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The Use of ICT in integrating Neutralization Model in teaching Addition and

Subtraction of Integers in Grade 7 students


An Action Research Presented to Prof. Mark Van M. Buladaco, MIT

Faculty of the Graduate School Department of

Davao del Norte State College

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in the

MABE602 – Information Communications Technology course

Master of Arts in Basic Education

Major in Math

Alexis Jon M. Naingue, LPT

May 2018

Chapter 1

Background of the Study

The concept of integers and its operations are the primary requirement to

proceed to algebra. They mark a transition from arithmetic to algebra because of

their abstract nature (Linchevski & Williams, 1999). Most of the students struggle

to build quality understanding on integers, and most of these studies have

focused on students’ ways of reasoning about these signed numbers (Mohs and

Wilcox, 2006). It has shown that students do not understand addition and

subtraction of Integers at a conceptual and logical level (as cited by Steiner,

2009). Having a poor foundation on the mathematics operations makes the

student difficult to advance to higher mathematics and then they create gaps of

learning to the concept and skills of mathematics. The poor foundation in the

concept of integers tends to create a difficulty regarding the rules of integers

especially on negative numbers. (Altiparmak & Ozdogan, 2008).

There are studies that assessed the performance of students regarding

integer operation have been conducted in many countries. Even though several

of those assessments tested few integer tasks, those studies showed that there

is a consistent trend of lower success rate (about 20%) on integer subtraction

items than on integer addition items on the test, Harvey and Cunningham (1980),

results of an integer test was given to 163 Montreal Students, using 46 questions

covering combinations of addition and subtraction of integers. In connection with

this, 62 more students from age 13-15 in the High School were given 6 integer
addition and 6 integer subtraction items (Lytle & Avraam 1990). The results from

these assessments were comparable to those large scale assessments, which

states that integer subtraction items were considerably lower than the addition


In the Philippine context, Muños (2010) states that struggle and difficulties

are observable in the students when asked to perform problems related to

integers. He added that the student undergoes a hard time applying the rules and

procedure in operating integers without presenting a model. It could be seen from

the results of the National Achievement Test (NAT). The Tagum City National

High School was promoting quality education through variety of educational

strategies to increase the learning performance of their students. Despite the

continuing and current school efforts in enhancing achievement in this learning

area, the achievement rates of Tagum City National High School remain far

below 75% passing rate: an MPS of 41.98, 48.93, 52.80, 53.77, 72.57, 62.19

from year 2010-2015.

Students need to be proficient with operations in integers in order to be

able to survive in the context of higher and advanced Mathematics since the

latter is the basic foundation of building stronghold in completing difficult courses.

It also suggested that those students who are unsuccessful are those who have

forgotten the rule and they have no physical model to help them (Lytle & Avraam,

1990). As Wilkins (2000)

As one of the subjects being studied in school and as a requisite platform

to proceed to the higher discipline of mathematics the purpose of this study is to

increase the learning proficiency of students when dealing with mathematics and

it will be important to implement an alternative method to teach the operations of

Integers specifically on addition and subtraction and will be able to make

students learn the subject effectively and avoid common errors.

According to Gallardo (2003), students have a hard time understanding

negative integers and operations. When Gallardo conducted a case study, he

took a closer look at eighth-grade students and their level of understanding about

integers. He gave 41 eighth grade students a survey that included questions

about operations with integers and word problems with integers. The results of

Gallardo's survey revealed that students had difficulty when subtracting integers.

For example, one question required the students to subtract -469 from -399. In

relation to that question, most students forgot to combine the subtraction sign

and negative sign in order to turn the integer subtraction problem into an integer

addition problem. Therefore, Gallardo concluded that most students forgot to

change the operation of the problem along with the sign of the subtrahend

(second number in an integer subtraction problem) when calculating integer

subtraction problems.

The researchers of this study intent to determine the level of proficiency of

the students who are involved in this study and identify the areas where most of

the students have difficult to grasp. They also try to extract if there is a significant

difference between the pre-test and post-test when injected a model during an

instructional intervention. The respondents of this study are the Grade 7 students
of Tagum City National High School. They are subject to pre-test and post test to

determine the increase of learning after the instruction.

