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Spatial Covariance in Plant Communities: Integrating Ordination, Geostatistics, and Variance

Author(s): Helene H. Wagner
Source: Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 4 (Apr., 2003), pp. 1045-1057
Published by: Ecological Society of America
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Accessed: 25/08/2011 20:30

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Ecology, 84(4), 2003, pp. 1045-1057
? 2003 by the Ecological Society of America



Department of Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 USA, and
WSL, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland

Abstract. Spatial structure in plant communities occurs in the forms of (1) single-
species aggregation and dispersion patterns, (2) distance-dependent interactions between
species, and (3) the response to the spatial structure of environmental conditions. Different
methods deal with these components of spatial variation: geostatistical analysis reveals
autocorrelation in a spatial sample; the variance of species richness has been used as an
indicator for interspecific interactions due to niche limitation; and ordination techniques
describe multispecies responses to environmental factors. Based on the mathematical prop-
erties of presence-absence data, it is shown how variogram modeling, the testing of in-
terspecific associations, and multiscale ordination can be integrated using the same set of
distance-dependent variance-covariance matrices (variogram matrix). The variogram matrix
partitions the variance of community data into spatial components at the levels of the
individual species, species composition, and species richness. It can be used to factor out
the effects of single-species aggregation patterns, interspecific interactions, or environ-
mental heterogeneity. The mathematical integration of traditionally unrelated methods in-
creases the interpretability of variograms of plant communities, provides a spatial extension
and an empirical null model for the variance test of species richness, and extends multiscale
ordination to nonsystematic spatial samples. Beyond the individual applications, the var-
iogram matrix provides a framework for a mathematical unification of geostatistics, mul-
tivariate data analysis, and the analysis of variance that may enable ecologists from a broad
range of fields to incorporate spatial effects into their research and to integrate analyses
across different levels of biological organization.
Key words: interspecific associations; multiscale ordination; multivariate geostatistics; nonsta-
tionarity; spatial variance; species richness; variance test; variogram matrix.

INTRODUCTION analysis (e.g., Greig-Smith 1952, Hill 1973, Usher

1975, Dale 1999). Block-size variance techniques sum-
Differences in species composition between sam-
marize the spatial structure of individual species and
pling units, such as quadrats, are a primary focus of
of pairs of species; they are essentially uni- or bivariate
quantitative vegetation analysis. Ordination is the main
methods (Fortin 1999, Mistral et al. 2000). The re-
method used for analyzing variation in plant commu-
spective scales of regular spatial patterns in a com-
nities. Indirect ordination detects intrinsic gradients in
munity, such as patches and gaps of constant size, are
species composition, while direct gradient analysis
identified by comparing several uni- or bivariate plots
identifies compositional gradients in vegetation as a
of variance against block size. Alternatively, pattern
response to measured environmental factors (De'ath
analysis can be performed on the scores of an ordi-
1999). Plant communities and environmental factors
nation axis (Galiano 1983).
often are spatially structured. Direct and indirect or-
A truly multivariate extension, called multiscale or-
dination, however, are both essentially nonspatial
dination, was presented by Noy-Meir and Anderson
(1971) and further developed by Ver Hoef and Glenn-
Due to an increasing awareness of the importance of
Lewin (1989). Noy-Meir and Anderson (1971) sug-
space in ecology and the availability of global posi-
gested summarizing the spatial structure of a com-
tioning systems (GPS), more and more data sets are
munity by calculating a variance-covariance matrix for
spatially referenced and lend themselves to spatial anal-
each block size. In order to facilitate interpretation, the
ysis. If the data represent a transect or grid of contig-
matrices are added to form a combined covariance ma-
uous quadrats, their spatial structure can be analyzed
trix, which is subjected to principal component analysis
by block-size variance analysis, also known as pattern
(PCA). The scales of spatially overlapping, statistically
uncorrelated multispecies patterns are identified by par-
Manuscript received 23 August 2001; revised 25 July 2002; titioning the variance of each PCA axis by block size.
accepted 1 September 2002. Corresponding Editor: D. W.
Roberts. Increasingly, ecologists are exploring the possibili-
I Present address: WSL (see above). ties of geostatistical analysis (e.g., Burrough 1987,
E-mail: helene.wagner@ Palmer 1988, Legendre and Fortin 1989, Rossi et al.
1046 HELENE H. WAGNER Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 4

