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Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2018, Article ID 1071243, 14 pages

Review Article
The In Vitro and In Vivo Anticancer
Properties of Moringa oleifera

Kang Zi Khor,1 Vuanghao Lim,1 Emmanuel J. Moses,2 and Nozlena Abdul Samad 1

Integrative Medicine Cluster, Institut Perubatan dan Pergigian Termaju (IPPT), Sains@BERTAM, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
13200 Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Regenerative Medicine Cluster, Institut Perubatan dan Pergigian Termaju (IPPT), Sains@BERTAM, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
13200 Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Correspondence should be addressed to Nozlena Abdul Samad;

Received 11 July 2018; Accepted 28 October 2018; Published 14 November 2018

Academic Editor: Jairo Kennup Bastos

Copyright © 2018 Kang Zi Khor et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Moringa oleifera, a fast-growing deciduous tree that is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, is well
known for its abundant uses. The tree is a source of food, shelter, and traditional medicine for many people, especially in developing
countries. Many studies have been conducted to evaluate the various claims of traditional medicine practitioners that the moringa
tree can improve health and treat various diseases. The tree has a high nutritional profile, especially the nutrient rich leaves. Some
reports also support the use of parts of the tree to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. These attractive properties have led
researchers to look for other novel uses for the moringa tree, especially as a source of anticancer drugs. Researchers have tested
extracts from various parts of the moringa tree both in vitro and in vivo on several types of cancers with varying success. This
review explores the state of current research on the anticancer properties of M. oleifera.

1. Introduction his retirement from politics [3]. He even sent dignitaries to

India to obtain seeds for different varieties to be brought back
Moringa oleifera, better known as the drumstick tree or to Cuba for cultivation. Castro wrote that the tree ‘is the only
simply known as moringa, is native to the foothills of the plant that has every kind of amino acid. With proper planting
Himalayan ranges in the Indian subcontinent [1]. The tree, and management, its green-leaf production can exceed 300
called the ‘miracle tree’ by some, is renowned for its abundant tonnes per hectare in a year. It has dozens of medicinal
uses. It was first brought to the Mediterranean during the properties.’ He personally grew the trees in his home garden
Graeco-Roman period and to Southeast Asia by Indian to provide leaves and pods for his own consumption.
traders. Later the tree spread around the world with Indian The main use of M. oleifera is as a food source. Its pods
migration, eventually reaching the African continent, the are favoured by Indians for use in curries. Special breeds
Caribbean islands, South America, and the Southern Pacific known as ‘PKM-1’ and ‘PKM-2’ were developed by Tamil
islands [2]. Indian migrants tried to grow the tree wherever Nadu University in India specifically to produce pods [4].
they settled, and it provided them with food, shelter, and These specialty breeds can produce pods six months after
medicine. The moringa tree is very hardy and can grow in planting as compared to regular varieties, which take a year to
most tropical and subtropical climates. It requires minimal produce pods. The leaves of the moringa tree are commonly
care, can withstand droughts, and is able to grow in poor eaten as a vegetable in India, Southeast Asia, and Africa.
soil. In the 21st century, people are still promoting the growth Mature leaves are not fibrous and are suitable for stir frying.
of M. oleifera in regions with suitable climate. For example, The leaves can also be dried, ground into a fine powder, and
the late revolutionary leader of Cuba, Fidel Castro, actively used as a supplement by adding small amounts to soup, bread
promoted the cultivation of the moringa tree in Cuba after dough, and stews. Moringa leaf powder has been promoted
2 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

as a health food in many countries due to its high nutritional example, in a study on the ability of the leaf extract to
profile. It has been suggested that leaf powder could be added prevent isoproterenol-induced myocardial damage in Wistar
to food aid provided by the UN to enrich food with vital albino rats, Nandave et al. (2009) [15] found that the extract
nutrients and that moringa trees should be planted in areas significantly reduced lipid peroxidation in myocardial tissue,
with low food security as a buffer against malnutrition [5]. thus confirming the cardioprotective effect and antioxidant
The seeds of M. oleifera are also edible. Moringa seeds activity of M. oleifera. Pari and Kumar (2002) [16] described
are high in oil content and can be pressed to extract the the hepatoprotective effects of moringa leaf extract against
oil. Moringa seed oil, which is known commercially as ben liver damage in rats induced by the antitubercular drugs
oil, has the nutritional profile and characteristics of olive oil isoniazid, rifampicin, and pyrazinamide. Blood test results
[6] and can be used in lieu of olive oil. Ben oil also is used and histopathological examination of liver sections showed
commercially in the production of cosmetics and perfumes that rats treated with moringa leaf extract recovered better
due to its stability [7]. Ben oil is very rich in antioxidants and from hepatic damage induced by antitubercular drugs than
is therefore very stable and does not turn rancid for years. did untreated rats. These findings support the use of moringa
Pressed seed cakes from which the oil has been extracted are for some treatments used in traditional medicine. However,
still rich in nutrients and can be used as animal fodder or as scientific interest in the antitumor/anticancer activities of M.
plant fertilizer. Seed cakes can also be used as a flocculating oleifera has been growing due to the increasing incidence of
agent for water treatment. They can be added to turbid cancer, and this will be the main focus of our review.
water containing suspended solids, and they will clump the
solids together and clarify the water. Moringa seed cakes
are a viable alternative to conventional flocculating agents 2. Natural Products as Anticancer Agents
such as aluminum sulfate [8]. They have a marked advantage Based on statistics published by the World Health Organi-
over chemical agents because they are natural, biodegradable zation, cancer is the second leading cause of death world-
products with antimicrobial properties [9]. As seed cakes are wide, causing an estimated 8.8 million deaths [28]. Cancer
a by-product of oil extraction, they have minimal production incidences are expected to rise by approximately 70% in
costs and offer added value to producers who can turn a waste the next 20 years. About 70% of cancer deaths occur in
product into a usable product. low- and middle-income countries, likely because of factors
Moringa trees have big and deep tap roots that enable such as increasing pollution levels, increased life expectancy,
them to grow in areas with low rainfall. It is very hardy and insufficient healthcare facilities, and expensive anticancer
adaptable to tropical and subtropical climates. It can tolerate drugs. One way to overcome these challenges is to develop
low water environments and requires minimal care to grow anticancer drugs from natural sources such as plants, which
well, and it is common to see moringa trees planted as shade might lead to more affordable drugs for low- and middle-
trees beside municipal roads in India and Southeast Asia. It is income countries. Plants and natural resources such as
found in gardens in Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi marine organisms and microorganisms are among the major
Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as it can grow in arid sources of anticancer drugs. More than 60% of all current
regions with minimal water [10]. The trees can also be grown anticancer drugs are derived from natural sources [29]. As
as living fences in gardens or farms. M. oleifera is a good an example, the anticancer drug camptothecin is derived
candidate for agroforestry projects in tropical and subtropical from the extract of the plant Camptotheca acuminata and
climates due to its ease of cultivation and multiple uses [11]. its chemical derivatives topotecan and irinotecan [30]. Com-
They can be used as a wind break and to prevent soil erosion. pared to conventional drugs, plant-derived phytochemicals
They are especially suitable for planting as a wind break at have fewer adverse effects and lower toxicity, which has led
desert edges, to prevent desertification, and in attempts to to intensified research on medicinal plants [31]. M. oleifera
reclaim areas that have already been turned to desert. Thus, holds great potential as a source of anticancer drugs due
the moringa tree provides ecological services. to its low toxicity [32] and the presence of a variety of
The various parts of M. oleifera are used extensively phytochemicals [33]. There has been extensive interest in
in traditional medicine in many regions of the world. In exploring the anticancer activities of various parts of the M.
its native land of India, it is used in ayurvedic medicine oleifera tree, and many published research articles describe
and is believed to be able to prevent 300 diseases [12]. It promising results of in vitro and in vivo testing of various
is used for varied functions such as cleansing the blood extracts from the moringa plant.
and liver, strengthening the heart, increasing fat metabolism
to promote weight loss, and even removing worms [13].
In other regions of prevalent moringa cultivation, such as 3. Moringa Leaf Extract: A Potential
Southeast Asia and South Asia, different parts of the moringa Anticancer Agent
plant are thought to have antidiabetic, antibacterial, antitu-
mor, antipyretic, antiepileptic, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, All parts of the M. oleifera tree have been tested for anticancer
antispasmodic, diuretic, antihypertensive, cholesterol low- activity, including the leaves, seeds, bark, and roots. However,
ering, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antibacterial, and anti- the most extensive research on the anticancer activities of M.
fungal activities [14]. Figure 1 shows some of the medicinal oleifera has focused on the leaf extracts. The moringa tree
uses of the different parts of the moringa plant. Some of is an evergreen that grows new leaves year-round, with a
these medicinal uses have been verified by researchers. For projected production of six tons per hectare per year [34]. The
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3