To withstand with the problem being presented, this study applied a

mathematical model to aid the betterment of learning of the students. They use

the neutralization model, where two colors signify the positive and negative

numbers. This proposal would help the people involved in this study i.e. the

teachers, students and the school. The researchers believe that this proposal will

have a significant increase in the level of proficiency of the students in dealing

with integers and provide a convenient way to learn the integers.

Theoretical Framework

This research is primarily anchored in Theory of Cognitive Constructivism

by Jean Piaget (1936) which states that humans cannot be “given” information

which they immediately understand and use. Instead, humans must “construct”

their own knowledge. They build their knowledge through experience.

Experiences enable them to create schemas – mental models in their heads.

According to Jean Piaget (1979), the intelligence of human acquires through

chronological process and follows a certain steps.

On Piaget’s research theory called the developmental constructivism

(Romberg 1969), it was found out that students grasp the concept of numbers

and its operations by making and constructing in on their own understanding and

not by internalization

Curriculum and Evaluation Standard for School Mathematics (1989)

studied that the understanding of the concept of mathematics can be defined as

the ability or skill to represent a mathematical idea in many ways to make

associations in different representations (Hubert & Carpenter 1992).

Understanding mathematics is more important than merely producing

answers. For students to have thorough understanding of any mathematical idea,

they must be able to relate it in a meaningful way. Practice is more beneficial

when students understood what they’re doing rather than memorizing procedures

(Brownell, 1935).
Learning mathematics is more meaningful when models were used to help

students develop conceptual understanding on the topic to be learned (Steiner,

2009). To determine the area in which the students have difficulty, the

researchers will conduct a pretest. By looking at the result of the pretest, a more

descriptive idea could be attained as to where the students have difficulty. Thus,

constructivism theory is applied.

Moreover, Structural Learning Theory by Joseph Scandura (1970), the

theory states that there is an alternative way to present rules and procedures on

mathematical operations. Thus, suggest a teaching on their simplest solution and

convenient way to present the rules for a problem and then teaching more

complex paths until the entire rule has been mastered. The more higher – order

presentation of concepts and rules is presented, the more it will be effective than

the traditional teaching.

In addition, individualizing instruction by analyzing the rules in which

students has not mastered is suggested. Teach only the rules or portions that the

students have difficulty with. To create a concreate understanding, the

researchers will implement a neutralization model, namely the two- color

counters to a certain controlled group the model ought to simplify the area which

the students have difficulty with (Steiner, 2009).

Conceptual Framework

To support with the aforementioned study, The National Research Council

(2001), Identify the 5 strands of Mathematical Proficiency. (1) Conceptual

Understanding is how a student understands the concept beyond what have

been taught; (2) Procedural Fluency is the skill to perform the correct

mathematical rules effectively and accurately. (3) Strategic Competence, is the

ability to formulate and devise strategy to solve the problem; (4) Adaptive

reasoning, is how the student can give a logical reason to solve the mathematical

problem and able to justify it and;

(5) Productive disposition were the students can give meaningful importance to

the mathematics.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Areas of learning integers Strands of Mathematical


-Rules of adding Conceptual
& subtracting Understanding
integers Use
of ICT (Neutralization Model) Competence


Figure 1: The conceptual framework of the study for the controlled group
The aim of this study is to determine the proficiency of students in

understanding the integers specifically on addition and subtraction. The

independent variable (input) of this study is the Areas of Learning integers. Under

this the researchers identify (1) Rules of adding and subtracting integers, were

students should know and logical reasoning on the correct procedure of

performing the rules. Under this the researcher would like to give emphasis on

the nature of unlike signs.

The researchers want to apply the neutralization model of Van de Walle

(2004) during the instructional intervention. This model inherent the fact that a

number of one color neutralize the same number of the other color counter

results to zero when added. The researchers believed that this model will

increase the learning proficiency of the students and will be applicable to the use

as an instructional method to teach integers. The researchers will also integrate

the use of ICT in teaching Neutralization model throughout the learning period.

