b,). If we let a, = ((1 - 8)/0)x, and 8, respectively.$ In this example as in others I have
h, = ((1 - 8)/8)(1 - x,), then x, corresponds with the examined, the interval estimate for OB is substantially
mean allele frequency at locus i (averaged across all less symmetric than the interval estimate for 8, which
populations) and 8 corresponds with F,, (calculated is obtained by bootstrapping across loci. Differences
from the frequency distribution of allele frequencies in the degree of asymmetry appear to be smaller,
across all populations; see ROEDER et al. 1998). however, in data sets consisting of samples from ten
Letting X ( x , ) be the prior distribution for the x,and or more populations. This result is consistent with
T(8) be the prior distribution for 8, the posterior intuition suggesting that the reliability of F,, estimates
probability distribution for plk and 8 is given by may often be influenced as much by the number of
populations sampled as by the number of loci sam-
P(Pk, @ I n,k, ark)
pled within each population (see LYNCHand CREASE
1990 for a quantitative demonstration of this point
with DNA sequence data). This result also suggests
that bootstrap intervals are likely to be overly narrow
x Be(% b , ) X ( x , ) T ( O (3) when the number of populations is small, because the
sample distribution of allele frequencies will then
For a fixed-effect model of population sampling,
provide a poor approximation to the actual distribu-
corresponding with Nei’s G,,, F,, can be estimated as
tion (compare EFRONand TIBSHIRANI 1993.)

H, = 1 -u/m c
k= 1
I = Extending the approach

H, = 1 - c jj:,
I =

There are two obvious limitations to the approach I
have just outlined. First, analyses are limited to data
sets with only two alleles per locus. Second, analyses
(4) are limited to a simple, two-level hierarchy. Although
there are some computational challenges to be faced
where jiikis the mean of the posterior distribution for in extending the approach to cover more complex
Pzk and f i L = (l/K) Xgik. I will refer to an estimate of and interesting cases, the conceptual framework I
F,, derived in this way as G;B,. For a random-effect have just described accommodates them without
model of population sampling, corresponding with difficulty.
Weir and Cockerham’s 8, f,, can be estimated as the Multiple alleles per locus. The extension to multiple
mean of the posterior distribution for 6. 1 will refer to alleles per locus is especially straightforward. Con-
an estimate of Fst derived in this way as 8’. Analyti- sider a sample of genetic variation at locus i having
cal expressions for the posterior distribution of c,; alleles A , , A,, . . . A-,, where nziis the number of alleles
and are not available,t but they can be numeri- present at locus i in the sample. Let aVk be the
cally approximated through the use of Gibbs sam-
distribution for 0 will be close to the maximum-likelihood estimate
t The likelihood for this sampling model is a beta-binomial of 0 provided the posterior distribution is close to symmetrical.
(WEHRHAHN1989). Thus, if a uniform prior is chosen for 8, the The prior for the x,was uniform on [O, 11, and the prior for A was
mode of the posterior distribution for 0 will correspond with the a & ( I , 2) (compare ROEDERet al. 1998), but the results are quite
maximum-likelihood estimate of 8. The mean of the posterior insensitive to the choice of priors.
Hereditas 130 (1999) Bayesian analysis o j genetic diversity 249