- Cardioprotective[15]
- Hepatoprotective [16]
- Antihypertensive [17]
- Diuretic [18]
- Lowers cholesterol [19]
- Antiulcer [20]
Seed pods
Seeds - Antihypertensive
- Diuretic [18] [21]
- Cardio-protective [26] - Antidiabetic [22]
Moringa oleifera

- Diuretic [18]
- Antispasmodic[24]
Bark - Hepatoprotective [25]
- Antibacterial [23] - Antifertility, birth

Figure 1: Medicinal uses of Moringa oleifera (see [15–27]).

leaves are rich in polyphenols and polyflavonoids, which are way in different antioxidant test models [38]. The fractions
antioxidants and potential anticancer compounds [35]. were tested with eight different antioxidant tests: 𝛽-carotene
Many researchers start by exploring the antioxidant bleaching and linoleic acid assay, ferric-reducing antioxidant
activity and anti-inflammatory activity of the leaf extracts power assay, free radical scavenging activity measured with
as a preliminary screening for anticancer activity. One of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH), superoxide
the factors that causes cancer is oxidative stress which is anion radical scavenging activity, non-site-specific hydroxyl
an imbalance in production of free radicals and oxidants radical scavenging assay, site-specific hydroxyl radical scav-
and their elimination by antioxidants [36]. Antioxidants can enging assay, ferrous ion chelating capacity, and lipid perox-
disrupt the formation of free radicals and reduce oxidative idation. All eight assays gave consistent results and showed
stress, which ultimately prevents cancer. The next step often that the polyphenolic fraction had the highest antioxidant
involves testing the effects of the leaf extracts in vitro on activity, followed by the crude extract, diethyl ether fraction,
cancer cell lines by examining the extract’s impact on growth nonphenolic fraction, and finally the aqueous fraction with
and proliferation of cancerous cells and on cell morphology. the weakest antioxidant activity.
If the leaf extract shows promising anticancer activity for a Once the polyphenolic fraction was determined to have
specific cancer cell line, the researchers usually proceed by the highest antioxidant activity, another test to determine
identifying the specific pathways disrupted by the extract the polyphenolic fraction’s ability to prevent DNA nicking
through molecular analysis. With sufficient evidence, some was conducted. The supercoiled plasmid DNA was incubated
researchers will continue exploring the anticancer activity of with H2 O2 and different concentrations of the polyphenolic
the extract in vivo, usually in mouse or rat models, to observe fraction and then analyzed with agarose gel electrophoresis.
the actions of the leaf extract in a living mammal, which The results showed that 10 𝜇g/ml of the polyphenolic fraction
is a more accurate representation of the human body. The provided comparable protection to DNA as 5U of catalase (an
articles reviewed herein will focus on research showing the enzyme that breaks down H2 O2 ) and 50 𝜇M of quercetin (a
antioxidant and anticancer activities of moringa leaf extracts strong antioxidant). The results from the antioxidant test and
in vivo and in vitro and the pathways/mechanisms of action DNA nicking prevention test suggest that the polyphenolic
through which these effects may occur. fraction is a strong antioxidant. Based on these results, Verma
et al. (2009) [27] proceeded to conduct in vivo testing of
antioxidant activity using Sprague-Dawley rats treated with
3.1. Antioxidant Activities. Verma et al. (2009) [37] explored carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ), resulting in increased oxidative
the antioxidant activity of various fractions of moringa leaf stress [39]. They found that the polyphenolic fraction could
extracts. They started by exhaustively extracting moringa reverse many of the ill-effects of CCl4 , including elevated
leaf powder over three days with 50% methanol. The crude levels of lipid peroxides (markers for oxidative stress) and low
extract was partitioned to obtain four additional fractions. levels of glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), and superoxide
The five fractions produced were the crude extract, diethyl dismutase (SOD), which are strong antioxidants. The antiox-
ether extract, phenolic fraction, polyphenolic fraction, and idant activity of 100 mg/kg of the polyphenolic fraction was
aqueous fraction. The five fractions were tested for their comparable to the antioxidant activity of 50 mg/kg of vitamin
antioxidant activities using several different antioxidant test E. The researchers also identified the active compounds
models because not all compounds will react in the same which contribute to the antioxidant activity which are mainly
4 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