1992, Fortin 1999, Koenig 1999). The geostatistical other factors and their potential interactions. However,
approach is based on distance rather than block size, one cannot answer the question of why communities
which has the advantage that the quadrats need not be vary and, ultimately, why species coexist, without un-
contiguous, nor spaced at regular intervals. The spatial derstanding how various factors interact and what de-
structure of a dataset is usually described by an em- termines their relative importance. For example, testing
pirical variogram, which is basically a plot of the var- the variance of quadrat species richness against a null
iance or difference between pairs of observations model has often been used by ecologists as a test of
against their distance in geographic space. A variogram interspecific association (for a review, see Palmer and
can be interpreted in a similar way as a plot of variance Van der Maarel 1995), but the difficulties of accounting
against block size derived by blocked variance tech- for spatial autocorrelation, for the distance-dependence
niques (Ver Hoef et al. 1993). In addition to descriptive of species associations, and for environmental hetero-
purposes, variogram modeling can be used to inter- geneity severely limit the capacity of this method to
polate point observations by kriging (Isaaks and Sri- provide evidence for niche limitation (Palmer and van
vastava 1989, Cressie 1991, Haining 1997). However, der Maarel 1995, van der Maarel et al. 1995, Wilson
like pattern analysis, geostatistical analysis has been et al. 1995, Roxburgh and Matsuki 1999).
applied mostly to single variables such as species rich- This paper presents a mathematical unification of
ness or the scores of quadrats along a major ordination geostatistical analysis, the analysis of interspecific as-
axis (Palmer 1988, Legendre 1993, Jonsson and Moen sociations, and multiscale ordination. The integration
1998). provides a framework for partitioning the variance in
Several authors have proposed ways of plotting some community data into the distance-dependent compo-
kind of resemblance measure (a multispecies measure nents of single-species aggregation patterns, interac-
of the similarity or dissimilarity of pairs of quadrats) tions between species, and species-specific responses
against geographic distance. Examples are the Mantel to environmental gradients. Starting with a mathemat-
correlogram (Sokal 1986), the method of Nekola and ical model of species richness as the sum of a set of
White (1999) for determining the rate of distance de-
binary species variables, I reexpress the variance of
cay, or the "dissimilogram" proposed by Mistral et al.
species richness in terms of spatial covariance, which
(2000). Such plots provide a very flexible description
is conveniently summarized in the variogram matrix.
of the overall multivariate spatial structure of a com-
I derive a standardized variogram for binary data that
munity. However, generalized variograms cannot be
makes spatial covariance observed under different en-
used for interpolation, and their ecological interpre-
vironmental conditions directly comparable. I present
tation is limited as their behavior is typically unknown.
a spatial extension of the variance test of species rich-
Spatial structure in plant communities arises from a
ness that accounts for spatial autocorrelation and the
variety of factors. These factors fall into three broad
distance-dependent nature of interspecific associations,
groups: (1) morphological factors, such as plant size
or dispersal mechanism, which influence the spatial and I show how multiscale ordination can be used to
aggregation within a population; (2) interspecific in- remove variance attributed to a larger scale trend. Un-
teractions within a community; and (3) the response to derstory vegetation data from the Oosting Natural Area
environmental factors, which themselves are spatially in North Carolina serve to highlight the ecological ap-
structured (Kershaw 1964, Dale 1999, Koenig 1999). plication, and a worked example on artificial data in
Based on hierarchy theory (Allen and Starr 1982), Le- the Appendix illustrates the calculations.
gendre (1993) postulated that physical processes create
environmental heterogeneity at broad scales, while
contagious biotic processes may cause further struc- A mathematical model of species richness
turing within smaller areas of relative environmental
homogeneity. This hierarchical view implies that one The following mathematical model reflects the fact
may assume local homogeneity within a study area that species richness is not a simple quantitative var-
even though heterogeneity exists at a larger scale. If, iable, but a result of the distributions of individual,
however, there are no independent domains of scale but interdependent species. Statistically speaking, the oc-
the scales of physical and biotic processes overlap, we currence of a species i in a single quadrat is itself a
need to account for environmental heterogeneity when random variable xi with a specific probability distri-
investigating patterns caused by biotic processes, and bution. Therefore, I start with the formal definitions of
vice versa. species occurrence, species composition, and species
Although it is common to use more than one spatial richness for a single quadrat.
or nonspatial method to analyze the same dataset, the Let x, be a binary variable that takes the value 1 if
techniques are usually applied individually rather than species i is present in a quadrat, and 0 if it is absent.
in an integrated way. On a conceptual level, this means The defining parameter pi, the mean or probability of
that we investigate factors determining community occurrence of i in the quadrat, will depend on quadrat
structure individually, ignoring the contributions of size and shape:

Semivariance ay(h)

Variogram of complementarity
- - - - - -
sillx - - - - - - -
/ } ljpj (1 - pi)

nuggetxi Species variogram

sill. -
sill1=pi(' -pi)
range, range
Distance h
FIG. 1. Hypothetical variograms of the complementarity of species composition, X, and of a single species i. The parameters
sill, range, and nugget of the variogram of complementarity are related to the respective parameters of the variograms of the
constituent species.

pendent and identically distributed with the probability

xi= 0 1P {1, .**, SI ? 'Pi '? 1. distribution function of Eq. 1. Thus the quadrats act as
replicates, and the variances and covariances in Eq. 3
are estimated from the replicated data. What happens
Species composition X is the vector of s binary vari- if the quadrats are not true replicates, either because
ables x, that describe the occurrence of s species in the they are not independent due to spatial autocorrelation,
quadrat. Quadrat species richness S is the sum of the or because they are not comparable due to environ-
vector of species composition X, i.e., the sum of all mental heterogeneity, is the primary subject of this
species variables x,: paper.
S = 2 X = 2 x,. (2)
Spatial covariance
The expected value of S is the sum of the expected Geostatistical methods deal with the question of how
values of the binary variables xi, even if the variables variance and covariance depend on the distance be-
are not independent. The variance of S is the sum of tween observations (i.e., quadrats). Spatial autocorre-
the variance-covariance matrix: lation, or distance dependence, is commonly modeled
S S .-1
by fitting a variogram function to an empirical vario-
Var(S) = E Var(x,) + 2 E E Cov(x, x,) gram (Isaaks and Srivastava 1989, Cressie 1991, Hain-
1=1 ,=2 j=1 ing 1997, Burrough and McDonnell 1998). An empir-
s s ical variogram is a plot of half the squared difference
= IE COV(Xl,,Xj) i, j (t1,., SI. (3) between two observations (the semivariance) against
i=1 j=1
their distance in space, averaged for a series of distance
If the species variables are independent, the pairwise classes. A simple variogram model is defined by the
covariances between all species i and j are zero and model family and the parameters sill (the average half
the variance of species richness S is equal to the var- squared difference of two independent observations),
iance of species composition X, which is the sum of range (the maximum distance at which pairs of obser-
the variances of the s species variables xi. vations will influence each other), and nugget (the var-
In practice, it is not possible to observe multiple iance within the sampling unit; Fig. 1).
independent realizations of xl in a single quadrat under The most commonly used model families (spherical,
exactly the same conditions. Hence, one cannot esti- exponential, and Gaussian models) assume that there
mate the statistical properties of x, (or of S) directly is no spatial dependence for distances larger than the
from empirical data from a single quadrat. One solution range. However, ecological communities may be or-
is to observe one realization each of a number of ran- ganized in periodic spatial patterns, which result in a
dom variables xia, with a E I 1, . . ., NJ, from a sample cyclic pattern of variance plotted against distance. This
of N quadrats, assuming the variables xa to be inde- can be modeled with a hole effect model, a dampening
1048 HELENE H. WAGNER Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 4

