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Focused on
“It is not enough that we build
Have a believable story Experiences products that function, that are
Co-create value with customers (People, Activities, Context)
understandable and usable -
Connect people in community we also need to build products
Are part of a bigger system that bring joy and excitement,
Prioritize Aesthetics (no, not Graphic Design)
Appeal to emotional, spiritual, and (visual, behaviors, sounds, psychology) pleasure and fun, and yes,
social values
Design for FLOW (boredom vs anxiety) beauty, to people’s lives.”
Create a tolerance for faults at
lower levels Leverage Game Mechanics/Learning Theory -Donald Norman
Are tied to a person’s self-image,
highly personal Have a Personality
Empower people to do things Meaningful Create conversational and context aware
previously not possible Has personal significance interactions
(“Adaptive Interfaces”; narrative IA structures)
Pleasurable Elicit Desire
Memorable experience worth sharing (Limited availability, limited access, curious and
Simplify, organize, and clarify seductive experiences)
information Convenient This is the “Chasm” that is Really, really
hard for organizations to Cross
Display information visually Super easy to use, works like I think
Reduce features and complexity
Are easier to understand
Use language for more natural
Can be used without difficulty
Creating Pleasurable Interfaces:
Add features that support desired
Is available and accurate
Getting from Tasks to Experiences
behaviors (offline browsing) created by Stephen P. Anderson |
Functional (Useful)
Works as programmed

Focused on
(Products, Features)
OBJECTIVE / QUANTIFIABLE © 2006 Stephen P. Anderson |

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