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2nd Cycle, Marketing And Sales.

Technical English.

Lic. Antonio de Jesús Chicas

English Drama.

Moisés Fuentes Jurado.
Cindy Gabriela Garay Chévez.
José Elí Canizales Alvarado.
Jorge Bladimir Ayala Vindel.
Edgar Josué Álvarez Benítez.

Saturday 12th,2019.
English Drama
Scene 1

Moises: Edgar? .. Edgar , is that you?

Edgar: Excuse me ... Moi ... Moi! .. Yes, that's right, I'm Moisés ... My old friend ...

Moises: How long not to see you, where had you been?

Edgar: Well, since we left university I have been in my father's business, you know, in trucks ...

Moises: Well, I'm glad to see you again.

Edgar: Equally friend, and you. Where had you been?

Moises: Well, traveling from here to there, enjoying these years that have passed.

Edgar: At least you did what you would say ...

Moises: That's right ... and the others?

Edgar: Do you mean Gabriela and Bladimir?

Moises: Of course, with them we were always the inseparable hahaha, remember ...

Edgar: How to forget it, a good time has passed already. Gabriela is a doctor at the regional hospital, and
Bladimir is in charge of a store.

Moises: And do you see them often?

Edgar: Well, the truth occasionally, for their work. But I still have contact with them. My dad is usually
taken care of by Gabriela in the hospital, and then, from time to time we support Bladimir in his shop
buying what we need there.

Moises: Good. Hey ... what do you think if we agree to go to dinner somewhere? To remember good
times, you know ...

Edgar: It would be a good idea, I will talk to them and let you know

Moisés: I'll leave you my phone number.

Edgar: Sure ...

Moises: 147-2583.

Edgar: I will notify you by tomorrow.

Moises: Sure friend. I will be here a few days. See you later.

Edgar: This is man, see you.

Scene 2

Gabriela: Hi Edgar, it's nice to see you again. And good afternoon Don Abilio, I'm glad to see you again.

Edgar : Hi Gabriela, it's time for my father's checkup.

Gabriela: Always punctual.

Edgar : Gabriela, don't you guess who I met this morning in the square ...

Gabriela: Don't scare me, you know I don't like to be scared.

Edgar : No, of course not. Do you remember Moisés?

Gabriela: How to forget it! If with him and Bladimir we were The Inseparable... Hahaha So he returned
to his nest.

Edgar : Yes, it is. He says he is traveling and will be a few days. He told me it would be a good idea to
meet again, to relive old times.

Gabriela: Well, it would be great!

Edgar : Then I will tell you …

Scene 3

Bladimir: My friend, Edgar. How have you been? What do you need today?

Edgar : I will bring vegetables and a few towels for the kitchen.

Bladimir: Got it immediately.

Edgar: But you know, the reason I really came is to tell you that The Inseparables has returned ...

Bladimir: Don't say me that he's back...

Edgar : That's right ...

Bladimir: It is nice to know that ... and where We at?

Edgar: Well, it would be nice to get together, you know ... To remember old times.

Bladimir: That would be great. Just tell me when and let's go ...

Edgar: Okay, I'll let you know when.

Bladimir: Sure, I'll be alert here. Here you got…

Edgar : Thank you my brother.

Scene 4

Edgar: Alo, Moisés ...

Moises: Hi Edgar , I hear you ...

Edgar : I already spoke with Gabriela and Bladimir, and they agree to meet us ...

Moisés : What joy, of course, just tell me when and where and there we meet.

Edgar : Well, it would be good tomorrow night, at the International Restaurant on 8th Avenue. At 8
o'clock... What do you think?

Moisés : That is the karaoke restaurant where we used to go before, you looked like Edgar, you looked.

Edgar: You said you wanted to remember old times, and what better place than that to do it.

Moises: Always ready, right. That's how we are. Goodnight…

Edgar : See you, rest.

Scene 5

Waiter: Good evening, sir. Welcome.

Moises: Good evening ...

Waiter: Are you coming alone or with someone?

Moises: I'll wait for some friends, will they come in a few minutes?

Waiter: I understand, table for how many?

Moises: It would be a table for four.

Waiter: Excellent, sir ... Follow me, please. I will show you your table.

(At that moment Edgar , Gabriela and Bladimir enter together.)

Waiter: Good evening, welcome to the International Restaurant, table for how many?

Bladimir: Table for four, please.

Edgar : Excuse me, I think a friend of ours must already be here.

Waiter: Sure, sir. He's here, follow me please.

(Seeing them, Moisés stands at the table and hugs them, greeting them very happy. They sit at the

Waiter: Here is the menu, would you like something to drink while looking at the menu?

Gabriela: Thank you, I would like a glass of water.

Edgar: Me too, please.

Bladimir: Could you bring me a lemonade, please.

Moises: Also a glass with water.

Edgar : Is this the daily or frequent menu?

Waiter: The menu includes the dishes of the day and those we normally serve, sir.

Gabriela: Does it include desserts and drinks?

Waiter: No miss, just the food.

Bladimir: We'll see the menu then.

Waiter: Would you like a snack or entrance in the meantime?

Edgar: Some plate of nachos, I think ...

Waiter: As you like. Excuse me.

(The waiter carries the drinks.)

Moises: I'm glad to see you again after so long.

Gabriela: Likewise, Edgar. We are glad that you have fulfilled your dream.

Edgar: And how did you get to travel so much?

Moises: Well, I've been working for a multinational company.

Bladimir: Really!

Moises: Yes, and then I have to work outside the country.

Edgar : How good that you have fulfilled your dream of traveling.

Waiter: Ready to order?

Edgar : Sure. I would like a Pepián dish.

Waiter: Very good choice sir, Guatemalan dish.

Gabriela: Well, since we're with Central American dishes, I'm going to order Gallo Pinto.

Waiter: Gladly, miss.

Bladimir: Well, I'd like some Honduran baleadas.

Waiter: Excellent choice, sir. And for you, sir ...

Moises: I am undecided between the pupusas and the old Indian, which one would you recommend?

Waiter: The restaurant would recommend the pupusas sir, it is the dish that we have just included in the
Moises: And where does this dish come from?

Waiter: From El Salvador, sir.

Moises: I was there last summer. Ok, I'll order pupusas.

Waiter: Like Any drinks to go with?

Edgar : Bring us a bottle of red wine please.

Waiter: With pleasure. In a moment I will bring your orders.

Waiter: Everything alright?

Moises: Yes, thanks. All excellent.

Waiter: Would you like some dessert? Here is the dessert menu.

Gabriela: I would like a slice of chocolate cake.

Moisés: Me too.

Edgar : Me too.

Bladimir: I would like a slice of strawberry cake, please.

Waiter: Do you want coffee?

Moisés : No, thanks.

Edgar : A black coffee please.

Bladimir: Likewise.

Edgar : Gentleman, the account please.

Waiter: Sure, in a moment.

Waiter: Good evening, Internacional Restaurant wishes you a pleasant evening. At this time we leave
the microphone open for those who want to delight others with the classics of ever. Enjoy it…
(At that moment the song that represented the group of friends gathered sounds.)

Gabriela: Noo!

Bladimir: Holy, what's up Gabriela?

Gabriela: It's our song!

Edgar : Do you remember her?

Moises: what do you expect? Come on!

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