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Imperviousness and Land-Use Policy:

Toward an Effective Approach to Watershed Planning

Elizabeth A. Brabec, J.D.1

Abstract: Urban impacts to water quality and quantity have been a major focus of resource and ecosystem protection efforts since the
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early 1960s, focusing in the last decade on the impact of impervious thresholds. These are now commonly used as benchmarks of water
quality planning and protection in local, watershed, and regional planning efforts. However, the relationship between urbanization and
hydrologic impacts is much more complex than this cause-and-effect model would indicate, containing some weaknesses for effective
growth management planning. This paper reviews the current literature to synthesize the development-related variables of hydrologic
impairment, placing them in a context that is useful in growth management and development mitigation. Through this critical review of
the literature, the paper focuses on an outstanding question in land planning: which best management practices, individually or in concert,
are the most effective in dealing with the water quality impacts of urban growth and development? Research indicates two largely
overlooked areas of potential improvement in water protection efforts: the location of impervious surfaces in the watershed, and the
maintenance of adequate areas of forest stands and native vegetation.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1084-0699共2009兲14:4共425兲
CE Database subject headings: Water quality; Water pollution; Best Management Practice; Abatement and removal; Watersheds;

Introduction most effective in dealing with the water quality impacts of urban
growth and development?
Urban impacts to water quality and quantity have been a major There is a considerable divergence in the literature regarding
focus of resource and ecosystem protection efforts since the early the definition of the term “best management practice.” The litera-
1960s. Urbanization produces impervious cover at a fairly equiva- ture tends to vacillate between defining a best management prac-
lent magnitude to the density of the development on the land. tice 共BMP兲 as either any tool that can lead to improved watershed
Intuitively, this makes some sense: as the movement of vehicles hydrology 共Ellis and Marsalek 1996兲, or more commonly, limits
and people on the land increases, it is necessary to stabilize the its application to an engineered device that improves the quality
surface. Since its link to development density and patterns is rela- or timing of storm-water flow 共Center for Watershed Protection
tively direct and impervious cover is a relatively simple attribute 1998; Strecker et al. 2000兲. This paper will use the comprehensive
for land planners to calculate and project, it has often been used definition of the term: a device, practice, or method for removing,
as a proxy for development impacts. reducing, retarding, or preventing targeted storm-water runoff
constituents, pollutants, and contaminants from reaching receiv-
As a result of this direct relationship, many studies that have
ing waters and/or a device, practice, or method that maintains
sought to measure the impact of urbanization on surface water
surface and subsurface flows as closely as possible to predevel-
quality have focused on imperviousness as an indicator, and im-
opment levels. Therefore, this paper distinguishes between struc-
pervious thresholds are now commonly used as benchmarks in
tural BMPs, which are either engineered and/or bio-engineered
local, watershed, and regional planning efforts. However, since
solutions for managing storm-water primarily on a site-specific
the relationship between urbanization 共human development兲 and
basis, and nonstructural BMPs, which are primarily tools to guide
impacts on hydrologic systems is much more complex than this
the placement of development 共Horner et al. 1997兲 or tools to
cause-and-effect model would indicate, this focus on impervious-
modify actions.
ness has had some drawbacks for effective growth management
planning. This paper will review the current literature to synthe-
size the development-related variables in hydrologic impairment,
and address an outstanding question in land planning: which tools Review of Impacts of Urbanization on Surface Water
and techniques, often termed best management practices, are the

Since the early 1960s, numerous hydrologic studies have focused
Professor and Dept. Head, Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Re- on the effects of urbanization on local hydrology 共Carter 1961;
gional Planning, Univ. of Massachusetts, 109 Hills North, Amherst, MA Felton and Lull 1963; Antoine 1964; Espey et al. 1966; Leopold
01003. E-mail:
1968; Martens 1968; Brater and Sangal 1969; Anderson 1970;
Note. Discussion open until September 1, 2009. Separate discussions
must be submitted for individual papers. The manuscript for this paper Stall et al. 1970; Hammer 1972; Yucel 1974; Hollis 1975; Beard
was submitted for review and possible publication on February 29, 2008; and Chang 1979; Klein 1979兲. In the early years, most of these
approved on July 9, 2008. This paper is part of the Journal of Hydrologic studies focused on the increase in intensity of runoff in urban
Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 4, April 1, 2009. ©ASCE, ISSN 1084-0699/ areas, and its impairment of water quality. To solve these prob-
2009/4-425–433/$25.00. lems, efforts at mitigation were focused on urban drainage, “with