phenolic acids and flavonoids. In summary, this study showed Cells treated with H2 O2 and then leaf extract showed less
that moringa leaf extract is a source of strong antioxidants significant decreases in SOD and CAT levels. Cells treated
with antioxidant activity both in vitro and in vivo, which with leaf extract alone did not show any significant decrease
indicates that it has potential anticancer activity. in SOD and CAT levels compared to untreated cells. The
In another study, Sreelatha and Padma (2011) [40] active compounds that provide these activities are quercetin
explored the modulatory effect of moringa leaf extracts and kaempferol. The results of the whole study indicate that
against H2 O2 -induced cytotoxicity and oxidative damage in moringa leaf extract is a good antioxidant scavenger, as it
the HeLa-derived KB cell line. They also compared activity removes H2 O2 and increases viability of KB cells exposed to
between extracts from tender and mature leaves. Tender and H2 O2 . However, moringa leaf extract alone is cytotoxic to KB
mature leaves were extracted with hot water, and the phenolic cells and reduces KB cell viability, but this effect is not caused
composition was measured using high performance thin by compromising SOD or CAT levels.
layer chromatography (HPTLC). Quercetin and kaempferol
were the main phenolic compounds present, with levels of 3.2. In Vitro Anticancer Activities. A number of studies
quercetin at 795 and 436.2 𝜇g/ml in mature and tender have focused on the anticancer activity of the moringa
leaves, respectively, and levels of kaempferol at 216 and 115
leaf extract using in vitro screening of cancer cell lines.
𝜇g/ml in mature and tender leaves, respectively. Mature leaves
Parvathy and Umamaheshwari (2007) [41] studied the
contained almost twice the amount of phenolic compounds
effects of moringa leaf extracts on the human B-lymphocyte
as tender leaves, suggesting that mature leaves might have
plasmacytoma—U266B1 cell line. U266B1 cells were treated
higher antioxidant activity than tender leaves. The antioxi-
with serial dilutions of the methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate,
dant activity of the two leaf extracts was measured using the
𝛽-carotene bleaching and linoleic acid assay. As expected, the and chloroform extracts of the moringa leaf, and cytotoxicity
mature leaf extract had higher antioxidant activity (84.6% of was measured using the neutral red dye uptake assay. The
the activity of 𝛽 -carotene) compared to that of the tender methanol extract had the highest cytotoxic activity against
leaf extract (63.6%). These extracts were then tested for U266B1 cells (IC50 : 0.32 𝜇g/ml); this suggests that this extract
their effects against H2 O2 -induced cytotoxicity and oxidative has high anticancer activity, as a small amount can signif-
damage in the KB cell line. Single cell electrophoresis to detect icantly inhibit the proliferation of U266B1 cells. In another
DNA damage in KB cells showed significant reduction in study, Nair and Varalakshmi (2011) [42] tested the anticancer
DNA damage for cells treated with both mature and tender and cytotoxic potential of hot water, methanol, and hexane
leaf extracts when compared to untreated cells. These results extracts of the moringa leaf on cervical cancer cells (HeLa
indicate that moringa leaf extract can prevent H2 O2 -induced cell line) and normal lymphocytes. Results of the MTT
DNA damage in KB cells. assay showed that the aqueous leaf extract caused a dose-
Sreelatha and Padma (2011) [40] then tested whether dependent decrease in HeLa cell viability (IC50 : 70 𝜇g/ml).
the leaf extracts could prevent cytotoxic effects on H2 O2 In contrast, the methanol and hexane leaf extracts caused
treated cells using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-di- an increase in HeLa cell viability at higher concentrations.
phenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay to determine cell Lymphocytes treated with the different leaf extracts did not
viability. Mature leaf extracts were slightly better at modulat- exhibit any significant decrease in cell viability. The trypan
ing the effects of H2 O2 (i.e., higher cell viability) compared blue dye exclusion assay was performed for the aqueous
to tender leaf extracts. However, treatment of KB cells with leaf extract to verify the results from the MTT assay. The
the leaf extracts alone also reduced cell viability of KB results of this experiment also showed a dose-dependent
cells by 20–40%. This suggests that the leaf extracts have decrease in cell viability for the aqueous leaf extract. The
cytotoxic effects on KB cells in the absence of H2 O2 but HeLa cells exhibited increased numbers of detached and
when used in conjunction with H2 O2 they reduce H2 O2 - dead cells with increasing concentration of the aqueous leaf
induced cytotoxicity. The researchers next tested the lipid extract. DNA fragmentation analysis of cells treated with the
peroxide levels in H2 O2 -exposed KB cells and cells treated aqueous leaf extract showed a DNA smear on the agarose
with leaf extracts. The KB cells were treated and the levels gel compared to distinct bands for untreated cells. The DNA
of malondialdehyde (MDA), which is the product of lipid smear is indicative of DNA breakage and damage. The last test
peroxidation and a good indicator of oxidative stress within performed was acridine orange-ethidium bromide staining,
cells, were measured. Cells treated with H2 O2 had increased which can distinguish viable cells (green fluorescence glow)
levels of MDA compared to untreated cells. Cells treated with from nonviable cells (bright orange chromatin). These results
H2 O2 and leaf extract had lower levels of MDA compared to showed that the aqueous leaf extract of moringa leaves has
cells treated with H2 O2 alone, indicating that the leaf extract significant cytotoxic activity and is capable of fragmenting
reduced lipid peroxidation in H2 O2 -treated cells. There were DNA and killing the HeLa cells.
no significant differences between the results for mature and Charoensin (2014) [43] compared the anticancer activity
tender leaf extracts. However, treatment with leaf extracts of the leaf extract among different cancer cell lines (hepa-
alone increased the MDA levels compared to the untreated tocarcinoma (HepG2), colorectal adenocarcinoma (Caco-2),
control as well. In the next experiment, the levels of the and breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7)). First, the methanol
antioxidant enzymes SOD and CAT were measured. KB cells and dichloromethane leaf extracts of M. oleifera were tested
treated with H2 O2 showed a significant decrease in SOD and for their antioxidant activity using the DPPH and 2,2'-
CAT levels, as the enzymes were used to remove the H2 O2 . azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) assays.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 5