After the instructional intervention the researchers want to aspire that the

results of this study identified by the five strand of mathematical proficiency

(dependent variable) will embody by the students. The students should acquire

(1) Procedural Fluency, as they will master the rules and correct procedure in

adding and subtracting integers; (2) Improved Conceptual Understanding and (3)

Strategic Competence as students will be able to formulate and give appropriate

justification of the problem. The fourth (Adaptive Reasoning) and fifth (Productive

disposition) were not included since the scope of this study is to identify the

learning proficiency and improve their way of learning.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the current level of proficiency of

the Grade 7 Mathematics students on the Fundamental Operations of Integers

particularly in Addition and Subtraction of unlike signs. Moreover, the researchers

ought to determine the possible effect of the Instructional Intervention on the

controlled Group.

Specifically, this study will answer the following research questions.

1. What is the current level of proficiency of the Grade 7 Mathematics

students on Fundamental Operations of Integers?

2. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test and posttest of the

traditional and controlled grouped?

Objectives of the study

The researchers aim is to determine which concepts/step in fundamental

operations of integers particularly in addition and subtraction the students have

difficulty and to alleviate the difficulty identified. Thus, the study ought to:

1. To determine the level of proficiency of the Grade 7 students on

fundamental operations of integers particularly in addition and subtraction.

2. To determine the difference of the pre-test and post-test performance of

the controlled and traditional group.

Null Hypotheses

Below is the research hypotheses formulated on this study. The null hypotheses

were tested at 0.05 level of significance:

1. There is no significant difference between the result of the controlled and

traditional group.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to enhance the learning and understanding of La Filipina

National High School students with the use of the Neutralization Model

integrating the use of ICT. The researchers conceive that this study will be great

help to better understand the rules of operations of integers. This research is a

great help to the school administration for it will help to the school administration

for it will help determine the target focus on the student’s difficulty of

understanding the operations of integers. This model will be a guideline to help

the teachers who teach mathematics in delivering the concepts of operation of

integers to be more effective and give improvement to the performance of the

students. On the other hand, this model will help students to enhance and apply

better understanding on the rules of operation of integers specifically in addition

and subtraction. Furthermore, this study will have an indirect implication to the

involved persons. First, it will elevate the curriculum being implemented by the

school for developed and integrated procedure of teaching mathematics.

Second, since this study focuses on the more effective way of teaching, it will

make an enhancement to the pedagogy of teaching. Students will master and

increase their understanding on the concept of operations of integers and avoid

wrong use of rules.

And to the future researchers, the said study will also be of great help in

understanding the nature and problem stated in this research. This will help in

finding solution to the given problem and will make Mathematics more

meaningful and more valuable.

Chapter 2



According to De Leon and Bernabe (2002), integers defined as a set of

numbers that are compost of counting numbers, zero and negative numbers.

Lamb & Thanheiser (2006) as cited by Miller (2013), the subject of integers is a

very important part of the middle school mathematics curriculum, specifically in

7th grade and it symbolizes a shift from concrete thinking to abstract thinking.

According to Vlassis (2004), integer concepts and operations is an extremely

difficult content area for most students to learn with meaning since integers is

arguably the first mathematical object that cannot be represented physically (as

cited by Stephan and Cobb, 2013).

Stephan and Cobb (2013) added that some of the middle school students

struggles with negative numbers might arise because a brief introduction to them

a year before learning integer operations is not long enough or because the

instruction they receive is not sufficient that may results to some misconceptions

arises. Muños (2010) stressed out the importance of sign numbers and sign of

required operation in performing operations on integers. He added that student

get confused and struggle when asked to perform operations on integers due to

the integration of sign numbers (as cited by Rubin, Marcelino, Mortel, and

Lapinid, 2014).
There are studies that assessed the performance of students regarding

integer operation have been conducted in many countries. It has been well

documented in the research that students are indeed having difficulty with integer

operations. The second mathematics assessment of the National Assessment of

Educational Progress (1981) shows that 75% of the 13-year olds correctly added

two negative integers but only 43% correctly added negative integers and

positive integer. Looking at 17 year olds, it was found that 80% could correctly

add a positive and a negative integer. Approximately 50% could correctly

subtract with positive and negative integer.

Several methods or models exist to help assist student learning and

encourage them to understand abstract ideas involved within integer calculations

(Cemen, 1993). Cemen (1993) suggested that using a number line to teach

integer addition and subtraction is the best method (as cited by Miller, 2013).