J. Hydrol. Eng., 2009, 14(4): 425-433

Table 1. Impacts and Stresses on Surface Water Caused by Urbanization amount of impervious surface to levels of water quality degrada-
Category Impact tion was completed in 1995 共Schueler 1995兲. That report com-
piled the results of 11 previous studies 共Klein 1979; Steward
Stream hydrology Increased magnitude and frequency of floods 1983; Jones and Clark 1987; Steedman 1988; Galli 1990; Lim-
Increased frequency of erosive bankfull floods burg and Schmidt 1990; Booth 1991; Schueler and Galli 1992;
More annual runoff volume as stormflow Luchetti and Fuersteburg 1993; Taylor 1993; Shaver et al. 1995兲,
Less annual runoff volume as baseflow citing them as evidence that stream quality declined at 10–15%
More rapid stream water velocities imperviousness. The primary drawback of both the compiling
Channel morphology Channel widening and down cutting summary and the underlying studies is that they often equated
Greater streambank erosion urbanization with imperviousness. In doing so, they do not make
Shifting bars of coarse-grained sediments a clear distinction between the area of urbanization as a whole
and the actual amount of impervious surface that a particular type
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Stream channelization and relocation

of urban land cover creates 共Brabec et al. 2002兲.
Trash and debris jams
The critical error lies in how the original studies were devel-
Water quality Sediment pulse during construction oped, and then a subsequent lack of critical analysis of the meth-
Nutrient enrichment and algae growth odology. The ratios for the relationship between land use and the
Bacterial contamination amount of impervious surface it creates were developed in the
Greater organic and hydrocarbon loads 1970s, and have changed little in the studies in the intervening
Higher trace metals levels years. In the early research, imperviousness was evaluated four
Stream temperature ways: 共1兲 direct measurement 共Graham et al. 1974; Stafford et al.
Ecology and habitat Reduction in diversity of fish and aquatic insects
1974兲; 共2兲 sampling 共Martens 1968; Hammer 1972; Gluck and
McCuen 1975; Ragan and Jackson 1975兲; 共3兲 estimating the im-
Creation of linear barriers to fish migration
pervious area of land-use classes in remotely sensed images
Destruction of wetlands, riparian buffers, and
共Ragan and Jackson 1975, 1980兲; and 共4兲 using urbanization as a
proxy for imperviousness 共Morisawa and LaFlure 1979兲.
Currently, the majority of studies correlate impervious surface
a single objective in mind—to provide hydraulically and eco- to the area covered by a series of land-use classes 共see Brabec et
nomically effective transport of surface runoff from urban areas al. 2002 for a full review of these studies兲. The ratio or percent of
into local receiving waters and thereby to protect urban dwellers impervious surface of each land use is most often determined
against flooding” 共Ellis and Marsalek 1996兲. through a reliance on impervious estimates published in past stud-
This early concern for flooding and pollutants led to a focus on ies. Even when directly measured, there are four major problems
surface waters, particularly their quality and morphological with this approach. First, the original data showed considerable
changes 共Table 1兲, almost to the exclusion of subsurface hydrol- variation of imperviousness within the same land cover class,