The results of both assays indicated that the methanol extract dose-dependent increase of cells in the sub-G1 phase
had better antioxidant activity. The anticancer activity of the occurred as leaf extract concentration increased. The MTT
leaf extracts was then tested on the three cell lines. The MTT assay also showed that cell proliferation was inhibited as leaf
assay, conducted to assess the effects on cell proliferation, extract concentration increased. In the colony forming assay,
showed that the dichloromethane leaf extract (IC50 : 112–133 cells treated with 50 𝜇g/ml of leaf extract (highest tested dose)
𝜇g/ml) was more effective than the methanol leaf extract (250 showed a 70% reduction in colonies compared to the negative
𝜇g/ml) at killing cancer cells. This means that a lower dose control. The Annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)/PI
of dichloromethane is needed to inhibit the proliferation of flow cytometric assay showed that the apoptotic cell ratio was
cancer cells by 50% compared to the methanol leaf extract. five times higher in the treatment group compared to the
In vitro chemoprevention was also tested using the quinone untreated control. Western blot analysis detected an increase
reductase (QR) induction assay on the hepatoma (Hepa- in cleaved and deactivated PARP, which indicated that cells
1c1c7) cell line. The dichloromethane leaf extract induced were dying due to accumulation of DNA damage. The levels of
significant QR activity, whereas the methanol leaf extract B-cell lymphoma-extra large (Bcl-xL) increased significantly.
exhibited no significant inductive activity. These results indi- Because Bcl-xL is an antiapoptotic protein, its downregu-
cate that the methanol extract of moringa leaves has better lation showed that more cells were undergoing apoptosis.
antioxidant activity, but the dichloromethane leaf extract has The terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP
better anticancer activity on HepG2, Caco-2, and MCF-2 cells nick end labeling assay was performed to detect DNA strand
as well as better chemoprevention activity. breaks in apoptotic cells. The assay causes cells with DNA
Khalafalla et al. (2010) [44] tested the anticancer effects of breaks and undergoing apoptosis to give off a bright green
M. oleifera leaf extracts on primary leukemia cells harvested glow. As leaf extract concentration increased, the number
from 15 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and 10 of cells glowing and the intensity of the glow increased,
patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). They also indicating that more cells were undergoing apoptosis.
tested the effects of cold water, hot water, and 80% ethanol Based on these promising in vitro results, Jung et al.
leaf extracts on the HepG2 cell line. The leaf extracts were (2015) [45] conducted in vivo testing on immunodeficient
first tested for their antioxidant activity using the DPPH nude mice using the hollow fiber assay. HepG2 and A549 cells
assay. The hot water and 80% ethanol extracts had the highest were grown inside hollow fibers with 1 mm inner diameter.
antioxidant activity. They showed 63% and 77% inhibition of The fibers were then implanted into the subcutaneous cavity
radical formation, respectively, compared to 49% inhibition of the mice, and the mice were allowed to recover for
by the cold water extract. The MTT assay was then performed three days before being fed leaf extract for four days. The
to determine if the extracts could inhibit the proliferation of positive control mice were given an intravenous injection of
cancerous cells. The leaf extracts showed promising results, doxorubicin (an anticancer drug). After treatment, the fibers
causing 72–82% of AML cells and 77–86% of ALL cells were recovered, and the cells were analyzed using the trypan
to die after 24 hours of incubation with 20 𝜇g/ml of the blue exclusion assay, in which dead cells are stained blue.
extract. After the same treatment, 69–81% of HepG2 cells HepG2 cells were more susceptible to the moringa leaf extract
died. The ethanol extract had the highest anticancer activity than A549 cells. At the maximum tested dose of 200 mg/kg,
in both AML and ALL cells, followed by the hot water extract the survival of HepG2 and A549 cells decreased by 60% and
and then the cold water extract. For HepG2 cells, the hot 50%, respectively. The moringa leaf extract decreased the
water extract resulted in the strongest inhibition and the cold survival of HepG2 cells to levels lower than those achieved by
water extract had the weakest anticancer activity. Overall, the the doxorubicin control. These results illustrate the potential
results showed that moringa leaf extracts had good anticancer of using the moringa leaf extract as an anticancer drug.
activity in vitro against AML, ALL, and HepG2 cells. Krishnamurthy et al. (2015) [46] conducted in vitro and in
vivo studies to identify and characterize the potent anticancer
fraction of the moringa leaf extract. The leaf extract was
3.3. In Vivo Anticancer Activity. Once in vitro studies show extracted with successive Soxhlet extractions using n-hexane,
promising results, the next step is to determine whether the chloroform, ethyl acetate, and 50% methanol. The ethyl
results can be replicated in vivo. Because humans are complex acetate leaf extract was further separated into 15 fractions
multicellular organism, in vitro results can only be used as with a silica gel column. The ethyl acetate and fraction 1
indications of the anticancer activity of the moringa leaf (F1) were subjected to standardization with HPTLC and
extract. In vivo studies are required to move the research qualitative phytochemical analysis. The HPTLC produced the
to the next level, as they can demonstrate the anticancer distinct profile of the two extracts, and the phytochemical
activity of the moringa leaf extract in a complex organism. analysis identified steroid, flavonoid, and phenolic com-
Jung et al. (2015) [45] tested the effects of a water soluble pounds in the ethyl acetate extract and steroids and phenolic
moringa leaf extract in vitro and in vivo using a mouse compounds in F1. All of the different extracts and fractions
model. The study started with tests of effects of moringa leaf were tested using the Hep2 human epidermoid cancer cell
extract anticancer activity on human hepatocellular carci- line to determine their anticancer activity. The cells were
noma (HepG2) cells. The moringa leaf extract was extracted incubated with the extracts and fractions for 72 hours, and
with cold water, and the HepG2 cells treated with leaf extract morphological changes were observed and noted every 24
were tested by flow cytometry to determine the effects of the hours. After 72 hours of incubation, the cells were fixed
extract on DNA content and cell cycle stage of the cells. A and stained with sulforhodamine B, which binds to cellular
6 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