number of A, alleles present in the sample at locus i present in the sample at locus i and arknbe the sample
and nlAbe the sample size at locus i from population size at locus i from subpopulation k in population n.
k . Assuming that alleles are sampled independently There are two options available in adding an addi-
within each population and ignoring gametic disequi- tional level to the sampling hierarchy. Either we can
librium, the likelihood of the sample is assuhe that the partitioning of genetic diversity
within and among subpopulations is the same in all
L(a,~k I n,ik, P I J ~ ) populations (the assumption made in existing meth-
ods that use G,, or 8), or we can allow the partition-
ing of genetic diversity within and among
subpopulations to differ among populations. I will
refer to the first approach as the constant-8, ap-
proach (the subscript s refers to subpopulations) and
where pllk is the frequency of allele A, at locus i in to the latter as the variable-8, approach. Because the
population k (compare with (1) above). constant-8, approach is a special case of the variable-
ForU multinomial
samples, the Dirichlet distribu-
t t { A l l , U12,. . . , d m r ) l J l V V l U L J a llALUlQl ~ I l U l
,,--- T ..,411 ,4-.-p-:L- +L- .,,.-:,.Ll- 0 ,.------L.
in detail before showing how the constant-0, ap-
for the allele frequencies at locus i (O'HAGAN1994; proach is derived from it.
LANGE 1995). If we let a, = ((1 - 8)/8)x,,, then x, Within population n the distribution of allele fre-
corresponds with the mean frequency of allele A, at quencies among subpopulations at locus i is given by
locus i (averaged across all populations) and 8 corre-
sponds with F,, (calculated from the frequency distri-
bution of alleles across all populations; see ROEDER
, . . , , x,,~,)be the prior
et al. 1998). Letting X ( x I I xlz,
distribution for the xv and T(8)be the prior distribu- (7)
tion for 8, the posterior distribution for pllk and 8 where With this formulation
= (( 1 - 8s(n))/es(n))xl,n.
becomes xiin corresponds with the mean frequency of allele A ,
at locus i (averaged across all subpopulations of n )
and 8,1(n)corresponds with F,, calculated from the
frequency distribution of alleles across all subpopula-
tions of n. Similarly, the distribution of allele fre-
quencies among populations at locus i is given by
, . . . , zln,)X(x,,,
W x r l ri2, xC2,. . . ,x,,,)T(O (6)
P(xijn I xi,, 8)
(compare with ( 3 ) above; see also WEHRHAHN 1989
and RANNALAand HARTICAN1995 for similar ex- = Di4ail, ai2,. . . , ain,)X(xil,
x,~,. . . , xi,,,), (8)
pressions in a likelihood context). Estimates for a where aii = (( 1 - 8)/8)x,. With this formulation xii
fixed-effect model of population sampling, G:, can be corresponds with the mean frequency of allele A , at
derived from the multiallelic analog of (4) where dllr locus i (averaged across all populations) and 8 corre-
is the mean of the posterior distribution for p I I k . sponds with F,, calculated from the frequency distri-
Estimates for a random-effect model of population bution of alleles across all populations.
sampling, Q B , can be obtained from the mean of the Combining (7) and (8) and assuming that allelic
posterior distribution for 8. samples are independent across loci and populations,
Complex hierarchical structures. While the exten- the posterior distribution for pijkn,xi,,,, 8,y,, and 8 is
sion to more complex hierarchical structures becomes given by
rotationally difficult, the principle involved is identi-
cal to that used to derive (3) from (2), namely we add p@,jkn, xijn, 8.s(n), I nijknr aijkn)
levels to the hierarchy by adding appropriate hierar-
chical components to equation (6). To illustrate how
this is accomplished, consider the following three-
level sampling scheme: Alleles are sampled at random
from subpopulations. Subpopulations are sampled
(either randomly or completely) from populations. P(Pijkri I xijn, Qn)P(xijn I xi,, e>X(x,)r(e,,,n,>T(e>, (9)
Populations are sampled (either randomly or com- where x(xC), T(8,,,,,,),and t(8) are the priors for xu,
pletely) from geographical regions. and 8, respectively. Fixed-effect estimates of F,,
Let k, be the number of subpopulations sampled among subpopulations of population n (G,&) can be
from population n, let a,,knbe the number of A , alleles derived from the multiallelic analog of (4) where piikn
250 K. E. Holsinger Hereditas 130 (1999)