sine function that is defined by the nugget effect and need to be expressed in terms of cross-variograms. An
the range and eventually stabilizes at the sill (Legendre empirical cross-variogram j(h) describes the distance-
and Legendre 1998). dependent covariance between two species, i and j
Variogram modeling is well developed for metric (Isaaks and Srivastava 1989):
(ordinary kriging) and binary (probability kriging) uni-
and bivariate data, but no standard methods exist for ij(h)= 2 (X1a - Xib)(Xja XJb). (6)
the multivariate categorical data that are typical for 2nh ablhab-h

plant community ecology. Hence, I will first develop Based on Eqs. 3 and 6, the variance of species rich-
the empirical variogram description of a set of binary ness can be expressed as spatial covariance (note that
variables xl as observed in a sample of N quadrats. the "semivariance" in a variogram is equal to the var-
An omnidirectional empirical variogram of a single iance of a single species occurrence, complementarity,
variable xi is constructed by estimating the empirical or species richness):
semivariance, y1(h), for a range of distance classes h
(Isaaks and Srivastava 1989, Cressie 1991): Var(S) = - ( la Xib)(Xja
n ij ab 2
7 =
(h) - a bE2(Xl xlb) (4)
2 nh asbjhab-h = En Ys(h) = E-E i/J(h). (7)
h fl h fl i,
where nh is the number of pairs of quadrats a and b
separated by approximately h. Sample size nh decreases As the worked example in the Appendix shows, Eq.
with large distances h. Distances greater than half the 7 provides the empirical variance of species richness
maximum extent of the study area can only be observed S. In geostatistical analysis, however, only distances
for quadrats outside of the center of the study area. >0 are analyzed, so that a quadrat is never compared
This introduces a bias, as the quadrats from the center to itself. Under this condition that a # b, N quadrats
do not contribute to variance estimates for larger dis- will provide n = N(N - 1)/2 unique pairs of quadrats
tances. Therefore, interpretation is commonly limited a and b, and Eq. 7 results in the unbiased estimator of
to distances smaller than an arbitrary maximum dis- the variance of species richness S.
tance hmax: Eq. 7 includes the definitions of the variance of com-
The univariate definition of a variogram can be ex- plementarity, pairs of species, and an individual species
tended to multivariate data, in which case xa and Xb are as special cases. The condition i = j leads to the var-
not two observations of a single variable x, but vectors iance of complementarity; for a given pair of species
Xa and Xb of two observations of s variables x. The
i and j, Eq. 7 results in their cross-variogram; and for
empirical semivariance a(h) becomes half the squared a single species i = j, it describes the variance of the
Euclidean distance between Xa and Xb and is equal to variable x,.
the sum of the empirical semivariances ^y(h) of the The basic element of spatial covariance, 'j'(a,b), fol-
species variables xi: lows from Eq. 7. It is half the product of the observed
differences between quadrats a and b for two species
I and]:
=(h) - E liXa - Xb 112
2nh a,bIhab-h

Wj(a, b) = - - XJb). (8)

2 (Xia Xib)(Xja

_ (Xia - Xib)2 = j'(h). (5)
2nh asblhahb h i

In the case of binary variables, j(h) equals the mean The variogram matrix
number of species that are present in only one of a pair The spatial covariance can be summarized in a set
of observations, regardless of the direction of com- of distance-dependent variance-covariance matrices
parison. It is a direct measure of species turnover and C(h). The matrix elements c1(h) = yij(h) are calculated
describes the complementarity of the species compo- from Eq. 6. The term variogram matrix of Myers (1997)
sition of two quadrats. Therefore, j'(h) will be referred will be used for such a set of distance-dependent var-
to as the variogram of complementarity. The concept iance-covariance matrices C(h). The variogram matrix
of complementarity is statistically equivalent to the dis- can be interpreted in various ways (Fig. 2):
tinctness or dissimilarity of species composition. As a
concept, however, it captures the sense that comple- 1) A plot of a diagonal element cj(h) against distance
mentary faunas or floras form parts of a whole, so that h is the empirical variogram of species i. Its ex-
complementarity is a positive biodiversity component pected value for independent observations in a
(Vane-Wright et al. 1991, Colwell and Coddington homogeneous environment is p1(l - pi).
1994). 2) A plot of cj(h) against distance h is the empirical
In order to obtain a spatial definition of the variance cross-variogram of species i and j. Its expected
of species richness, the covariances between species value for independent observations in a homo-

gram (Isaaks and Srivastava 1989), and results in a

standardized variogram with an expected sill of 1, in-
dependent of the mean and variance of a species.
The variance of a binary species variable i with an
1 Cc1(1 max)
/ underlying mean of p, is pi(1 - pi). Hence the stan-
dardized variogram -y (h) of species i is