ogy. Various researchers found that runoff from sites of intensive indicating in many cases that the classes were too inclusive of
human use was often heavily polluted with nutrients 共Weibel varying development densities 共Table 2兲. Second, imperviousness
1969; Omernik 1977兲, oxygen-demanding organics 共Weibel et al. varies considerably with lot size. Within a particular land-use
1964; Keefer et al. 1979兲, suspended solids 共Fusillo et al. 1977; type, such as residential, increasing lot size correlates with de-
Manning et al. 1977兲, and petroleum products, or other toxicants creasing imperviousness on a site specific level. Third, residential
共Bryan 1974; McConnell 1980; Scott et al. 1986兲. Other research- land-use density has an impact on per capita calculations creating
ers focused on the physical impacts of “flashy” runoff on streams, an inherent flaw: while lower land-use densities correlate with
particularly after high levels of urbanization 共MacRae 1997; decreasing imperviousness on a site level, percent imperviousness
Yoder et al. 1999兲 resulting in downcutting and loss of large per capita at the regional level increases due to the increased road
woody debris 共Booth 1991兲. length required to access each site. Fourth, the base studies from
The focus on stream hydrology, morphology, and water quality which the impervious surface percentages were calculated were
led to the identification of impervious surface in the urbanizing developed in east coast urban areas during the 1970s and early
watershed as a key variable in, and indicator of, watershed health 1980s: demographic and land-use patterns have changed consid-
共Espey et al. 1966; Stankowski 1972兲. However, early research erably since that time, with both homes and driveways of single
identified two sides to the impervious surface equation: increasing family homes in new suburbs increasing significantly in size.
urbanization resulted in increased amounts of impervious Therefore, while impervious surface is without a doubt a critical
surfaces—roads, parking lots, roof tops, etc.—and a decrease in factor in hydrologic impairment, the impact thresholds that are
the amount of forested lands, wetlands, and other forms of open commonly used in the planning field are based on findings of
space which absorb and clean storm-water in the natural system questionable accuracy. To rectify the bias, local data should be
共Leopold 1968; Carter 1961兲. Change in the impervious-pervious developed and field checked using a large number of land-use
surface balance was understood to cause significant changes to classes, particularly in the residential category.
both the quality and quantity of the storm-water runoff, leading to
degraded stream and watershed systems 共Morisawa and LaFlure Total Impervious Area „TIA… versus Effective
1979; Arnold et al. 1982; Bannerman et al. 1993兲. Subsequent Impervious Area „EIA…
research focused on the importance of impervious surface largely
to the exclusion of pervious areas and their impacts on the hydro- One attempt to refine imperviousness as a causal mechanism was
logic system 共Griffin et al. 1980; Harbor 1994; Arnold and Gib- proposed by Alley and Veenhuis 共1983兲, who classified anthropo-
bons 1996兲. genic imperviousness features into two kinds of imperviousness:
Although many studies cited the link between imperviousness directly connected and unconnected. Directly connected impervi-
and water quality, the most widely cited report that linked the ousness, also called effective imperviousness 共EIA兲 is impervi-