is the mean of the posterior distribution for and we make the restrictive assumptions that mutation
fixed-effect estimates of F', among populations G: can among all allelic classes is equally likely and that the
be similarly derived from the mean of the posterior frequency of allele A , among migrants into a population
distribution for xiin. Random-effect estimates of F,, is equal to l/nt,then it can be shown that the stationary
among subpopulations of population n (e,$J can be distribution of allele frequencies approached by a
obtained from the mean of the posterior distribution for drift-migration-mutation process is given by a Dirichlet
Q,:,,,, and for Fstamong populations from the mean of the distribution in which all parameters are equal to
posterior distribution for 8. +
4N,(u, m/n,)/(n,- 1) (see EWENS1979 and compare
The constant-0, model is derived from the variable- CROWand KIMURA1970; see also RANNALAand
O,s(n) model by setting €I,,,, = O,s for all populations. HARTIGAN1995). This approach allows each locus to
Fixed-effect estimates of F,, can be obtained from the have a different mutation rate, pL, but the restrictive
posterior mean ofp,,,, and x+ as before. Random-effect assumptions on mutation and migration rates imply
estimates of F,, among subpopulations can be obtained that all alleles at a locus have the same expected
from the posterior mean of 0, and 0. frequency at stationarity and that this frequency
The flexibility this approach provides for describing matches the allele frequency in migrants.§
the partitioning of diversity at each hierarchical level is The posterior distribution for this model differs only
an important advantage over existing methods. Rather a little from equation (6). Specifically,let a, = 4N,(p,+
than assuming that subpopulations are equally differen- m/n,)/(n,- 1), let M(4Nc,m)be the prior distribution for
tiated from one another regardless of which population 4N,m, and let U(4N,p) be the prior distribution for
" , I - - - - -v - . ..- -1 . - . . . . . . -...
in which subpopulations of one population may be 4 N,p is given by
relatively undifferentiated while those of another are
markedly different. Moreover, it should also be possible
to use Bayesian model choice criteria (for example,
GELFAND and GHOSH 1998) to determine whether any
differences among populations in the partitioning of
genetic diversity (reflected in estimates of 0,,,, that differ Dir(azl,ur2,. . . , a,,,)M(4N,m)U(4N,p) (10)
among populations) are statistically important. Estimates for 4N,m and 4N,p can then be obtained
F-statistics are also widely used to describe the from their respective means in the posterior distribu-
departure of genotype frequencies from Hardy-Wein- tion. Notice that this approach implicitly assumes a
berg proportions within populations. When used in this random-effect model of population sampling. Be-
way, however, the inbreeding coefficient F, is assumed cause of the close relationship between the likelihood
to be the same in all subpopulations. The same approach RANNALAand HARTIGAN(1995) present
procedure used to extend this hierarchical approach to and the method described here, point estimates of
multiple levels above the subpopulation can also be used 4Nem and 4N,p derived from (10) will be quite
to extend the hierarchy downward to examine the similar to their maximum-likelihood counterparts.
relationship between allele frequencies and genotype Substantial differences between point estimates are
frequencies within populations. With this approach F,,s likely only if strongly informative priors are used for
can be estimated separately for each population and 4N,m and 4N,p, although the confidence intervals of
Bayesian model choice criteria can be used both to likelihood estimates and the credibility intervals of
determine whether there are detectable departures from Bayesian estimates may differ substantially when the
Hardy-Weinberg within subpopulations and whether number of populations sampled is relatively small.
those departures are of a similar magnitude in all An example comparing estimates of 4N,m and
populations. 4N,p derived from a two-allele version of (10) with
Estimating migration and mutation rates. It is also estimates compared from inverting G,, or 0 (and
quite easy to extend the two-level hierarchy model to ignoring mutation) are provided in Table 2.7 Notice
provide direct estimates of the migration rate (4N,m)
and the mutation rate (4N,p) in the case of an
8 If we restrict the model to two alleles at each locus, the restictive
island-type migration model (compare WRIGHT193I; assumption on migrant allele frequencies can be relaxed if muta-
RANNALAand HARTIGAN1995). N,,in this model tion rates do not differ across loci (see CROWand KIMURA1970).
corresponds to the effective size of local populations, It should also be possible to extend this approach to more general
and the migration process does not include local models of mutation, migration, and population dynamics by direct
extinction and recolonization. WHTLOCKand BARTON simulation o f the stationary distribution.
YThe results presented are derived with use o f a Gaussian prior
(1997) and NUNNEY(1999) discuss the effective size of
(mean = 0, variance = 10) on log ( 4 N p ) and log(4Nc,p). This
populations under much less restrictive models, but corresponds t o a lognormal prior on 4 N p and 4N,p with a mean
their analyses do not include the effects of mutation. If 148 and 95 '% o f its density lying in the interval [0.002, 4921.
Hereditas I30 (1 999) Bayesian analysis of genetic diversity 25 1

