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To show why people should be legally required to get vaccines.

I think it is very clear that vaccine has a lot of positive effects compared to negative (if there
really is any). But there are still a lot of misinformation and conspiracy theories that make
people refuse to be vaccinated.

Background Paragraph
The main reason people refuse – People will always have doubts about everything including
vaccine although it has been proven throughout many scientific researches and has produced
amazing results.
Not only not being vaccinated puts you at risk but the people around you too.
Vaccine- a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity
against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products,
or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
Supporting Evidence 1
It has been proven throughout many scientific researches that vaccination has been an
effective solution to deal with pandemics. According to statistics, numbers of cases of
smallpox in the 20th century annual morbidity compared with 2016 reported cases after the
production of the vaccine is 29,005 to 0. The fact that a pandemic is eliminated after the
production of a vaccine proves that it really works. If the vaccine did not exist, the people
would be vulnerable to the disease and the infection rate would increase. If the infection rates
increase the hospitals will be busier causing other patients to not get the care they need and
their healthcare cost can also be damaging to a country’s economy. Vaccination has a lot of
positive effects and little to no negative effects therefore people should be legally required to
get vaccination.
Supporting Evidence 2
There is a common misconception that not getting vaccinated only effects that individual but
that is wrong as it also effects the people around them. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO) the virus which causes smallpox is contagious and spreads through
person-to- person contact and saliva droplets in an infected person’s breath. It has an
incubation period of between 7 and 17 days after exposure and only becomes infectious once
the fever develops. Vaccination can highly reduce the chances of someone getting infected
which reduces the chances of other people getting infected and so on. If everyone gets a
vaccine a virus can easily be eliminated like smallpox because the virus has no one to infect
and will soon die off. If the virus is highly infectious it can cause a huge amount of deaths if
people refuse to get the vaccine for it. People should be legally required to be vaccinated
because it affects the whole community and not just an individual person.

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