J. Hydrol. Eng., 2009, 14(4): 425-433

Table 2. Percent Imperviousness for Various Land Cover Classes as Calculated Directly from Aerial Photo and Map Analysis
Percent imperviousness 共%兲
Land cover
class Notes Mean Range Reference
Single family ⬍0.25 acre lots 39 30–49 Alley and Veenhuis 共1983兲
Residential 0.25–0.5 acre lots 26 22–31 Alley and Veenhuis 共1983兲
0.5–1.0 acre lots 15 13–16 Alley and Veenhuis 共1983兲
Includes multifamily residential 30 22–44 Sullivan et al. 共1978兲
Multiple family —
Residential — 66 53–64 Alley and Veenhuis 共1983兲
Commercial — 88 66–98 Alley and Veenhuis 共1983兲
Sullivan et al. 共1978兲
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— 81 52–90
Industrial — 60 — Alley and Veenhuis 共1983兲
— 40 11–57 Sullivan et al. 共1978兲

ousness that is hydrologically connected to anthropogenic tion, there is no possible amelioration of declining low flows; the
features 共storm sewers, gutters, ditches, etc.兲 which drain directly water to support base flows is no longer available in the water-
into streams. This type of imperviousness moves large quantities shed 共Ferguson and Suckling 1990兲.” Equally important is the
of runoff rapidly to the stream, reducing the opportunity for infil- presence of moisture in the upper 2 ft of soil that is available for
tration and evaporation. Unconnected impervious areas are plant uptake and evapotranspiration. If absent, and evapotranspi-
patches of imperviousness that are adjacent to pervious areas ration is decreased, the result could be a troubling trend of in-
where runoff may infiltrate into the ground. Most watershed stud-
creasing desertification.
ies lump unconnected impervious areas together with connected
A study in Nassau County found that base flow was reduced
areas under a term called total impervious area 共TIA兲 共Brabec et
“to about 20% of total stream flow by 共1兲 sanitary sewerage and
al. 2002兲.
Many studies of urban hydrology 共Cherkaver 1975; Beard and the discharge of the resulting treated effluent to tidewater; 共2兲 the
Chang 1979; Alley et al. 1980; Driver and Troutman 1989兲 show routing of storm-water runoff directly to streams through storm
that TIA, while correlating with changes in runoff, does not im- sewers; and 共3兲 the decrease in infiltration of precipitation as a
pact runoff to the extent of EIA. The direct connections of EIA result of the reduction in permeable area. In an adjacent urbanized
allow the flow of pollutants into surface water systems with little but unsewered area, base flow has been reduced to about 84% of
to no cleansing of the runoff. Using TIA instead of EIA, or not total stream flow by storm sewerage, reduced permeable area, and
distinguishing between the two in hydrologic models that assess the effects of lowered groundwater levels in the adjacent sewered
impervious threshold results in analytical bias: 共1兲 runoff volumes area” 共Simmons and Reynolds 1982兲.
and peak flows may be largely overestimated; 共2兲 the simulated A recent study conducted in the Rouge River Basin of Michi-
changes in runoff due to increasing intensity of land use may be gan 共Richards and Brabec 2003兲 focused on the link between
smaller if TIA is used; and 共3兲 infiltration rates are likely to be connected and unconnected imperviousness in a watershed that
overestimated 共Alley and Veenhuis 1983兲. was rural in 1950 and highly urbanized by 1999. The results of
Although directly connected imperviousness has significant
this study indicated that all roads, driveways, and commercial and
impacts, the effects of unconnected impervious areas may be
industrial imperviousness features were directly connected to sur-
equally severe, affecting how water infiltrates. Due to the passive
design of most infiltration zones, the majority of infiltration will face water bodies, even within internally drained portions of the
occur along narrow linear zones on the boundaries of impervious- watershed. This emphasizes the importance of focusing on the
ness features. For example, in the case of runoff from roof gutters transportation network in designing environmentally friendly de-
and down spouts, water delivery and therefore infiltration is fo- velopment. Between 1950 and 1990, directly connected impervi-
cused into very small zones at the end of the down spouts. As the ousness was found to have risen in the watershed from 1.8 to
proportion of imperviousness to perviousness increases in the wa- 14.2%, while unconnected imperviousness increased from 0.4 to
tershed, the effective size of the precipitation event increases, and 7.5%. The results also confirmed that storm sewers increased the
rainwater is forced to infiltrate over a smaller area. This could effective size of the watershed under study, crossing subwater-
lead to an increase in surface water body recharge if the flux of shed boundaries.
water into these areas exceeds the available water-holding capac- Hydrologic analysis indicated that the hydrologic efficiency of
ity. this watershed in both surface runoff and baseflow had increased
over time. While the former is to be expected, the long-term in-
Infiltration and Evapotranspiration crease in baseflow does not support the common notion that urban
development reduces recharge. Reduction in evaporation caused
While urbanization increased storm-water runoff and decreased
the lag time of storm-water discharge, there was a resulting lack by imperviousness may be partly responsible for this increase in
of infiltration and reduction in evapotranspiration that is an essen- baseflow, and increased base flow may be due, at least in part, to
tial part of any vegetative ecosystem. The alteration of these es- a leaky water supply. However, another cause of increase in the
sential exchange processes 共Brunke and Gonser 1997兲 in the efficiency of groundwater recharge and baseflow may be the con-
hydrologic system can be severe. “After precipitation has been centration in infiltration flow paths caused by the rerouting of
deflected from infiltration and recharge by impervious surfaces, water to the edge of unconnected impervious features, resulting in
and infiltrated water in the subsurface reduced by evapotranspira- increased point-specific infiltration.