(hmax) ~ ma =
1 (xi - Xi)2
'Y (h) aIib(9)
2nh a,blhab-h P,(l - P)
/ t (l) XCa()Xmo
If the mean Pia of species i depends on the quadrat
a, the expected semivariance y,(a,b) of a pair of quad-
rats a and b is

E{fyij(a, b)} = Pa(l Pb) + Pb(

- Pi (10)

and Eq. 9 extends to

I -
FIG.2. Schematicrepresentationof a variogrammatrix. ,y(h) (Xia Xib)2 (11)
A variogrammatrixcontainsa separatevariance-covariance a,Ihab=h
h Pi a(1 - Pib) + PAb( Pia)
matrix C(h) for each distance class h, up to an arbitrarily
defined maximumdistance hmax. Each cell of a matrix C(h) If p1is estimated from the data, the unbiased variance
containsan estimateof the varianceof one species i [diagonal estimator should be used for the denominator. This
cells, cii(h)]or of the covarianceof a pair of species i andj means that c'(h) in Eq. 9 needs to be multiplied by
[off-diagonalcells, c,(h)], based on all pairs of observations (N - 1)/N, where N is the total number of quadrats in
that are separatedby a distance of approximatelyh. The ar-
rows indicatefurthergeostatisticalinterpretations thataredis- the sample:
cussed in the text.
Pi = N EXa
geneous environment and independent species is
zero. N 11I (Xia
- Xib)2
N Ji(I
3) A plot of the sum of the diagonal of C(h), X,cjh), 2nh a,blhab-h

against distance h is the empirical variogram of The standardized variogram of complementarity,

complementarity. Its expected value for indepen-
,y'(h), with estimated means pI is
dent observations in a homogeneous environment
is i pi(, - p1).
N- 1 ^y,(h)
4) A plot of the sum of C(h), lij cij(h), against dis- y'(h) = N E -) (14)
tance h is the empirical variogram of quadrat spe-
cies richness S. Its expected value for independent
observations in a homogeneous environment and Under the assumption of stationarity, the autocor-
independent species is Yi p,(l - pi). relation function r1(h) of a species i can be expressed
in terms of its semivariance yi(h) and its semivariance
Often, researchers want to test whether the observed
for independent samples, yi(oo),i.e., its global variance
autocorrelation is significantly different from random.
or sill (Isaaks and Srivastava 1989):
A randomization test is constructed by randomly per-
muting the observations. The easiest way is to permute __ _
_-ey_ _ yi(h)
the couplets of x and y coordinates (Legendre and Le- r (h) (== Y =1 (15)
'yi(OO) y1(0o)'
gendre 1998). For each of r permutations, a variogram
matrix is derived, providing a reference distribution of Under the assumption that the underlying means p,
r values for each matrix element under the null hy- or Pia are known or correctly estimated, the standard-
pothesis of spatially independent observations. ized variogram eliminates the effect of nonconstant
means and variances. This means that the stationarity
The standardized variogram criteria are met and the standardized semivariance
For binary variables such as species presence-ab- y'(h)provides an estimator for the autocorrelation func-
sence data, the expected variance is a function of the tion r(h):
mean. This can be used to make variograms from dif-
ferent areas with varying environmental conditions r (h) = 1 - y'(h). (16)
comparable by scaling the observed spatial covariance Under the same conditions, the standardized cross-
y,(a, b) in terms of the expected spatial covariance. covariance y,(h) of two species i and j is an estimator
The method corresponds to a pairwise relative vario- of their cross-correlation function ri/(h):
1050 HELENE H. WAGNER Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 4

r11(h)= y'(h)

N - 1 1 (Xia - Xib)(Xja - XJb)