that an analysis based on Weir and Cockherham's 8 Table 3. Analysis o j genetic diversity in Argania
would conclude with some confidence that 4N,m > I , spinosu '
the threshold commonly used to infer whether migra-
tion is sufficient to prevent neutral divergence
(WRIGHT 1931). The Bayesian estimate, however, 0.18 0.1920(0.1768, 0.2063) 0.2677(0.2129, 0.3300)
which includes the contribution of mutation to ge-
netic diversity within populations, suggests that it 'G,, from Table 3 of PETUet al. (1998). Gf: and BB are from
cannot be reliably determined whether 4 N , m > 1 or a Gibbs sampler implemented in WinBUGS (GILKSet al.
4N,m < 1. 1994). Numbers in parentheses represent lower and upper
95 '%,confidence limits. The data were reduced to two alleles
per locus by combining least frequent alleles at each locus
AN EXAMPLE into a single, pseudo-allele class for Bayesian analyses.

Conservation geneticists sometimes employ analyses The Data

of genetic diversity to identify areas for on-site conser-
PETIT et al. (1998) report data on variation at 15
vation (RIGGS 1990; MILLARand LIBBY 1991), to
polymorphic allozyme loci collected from 12 popula-
identify populations of endangered plants or animals
tions of Argania spinosa. Sample sizes range from 20
that are particularly worthy of conservation concern
to 50 individuals, and 5 of the 12 polymorphic loci
have more than 2 alleles. The main body of the species
GODT 1996), or to identify populations of crop rela-
distribution extends for approximately 400 km along
tives that are particularly important for conservation
the Atlantic shore in central, western Morocco, and it
of genetic resources (SCHOENand BROWN1993). An
extends inland no more than 200 km. Two popula-
important part of such evaluations is often identifying
tions, Oued Grou and Beni-Snassen, are widely sepa-
those populations that contribute most to genetic
rated from the main body of the species distribution.
diversity within the species being studied, either be-
Oued Grou lies approximately 400 km north of the
cause they exhibit especially high levels of within
main body of the species distribution near the Atlantic
population diversity or because they are markedly
shore. Beni Snassen is in the far northeastern corner
different from other populations of the species. PETIT
of Morocco near the Mediterranean Sea. PETITet al.
et al. (1998) recently reported results from a survey of
(1998) regard the climate of three sites (Oued Grou,
Argania spinosa (Sapotaceae) intended to identify pop-
Tensift, and Tamanar) as semi-arid. They regard the
ulations important for conservation of this species. In
climate of the remaining nine sites as arid.
addition to reporting F-statistics to describe the parti-
tioning of genetic diversity within and among popula- Results
tions in their sample, they report statistics intended to
Results of a two-level analysis of genetic diversity for
reflect the contribution of each population to the
these data are presented in Table 3. Notice that
genetic diversity of the entire sample.** These data
fixed-effect estimates of F,,(G,, and G:) are statisti-
provide an excellent example of how the Bayesian
cally indistinguishable. The random-effect estimate of
approach described above may lead to insights that
F,, derived from B B is, however, substantially higher
other methods cannot provide.
than that obtained from a fixed-effect model. One
interpretation of this result might be that the sample
of populations included significantly underestimates
Table 2. Comparison of 4N,m Estimates' the amount of genetic differentiation among popula-
tions of Argania spinosu. Another interpretation might
Parameter Derived from
be that including outlier populations (Oued Grou and
Direct Bayesian Beni-Snassen) leads to a substantial overestimate of
approach genetic differentiation among populations in the main
body of the species range. One way of distinguishing
4N,.rn 9.977 4.999(2.516,25.88) 6.278(0.0245,23.35) these possibilities is to examine the contribution that
4", P 0.31 SS(0.001 80 1, 1.214)
each population makes both to total diversity in the
'Data from Aedes aegyptii (see note to Table 1). 9 5 % sample and to the proportion of diversity attributed to
limits from 8 were derived from inverting those reported in among population differences. Specifically, we can
Table 1. compare the total diversity in the sample, H,, with
total diversity remaining when population k is re-
** PETITet al. (1998) also report statistics based on allelic richness. moved, H , &.-/--/-
Because these statistics are not directly comparable F-statistics, I
do not discuss them in this paper. f t See PETITet a]. (1998) for details.
252 K. E. Holsinxer Hereditas 130 (1999)

