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Halaman 9

Membuat pertanyaan Yes/No Question

 Is she a certified midwife? ---Yes, She is
 Have you ever checked here before? ---Yes, I have
 Do you feel the baby is moving? ---Yes, I do

Halaman 10
Membuat Pertanyaan dengan 5W 1H
 When did your first day of period last month?
 What do you feel now?
 Who is accompanying you to the hospital?
 Where is the plan to give birth later?
 Why does she feel back pain in the 3rd trimester?
 How is your day?

Halaman 12
Membuat Tag Question

Kalimat Positif
 She is a midwife, isn’t she?
 I have got an appointment with the patient at 11.00 am, haven’t I?
 She is working as a midwife in the hospital, isn’t she?

Kalimat Negative
 You aren’t coming to the hospital, are you?
 They won’t attend the seminar, will they?
 We aren’t having an early lunch today, are we?
Membuat Percakapan pertama kali kenal dengan sahabat anda di academic

Me : “Hello, can I sit here?”

My Friend : “Of course”
Me : “My name is Nakita Indira, what is ur name?”
My Friend : “Hai Nakita, I’m Shafa Khairunnisa u can call me Shafa. where do you live?
Me : “Hai Shafa, I live in Gagak street near Halim futsal”
My Friend : “Really? its only 7 minutes from my house”
Me : “Wait, but where do you live shafa?
My Friend : “You know Perum Jatiwaringin? which is near Al Muhajirin Mosque
Me : “OMG yeah I really know. what a lucky I am, our house is near”
My Friend : “I’m happy to hear that, next time we can go to the campus together”
Me : “Sounds good. Bye the way why you choosed midwifery?
My Friend : “Hmm I Think I’m more Interest in all about Mom and baby so I choosed this
major. How about you?
Me : “I think because I like Biology subject and I interest all about baby too so I
choose this major
My Friend : “Wow sounds good. Bye the way can we be a friend, now?
Me : “With a pleasure, Shafa”
My Friend : “Thank you, Nakita”
Me : “Urwell”

Membuat Narasai memperkenalkan teman

Hai, Let me Introduce my new friend to you. her name is Silviana Fardi, you can call her Silvi.
she studies at Poltekkes Jakarta 3 too but she’s in Nursery. Her hoby is swimming. She lives in
Raya hankam street. Her favorite colour is blue. She is a good friend and actually single.
Percakapan antara bidan dan juga pasien
Patient : Good morning
Midwife : Good morning, Hello Can I help you?
Patient : I want to check my pregnancy.
Midwife : OK, Can I might know your identity
Patient : Sure, I’m Mrs Zoe, 25 years old.
Midwife : OK, do you have already have a child before?
Patient : Not yet, this is my first time pregnancy
Midwife : Alright, do you remember when the first day of your last menstruation period is?
Patient : Yes, if I am not mistaken, it was on 12 January 2020
Midwife : Emm, if i count from the first day of last menstruation, Mrs. already pregnancy
4 weeks . do you have problem in this pregnancy ?
Patient : Well, I feel like always want to eat any food lately
Midwife : It’s a common thing that happens during the first trimester of pregnancy. So how
is it now? Do you still have morning sickness?
Patient : Yes MidwifeDede, I still have that morning sickness.
Husband : It is normal midwife Dede?
Midwife : Yes It is. It will be over after your wife have her second trimester.
Husband : Alhamdulillah, that is all is normal condition
Midwife : Alright, let me check your vital signs Mrs.Dayan I will check your blood
pressure, temperature and respiration rate, and your pulse
Patient : Ok 
Midwife : First of all, roll your sleeve up please? I will measure your blood pressure.
Patient         : Alright, like this?

Midwife    : Yes, that’s right….Well your blood pressure is 120 / 80 MmHg, you have
normal blood pressure. Further please put this thermometer in your arm pit, wait
for some minutes.
Patient : Alright.
Midwife          : It’s 36o C, Now let me have your wrist please. Your pulse is 80/minutes. Now
please stand on this scale…Ok, It’s 55 kg. ok now have seat down please.
Patient         : Thank you.
Husband : So, how many times my wife checks her pregnancy?
Midwife : Examination in pregnancy at least 4 times during pregnancy. 1 time at gestation
age before 3 months. 1 times 4 to 6 months' gestation. and 2 times at 7 to 9
months' gestation.
Husband : Oh yeah, What to avoid of my wife during pregnancy?
Midwife : During pregnancy the mother should not work hard, smoke or exposure to
cigarette smoke, drinking alcohol and drinking herbs, taking drugs without a
doctor's prescription, excessive stress
Both : OK midwife Dede
Midwife : If your wife has any of the following signs occur, should be taken immediately
to the hospital or health centre, like are feels ill, swelling of fingers, face and legs,
vaginal bleeding, convulsions, severe headaches with blurred vision, fever and too
weak to get out of bed, severe abdominal pain and fast or difficult breathing.
Husband : Well, thank you midwife Dede for your information, that’s very helpful for us.
Midwife : You are welcome. i hope mrs. dayan is always good during your pregnancy
Patient : Amin, see you
Midwife : See you soon

Thank You

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