N 2nh ablhab-h Vlp1(1

-vl -;5) Vfi(1


Testing the spatial covariance of species richness

The observed spatial covariance of complementarity
provides an empirical null model of species indepen-
dence for the spatial covariance of species richness.
The two are affected by spatial aggregation in the in-
dividual species variables and species-specific response
to environmental heterogeneity in exactly the same
way. The only difference is in the associations or co-
variances between species, which again can be distance
dependent. The test statistic is the ratio of the observed
and the expected variance, as in the nonspatial variance
test of species richness (Schluter 1984, McCulloch
1985, Palmer and Van der Maarel 1995). A variance
ratio smaller than 1 is a potential indicator for niche 256 m
limitation. The ratio can be derived by first calculating FIG. 3. Grid design of the I-n2 quadrant 'datafrom the
the empirical variograms of species richness ("ob- Oosting NaturalArea in Duke Forest,OrangeCounty,North
served variance") and of complementarity ("expected Carolina(Palmerand White 1994). The quadratsof the large
variance") before dividing the aggregate values for grid are located in the lower left cornerof each module of
16 X 16 m. Each of the three small grids contains 16 X 16
each distance class. Alternatively, the observed vari-
contiguous quadratswithin a randomlyselected module of
ance can be divided by the expected one for each pair the large grid. The underlyingcontour plot reflects relative
of observations, as in a pairwise relative variogram elevation in intervalsof 1 m, rangingfrom0-1 m (darkgrey)
(Isaaks and Srivastava 1989). A permutation test for to 10-11I m (white). The contour plot is derived from ele-
the null hypothesis of independent species is con- vation measurementsat the cornerpoints of each module.
structed by independently permuting each species vec-
tor xi. X/h) = UJC(h)uf (18)
The spatial structure of ordination axes A plot of X/h) against distance h provides a vario-
Multiscale ordination has been proposed for inves- gram of axisf It reflects the spatial covariance of corn-
tigating the scale of multispecies patterns, such as a plementarity explained by PCA axisf, or the difference
cyclic spatial structure of a gradient in species com- in species composition due to the intrinsic gradient
position. In multiscale ordination (Noy-Meir and An- described by f.
derson 1971, Ver Hoef and Glenn-Lewin 1989, Dale The eigenvalue Xfof PCA axis f is a weighted mean
1999), blocked-variance techniques are used to cal- of its distance-dependent components X/h):
culate a variance-covariance matrix C(b) of the species
for each of a range of block sizes b. The matrices are Xf UTCUf = uC
'nhU (h)uf
then summed into an overall variance-covariance ma-
trix C, which is subjected to principal components anal- I h Wh~f (h) fE (1,. .,S). (19)
ysis (PCA). For each PCA axis, the associated variance'
is partitioned by block size and plotted against block
size. Examples from the Qosting Natural Area
The method can be adapted to the concept of spatial The approach is illustrated with previously published
covariance and the distance-dependent variance-co- data from a mixed hardwood-pine forest in North Car-
variance matrices C(h) of a variogram matrix. A matrix olina (Reed et al. 1993, Palmer and White 1994, Palmer
C(O) for distance class h = 0 is included and all ma- 1995, Jonsson and Moen 1998). The study area in the
trices C(h) are weighted with w,, = nhIn. The summed Oosting Natural Area of the Duke Forest,. Orange
matrix IhwhC(h) is equal to the global empirical var- County, North Carolina, contains several forest com-
iance-covariance matrix C that is used in PCA. The munities with gradual transitions. The entire dataset
eigenvalue Xfof PCA axis f is partitioned among dis- describes the presence-absence of understory vascular
tance classes, h, by multiplying its associated eigen- plant species in a nested series of quadrats within a
vector Uf with each of the matrices C(h) (cf. worked sampling grid of 256 modules of 16 X 16 mn.For this
example in the Appendix): paper, I analyzed the 1In_2quadrats from the main grid,

placed in the lower-left corner of each module, and study area contained some environmental heterogene-
from the three randomly selected modules within which ity (cf. Fig. 3); e.g., the mean relative elevation of the
every square meter was studied (Fig. 3). In addition to four corner points of the small grids 1, 2, and 3 was
plant community data, I used data on relative elevation 3.7 m, 8.9 m, and 7.1 m, and their respective average
and pH measurements obtained at the corners of each pH was 6.5, 5.7, and 5.9.
module (Reed et al. 1993). For the small grid 3, I es- Fig. 4 shows the empirical variograms of comple-
timated relative elevation at the lower-left corner of mentarity for each of the four grids, including only the
each -iM2 quadrat by linear interpolation. 25 species that occurred at least five times in each grid.
To explore the effects of environmental heteroge- Although the four data subsets contained exactly the
neity, I calculated a variogram of complementarity for same species and originated from the same small study
each of the three small grids and for the large grid by area, their variograms of complementarity differed
averaging half the squared Euclidean distance per dis- strongly (Fig. 4). The variogram for the large grid
tance class. To make the variograms directly compa- showed a continuous rise without reaching a sill, in-
rable, I restricted the analysis to the species that oc- dicating larger scale heterogeneity. The curves for the
curred at least five times in each of the four data sets. three small grids showed more or less parallel curves
A 95% confidence interval for each variogram and dis- but approached very different sills.
tance class was estimated from the distribution of the The expected variance estimated from the species
basic elements of spatial covariance (Eq. 8). For every means in each grid predicted the different sills fairly
small grid, I estimated the mean pi of each of the 25 well. This means that between-grid heterogeneity is
species (Eq. 12) and derived the standardized vario- responsible for the observed difference in the sills. The
gram of complementarity (Eq. 14). standardized variograms of complementarity in Fig. 5
Further analysis focused on the small grid 3, using (note the different scaling of the x axis as compared to
all of its 72 species variables. I tested the significance Fig. 4) support this interpretation, as the curves for the
of the departure of the variogram of species richness three grids coalesced after accounting for variable spe-
from the variogram of complementarity by a two-sided cies means.
permutation test (ox = 0.05) with 499 permutations of
the original observations, permuting each species vec- Distance dependence of the variance of
tor independently. For each permutation, the ratio of species richness
the variance of species richness to the variance of com- Does the spatial version of the variance test of spe-
plementarity was calculated for each distance class. cies richness provide more or better information than
The permutations thus provided a reference distribution the global test? In the example of the small grid 3, the
for the ratio of each distance class under the assumption global variance of species richness was only slightly
that the species are independently distributed. For the lower than expected under the hypothesis of indepen-
variograms of PCA axes, a variogram matrix was con- dent observations and independently distributed spe-
structed by assembling the variograms and cross-var- cies. Based on the global variance test, the difference
iograms calculated from Eqs. 4 and 6 in a set of dis- was clearly not statistically significant (chi-square =
tance-dependent matrices C(h). The original data from 248.76, df = 256, P = 0.384). The plot against dis-
the small grid 3 were subjected to PCA. Because a total tance, however, revealed a systematic change from pre-
of 23 axes had eigenvalues Xf > 1, I used a scree test dominantly negative covariances between species at
(Cattell 1966) to determine the number of PCA axes small distances to mainly positive covariances at larger
to be retained. As X4lay below the regression line fitted distances (Fig. 6). The permutation test showed sig-
to X2 - X23, the first three axes were retained for anal- nificant departures of the two curves for the smallest
ysis. All axes were partitioned by distance class using and the largest distance classes. Hence the spatial var-
Eq. 18. A variogram of complementarity, accounting iance test of species richness was able to detect a var-
for the variance along PCA axis 1, was obtained by iance deficit at small distances undetected by the global
summing the variograms of all other PCA axes by dis- test.
tance class.
All calculations were performed in S-Plus (Becker Spatial structure of intrinsic gradients
et al. 1988). Indirect ordination methods such as PCA describe
vegetation as the sum of overlapping, statistically un-
RESULTS correlated intrinsic gradients. What does multiscale or-
dination tell us about the spatial structure of these gra-
The effect of environmental heterogeneity on
dients? Fig. 7 shows the variograms of PCA axes 1-3
spatial covariance
for the small grid 3. The variance along the first axis
How strongly does local environmental heteroge- increased strongly and continually with distance, in-
neity influence spatial covariance? The Oosting data dicating the presence of larger scale trend. A strong
provide an excellent example, as the four grids were correlation between axis scores and the interpolated
sampled from a total area of only 256 X 256 m. The relative elevation (Pearson correlation, r = 0.73, P <
1052 HELENE H. WAGNER Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 4