Table 4 shows the result of such additional parti- populations are historically independent. In this case,
tioning. Because the statistics reported concern the the large contribution that Beni-Snassen makes to Fsr
effect of deleting particular populations from a par- and total genetic diversity in the sample suggests that
ticular sample of populations, only statistics derived it is the most historically independent of the remain-
from a fixed-effect model are reported. When Beni- ing populations of Avgania spimsa. In fact, Beni-
Snassen is deleted from the sample, the total diversity Snassen is the only population for which there is
is reduced by about 5.5 %. This effect is almost evidence of a large, independent contribution to ge-
entirely the result of a reduced amount of differentia- netic diversity in this sample. As a result, Beni-
tion among populations remaining in the sample (GZ Snassen may be a particularly important target for
is reduced to 0.1556 from 0.1920). When any other conservation efforts, because individuals within it
population is deleted from the sample there is no may also have had the chance to diverge substantially
detectable effect on the sample diversity. Thus, in- at loci that contribute more directly to population
cluding the isolated population of Beni-Snassen in the persistence (HOLSINGER and VITT 1997).
analysis leads to a statistically detectable overestimate While inverting the relationship between G,, and
of the amount of genetic differentiation among popu- 4N,m would suggest that 4 N p =4.56, Using the
lations in the main body of the species range. model in (10) suggests that 4N,m lies in the interval
[1.95, 3.681 and that 4NL,p lies in the interval
The conservation implications of this result de-
[0.00052, 0.1071. These estimates assume, of course,
pend, in part, on what this pattern of differentiation
that the drift migration-mutation process among pop-
can tell us about evolutionary processes in Avgania
ulations has reached stationarity and that the simple,
spinosa. In particular, large values of F,, indicate that
island model of migration is an adequate representa-
the time to common ancestry of alleles from different
tion of movement among populations. Given those
populations is substantially longer, on average, than caveats, the statistically detectable difference between
the time to common ancestry of alleles from within 4 N p estimates derived from G,, and those derived
the same populations (SLATKIN1991). Thus, F,, can from the direct, Bayesian approach, has little impact
be regarded as a measure of the extent to which on the qualitative conclusion: gene exchange among
populations appears to be sufficient to prevent sub-
stantial divergence at neutral loci. It is important to
Table 4. Individual population contributions to note, however, that the same conclusion does not
diversity ' apply to loci subject even to moderate degrees of
selection. Indeed, considerable divergence at loci sub-
Population C, G: k
ject to selection is possible.
Ait Baba -0.0033( - 0.0306, 0.1787(0.1619, Using the estimates just mutation and migration
0.0238) 0.1938) rate estimates just obtained (4N,m = 2.724 and
Ademine 0.0041( -0.0235, 0.1974(0.1810, 4N,p = 0.0374), for example, it is possible to investi-
0.031 1) 0.2 142) gate the magnitude of differentiation expected at loci
Argana 0.0004( -0.0266, 0.1968(0.1823,
0.0264) 0.2150)
subject to different patterns of selection. Specifically,
Beni-Snassen 0.0551(0.0288, 0.1556(0.1390, we can calculate F,, at a locus in which selection acts
0.0806) 0.1716) either uniformly across populations or divergently
Goulimine 0.0138( -0.0138, 0.1684(0.1531, across populations (see the Appendix for details).
0.0397) 0.1837) In the case of uniform selection, a selection coeffi-
M ijji - 0.0035( 0.0304, 0.2044(0.1871,