Two other researchers, Lisa Lamb and Eva Thanheiser (2006) also

created another method to help teach addition and subtraction of integers. These

two researchers created software called Balloons and Weights that helps attach

concrete meaning to the abstract idea of negative and positive numbers (Lamb &

Thanheiser, 2006).

In addition, Cemen (1993) states that few of the models include money,

two-color tiles, and a number line (as cited by Miller, 2013).

Many different methods are proposed for teaching mathematical concepts

involving integers to students. While most of these proposed methods are both
logically and mathematically sound, there seems to be a definite controversy as

to which method might be best (Sawyer, 1973).

Mathematics educators disagree not only on which method is the best but

also on the use of models. Some feel the model should only be used temporarily

until the abstract rules are learned, while others believe that the model is

something that can be referred to for life (Janvier, 1988). Others think that the

final “correct” answer is not the only thing to be taken into consideration. They

think that it is just as important to learn the meaning behind operations, to be

able to relate operations involving integers to real life situations, and to be able to

solve a problem in a variety of ways (Chang, 1985; Colthorpe, 1968). Some feel

that mathematics as a form of thinking and reasoning is more important than a

correct answer and that teaching for understanding is a major ingredient in a

high-quality program of instruction (Coburn, 1989; Resnick & Ford, 1981).

Gregg and Gregg (2007) made a point that models are a great way to

introduce adding and subtracting integers to students. When students are

presented with realistic scenarios that involve integers, they are more likely to be

better able to understand than one concept. An example that Gregg and Gregg

provided that related to adding and subtracting integers was credit/debit cards.

Older students will be more motivated to understand the concept of adding and

subtracting integers with realistic applications to their world instead of traditional

applications such as colored chips. Therefore, posing problems to students that

make more sense will enable students to solve problems quickly and more

The Instructional Design Approach

The Instructional Design Approach has two approaches namely: the

Constructivist Approach and the Behavioral approach. This study focuses only on

applying constructivist approach in the classroom.

Constructivist Instructional Design Approach

Constructivism is an approach anchor to the Constructivist Developmental

Theory of Jean Piaget. According to Agno (2010), constructivism focuses its

attention on the central role that learners play in creating or constructing new

knowledge. In addition, Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky (1962) as cited by Agno

(2010) strongly pointed out that humans learned through activities in which they

simultaneously experience. Applying it in the classroom, the teachers/instructors

will focus on the presentation of new ideas and facilitating the interaction

happens between students while the learners are the one who undergone the


Model applied in this study

Ponce (2007) stated that if students can master the concept of adding and

subtracting integers, they can successfully understand harder concepts such as

algebra. An activity that Ponce recommended when teachers introduce the topic

of adding and subtraction integers was to use playing cards. Ponce claimed that

using playing cards can help students utilize their knowledge about integers to

apply them to a game which requires them to have a true understanding of how

to add and subtract integers. For example, Ponce described an integer addition
game where black cards represented positive numbers, red cards represented

negative number and the joker represented zero. Then, Ponce stated that

allowing students to work in smaller groups when playing an addition and

subtraction game of integers with playing cards promotes communication

between students. Overall, exposing students to an activity that enables them to

demonstrate their knowledge of adding and subtracting integers through playing

cards with a group of students will improve their communication skills and give

them a solid understand of the topic, which will help them with topics such as


The researchers decided to anchor to the neutralization model defined by

Lytle (1992) which states that Neutralization Model is a model encourages the

learners to work physically, and the model materials is made of actual colored

chips. The chips have two different colors that represent to either positive or

negative sign integers which is written in the chips.

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (2010)

mathematically proficient students can apply the mathematics they know to solve

problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace (as cited by Miller,


Mathematical Proficiency

Groves (2012) states a student is said to be proficient if he/she acquired a

strong foundation of understanding on the concept discussed. Moreover he/she

has the skill flexible enough to be applied in every type of situation/problem. The
students can easily create a concept map in solving problems and is able to

reason out or justify his/her solution clearly (VCCA, 2012). The following are the

five strands of Mathematical proficiency as defined according to Groves (2012):

1. Conceptual Understanding

Students with conceptual understanding understand beyond what is

taught to them. They acquire knowledge through connecting the ideas known

and new ideas. They learn inductively by adding up the past knowledge to the

new ones and organize it to become useful [ CITATION Sus12 \l 1033 ].