4.5 -

4.0 -d dz__ z A

c)3.5 -

.- * Large grid
>2:30 -0 _
* Small grid 1
~~~~~~~Small grid 2

2.5- . Small grid 3

Expected variance

1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
FIG. 4. Empirical variograms of complementarity for the large grid and for each of the three small grids, calculated
independently for each grid. The point symbols represent the average observed semivariance per distance class, based on
the 25 plant species that were present in at least five cells of each of the four grids. Error bars mark the 95% confidence
interval for the mean of each distance class. The solid lines indicate the expected variance based on the species means within
each grid.

0.001) suggests that the variance along PCA axis 1 is mogeneity over relatively small study areas. However,
largely due to environmental heterogeneity. All other heterogeneity may occur at all scales, leading to dif-
factors showed only a modest increase with distance ferences in the mean and variance of species variables
(e.g., axis 2), or even suggested slightly cyclic patterns across space. The empirical variogram of the large grid
(e.g., axis 3) as one would expect to result from com- did not reach a sill, indicating a violation of the second-
munity-level processes. order stationarity assumption (e.g., Bellehumeur and
How important are the factors contributing to the Legendre 1998). The three intensively sampled mod-
variance of species richness? Fig. 8 illustrates for the ules of 16 X 16 m, separated by 150-250 m, differed
small grid 3 how multi-scale ordination can be used to in their species composition and in the frequency of
partition the variance in a dataset into distance-depen- occurrence of the more abundant and ubiquitous spe-
dent components of interspecific interactions, larger cies. Even when the analysis was restricted to the latter
scale trend as caused by environmental heterogeneity, group, the resulting variograms of complementarity
and single-species aggregation patterns. The strong in- differed strongly in their sills due to the differences in
crease of the variance of species richness with distance species means between the grids.
was largely due to interspecific interactions and the The spatial description by a generalized variogram
trend reflected in PCA axis 1. Only a small portion of or "dissimilogram" (e.g., Mistral et al. 2000) would
the remaining variance could be explained by single- normally stop here. The mathematical approach de-
species aggregation patterns, peaking at -7 m. The veloped here, however, allowed the different sills to be
observed variance of complementarity without axis 1 predicted from the observed species means so that the
appeared to oscillate around its global variance, indi- variograms could be made comparable by standardi-
cating that all larger scale trend had been accounted zation. The standardized variograms of the three small
for by removing PCA axis 1. grids were relatively well behaved, although all ap-
DISCUSSION peared to reach sills slightly >1, indicating some un-
accounted internal heterogeneity. In the standardized
Spatial analysis of plant communities in a form, the three curves coalesced and thus provided a
heterogeneous environment general description of small-scale autocorrelation in
Can variograms from different communities be com- species composition within the study area, independent
pared? The Oosting example illustrates the drastic ef- of environmental conditions.
fect that within-site environmental heterogeneity can The variogram matrix provides two ways for dealing
have on spatial analysis. Researchers often assume ho- with larger scale heterogeneity. Eq. I1 can be used to



FIG. 5. Standardized variograms of comple- 1.00 ------------- ----------------___

mentarity (cf. Eq. 14), derived independently C
for each of the small grids. Each point repre- co 9
sents, for a distance class, the average of the co
observed squared Euclidean distance between >
observations divided by the expected variance 0.90- o Small grid 1
based on the mean of each species in the grid. A Small grid2
The expected sill of a standardized variogram 0.85 - o Small grid3
is 1.

0.80 -_

2 4 6 8 10 12 14

predict and account for the expected spatial covariance Advantages of a spatial variance test of
based on any given trend model, which may be obtained species richness
by local interpolation or by modeling species response The example in Fig. 5 clearly illustrates the distance-
to known environmental gradients. Multiscale ordina- dependent nature of interspecific interactions in a com-
tion provides a direct way of separating variance at- munity and their effect on the variance of species rich-
tributed to a "true gradient" from the variance of ness. A global, nonspatial variance test is prone to miss
"false gradients," as determined by the variograms of the systematic departure of the variance of species rich-
ordination axes. This approach needs to be extended ness from its expected value if negative covariances at
to direct gradient analysis with Redundancy Analysis small distances are cancelled out by positive covari-
(RDA; Rao 1964, Legendre and Legendre 1998), where ances at larger distances. The different results of the
PCA axes are linear combinations of observed envi- two tests do not merely reflect their statistical power,
ronmental variables. i.e., their ability to detect a given effect with a sample
On purely empirical grounds, however, it is not pos- of a certain size. Here, the effect itself, the global sum
sible to distinguish between trend, or systematic var- of the associations, increased with increasing distance
iation of the mean, and autocorrelation, or local de- between observations. In such a situation, the chances
