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Two students are doing their obligations as well as their daily needs, yes, they are learning as they
should , all of a suddenly ...

(smashed the door) okta : “oy!!, putri was divorced!”

Reza : “logged! Keep him why not why?”

Siska : “not.”

Anas : “ha!, why not.”

Illa : “Divorced indeed where ?”

Siska : “behind the school”

Illa : “ehh, there is indeed often the case of logging.”

siska : “not really”

illa : “yes”

siska : “not really”

anas : “stop!” (melerai)

anas : “3, 2, 1, start !” (like a refferee who started boxing)

(siska + illa watching)

anas : “what?”

illa : “stop, you should trust me in there is the logging place ”

siska : “no ,this is the first time in there is the place of logging”

ana : “oke oke, we try to looking who do that longging”

illa dan siska :” I agree”

anas : “ but I am not”

siska : “why do not you give advice kampret”

anas : “ya, I went along with it, the first step , we must meet the victim, putri.

After walking around the school for a while ... finally meeting the teacher ,

then afterwards they meet the principal , and finally meet the lion handler, and meet the putri.
Anas : “mrs. putri, can explain in chronology, how the accurrence of pickpocketing took place?” (like

Putri : “initially i went home as usual, but suddenly there are people who approached me, people wear
a jacket, hat, same wear pants uniform” (like siska)

Anas : “what! I think iam not stranger to these characteristic, no doubt , the colprit like you, illa”

Illa : “i wear skirt PE`A”

Anas : “but you can wearing a pants before you wearing skirt! ”

Illa : “never mind this is a wasteing a time, we could directly to the scene only”

Siska : “lets go”(walking together except anas )

Anas : “hmm ! okay” (walking slowly like action movie)

After that they do the crime scene and they find the thing ...

Wow so ! what the hatch? We immediately see

Anas: “so this is the scene, there is something stranger”

Putri : “what is it, nas ?”

Anas : “i do not feel familiar anymore, with the characteristic of the culprit, the same ... siska how can
you know the way here,it is not wrong again. I think the culprit is.... the people who bellows putri ”

Illa : “wow... i was caught” (with flat exspresion)

Siska : “hmm, now we are doing here”

Anas : “hmm! We asked eyewitness, you ,yes ,you, you mr.. come here come here” (call someone)

Galih : “hey whats up there!”

Anas : “it is true, here where there is often a logging?”

Galih : “yes , why?”

Illa : “tuh kan, what did i say, could be a new gossip material!”

Anas : “how can you know mr ?” (tanya galih)

Galih : “because i am a logger ” (pegang kerah anas)

Siska : “wo wo rilexs rilexs mr!”

Illa : “why you not tell us putri if this guy is the logger?”

Putri : “ye i`ve forgetten”

Galih : “now hurry give me your money!!”

Anas : “be patient mr patient. This can be done well, if like this its not fun right!”

Galih : “what something fun ha!!”

Anas : “ya not fun, just pull the trigger than dorrr....!”

Galih : “sorry sorry mr, iam afraid”

Anas : “haah, you dont know me. Although my behavior is doubtful, but my father is police, okay now
where is your money”

Illa : “ha why you are a lamp this guy”

Anas : “shut up!”

Galih : “this mr. My money”(ngasih uangnya ke anas)

Anas : “yah good” (ngambil uangnya terus dikembalikan lagi)

Putri : ‘“loh, why you give it back ”

Anas : “he was asking for money, but since i was not need this money. Ya i give it back, ”

Illa : “yaellah”

Anas : “okay, with this case `anything behind the logging is uncovered. Case closed” (dengan gaya sok

Thus, the case of logging was uncovered, after the incident the road behind the school was put on a
black street list that should not be skipped, except by professionals. I am dwi mega, along with the
member in charge, the permission to retreat from your presence.

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