2. Procedural Fluency

According to Kilpatrick, et al. (2001) as stated in Journal in Science and

Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia (2012), procedural fluency is more

than the students speed in answering a given problem, more than his/her

accuracy this refers to how well the student understands the procedure and rules

along with its application appropriately. The students present his/her solution in a

step by step manner.

3. Strategic Competence

Kilpatrick, et al. (2001) cited by Groves in 2012, states that strategic

competence is the ability to formulate problems, represent them and solve the

problems. He added that strategic competence can be called similarly to problem

solving and problem formulation in the field of Mathematics and Cognitive

Science which has been extensively focused.

Groves (2012) added that “Mathematical problem solving is central to

mathematics Learning” therefore, for the student to develop strategic

competence within their self, mathematical problems are suggested to be an

application of their daily living. He also suggested that the teacher must formulate

problems wherein challenging to the students to interest them but not too difficult

that they may get frustrated.

4. Adaptive Reasoning

According to National Research Council (2001), adaptive reasoning is the

capacity to logically thought then reflect to the thought then may able to explain

and justify the way the students gone through. In here, the students are tested to

what is beyond the context.

5. Productive Disposition

Kilpatrick, et al. (2001) cited by Grove in Journal in Science and

Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia, productive disposition are acquired by

the students when they already developed the four of strands of fluency which

are: (1) conceptual understanding, (2) procedural fluency, (3) strategic

competence, (4) adaptive reasoning, and (5) productive disposition.

Kilpatrick, et al. (2001) added that when a student develops a productive

disposition, students view mathematics beyond the importance of it specifically in

reality, recognize its application in reality, and apply mathematics in his

Use of ICT in Education

As a force contributing to social and economic development, ICT’s role in

education is rapidly becoming an accepted and indispensable part of the

mainstream of educational systems in both developed and developing countries,

with specific emphasis for the latter. This role has been triggered in part by the

interest among educators and trainers in the use of new technologies, and also

by the recognition that traditional ways of organizing education need to be

augmented by innovative methods, if the fundamental right of all people to

learning is to be realized (Moore, 2002).

Such interest, no doubt, is triggered by the fact that the status of education

worldwide is changing: the unprecedented developments in ICTs and their

impact on education is such that the education sector is grappling with the

tremendous challenge of preparing students and teachers for a knowledge-based

society at a time when most teachers are not prepared to use ICT and the

majority of existing school buildings even in the most developed countries are not

equipped to integrate the new ICTs (UNESCO, 2003-2004a; UNESCO, 2003-


This observation affirms the findings of the Eurydice report, a 2001 study

by the European Union of ICT in education in Europe: that the countries studied

have been implementing policies to lay the foundations for the role of ICT in

education in a sequential phase by phase manner (phase 1 - rolling out

computers into schools and colleges with some professional development and
content development; and phase 2 - mainstreaming and integrating the role of

ICT into education in a more strategic way with concern for objectives and with

linkages forged to overall education strategies.) The report concludes that no

country has yet progressed to the third phase, which would involve a

transformation of the way we learn (Kearns, 2002).

As information technology is increasingly integrated in the educational

system, on one hand, to expand the reach of education at a lower cost, and on

the other, to deliver high- quality education through computer assisted instruction

and the Internet, Camoy and Rhoten (2002) posit that globalized information

networks are formed. Such networks in turn, contribute to the transformation of

world culture. They caution, however, that many groups feel marginalized by the

market values of this new culture by asserting cultural values that may

themselves be global (e.g., fundamentalist religions, postmodern

environmentalism or feminism), but are at the same time anti-market (Camoy and

Rhoten, 2002). Camoy and Rhoten (2002) conclude that educational changes in

response to globalization share defining parameters, but still vary greatly across

regions, nations and localities.