protein, to determine cell viability. Among all extracts and with the leaf extract showed the presence of nuclear apoptotic
fractions tested, F1 had the best antiproliferative activity bodies and chromatin condensation, which confirmed the PI
against Hep2 cells (IC50 : 12.5 𝜇g/ml). The in vivo test was results. In another test, treated cells were collected and their
conducted in Swiss albino mice using F1. The acute oral DNA isolated and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis to
toxicity of F1 on the mice was tested by giving them a 2000 determine if their DNA was compromised. Cells treated with
mg/kg dose and observing them for 14 days before they were the leaf extract had fragmented DNA and produced a smear
culled for gross necropsy analysis. Results indicated that F1 of DNA fragments on the gel. It is likely that apoptosis was
had very low toxicity, as no mice died and no abnormalities caused by an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) in
were observed in their internal organs. The IC50 of F1 was the mitochondria. The dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate
determined to be > 2000 mg/kg, which is category 5 in terms (DCFH-DA) assay was performed to measure the levels of
of acute toxicity which is relatively low in acute toxicity. The ROS in cells treated with the leaf extract. Cells treated with
in vivo anticancer activity of F1 was tested using Dalton’s 200 𝜇g/ml of leaf extract showed a 350% increase in ROS
lymphoma ascites (DLA) model. Mice were inoculated with compared to the negative control. This finding supports the
the DLA via intraperitoneal injection and given treatment hypothesis that an increase in ROS caused cell apoptosis in
orally for 10 days. Mice given FI treatment had significantly KB cells treated with moringa leaf extract. The study provides
longer survival compared to untreated mice and even slightly compelling evidence of the strong anticancer activity of
longer survival than mice treated with the anticancer drug 5- moringa leaf extract against KB cells and indicates that KB
fluorouracil. This study showed that the F1 of the ethyl acetate cell death is achieved by increasing ROS levels in the cell and
moringa leaf extract had very high anticancer activity both in fragmenting cellular DNA.
vitro and in vivo. In another study, Tiloke et al. (2013) [48] tested the effects
of water soluble M. oleifera leaf extract on human alveolar
epithelial cells derived from the lung cancer A549 cell line.
3.4. Mechanisms of Action. A number of researchers have The MTT assay showed that A549 cell viability decreased
also tried to identify the pathways and molecular changes with increasing concentration of moringa leaf extract (IC50 :
involved in moringa leaf extract-induced cancer cell death. 166.7 𝜇g/ml). This concentration of extract was used for
In a follow-up to Sreelatha and Padma’s (2011) [40] study subsequent tests. The thiobarbituric acid (TBARS) assay was
showing that the moringa leaf extract had cytotoxic effects used to gauge the ROS levels in the cells by measuring
on KB cells (HeLa contaminant cells), Sreelatha et al. (2011) the levels of MDA produced. A549 cells treated with the
[47] decided to do an in-depth study on the cytotoxic IC50 concentration of leaf extract showed significantly higher
effects of moringa leaf extract on KB cells and tested the levels of MDA compared to untreated controls (0.269 𝜇M
antiproliferative effects as well as induction of apoptosis by versus 0.197 𝜇M). The antioxidant potential of the cells was
M. oleifera leaf extracts on cancerous KB cells. The MTT cell also explored by measuring GSH (a strong antioxidant) level
proliferation assay showed that 100 𝜇g/ml of the hot water in the cells. Leaf extract-treated cells had lower levels of
leaf extract reduced cell viability by ∼38% and increasing GSH (2.507 x 106 RLU) compared to untreated cells (3.751
the concentration to 200 𝜇g/ml reduced cell viability by x 106 RLU), which indicates that treated cells experienced
60%. Thus, the leaf extract significantly inhibited KB cell higher oxidative stress, which depleted the GSH in the cells.
proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. Some of the mor- DNA damage in the cells was assessed using single cell
phological changes observed in treated cells were cytoplasmic gel electrophoresis (i.e., the comet assay), which enables
membrane shrinkage, loss of contact with neighboring cells, detection of DNA damage in individual eukaryotic cells. In
membrane blebbing, and apoptotic body formation, which this assay, the relative intensity of the comet tails to the
are signs of cells undergoing apoptosis. Propidium iodide (PI) comet head is an indication of the DNA damage in the cells:
is a fluorescent intercalating agent that can bind to DNA and the longer the tail, the more the DNA breaks present, as
allows visualization of cell nuclei. PI can also be used as an DNA breakage allows the tails to become longer. In this
index of the extent of apoptosis in cells because it is too big assay, treated cells had significantly longer tails (18.52 𝜇m)
to pass through the intact cell membrane of living cells but compared to untreated cells (5.15 𝜇m). Next, Caspase-Glo
is increasingly able to permeate cells undergoing apoptosis. 3/7 and Caspase-Glo 9 assays (Promega) were used to
When treated cells were stained with PI to detect any changes quantify the levels of caspase 3, 7, and 9 in the cells, which
to the nuclei of live and dead cells, those treated with 200 are responsible for apoptosis. Caspase 3/7 levels did not differ
𝜇g/ml of moringa leaf extract showed changes, including significantly between treated and untreated cells but treated
nuclear shrinkage, DNA condensation, and fragmentation. cells had significantly higher levels of caspase 9 (∼16.160 x 105
Thus, the extract appears to induce apoptosis in KB cells. RLU) compared to untreated cells (12.630 x 105 RLU). The
Sreelatha et al. (2011) [47] did further tests to quantify the elevated caspase 9 indicates that treated cells have elevated
apoptosis in the treated cells by determining the apoptotic apoptosis compared to untreated cells.
index. Cells were treated with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole Tiloke et al. (2013) [48] next conducted Western blot
(DAPI), which binds to the AT region of DNA to form a analysis to evaluate how the moringa leaf extract affected
fluorescent complex and allows detection of abnormal nuclei, proteins linked to cancer progression and apoptosis, includ-
such as condensed or fragmented chromatin. Similar to PI, ing transcription factor nuclear factor-erythroid 2 p45-
DAPI is more permeable to cells with compromised cell related factor 2 (Nrf2), which is responsible for activat-
membranes, which is indicative of apoptosis. The cells treated ing expression of antioxidant proteins; tumor protein p53
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 7