pendence of the departure from the mean. The ap- of detecting a variance deficit with the global test are
pearance of any spatial pattern depends highly on the likely to decrease with increasing sample size, as larger
grain and extent of a study. The same spatial structure distances are included.
may appear as trend in a fine-scale study and as pattern The negative covariance at short distances may in-
of a specific scale if a broader extent is considered. dicate niche limitation, but it may also be an effect of


FIG. 6. Variograms of complementarity and

of species richness for the small grid 3, based 6-
on all 72 species observed in that grid. Signif- -?

icance of the departure of the variogram of spe- a

cies richness from the variogram of comple- 3
mentarity was determined by a two-sided per- ca 4-
mutation test (see Model structure and methods: cU
Examples from the Oosting Natural Area). The > Species composition
observed global variance (solid line) is the non- e Species chnesith
spatial variance of quadrat species richness, and 2 *-? Species richness,with
the expected global variance (dashed line) is the significant/nonsign.departure
sum of the (nonspatial) species variances, as Observedglobalvariance
used in the global version of the variance test Expectedglobal variance
of species richness. 01
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
1054 HELENE H. WAGNER Ecology, Vol. 84, No. 4

1.0- PCA1 (10.4%)


0.6- FIG. 7. Variograms of PCA axes for the

C.) small grid 3. The lines connect the point esti-
rco 0,/PCA 2 (5.9%) mates of the variance along the first, second,
0b4 - and third axis, respectively, as partitioned by
>: van- _/ using Eq. 18. The percentage of the
total variance explained by the first three axes
0.2 PCA 3 (5.7%) is indicated in parentheses.

0.0- ? I I I I

2 4 6 8 10 12 14

cell size, or of rarefaction (0kland 1994), the physical species constant while permuting observations. While
limitation of the number of individual plants and thus this statement is based on mathematical considerations,
the number of species within relatively small areas. The it remains to be verified by a thorough empirical com-
increase in positive covariance with distance is prob- parison to published permutation tests (Palmer and Van
ably due to increasing environmental heterogeneity, der Maarel 1995, Roxburgh and Matsuki 1999).
which is one of the factors determining niche limita- The spatial variance test of species richness elimi-
tion. nates two former impediments of observational studies
The variogram of complementarity provides a null of the variance deficit in species richness, namely the
model that already includes the autocorrelation due to confounding of negative associations at short distances
single-species aggregation patterns. Hence, it elimi- with positive interactions at larger distances, and the
nates the need for keeping the spatial pattern of each spatial autocorrelation in the distributions of the in-



Species richness
* Species composition
2 -l lll Environmentalheterogeneity
* without PCA 1
Single-species aggregation
global variance withoutPCA 1
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
FIG. 8. Partitioning of the variance of species richness of the small grid 3 into the additive contributions of interspecific
interactions, environmental heterogeneity as reflected in PCA axis 1, and single-species aggregation patterns. The point
symbols represent, for each distance class, the variance of species richness, complementarity, and the variance of comple-
mentarity after accounting for PCA axis 1 as described in the text.

dividual species. Hence, it opens the door for a sub- data, as illustrated in the following example: Assume
stantially new approach to the research on niche lim- that the respective abundance of species i in three quad-
itation. rats a, b, and c is 4, 1, and 0. Based on the squared
Euclidean distance, D2, b and c are more similar (D2
A geostatistical perspective on multiscale ordination = 1) than are a and b (D2 = 9), although a and b share
This paper proposes two important deviations from species i, which is absent from c (Legendre and Le-
earlier presentations of multiscale ordination. First, gendre 1998). However, converted to presence-absence
Noy-Meir and Anderson (1971) suggested a simple ad- data, b and c are more different (D2 = 1) than a and
dition of the variance matrices for each block size to b (D2 = 0).
obtain a global matrix that is subjected to PCA. Dale A zero may be stochastic (the sampling unit repre-
(1999) recommended weighting by the expected inten- sents suitable habitat, but is unoccupied) or it may be
sity, or amplitude of a cyclic variance, as a function of structural (unsuitable habitat, where the species cannot
block size. Here, I suggest weighting the distance-de- occur). Structural zeros, which can inflate observed
pendent variance-covariance matrices by the number species associations, occur if the sample includes a
of pairs of observations in each distance class. This large degree of environmental heterogeneity. In such a
recreates the global, nonspatial variance-covariance situation, local means should be accounted for in the
matrix, which is used not only in PCA but in many modeling of variograms (Eq. 11). If a multiscale or-
multivariate methods (see worked example in the Ap- dination is performed, this adjustment may not be
pendix). This compatibility may lead to further inte- enough. PCA assumes that the individual species are
gration of geostatistical modeling with nonspatial mul- linearly related to the main gradients in species com-
tivariate methods. position. If there is a considerable degree of beta di-