J. Hydrol. Eng., 2009, 14(4): 425-433

Table 3. Typical Pollutant Removal Efficiencies of Site-Level BMPs
Typical percent removal rates of site-level BMPs
Infiltration treatment Porous Storm-water Wet detention Vegetated
Pollutant trencha systemsb pavementc Bioretentiond wetlandse pondsf,g swalesh
Sediment 90 — 82–95 — — — — —
Total suspended solids — 99 — 90 67 50–90 7–11 81
Total phosphorous 60 90 65 70–83 49 30–90 — 9
Total nitrogen 60 77 80–85 68–80 28 — — 38 共nitrate兲
Soluble Nutrients — — — — — 40–80 2–52 —
Metals 90 — — 93–98 — — 25–60 —
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Lead — 77 — — 62 70–80 — 67
Chromium — 98 — — — — — —
Zinc — 90 — — 45 40–50 — 71
Cadmium — — — — 36 — — 42
Copper — — — — 41 — — 51
Bacteria 90 — — 90 77 — — —
Fecal coliform — 97 — — — — — —
Organics 90 — — 90 — — — —
Biochemical oxygen demand 70–80 82 — — — 20–40 16–49 67
Petroleum hydrocarbons — 90 — — 87 — — 62
Schueler and Galli 共1992兲 in USEPA 共1999b兲.
StormTreat Systems, Inc. 共1998兲 共USEPA 1999c兲.
USEPA 共1999d兲.
USEPA 共1999a兲.
USEPA 共1999e兲.
USEPA 共1999g兲.
Kantrowitz and Woodham 共1995兲.
USEPA 共1999f兲.

Structural and Nonstructural BMPs: Importance of transpiration, infiltration, and base flow, and finally, perhaps
Planning the most comprehensive issue; and
4. The location of impervious surfaces in a watershed can have
The focus on the mitigation of degraded water quality and in- significant impacts on water quality and the hydrological
creased flashiness has led to an emphasis on engineering solutions system.
to achieve those results 共Federal Interagency Stream Restoration
Working Group 1998; USEPA 1999a,b,c,d,e,f,g兲. Currently, fed-
Limits of BMP Efficiency
eral, state, and nongovernmental organizations 共NGO兲 educa-
tional efforts and local government planning responses discuss Although BMPs are used to mitigate the impact of development,
primarily traditional engineering and site-specific BMPs, and in studies of stream quality these measures have been found to
avoid the large-scale planning BMPs. Even in those documents have varying degrees of effectiveness. In addition, there is no
which do cross the planning “line,” efforts tend to focus on site conclusive answer to the question, “At what percent impervious
level planning principles and avoid regional planning approaches surface can stream-quality impacts not be mitigated?” Two stud-
to protecting water quality at the catchment or watershed level. ies have identified a limit at the lower end of the imperviousness
Paradoxically, discussions of catchment and watershed level spectrum: Maxted and Shaver 共1998兲 found that BMPs could not
planning are not new in the literature. Marsh 共1983兲, in his text- mitigate the impacts of urbanization once the watershed reached
book on Landscape Planning, addresses the importance of plan- 20% impervious cover; and Galli 共1990兲 found no mitigation of
ning the entire catchment. However, this framework for planning temperature standard violations in areas of impervious surface
misses an important distinction: as the zones of the catchment are ranging from 12 to 30%.
defined in Marsh’s work, only the riparian area and the immediate While there has been considerable research on the efficiency
buffer zone surrounding the riparian area are targeted. As ex- of some types of BMPs, many of the nonstructural BMPs have
plored below, an analysis of the existing literature and its appli- not been adequately evaluated for their use and efficacy in a
cation to planning find the following: watershed. Typical pollutant removal efficiencies of some of
1. While a threshold of watershed imperviousness is commonly the more common structural, site-level BMPs are presented in
applied to watershed planning, it is not the only or perhaps Table 3.
even the most important watershed variable;
2. Engineered and site-level mitigation efforts such as detention Retention and Detention Ponds
ponds and riparian buffers have limits to their effectiveness; Detention ponds 共Horner et al. 1997兲 are integral to the storm-
3. Woodland cover and other pervious land uses are critical to water cleansing process and are statutorily required in many ju-
the pervious/impervious equation and the balance of evapo- risdictions. In fact, two jurisdictions with very different