(p53), which is a tumor suppressor that can cause apop- Madi et al. (2016) [49] next used Western blot analysis to
tosis; second mitochondria-derived activator of caspases determine if there were any changes in protein expression of
(SMAC/DIABLO), which binds inhibitor of apoptosis pro- the apoptotic markers p53, apoptotic inducible factor (AIF),
teins (IAPs), thus freeing caspases to activate apoptosis; cytochrome c, and SMAC/DIABLO. All of these apoptotic
and poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1 (PARP-1), which is markers showed increased expression in treated cells, which
involved in DNA repair. Moringa leaf extract-treated cells indicates higher levels of apoptosis in the cells. To verify the
showed reduced levels of Nrf2 and PARP-1, whereas p53 and increase in cell death, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels
SMAC/DIABLO protein levels increased. The decrease in were measured. LDH is released when the cell membranes
Nrf2 corresponded with the lower levels of GSH in treated are compromised, for example, during cell death or cell
cells. The low levels of PARP-1 caused DNA damage to be membrane damage. A549 cells treated with leaf extract
insufficiently repaired, leading to increased DNA fragmen- had elevated levels of LDH, which indicates an increase in
tation which is consistent with the results of the comet assay cell death. Finally, apoptosis in cells was measured using
showing increased DNA fragmentation. The increase in p53 the FLICA assay, which is an immunofluorescent detection
and SMAC/DIABLO levels was consistent with what would method that stains caspase proteins that are produced to
be expected from cells undergoing apoptosis. Together these activate apoptosis in cells. After 24 hours of treatment with
results indicate that treated cells experienced more apoptosis 0.05% moringa leaf extract, many cells fluoresced, indicating
compared to untreated cells. When the mRNA expression the presence of activated caspase and the activation of apop-
levels of Nrf2 and p53 were further tested with quantitative tosis in the cells. Based on the results of these experiments,
polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), treated cells showed a Madi et al. (2016) postulated that the moringa leaf extract
1.44-fold decrease in Nrf2 mRNA levels and a 1.59-fold induces apoptosis in A549 cells via depolarization of the
increase in p53 mRNA levels when compared to untreated mitochondrial membrane, leading to a decrease in ATP,
cells. The mRNA analysis confirmed that the leaf extract which in turn causes an increase in ROS levels, which causes
affected the expression of Nrf2 and p53 at the transcriptional more depolarization of the membrane. The positive feedback
level. Thus, moringa leaf extract induced apoptosis of A549 loop causes ROS levels to further increase and decreases levels
cells by disrupting the expression of proteins involved in of the antioxidant GSH and eventually causes the cells to
antioxidant production, which increased the levels of ROS undergo apoptosis.
in the cells and led to increased DNA fragmentation and Berkovich et al. (2013) [50] tested the effects of the
subsequent cell death. water soluble leaf extract of M. oleifera on the pancreatic
Madi et al. (2016) [49] also investigated the mode of cancer cells lines Panc-1, COLO-357, and p34. Moringa
action of the anticancer activity of moringa leaf extract leaf powder was added to boiling water and soaked for
on the A549 lung cancer cell line. The leaf extract was 5 minutes before being filtered and stored at 4∘ C before
prepared by soaking the dried leaf powder in hot water, and use. The leaf extract was tested for its effects on cell via-
different concentrations of leaf extract based on the ratio bility using the 2,3-Bis-(2-Methoxy-4-Nitro-5-Sulfophenyl)-
of leaf powder to water were prepared (0.1% to 2.5%). Cell 2H-Tetrazolium-5-Carboxanilide (XTT) assay, which is like
viability of extract-treated A549, HepG2, CaCo2, Hek293, the more commonly used MTT assay. The extract had an
and Jurkat cells was measured and compared. Although inhibitory effect on cell proliferation of all cell lines, with
the leaf extract caused dose-dependent reduction in via- Panc-1 cells being the most susceptible to treatment (IC50 :
bility of all tested cell types, some were more sensitive 1.1 mg/ml). p34 was the second most susceptible (IC50 : 1.5
than others. A549 cells were the most susceptible to the mg/ml), followed by COLO-357 (IC50 : 1.8 mg/ml). The Panc-1
leaf extract (IC50 : 0.05%) compared to the other cell lines cell line was further tested because it was most sensitive to the
(IC50 : 0.1–0.4%). The ATP bioluminescence assay revealed a moringa leaf extract. First the cells were analyzed with flow
significant decrease in ATP levels with increasing moringa cytometry (FACS) to evaluate the effects of the leaf extract on
leaf extract concentration, which indicates that treatment the cell cycle of treated cells. Treated and control cells were
resulted in fewer live cells, as ATP is required for live stained with PI to detect changes in the cell nucleus. Treated
and active cells. The p-nitro-blue-tetrazolium salt assay cells showed high proportions of cells in the sub-G1 phase,
showed a significant increase in ROS levels with increased which increased with increasing concentration of leaf extract.
concentration of the leaf extract. Elevated levels of ROS Trypan blue staining, which stains dead cells, showed that
cause DNA damage, which leads to cell death. The ApoGSH moringa leaf extract induced significant cytotoxicity in cells
colorimetric test showed a significant decrease in GSH level treated with 0.75 mg/ml of extract, with 30% of cells dead
with increasing extract concentration. The decrease of GSH compared to the untreated control.
together with the increase in ROS and decrease in ATP Berkovich et al. (2013) [50] continued the study with
with increasing extract concentration suggests that the leaf Western blot analysis of Panc-1 cells to detect levels of
extract compromises the mitochondrial pathway of the cell proteins of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) signalling
to induce cell death. Measurement of the mitochondrial pathway. NF-kB is a proinflammatory transcription factor,
membrane potential using cell-permeable lipophilic JC-1 and its signalling pathway reportedly plays a significant role
staining showed that the leaf extract induced mitochondrial in the resistance of pancreatic cancer cells to apoptosis-based
membrane potential depolarization. In just one hour of 0.05% chemotherapy. Western blot analysis was used to measure the
moringa treatment, a noticeable induction in mitochondrial levels of proteins p65, p-IkB𝛼, and IkB𝛼 which are involved
membrane depolarization was observed. in the pathway. Cells treated with 0.25 mg/ml of leaf extract
8 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

showed a significant reduction of these proteins compared to Jung then conducted a gene microarray of 23,753 genes.
untreated cells, which indicates that the moringa leaf extract Base on the results only 0.9% of genes were upregulated
can downregulate the NF-kB pathway in Panc-1 cells. The by 2-fold, whereas 90.9% were downregulated. Overall, the
final test was to treat Panc-1 cells with moringa leaf extract in mRNA results were similar to the protein results, which
conjunction with a conventional anticancer drug, cisplatin, to suggests that protein expression decreased through mRNA
determine if their interactions were additive, antagonistic, or downregulation. Further analysis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
synergistic. The Western blot results suggested that the leaf showed significant degradation of rRNA in the 200 𝜇g/ml and
extract could sensitise the cancer cells to chemotherapeutic 300 𝜇g/ml moringa leaf extract treatment groups. Together,
drugs, so the researchers expected a synergistic effect and these results indicate that A549 cells treated with moringa
therefore utilized a low inhibitory dose of cisplatin and leaf leaf extract experienced translational problems; as rRNA
extract. The viability of treated cells was determined with the was degraded, heat shock proteins were upregulated to help
XTT assay. The results supported the Western blot results, as deformed proteins acquire their correct configuration. These
the treatment showed synergistic effects with the calculated results suggest that the moringa leaf extract causes cell death
combination index (CI) ranging from 0.156 to 0.652. A CI in A549 cells by compromising the gene translation process
of < 1 indicates synergistic effects, with values closer to zero in the cells.
indicating higher synergistic effects. Based on these results,
Berkovich et al. (2013) concluded that moringa leaf extract
had cytotoxic effects against the Panc-1, COLO-357, and p34 3.5. Radioprotective Effects. Rao et al. (2001) [52] described
cell lines. This study shows that not only is the moringa leaf the radioprotective effects of the M. oleifera leaf extract in
extract cytotoxic to Panc-1 cells, but there is a possibility of vivo. They used 50% methanol and a Soxhlet setup to obtain
using it in conjunction with cisplatin to vastly improve the the moringa leaf extract. The acute toxicity of the extract
effectiveness of the drug. was determined in Swiss albino mice. A high dose of the
Jung (2014) [51] tested the effects of moringa leaf extract extract was administered to the mice intraperitoneally. The
on COS-7 cells (African green monkey kidney cells, which LD50 (dose to kill 50% of animals within 72 hours) was 7.42
are normal, noncancerous cells) and A549 lung cancer cells. g/kg, which is very high and indicates that the leaf extract
The moringa leaf extract was extracted with cold water has very low toxicity. With the upper limit of the testing
and lyophilized for dissolution into working concentrations dose determined, a dose response study of the radioprotective
before use. The MTT assay showed a reduction of 75% of effects of the moringa leaf extract was performed. Mice were
A549 cells when treated with 200 𝜇g/ml of leaf extract. given various amounts of leaf extract ranging from 10 to 200
However, COS-7 cells showed only mild cytotoxicity when mg/kg intraperitoneally before being exposed to a lethal dose
treated with 200 𝜇g/ml of leaf extract. The COS-7 cells treated of 11 Gy gamma radiation. The survival of mice over 30 days
with 600 𝜇g/ml of leaf extract still have cell viability of more then was observed. Mice given 150 mg/kg of leaf extract had
than 50%. Thus, the leaf extract was highly cytotoxic to maximum survival, and 200 mg/kg of leaf extract did not
cancerous A549 cells but not to normal COS-7 cells. Jung increase the survival rate. Therefore, the 150 mg/kg dose was
(2014) [51] also tested the cytotoxic effects of moringa leaf selected to study protection of bone marrow chromosome
extract on lung cancer cells (H23 and H358), breast cancer against radiation.
cells (MCF-7), epidermoid carcinoma cells (A431), and fibro- The mice were given intraperitoneal injections of the leaf
sarcoma (HT1080) cells and found dose-dependent cytotoxic extract one hour before being exposed to 4 Gy of whole body
effects on all of the tested cells. Flow cytometry analysis gamma irradiation. The mice were given either a single dose
of extract-treated A549 cells revealed a dose-dependent of 150 mg/kg or a fractionized dose of 30 mg/kg over 5 days,
increase of cells in the sub-G1 phase of the cell cycle. At 200 with the last 30 mg/kg dose administered one hour before
𝜇g/ml, 21% of cells were in the sub-G1, whereas the value was the radiation treatment. The mice were analyzed on days 1,
93% at 400 𝜇g/ml. The colony formation assay, used to test 2, and 7; one femur was used for chromosome analysis and
the effects of the leaf extract on clonogenicity of A549 cells, the other was used for micronucleus count. The chromosome
showed that colony formation was reduced by 50% when analysis was performed to observe aberrations in the bone
A549 cells were treated with 50 𝜇g/ml of leaf extract, and marrow cells such as chromosome breaks, fragments, rings,
the value dropped to 0% when treated with 100 𝜇g/ml of leaf and dicentrics. The micronucleus count was conducted to
extract. This result shows that the moringa leaf extract has determine the amount of micronucleated polychromatic
very high anticlonogenic effects on A549 cells. DCFH-DA erythrocytes (MPEs) and micronucleated monochromatic
analysis showed a significant decrease in ROS concentrations erythrocytes (MMEs) present. The micronuclei in both MPEs
in treated A549 cells, indicating that the moringa leaf extract and MMEs are whole chromosomes or chromosome frag-
also has free radical scavenging abilities. ments that do not fully separate during mitosis and thus
Next the effects of the leaf extract on the expression are a good measure of genotoxic effects of a treatment.
of proteins and messenger RNA (mRNA) of A549 cells The single 150 mg/kg leaf extract dose caused a significant
were investigated with Western blot analysis and RT-PCR. reduction in both chromosome aberrations and MPEs and
Most proteins and mRNA tested showed a dose-dependent MMEs over the test period compared to irradiated mice
decrease. The levels of proteins tested showed a significant without any treatment. The fractionized delivery of the leaf
decrease with increasing leaf extract, although some proteins extract resulted in even better radioprotective effects on the
exhibited increased expression (e.g., heat shock proteins). mice, as the chromosome aberrations and levels of MPEs and
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 9