Jianwei Zhang (2004)23 illustrates that ICT in education has evolved from

a very technology-focused view to a systematic view that emphasizes the

interrelated changes in pedagogy as well as organizational culture. The aim of

using ICT in education is to improve and transform educational practices by

infusing ICT into curriculum and school systems.The overall process of using ICT

in education might be greatly influenced by four essential factors: the visions of

educational practitioners and administrators, the available investments to support

the missions, the overall social and political systems, and the cultural traditions.

According to Martin Carnoy (2004), ICT in education refers to the

information and communication technology which involve in the educational

sector focus on the teaching-learning.

The process of teaching and learning using ICT can be divided into four

main stages. (Raju Kumar, 2008). The stages are: 1. Discovering ICT tools, 2.

Learning how to Use ICT tools, 3. Understanding how and when to use ICT tools,

4. Specializing in the use of ICT tools



Research Design

This study used the Quantitative, Quasi-Experimental Design. A quasi-

experimental design with pre-test/posttest control group was used in this study.

This type of design inculcates the experimental group with instructional

intervention that is affected by the independent variable which is the result of the

study and another group was not affected by the independent variable.

Furthermore, an Experimental design concerns with analyzing data from an

experiment conducted. It is divided into two groups namely, controlled and

traditional group. In the former, the experiment design is implemented with the

neutralization model in teaching integers with the use of ICT, while in the latter

has traditional instructional design. Respondents in the said design are randomly

chosen. The hypotheses being set were tested by comparing and see significant

variation of the result to determine if there is a significant change to the learning

of the respondents. (Bulduk, 2003; Christensen, 2004).


The respondents of this study were the Grade 7 students of La Filipina

National High School with K-12 Enhanced Basic Education as the current

curriculum. The respondents of this study were chosen through a random

purposive sampling technique. Random Purposive sampling is a non-probability

technique where it helps researchers to select units from a population that they
are interested to study on. This may also be associated with a list of criteria that

the respondents need to qualify to be the respondents of this study. This study

involves the quasi-experimental design. The Grade 7 consists of twenty-two (22)

sections; among these, the researchers selected four sections. These sections

have extension classes on their subject in Mathematics at the end of every class

session in afternoon. The sections Gladiola & Ilang-Ilang, then sections Lily &

Jasmine are chosen as the respondents of controlled and traditional group

respectively. The researchers chose thirty (30) students from each section to be

the respondents of this study to ensure proportionality. These numbers were

quite proportional, and we assure that the number of respondents is viable and

not bias to the other group.

Table 1: The respondents of this study.

Lily 30 25%
Jasmine 30 25%
Gladiola 30 25%
Ilang-Ilang 30 25%
TOTAL 120 100%

The researchers chose the students in these sections because they believe that

they can give information that is related to the study. The researchers believed

that these respondents can give relevant data that can be used to gain accurate

answer regarding the factors affecting the performance in Mathematics. The

Second quarter topics in Mathematics consist of the operations of integers which

is the focus of this study. Therefore, with these considerations, we select the

respondents of this research.

Research Instrument

The researchers adapted the questionnaires from Pre-test task items by

Patricia Ann Lytle (1992). The research questionnaire is composed of fifteen (15)

questions; the items are a supply type of questionnaire in which the students are

to provide the answers. Through this instrument, the researchers are able to

measure the students’ proficiency regarding the Operations of Integers

specifically the Addition and Subtraction.

This questionnaire was tested in the study entitled “Use of a Neutralization

Model to Develop Understanding of Integers and of the Operations of Integer

Addition and Subtraction” by Patricia Ann Lytle. Though the research is

exploratory in nature, the instrument used was successful. Though there are

modifications can be made for future use, still the questionnaire is appropriate to

measure the proficiency of the students who will take the test. The fifteen (15)

questions from the study can be safely used because it was purposely made to

assess students learning and proficiency, and can be utilized by any researchers.

The researchers would like to use the ICT in integrating the lesson and the

neutralization model that will be used in this research. Instead of using chips and

colored materials in using neutralization model, the researchers will use ICT in

emphasizing concepts and ideas through a power point presentation and use the

latter for aid in their visuals as support in the teaching – learning process.
Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers started through the initial step of getting the number of

students enrolled in 4 classrooms from the selected sections. After getting the

desired data and an approval to conduct a research from the principal through

letter, the respondents were given enough time and clear instructions that were

explained thoroughly by the researchers. Afterwards the results of the test were

acquired and analyzed.