J. Hydrol. Eng., 2009, 14(4): 425-433

Table 4. Comparison of Ability of Detention Ponds to Clean Various Contaminants from Storm Water
Contaminant Maristany 共1993兲 Stanley 共1996兲 NURP 共1983兲 Kantrowtiz and Woodham 共1995兲
Total suspended solids 95.4 71 93 7
Turbidity 86.6 — — —
Total chromium 77.5 — — 25
Total copper 72 26 64 52
Total lead 91.3 55 84 ⬎60
Total nickel 68 — — —
Total zinc 84.9 26 51 48
Total organic carbon 24.3 10 — —
Chemical oxygen demand 14 — 44 16
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Biochemical oxygen demand 20.3 — 51 49

Total nitrogen 31.3 26 — —
Ammonia 54.5 9 — 40
Total Kjeldahl nitrogen 28.8 — 38 —
Nitrate 60 −2 44 —
Total phosphorus 64 14 64 40
Orthophosphate −50 26 — 52

hydrologic regimes, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and Belle- ian forests is limited, riparian buffers are key mitigants of tem-
vue, Wash. 共Comings et al. 2000兲, require removal of 50% of the perature increases 共Galli 1990兲, and the loss of large woody
pollutant loads. However, as noted in Comings et al. 共2000兲, stud- debris and leaf litter that enters the aquatic food chain 共Booth and
ies for both total phosphorous and soluble reactive phosphorous Jackson 1997兲. When streamside vegetation is cleared, less wood
removal by detention ponds are highly variable, but generally fall enters the channel 共Bisson et al. 1987; Richards and Host 1994兲
below 50%. Utilizing 1–2% of the watershed area for the devel- which functions to protect the streambed and banks from erosion
opment of wet detention ponds could reduce pollutant loadings to 共Booth et al. 1996; Booth and Jackson 1997兲.
meet targeted requirements of water quality improvements 共Wu et There are several factors that can act to reduce the effective-
al. 1996兲. ness of buffers 共Booth 1991兲: 共1兲 the effects of existing land use
Although dry detention ponds are in use throughout the United in the watershed; 共2兲 stream crossings by roads and utilities; 共3兲
States, pollutant removal efficiencies have been measured in only human intrusion; 共4兲 buffer alteration over time by individual
a handful of the ponds 共Stanley 1996兲. The findings of various property owners; and 共5兲 channelized flow, or flow through buried
studies concur that detention ponds can provide a certain mitiga- culverts or pipes, through the buffer into the stream carrying pol-
tion of storm-water impacts, however they are limited in their lutants and sediments, along with flow increases from impervious
effectiveness 共Table 4兲, and more widespread use of storm-water surfaces.
infiltration ponds is impeded by concerns about groundwater con- Several studies reinforce the limits of buffer protection. After
tamination, lack of design guidance, and concerns about mainte-
watershed imperviousness reached 45% in Seattle area water-
nance and longevity of infiltration systems 共Ellis and Marsalek
sheds, riparian buffers ceased to effectively protect biological in-
tegrity 共Horner et al. 1997兲. Steedman 共1988兲 also found that the
Modifications to storm-water retention basin designs 共e.g., ex-
amount of riparian cover that can be removed while sustaining
panded capacity, constructed wetlands兲 could increase pollutant
biological integrity is inversely proportional to the amount of im-
removal efficiency 共Maxted and Shaver 1998兲. However, deten-
pervious surface: with 0% urbanization, 75% of the riparian forest
tion ponds are compromised in their ability to clean storm water
and mitigate impacts by an explicit design limit for flows, after could be removed, and with 55% urbanization, 0% could be re-
which the water will overtop or bypass the storage area. As a moved. Even complete retention of streamside buffers could not
result of the hydrologic modeling that is used in the pond design, prevent “measurable degradation” after approximately 7–10% im-
an excessive rate of release from the pond is created 共Booth pervious area 共Booth and Reinelt 1993兲. In addition, significant
1991兲. Wet detention ponds have been cited as one method to changes in instream nutrient concentrations were identified if land
improve water quality efficiencies. The establishment of aquatic cover changes occurred within 150 m of the stream channel,
vegetation has the effect of increasing the efficiency of detention while insignificant changes in nutrient concentrations resulted
ponds in reducing loads of urban-runoff contaminants in storm if the land-use change occurred at more than 150 m from the
water 共Kantrowitz and Woodham 1995兲, but experience declining channels 共Tufford et al. 1998兲. This finding suggests that basin
removal of organic matter 共oxygen demand兲 if not properly main- land-use planning aimed at reducing nonpoint sources of nutrient
tained 共Maristany 1993兲. loading should be especially concerned with near-channel land
uses. In particular, nutrient levels were found to be alleviated only
Riparian Buffers temporarily by forested buffer strips 共Omernik et al. 1981兲. One
Riparian buffers are a commonly accepted form of nonstructural study found “stream buffers 共100 m兲 were more important than
BMP. However, since implementation is fairly straightforward whole catchment data for predicting sediment-related habitat vari-
and generally requires maintenance of existing site features rather ables 共Richards et al. 1996兲 and riparian forest within about 1 km
than the conscious engineering of a constructed BMP, they are of a station was the most important in predicting maximum
often imbued with powers far beyond their ability to impact the stream temperature and trout distribution in southern Ontario
hydrologic system 共Booth 1991兲. While the effectiveness of ripar- 共Barton et al. 1985兲. One hundred ft buffers are generally ac-