cient as small as 0.01 would produce an F,, of only
Oued Grou -0.0223( -0.0495, 0.1835(0.1668, 0.052 in populations with an effective size of 1000.
0.0045) 0.2002) Conversely, a selection coefficient of 0.01 would pro-
Sidi Ifni -0.0167( -0.0444, 0.1973(0.1816, duce an F,, of 0.76 in populations subject to divergent
0.0108) 0.2129) selection. Clearly, patterns of differentiation at loci
Tafraout 0.0000( -0.0272, 0.2058(0.1902,
0.0263) 0.2230)
subject even to weak selection may be quite different
Tensift -0.0191( -0.0474, 0.1963(0.1804, from those that are neutral. More generally, quantita-
0.0091) 0.2129) tive patterns of differentiation among populations at
Tamanar 0.0019( -0.0243, 0.1972(0.1815, different sets of loci are likely to be similar only if the
0.0278) 0.2137) product of effective size and the selection coefficient
Tizin t'est 0.0055( -0.0223, 0.2041(0.187 1,
0.0324) 0.2227)
is one or less at'both sets of loci (compare CROWand
KIMURA1970). In populations with an effective size
' C , = ( f 2 - H, k ) / H j is the proportion of total diversity of 100, for example, F,, would be 0.25 in the case of
contributed by a population. uniform selection and 0.29 in the case of divergent
Hereditas 130 (1999) Bayesian analysis of genetic diversity 253

