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Extended Essay sources

Purpose: To give context a detailed account

Pepys, Samuel, et al. The Diary of Samuel of the events of the great fire of London.
Pepys. Vol. 7, HarperCollins, 1995. Also, including the perspective on the
impact of the fire on a higher middle-class
Origin: London, England, 1666
Value: It is a primary source that allows for
more relevant information and possibly
more reliable information.
Limitation: The Source is only from one
person and does not have a historian

Purpose: The purpose of this source is to

Pepys, Samuel, et al. The Diary of give some historian perspective while
Samuel Pepys. University of including the information of Samuel Pepys
California Press, 1983. diary. It is also used to identify social life at
the time and more information on the
people of London
Origin: London, England, 1600s
Value: It gives extensive information on day
to day life of the middle class and immense
historian perspectives
Limitation: Due to a large amount of
information the relation to the Great Fire of
London may be more limited than expected.

Purpose: To allow for more perspective on

Evelyn, John, et al. The Diary of John the fire and also to have different cultured
Evelyn. Dent, 1966. person to describe the fire
Origin: London, England, 1666
Value: primary source
Limitation: Limited historian perspective

Purpose: to give intell on the aftermath of

Archer, Ian W. “Facing up to the Fire of London and the feeling at the
Catastrophe: The Great Fire of time about what had occurred
London.” Faculty of History, Origin:

Purpose: this journal by a historian

List , Kurt. “The Social and Political speaking on the political impacts and social
Consequences of the Great Fire of impact of the Great Fire gives one
London.” The Classic Journal, 21 Apr. perspective that would enhance my stance
2020, Origin: 21 April, 2020 Value: the different perspective of outside
020/04/21/the-social-and-political-con could give unbias information on he politics
sequences-of-the-great-fire-of-london/ of the time
. Limitation: due to the fact that it is not a
primary source it si reliant on others accord
of the event.

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