J. Hydrol. Eng., 2009, 14(4): 425-433

cepted in planning practice since benefits of wood recruitment, between the proportion of basin in forest and water quality, than
aquatic food supply and shading appear to decline much beyond the proportion of the channel with riparian forest. Hicks and Lar-
100 ft 共Murphy et al. 1986; Budd et al. 1987; Booth 1991兲. son 共1997兲 concurred in their analysis of forests, finding no dis-
cernible human impact on water quality at 4% impervious
watershed surface, more than 50% forested land area, and more
Pervious-Impervious Balance: Importance of Mature than 80% of the stream with a 200 ft riparian buffer; a low level
Forest of impact at 9% impervious surface, 30–50% forest stand, and
While 100% imperviousness is an absolute measure, are all de- 50–80% riparian buffer; a moderate level impact with 10–15%
veloped sites of equal impervious cover equal in their polluting impervious surface and 10–29% forest stand, and 20–49% ripar-
capacity? The answer of course is no. One study found that ian buffer; and a high level of impact with 15% impervious sur-
“Highway construction increased sediment yield ten times over face, 10% forest stand, and less than 20% riparian buffer. Forest
that expected from cultivated land, 200 times that expected from stands directly affect the abiotic factors of stream quality, particu-
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grassland, and 2,000 times that expected from forest land” 共Vice larly woody debris and channel enlargement 共Hammer 1972兲, and
et al. 1969兲. In addition, the increase of impervious area in a mitigate channel enlargement due to a higher level of storm-water
watershed, or conversely the loss of wooded land area, reduces absorption.
evaporation and infiltration, and is directly related to a loss of
vegetative storage and decreased transpiration 共Lazaro 1979兲. Impacts of Location within Watershed
Ross and Dillaha 共1993兲 compared runoff, nutrient, and sedi-
ment concentrations from six different pervious surfaces in a Although a variety of researchers have acknowledged the impor-
simulated rainfall event. The results showed a great difference in tance of impervious surface location within a watershed 共Weaver
the runoff characteristics among different types of pervious sur- and Garman 1994; Allan et al. 1997; Johnson and Gage 1997;
faces. While a mulched landscape produced no runoff, a gravel Carignan and Steedman 2000; Wang et al. 2001兲, few quantitative
driveway and bare soil acted very much like an impervious sur- relationships have been developed between percent impervious
face, although they would not normally be included in impervious surface, placement, and stream quality. Booth and Jackson 共1997兲
calculations. identify upland land use as critical in determining overall stream
This difference in the runoff characteristics for various pervi- function, degradation, and rehabilitation potential. They found
ous surfaces is critical to land-use planning. Even those areas that that even with best efforts at mitigation, some downstream
are typically considered completely pervious such as grassed aquatic system damage is probably inevitable without limiting the
lawn, meadows, and fields do not absorb the amount of rainfall extent of watershed development.
absorbed by a mature forest stand given similar soils, soil com- The placement of impervious surface determines a number of
position, and topography. This is a result of the construction pro- changes in hydrologic function including the speed with which
cess: construction activity yields soil compaction and changes in surface and subsurface flow enters the stream and potential ab-
soil profiles, therefore intense development equals more impacted sorption by pervious surfaces. In general, upstream impacts will
land area that is at best only partially pervious 共Booth and Jack- create disturbances over more stream miles while downstream
son 1997兲. disturbances will create more concentrated impacts 共Maxted and
Understanding the impact of forested vegetation is compli- Shaver 1998兲. For example, Booth 共1990兲 concluded that in-