selection, both values much closer to the observed BB more modes, for example-they do accomodate a
(0.27). wide variety of possible distributions. Moreover, OB
will depend only on the first two moments of the
allele frequency distribution, regardless of what dis-
DISCUSSION tribution is chosen to represent it. As a result, it
The method I describe here for analysis of genetic seems unlikely that 0" will depend strongly on the
diversity produces estimates very similar to two exist- choice of allele-frequency distributions.
ing approaches: Nei's biased-corrected diversity Third, when this approach is extended to more
statistics (G,,,; NEI 1973; NEI and CHESSER1983) and than one hierarchical level, fixed-effect estimates at
Weir and Cockerham's ANOVA based diversity one hierarchical level can be combined with random-
statistics (0; WEIRand COCKERHAM 1984). This sim- effect estimates at other levels. While similar ap-
ilarity can be seen both as a strength and as a proaches are now commonplace in multilevel
weakness. It is a strength because estimates of popu- modeling in other contexts, I am not aware of meth-
lation structure derived from this method will be ods that allow it in the context of F-statistics. It may
G,:, or to Weir and Cockerham's 0, in the case of CJB. estimates when samples are taken from the entire
As a result, Gf: and OB must be regarded as good geographic range of a species. but only a sample of
summaries of population structure to exactly the representative populations is available from different
same extent as G,, and 0 themselves are so regarded. geographical regions. Variation among geographical
This similarity is a weakness because at first glance regions might best be regarded as a fixed effect, for
the similarity in results seems to make this new example, while variation among populations within
method superfluous. There are, however, several ways those regions might be better regarded as a random
in which this method may represent a useful contri- effect.
bution to the tool box of population geneticists. Finally, this method can be extended to provide
First, this approach provides a unified conceptual direct estimates of migration rates (4Nm) and muta-
framework for fixed-effect model investigations of a tion rates (4N,p). Estimates of 4N,m are usually
specified set of populations and for random-effect derived from F,, by ignoring the effect of mutational
model investigations of populations that are them- processes. As CHARLESWORTH (1 998) has pointed
selves regarded as a sample.$$ Recause fixed-effect out, however, evolutionary processes that affect the
estimates are obtained from Bayesian estimates of amount of diversity within populations may also have
allele frequencies in the populations uctually sampled an effect on the partitioning of diversity within and
while random-effect estimates are obtained from a among populations. Thus, estimates of 4N,m derived
Bayesian estimate of allele frequencies in all popula- from models that incorporate such evolutionary
tions potentially sampled this approach also helps to forces may be more reliable than those derived from
clarify the differences between these sampling models. models that neglect them. Of course the model of
Including these different sampling models within a mutation and migration I used to illustrate the
single statistical framework may help investigators to method is very restrictive. Nonetheless, it seems likely
choose the one most appropriate for analysis of their that this approach can be extended to more realistic
data. models of migration and population dynamics using
Second, unlike Weir and Cockerham's 0 statistics, numerical methods to simulate the stationary distri-
interpretation of the random-effect estimates of pop- bution similar to those used by KUHNERet al. (1995,
ulation structure derived from the method proposed 1998) to solve a similar problem in a likelihood
here do not depend on a particular model of popula- context.
tion divergence. Instead they depend only on the If it is possible to extend the method I describe
assumption that a beta distribution, in the two-allele here to include more realistic models of migration
case, or a Dirichlet distribution, in the multiallele and population dynamics, it will be straightforward
case, provides an adequate approximation to the to extend it further to accomodate models of muta-
actual distribution of allele frequencies among popu- tion appropriate to sequence, restriction site, and
lations. While these distributions cannot describe all microsatellite evolution. It will then be possible to
possible allele frequency distributions-a beta distri- analyze and compare the partitioning of genetic di-
bution cannot describe a distribution with three or versity within and among populations using the same
$': It would be possible, of course, to develop the fixed-effect model
conceptual framework, regardless of whether popula-
analogue of Weir and Cockerham's 8 in an ANOVA framework. tions are regarded as fixed or random effects and
Indeed, WEIR (1996) provides an example of such an approach, regardless of the type of genetic data available for
but these possibilities have not been extensively explored. analysis. In short, the method I describe here pro-
254 K. E. Holsinner Hereditas 130 (1999)

vides a very flexible framework for the development directional selection of equal intensity selection in
of more sophisticated methods to analyze the hierar- favor of A , in another set of populations and that the
chical structure of genetic diversity in geographically fitness of A , A , is exactly intermediate between that of
structured populations. As important as this flexibil- A , A , and A,A, in all populations. If there are many
ity, however, is the close relationship between esti- populations exchanging migrants and if each type of
mates provided through this method and those population makes up about half of the migrant pool,
provided through methods with which population the mean allele frequency in migrants will be 1/2.
geneticists are already familiar. Then the stationary distribution of allele frequencies
is given by
I an1 indebted to Alan Gelfand for statistical advice and to
Courtney Murren for many profitable discussions about
biological problems associated with genetic analysis in geo-
graphically structured populations. Two anonymous re-
viewers provided detailed and constructive suggestions that
led to substantial improvements in this paper, and I am
indedbted to them for their frank and constructive com-
ments. The research described here was supported, in part, +
where a, = x(1 - x ) s x2s = xs and d, = - xs. Using
by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DEB- (A.4), F,, can be calculated as before.


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