MMEs were even lower than those in mice given the single the formation of Epstein-Barr virus-early antigen (EBV-EA)
150 mg/kg dose. The antioxidant properties of the moringa induced by 12-0 tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). The
leaf extract were also studied using the Fenton reaction crude ethanol extract inhibited EBV-EA formation by 100%
and measurement of the levels of TBARS. Dose-dependent at the dose of 100 𝜇g/ml. Overall, the M. oleifera seed ethanol
inhibition of TBARS formation was detected for the moringa extract showed good anti-inflammatory activity and may be
leaf extract, indicating that it has good antioxidant activity. a potential antitumor agent.
This study illustrates the possibility of utilizing moringa Rajesh et al. (2012) [55] tested the anticancer activity of
leaf extract as a radioprotective agent to prevent cancer the moringa seed methanol extract on A549, Hep-2 (HeLa
formation. contaminant carcinoma), 502713 HT-29 (colon cancer), and
IMR-32 (neuroblastoma) cell lines. They used the sulforho-
damine B (SRB) assay to determine the antiproliferative
4. Anticancer Activity of Extracts from Other effects of the moringa seed extract. SRB staining is an indirect
Parts of M. oleifera: Bark, Seeds, and Roots measure of cells because it stains cellular proteins, and the
absorbance of the SRB-stained cell suspension is used to
Researchers have also assessed the anticancer activities of determine the number of cells in solution. A dose of 100
other parts of the moringa tree, including the bark, seeds, 𝜇g/ml of seed extract was applied to each of the cell lines,
and roots. Al-Asmari et al. (2015) [53] tested the effects and cells were incubated for 48 hours before SRB staining was
of leaf, seed, and bark ethanol extracts of M. oleifera on performed. The results showed high antiproliferative activity
ileocecal adenocarcinoma (HCT-8) and human breast ade- of the extract for A549 cells (80% inhibition), 502713 HT-
nocarcinoma from breast mammary glands (MDA-MB-231) 19 cells (95% inhibition), and IMR-32 cells (93% inhibition).
cell lines. Results of the motility test to look for phenotypic However, the seed extract did not inhibit the growth of Hep-
changes caused by a 500 𝜇g/ml dose of the extracts revealed 2 cells. Thus, the seed extract exhibited anticancer activity
reduction of motility by 90% for the leaf extract, 50% for against certain cell lines but not all of them.
the bark extract, and no detectable decrease for the seed Guevara et al. (1996) [56] isolated the active compounds
extract. The in vitro clonogenic survival assay showed an from the M. oleifera seed extract to test its anticancer proper-
80–90% reduction in colony formation for the leaf and bark ties in vitro and in vivo. The ethanol extract was partitioned
extracts but no significant reduction for the seed extract. with CCl4 and H2 O, and the CCl4 fraction was subjected to
Results of the cell viability assay also showed significant cell flash column chromatography to isolate the different active
death caused by the leaf and bark extracts at 250 𝜇g/ml and compounds in the fraction. The active compounds isolated
toxic effects on the cells at 500 𝜇g/ml but no significant were 𝛽-sitosterol, glycerol-1-(9-octadecanoate), 3-O-(6-O-
effects for the seed extract. Al-Asmari et al. (2015) then tested oleoyl-𝛽-D-glucopyranosyl)-𝛽-sitosterol, and 𝛽-sitosterol-
the cell lines for apoptosis using the Annexin V and dead 3-O-glucopyranoside. A few fractions of isolates were
cell kit. Leaf and bark extracts induced late apoptosis in a then further separated with HPLC to obtain O-ethyl-4-a-
dose dependant manner, whereas the seed extract had no L-rhamnosyloxy benzyl carbamate, 4-(𝛼-L-rhamnosyloxy)
noticeable effects on the cells. Finally, the cell cycle assay benzyl isothiocyanate, niazimicin, and niazirin. All of the
showed G2/M enrichment in MDA-MB-231 cells, at 29% in isolates were verified with IR, NMR, and MS data. The
the control, 53% in the leaf extract treatment, and 61% in compounds were first screened for anticancer activity in vitro
the bark extract treatment, compared to HCT-8 cells (13%, with EBV genome-carrying lymphoblastoid cells (i.e., Raji
38%, and 33%, respectively). The seed extract did not have cells). Treatment of the Raji cells with n-butyric acid and
significant effects on the cell cycle in either cell type. G2/M tetradecanoylphorbol acetate activated the EBV genome so
enrichment is an indication that cell cycle arrest is occurring that the cells produced EBV-EA. The induced Raji cells were
in the cell, thereby inhibiting cell division. treated with the different isolated compounds to determine
Guevara et al. (1996) [54] studied the anti-inflammatory the effectiveness of the compounds in preventing induction
and antitumor properties of the seed extract of M. oleifera. of the EBV genome. The most effective compounds were
The crude seed extract of dried and green seeds was extracted 𝛽-sitosterol-3-O-glucopyranoside (IC50 : 27.9 𝜇g/ml), 4-(𝛼-
with ethanol, concentrated, and then partitioned into hexane, L-rhamnosyloxy) benzyl isothiocyanate (IC50 : 32.7 𝜇g/ml),
ethyl acetate, butanol, and water extracts. The different and niazimicin (IC50 : 35.3 𝜇g/ml). Due to limited availability,
fractions were tested for their anti-inflammatory activity in only niazimicin was tested in vivo for its inhibition of tumor
vivo on mice, which had carrageenan-induced inflammation promotion. The test was conducted on pathogen-free IRC
in the hind paw. The crude ethanol extract of the dried mice treated with 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)
seeds reduced the inflammation by 85% at the dosage of to induce tumor growth, and TPA was applied to the skin to
3 mg/g body weight, whereas that of mature green seeds promote tumor growth twice a week. For the treated mice, 85
reduced inflammation by 77%. The hexane fraction of dried nmol of niazimicin was applied to the skin of the mice one
seeds yielded the same result, whereas the butanol and hour before application of TPA. The incidence of papillomas
water fractions of dried seeds reduced inflammation by was observed weekly for 20 weeks. Compared to untreated
only 34%. In contrast, the ethyl acetate fraction of dried mice, niazimicin treatment delayed the promotion of tumors
seeds caused a 267% increase in inflammation, and the by 50%. Niazimicin also reduced the number of papillomas
mice died after oral administration. To test for antitumor on the mice that did get papillomas compared to untreated
activity, the extracts were tested for their ability to inhibit mice. These results indicate that the moringa seed extract

