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Ch 7 Test prep

What are some of the changes happening in management today?

Some of the changes in management today include: Managers are
more facilitators than bosses; managers tend to emphasize team-
building; managers tend to be younger, fewer attended elite schools,
and more are women; and managers will conduct more business

What’s the definition of management used in this chapter?

Management is the process to accomplish organizational goals through
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling people and other
organizational resources.

What are the four functions of management?

The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading,
and controlling.

What is the difference between goals and objectives?

Goals are broad, long-term accomplishments an organization wishes to
attain. Objectives are specific, short-term statements detailing how the
organization will achieve the organization’s goals.

What does a company analyze when it does a SWOT analysis?

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, managers must think
of planning as a continuous process. The SWOT analysis is an
important part of the planning process as it evaluates an organization’s
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
What are the differences between strategic, tactical and operational
Strategic planning is the process top management uses to determine
the major goals of the organization, and the policies, procedures,
strategies, and resources the organization will need to achieve them.
Tactical planning is the process of developing detailed, short-term
statements about what is to be done, who is to do it, and how. This
type of planning is typically completed by managers at lower levels of
the organization whereas strategic planning is done by the top
managers. The final type of planning is operational. Operational
planning is the process of setting work schedules and standards
necessary to complete the organization’s tactical objectives. This type
of planning is the department manager’s tool for daily and weekly

What are the six Ds in decision making?

The seven Ds in decision making are:
- Define the situation
- Describe and collect needed information
- Develop alternatives
- Develop agreement among these involved
- Do what is indicated and start the implementation
- Determine whether the decision was a good one and follow up

How does enabling help achieve empowerment?

Enabling is the key to successfully empowering employees. Enabling
means giving workers the education and the tools they need to make
What are the five steps in the control process?
Controlling incorporates:
(1) setting clear standards, (2) monitoring and recording performance,
(3) comparing performance with plans and standards, (4)
communicating results and deviations to employees, and (5) providing
positive feedback for a job well done and taking corrective action when

What’s the difference between internal and external customers?

Not all customers come from outside the organization. Internal
customers are defined as individuals and business units within the firm
that receive services from other individuals or units. For example, the
field salespeople are the internal customers of the marketing research
units that prepare market reports for them. External customers are
more traditional and include dealers, who buy products and sell to
others, and ultimately customers, who buy products for their own
personal use.

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