Second, in a geostatistical framework, the block size versity, as a result of environmental heterogeneity, spe-
of the original definition of multiscale ordination cor- cies may appear and disappear along a compositional
responds to distance. While block sizes are defined by gradient. In order to accommodate such a unimodal
the analytic method, distances are a property of the response or optimum curve, the variogram matrix ap-
sampling design and may take any value. This is a great proach needs to be generalized and extended to a chi-
advantage as it extends multiscale ordination to non- square measure of distance that is compatible with cor-
systematic spatial samples, although the sampling de- respondence analysis (CA; cf. Legendre and Legendre
sign will still determine whether a specific pattern in [1998] for an overview of chi-square based ordination
an ecological community is detected by the method. methods). An approach based on the chi-square dis-
The often arbitrary choice of distance classes may, tance would also accommodate abundance data.
however, affect the shape of a variogram. The geostatis- The Euclidean distance has some distinct advantag-
tical solution is to analyze the variogram cloud instead es. First, it leads to a direct mathematical extension of
of the empirical variogram defined by distance classes. the variogram and is compatible with multivariate
The variogram cloud is a scatter plot where each dot geostatistical methods used in other fields for quanti-
represents the semivariance of a single pair of obser- tative variables (e.g., Goovaerts [1994] in soil science,
vations. Such a plot can easily be constructed by plot- Myers [1997] in remote sensing). Second, it mathe-
ting the basic elements of spatial covariance (Eq. 8). matically links the spatial structure of individual spe-
From a geostatistical perspective, there is another cies variables, of complementarity, and of species rich-
important extension. Spatial autocorrelation is often ness. A similar partitioning may be possible for other
anisotropic, that is, it depends on the geographic di- resemblance measures, such as the chi-square distance.
rection in which it is measured. If the sampling design The direct ecological interpretations, however, and spe-
is two dimensional and the sample is large enough, cifically the explicit decomposition of the variance of
directional variance-covariance matrices C(h,d) can be species richness, are unique to the Euclidean distance.
calculated, e.g., for four directional sectors d. However, The biggest advantage of the Euclidean distance is
I would expect that most cases of anisotropy in eco- its general (though often implicit) use in statistics,
logical data sets are due to environmental heteroge- which makes the variogram matrix approach highly
neity, so that a removal of larger scale trend would generalizable. Any variable that is the sum of other
usually eliminate the need for anisotropic models. variables can be defined and interpreted as the sum of
a variance-covariance matrix. If variance is calculated
Assumptions and limitations from pairwise differences instead of individual differ-
Many readers may feel uncomfortable about the ences from the mean, any variance or variance-co-
heavy reliance on the Euclidean distance. A main con- variance matrix can be partitioned by distance.
cern is that the Euclidean distance does not reflect the A last concern is that the observed spatial covariance
special nature of the value zero in biotic data. Although will strongly depend on quadrat size, as Palmer and
the Euclidean distance is especially unsuitable for cov- White (1994) illustrated with additional data collected
er or abundance data that include zeros (Legendre and at eight nested quadrat sizes from the Oosting study
Legendre 1998), it is more robust for presence-absence area. Scale dependence has many faces and aspects,
1056 HELENE H. WAGNER Ecology, Vol. 84. No. 4

which can be related to the two basic components of search and to integrate analyses across different levels
scale, grain, and extent (Wiens 1989). While most of biological organization.
block-size variance techniques manipulate grain, or
quadrat size, geostatistical analysis focuses on extent,
This research is part of a project funded by the Environ-
or distance between observations. A parallel geosta-
mental Protection Agency (EPA) under STAR grant No.
tistical analysis at different cell sizes may help to un- R826764-01-0. Additional funding came from the Swiss Na-
tangle the effects of grain and extent on ecological tional Science Foundation (SNF), NCCR Plant Survival, grant
patterns and processes. No. 5005-65748. Mike Palmer, Oklahoma State University,
provided the Oosting data sets and many valuable comments.
Robert Peet, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Conclusions provided the Oosting elevation data. Jennifer Hoeting, John
Wiens, Bea Van Horne, and Jonathan Bossenbroek, all at
Variance in ecological communities and systems is
Colorado State University, P. A. Burrough at University of
spatially structured. This is true for abiotic and biotic Utrecht, and Sucharita Ghosh at WSL Swiss Federal Research
factors, for populations, communities, and biodiversity. Institute, provided important critique and support. I would
The ecological literature most often treats spatial struc- like to thank David Roberts, Bengt Gunnar Jonsson, and an
ture as a problem rather than as information, stressing anonymous reviewer for their valuable comments.
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A worked example of spatial covariance in plant communities is available in ESA's Electronic Data Archive: Ecological
Archives E084-023-A1.

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