cated by evapotranspiration. Forested areas simultaneously allow creased sediment from streambank erosion occurs particularly
for a high level of infiltration and varying levels of evapotranspi- when upstream locations in the watershed are paved.
ration. Urban imperviousness causes two impacts to low flows in A study in Michigan 共Roth et al. 1996兲 found that regional
streams: precipitation is deflected from infiltration, and advective land use was the primary determinant of stream conditions, even
enhancement of evapotranspiration exacerbates the loss of “able to overwhelm the ability of local site vegetation to support
groundwater, due to the increase in heat from surrounding sur- high-quality habitat and biotic communities.” When analyzing the
faces 共Ferguson and Suckling 1990兲. effects of dispersed impervious surface compared to clustered de-
Mature forest stands 共and other native covers such as native velopment, higher sediment yields were measured in areas with
prairies兲 are critical as a baseline for planning adequate infiltra- dispersed impervious surface, however the spatial characteristics
tion in the watershed. Several studies have found that forest of the impervious area did not affect runoff volumes, only flow
stands in a watershed are vital for mediating other land-use im- rates and associated sediment loads 共Corbett et al. 1997兲. Con-
pacts on stream habitats 共Osborne and Wiley 1988; Steedman versely, Yoder and Rankin 共1997兲 found that biological perfor-
1988; Osborne and Kovacic 1993; Richards et al. 1996兲. Whereas mance was good even with urbanization as high as 15% if the site
some water-quality parameters such as woody debris and tem- was developed with estate-type 共large, dispersed lots兲 residences.
perature can be modified by local riparian conditions 共Osborne The distance between impervious cover and the stream chan-
and Kovacic 1993兲, dominant water-quality trends 共nutrients and nel appears to be one of the most important factors regarding
sedimentation兲 are more strongly related to catchment-wide land placement, particularly for areas in which runoff is not piped
use and geology 共Richards et al. 1996兲. While the critical thresh- directly to the stream. Impervious cover further away from the
old of forest cover has not been firmly established, at least one stream resulted in less channel enlargement in watersheds near
study 共Taylor 1993兲 found that at least 15% forested cover should Philadelphia 共Hammer 1972兲. While nutrient concentrations
be protected to reduce stream flashiness. changed significantly in relation to land use within 150 m of
Studies of the effects of forested areas in a watershed have streams in South Carolina, beyond this point land-use change did
illustrated their potential mitigating effects for other land uses. not significantly effect nutrient concentrations 共Tufford et al.
Variables related to hydraulic regime, such as channel dimen- 1998兲. Although total phosphorus and total suspended solids cor-
sions, are influenced more by catchment area and composition related with land use within the stream ecotone in summer, total
than factors specific to stream ecotones 关Hynes 共1975兲, cited in dissolved solids in summer and ammonium in autumn correlated
Richards et al. 1996兴. Steedman 共1988兲 found a higher correlation to land use in the whole catchment 共Johnson et al. 1997兲. In an


J. Hydrol. Eng., 2009, 14(4): 425-433

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biotic integrity than the land uses within the entire basin 共Steed- Ontario streams.” N. Am. J. Fish. Manage., 5共3a兲, 364–378.
man 1988兲. These findings correlate well with the buffer findings Beard, L. R., and Chang, S. 共1979兲. “Urbanization impact on stream-
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reliance on planning to reduce the hydrologic impacts of devel- urbanization.” Water Resour. Bull., 26共3兲, 407–417.
opment 共Booth and Jackson 1997; Lammert and Allan 1999; Booth, D. B. 共1991兲. “Urbanization and the natural drainage system—
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