Table 1: Active compounds of extracts from different parts of the moringa plant that contribute to the anticancer activities base on in vitro and in vivo studies.
Parts of Moringa Extraction method Experiments Active compounds Citation
Methanol, ethanol, ethyl Flavonoid and alkaloid Parvathy &
Cytotoxicity test on U266B1
acetate and chloroform group similar to vincristine Umamaheshwari (2007)
extracts and vinblastine. [41]
Hot water, methanol and Cytotoxicity test on HeLa Aqueous extract has best Nair & Varalakshmi (2011)
hexane extracts cells anticancer activity. [42]
Dichloromethane extract
Cytotoxicity test on HepG2, has best cytotoxic and
Caco-2 and MCF-7 cells. chemopreventive activity.
Methanol and
Quinone reductase Active compounds are Charoensin (2014) [43]
dichloromethane extracts
induction assay on quercetin, kaempferol,
Hepa-1c1c7 glucosinolate and
Ethanol extract has the best
cytotoxicity against AML
and ALL.
Cold water, hot water and Cytotoxicity test on AML, Hot water extract is most
Khalafalla et al. (2010) [44]
Leaf 80% ethanol extracts ALL and HepG2 cells cytotoxic towards HepG2
cells. Active compounds are
phenolic compounds,
especially glycosides.
Cytotoxicity test on HepG2
cells. Active compounds are
Cold water extract In vivo study using hollow water soluble bioactive Jung et al. (2015) [45]
fibre assay on HepG2 and compounds.
A549 cells
Cytotoxicity test on HepG2
Successive extraction with Fraction 1 (F1) from ethyl
n-hexane, chloroform, acetate was the most
In vivo studies to
ethyl acetate and 50% cytotoxic against HepG2. Krishnamurthy et al. (2015)
determine toxicity.
methanol. Ethyl acetate Active compounds are [46]
In vivo study with Dalton’s
extract was further steroids and phenolic
lymphoma ascites (DLA)
separated into 15 fractions compounds.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Table 1: Continued.
Parts of Moringa Extraction method Experiments Active compounds Citation
Active compounds are
Hot water extract Cytotoxic test on KB cells. polyphenols primarily Sreelatha et al (2011) [47]
quercetin and kaempferol.
Active compounds are
Cytotoxic test on A549 isothiocyanates, niazimicin,
Hot water extract Tiloke et al. (2013) [48]
cells. niaziminin quercetin,
thiocarbamate, carbamates
and nitrile glycosides.
In vivo study on Swiss
Active compound is
50% ethanol extract albino mice to test Rao et al. (2001) [52]
Vitamin C.
radioprotective effects
Active compounds are
Cytotoxic test on HCT-8,
Ethanol extract D-allose and hexadecanoic Al-Asmari et al. (2015) [53]
In vivo study of
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Dried and green seeds anti-inflammation activity.

Ethanol extract has best
ethanol extract partitioned Antitumor activity tested
anti-inflammation and Guevara et al. (1996) [54]
into hexane, ethyl acetate, on ability to inhibit the
antitumor activity.
butanol, and water. formation of EBV-EA
induced by TPA.
Cytotoxic test on A549, Active compounds are
Methanol extract Rajesh et al. (2012) [55]
Hep-2,HT-29, and IMR-32. alkaloids.
The active compounds
which prevent induction of
Seed EBV genome are:
Tested anticancer activity in
Ethanol extract whereby vitro with EBV
glucopyranoside, 4-
the active compounds were genome-carrying
(𝛼-L-rhamnosyloxy) benzyl
isolated with flash column lymphoblastoid cells, Raji Guevara et al. (1999) [56]
isothiocyanate and
chromatography and cells. Niazimicin tested on
niazimicin. Niazimicin was
further isolated with HPLC. mice induced to form
able to delay the formation
of tumours and reduce the
number of tumours in the
in vivo study.
Active compounds are
Cytotoxic test on HCT-8, Isothiocyanate,
Bark Ethanol extract Al-Asmari et al. (2015) [53]
MDA-MB-231 hexadecanoic acid and
12 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

contains the active compound niazimicin that has very high Acknowledgments
antitumor promoter activities and can delay the activation of
tumor formation. The authors would like to acknowledge the funding
Costa-Lotufo et al. (2005) [57] tested 11 plants that are by University Sains Malaysia (USM) Short Term
extensively used in Bangladeshi folk medicine to determine Grant [304/CIPPT/6313315] and USM Bridging Grant
their anticancer potential. The plants were tested using the [304/CIPPT/6316056].
brine shrimp, sea urchin embryo, MTT, and hemolytic assays.
The MTT assay was conducted on murine melanoma (B-16), References
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