The test item was conducted into two phases: the pretest and post-test.

Pre-test was conducted before the instructional intervention was implemented.

Then, the researchers implemented the instructional intervention with

neutralization model as the primary method for this study and as the treatment

for the experimental group, the sections Gladiola and Ilang-Ilang. Post test was

conducted after the implementation both in the traditional and experimental

group. The data gathered during the pre-test were tallied and analyzed for the

purpose of comparison of the data in both the traditional and the experimental

Statistical Tool

The following statistical techniques were used in the study:

Mean. This was used to present pre-test and post-test results of the

experimental and control groups.

T-test for Correlated Samples. This was used to determine whether or

not there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test mean

scores within the groups.

T-test for Uncorrelated Samples. This was used to test the significance of the

difference between the pre-test and post-test, and mean gain scores of the

experimental and control groups.

Table 2. Table of interpretation of the level of proficiency of the Grade 7 students

on fundamental operations of integers particularly in addition and subtraction.

Range of Equivalent Level of Interpretation

Mean Rating Performance

This means that the

11-15 3 Very High variable/item are totally

practiced and embodied at all

This means that the

6-10 2 High variable/item are almost fully

practiced and embodied at all

This means that the

0-5 1 Low variable/item are not practiced

and embodied at all times

Ethical Considerations
The researchers conducted this study by seeking the authorization of the

Principal and School Heads of the school by making a letter that would authorize

the said undertaking. The research was conducted with an authorization coming

from the institution and with great positivity, they authorized us the researchers.

The researchers also gave consent letters to the parents of the selected

respondents to inform them that they will be undergoing some research-based

activity and their cooperation is highly needed in the success of the said

undertaking. The researchers gave an assurance to the parents that the

respondents’ identity will be held in a most discrete way.

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Name:___________________________ Date: _____________________

Section: __________________________ Score: ____________________

Pre test

General Instruction: Perform the indicated operations.

1. -19 + 4 =

2. -6 + 6=

3. -3 + -8 =

4. -3 + -6 + -4 =

5. 18 + 9 + -9 =

6. 9 + 2 + -6 =

7. 21 – 11 =

8. -82 – (-14) =

9. 67 – 67 =

10. 6 + (-9) + 9 – (-9)=

11. 3 – 7 =

12. -8 – (-10) =

13. -1 – (-5) =

14. 215 + (-5) =

15. 9 + -15=
Name:___________________________Date: _____________________

Section: __________________________Score: ____________________

Post test

General Instruction: Perform the indicated operations.

1. -20 + 5 =

2. -7 + 6=

3. -4 + -9 =

4. -4 + -7 + -5 =

5. 19 +10 + -10 =

6. 10 + 3 + -7 =

7. 22 – 12 =

8. -28 – (-15) =

9. 67 – 67 =

10. 6 + (-9) + 9 – (-9)=

11. 3 – 8 =

12. -8 – (-7) =

13. -1 – (-6) =

14. 40 + (-5) =

15. 10 + -20=
A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade-7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
i. Define Integers.
ii. Illustrate positive and negative integers.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Integers
Materials: Activity sheets, visual aids, chalk and board

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
i. Prayer
ii. Classroom management
iii. Checking of attendance

B. Lesson Proper
A. Activity
The students will be grouped into four. They will have an activity
called “Match Me”. The students will determine the opposite term
of the following:
1. Male – _Female_ 8. Increasing -
2. Left – _Right_ Decreasing
3. Up – _Down_ 9. Low – High
4. Tall – Short_ 10. Positive number –
5. Dark – _Bright_ Negative number
6. North – South_ 11. + 2 - - 2
7. East – West_ 12. – 5 - + 5

B. Analysis
1. What have you observed on the activity?
2. How did you answer the activity?
3. What do you think is our lesson for today?

