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Вопросы (1-7)

1. Why conflict is a natural phenomenon of organizational life?

Because organizational members have different goals and because organizations are
made up of scarce resources.

2. What are some positive properties of conflict?

It stimulates creativity, innovation, and change

3. What type of skills are closely tied to resolving conflicts?

Few interpersonal skills draw upon other interpersonal skills the way conflict resolution does.
Specifically, resolving conflicts uses goal setting, listening, feedback, and oral persuasion

4. What kind of conflicts are unmanageable?

When antagonisms are deeply rooted, when both parties wish to prolong a conflict, or when
emotions run so high that constructive interaction is impossible, our efforts are unlikely to
meet with much success.

7. Conflict managing styles

1) Forcing + -
2) Avoiding - -
3) Accommodating - +
4) Collaborating + +
5) compromising +- +-

1) avoidance – you run from conflict (unproductive)
2)silencers strategy – silence your opponent by crying, etc. (unproductive)
3) Not negotiation strategy – refuse to discuss the problem (unproductive)
4)Face enhancing \attacking strategies – you rather save your opponent’s “face”, or you
Deface him (unproductive)
5) Verbal aggressiveness – One person attacks the other persons self-concept (unproductive)
6)Argumentativeness strategy – Willingness to argue for point of view, to speak one’s mind
without directly attacking a persons self-concept. (productive) can you establish credibility

1) Be trustworthy. You must earn trust. If people like you they will trust you, and if they trust
you they will do business with you.
2) Be competent. Become an expert in your field, someone with the ability to analyze a
situation and develop several potential solutions. Be confident in your capabilities so people
know you are the one they can count on.
3) Be consistent. Everything you do, say and think should be consistent. Credibility only
happens when everything is consistent, from the inside out.
4) Be genuine. You need authenticity when you're trying to win trust, you can't rely on the
"fake it till you make it" approach.
5) Be sincere. Being credible means being sincere. It means you don't say everything you
think, but you mean everything you say. You cannot claim it; you just have to be it. to
Sincerity requires commitment and dedication and the willingness to be steadfast, unmovable
and always straightforward--no matter what.
6) Be respectful. Holding other people's feelings in respect may mean nothing to you, but it
could mean everything to them. Treat everyone with respect--not because you expect
something, but because you know they deserve it. Titles are granted, positions are given, but
it's respect that earns you credibility.
7) Be accountable. To establish credibility, you must be accountable for your decisions and
actions. When you make a mistake, own up to it and take steps to correct the error. When you
aren't sure, say so.
8) Be loyal. Your credibility grows when you out for their best interests of those around you.
It's about serving and protecting others. Loyalty is the sense that is a mutual commitment to
9) Be honest. Part of establishing credibility is developing a reputation for speaking with
candor and honesty. Transparency is the fundamental keystone to business and the core
source of credibility.
10) Be principled. Stop comparing yourself to others and learn to be yourself-- the principled
person you are, standing tall for the values you believe in. Always strive to improve yourself
to become better today than you were yesterday, work to serve those around you and the
world with the core conviction that is uniquely you.

6.why is a combination of logic and emotional appeal more effective than logic alone

Because together they create the persuasion tools that can help writers make their argument
appeal to readers. This is why they're known as the argumentative appeals.
This appeal involves convincing your audience that you are intelligent and can be trusted.
You appeal to logic when you rely on your audience’s intelligence and when you offer
credible evidence to support your argument. That evidence includes:
• FACTS- These are valuable because they are not debatable; they represent the
• EXAMPLES- These include events or circumstances that your audience can
relate to their life
• PRECEDENTS- These are specific examples (historical and personal) from
the past
• AUTHORITY- The authority must be timely (not out-dated), and it must be
qualified to judge the topic
• DEDUCTIVE/INDUCTIVE- Deductive reasoning is when you pick apart
evidence to reach conclusions, and inductive reasoning is when you add logical pieces to the
evidence to reach conclusions
This kind of appeal can be very effective if it’s not over-done, especially if your topic is an
emotional one. Because your audience has emotions as well as intellect, your argument must
seek to engage the audience emotionally. However, using emotional appeal alone is not as
effective as when it is used in conjunction with logical and/or ethical appeals.The BEST way
to incorporate pathos (or emotional) appeals is by using words that carry appropriate

Вопросы (1-12)
1. What is oral persuasion? It is the conscious verbal manipulation of symbols to
induce others to take action.
How is it different from tauthority or power? All three are concerned with
influence. That is, they focus on getting other people to do what you want them to do.
But what makes persuasion unique is that it tools than others, the skilled manager
knows what each tool can do and when it is likely to be most effective.

2. When does authority work well and what are its limits?

Authority, is a potent force in organizations. It represents the rights that go with a managerial
position and, for the most part, it's an effective device for gaining compliance with requests.
Authority works well with subordinates. But it has its limitations. Authority is of little value
in dealing with peers, superiors, or those outside your direct command; it's constrained by
employees' perception of your legitimate rights. Every employee sets up a psychological line
that defines his or her boss' authority. If you want your employees to do something that
crosses that line - authority isn't likely to be effective. Where authority won't work,
persuasion can.

3. Why does persuasion motivate employees better than authority?

— Because authority implies an obligation to act. While persuasion contributes to convincing

someone to do the something-for example, even if you have the authority to demand that they
do something-that person is more likely to complete the task with greater commitment and
enthusiasm. Thus, persuasion can motivate employees better than authority.

4. What are the main strategies of persuasion?

— There are three general strategies of persuasion. One can persuade through credibility,
through logical reasoning, and through emotional appeal.

5.How can one establish credibility?

Credibility doesn't arise out of blind faith. It has to be earned. One source is competence, by
demonstrating know- ledge or ability, you establish credibility. A second source is having
worthy intentions. When you motives are perceived as objective and honest by others, you
will have credibility in their eyes. A third source is character. Finally, credibility can be
enhanced through personality.

Credibility is not easy to attain, but it has controllable elements. Reasoning, you're more
likely to persuade others when you can cite logical reasons for them to behave as you wish.
people seek to be rational. before they do something, they like to feel certain it's consistent
with their goals. Emotional appeal. however, you're more likely to be effective if you also
use language that touches their emotions. so, whenever you can, supplement good reasons
with appeals to a person's fears, loves, joys, frustrations, and the like.

6. Why is a combination of logic and emotional appeal more effective than logic alone?

People can believe in the logic of an argument but still not act on that belief. What they need
is a stimulus or kick that will move them from passive to active. An appeal to the emotions
can be that stimulus.

7. What kind of language touches people’s emotions?

Emotional appeal
Appealing to the person's feelings (fears, loves, joys, frustrations, and the like).

8. What are the main persuasion tactics?

Being prepared and organized, stating views with conviction, providing information,
asking for information, making recommendations, being willing to negotiate, taking
the initiative, are examples of engaging in behavior that succeeds in influencing
another person.
Also, the most effective way to persuade another is to do nothing. The passive
approach recognizes that remaining silent and letting others do the speaking can, at
times, be highly effective means of influence.

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