C. Abstraction
Integers are a set of numbers that consists of whole
numbers together with negative numbers that are the opposite of
the nonzero whole numbers.
 Positive integers are whole numbers indicated by a +
sign before a number. When a number is written without
any sign is also considered to be a positive integer
denoted by + n.
- Is the opposite of the negative integer.
Examples: + 1 or 1, + 3 or 3, + 5 or 5, + 7 or 7, + 9 or 9

 Negative integers are whole numbers indicated by a –

sign before a number, read as “negative integer” and
denoted by – n.
- Is the opposite of the positive integer.
Examples: - 1, - 3, - 5, - 7, - 9

Ordering Integers on the Number line

Numbers to the right of zero (0) are positive integers, while those
numbers on left of zero (0) are negative numbers.

IV. Application
“Board Work”
Tell whether it is a positive integer or a negative integer. Give the
corresponding opposite number of the given integers by drawing it on the
number line.

1. – 2 – negative integer - +2
2. + 5 – positive integer - - 5
3. + 6 – positive integer - - 6
4. – 11 – negative integer - +11
5. – 8 – negative integer - + 8

V. Evaluation

Using the number line, locate the integer being indicated in the situation.

1. A move of 6 units to the left of zero (0) will result to – 6 .

2. A move of 4 units to the left of zero (0) and then 5 more units to the
right will result to + 9 .
3. A move of 6 units to the left of zero (0) and then another 7 units to
the left will result to – 13 .
4. A move of 10 units to the right of zero (0) and then 7 units to the left
will result to + 3 .
5. A move of 8 units to the left of zero (0) and then 10 units to the right
will result to + 2 .

VI. Assignment

Draw a number line and locate the integer being indicated.

1. 3 steps to the right of + 2 will end in + 5.

2. 10 steps to the right of – 5 will end in + 5.
3. 12 steps to the left of – 3 will end in – 15.
4. 5 steps to the right of + 4 and then 13 steps to the left will end in – 4.
5. 8 units to the left of zero and then another 14 units to the right will end in
+ 6.

A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade-7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
i. Identify the rules in adding integers.
ii. Add integers.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Addition of integers
Materials: Activity sheets, visual aids, chalk and board

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
i. Prayer
ii. Classroom management
iii. Checking of attendance

B. Lesson Proper
A. Activity
The students will be grouped having three (3) members each.
They will have an activity called “Add Me Up”. The students will
solve the following problems in order to decode the message.
Instruction: Solve the following and decode the message by
finding the corresponding answer on the table below.

6 5 10 15
mang 33 5 11 Papay 60 9 mango banan 13
oes grap appl orang as and banana guav es and as orange
and 2 es es es 10 s as 10 and 5 s
apple guava orange apples
s s s


1. 2 apples + 3 apples =
2. 5 guavas + 4 guavas =
3. 6 mangoes + 2 apples =
4. 3 oranges + 10 oranges =
5. 5 papayas + 10 guavas =
6. 10 mangoes + 10 oranges =
7. 13 grapes + 20 grapes =
8. 8 oranges + 3 oranges =
9. 15 bananas + 5 apples =
10. 50 bananas + 10 bananas =

B. Analysis
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What have you observed on the activity?
3. What have you done to find the answers?
4. Can we able to add two different quantities? Why?

C. Abstraction

Addition of Integers
Rules in Adding Integers

Rule 1: The sum of two positive numbers is a positive number.

Rule 2: The sum of two negative numbers is a negative number.

Rule 3: The sum of a positive number and a negative number is

the difference between their absolute values, and the sign of the
sum follows the sign of the number with the greater absolute


Rule 1

a. +5 +¿ +3 = +8 Rule 2
b. +10 +¿ +7
a. -5 +¿ -3 = -8
b. -10 +¿ -7 = -17
c. +3 +¿ +10
c. -3 +¿ -10 = -13

Rule 3

a. +5 +¿ -3 = +2
b. -10 +¿ +7 = -3
c. -3 +¿ +10 = +7
IV. Application
“Board Work”
Add the following integers.
1. +3 +¿ - 4 = -1
2. + 9 +¿ +15 = +24
3. -7 +¿ -13 = - 20
4. -12 +¿ +7 = - 5
5. + 20 +¿ -17 = +24

V. Evaluation
Find the sum of the following integers.
1. +13 +¿ - 10 +¿ +20 = + 13
2. - 7 +¿ - 15 +¿ -10 = - 32
3. -5 +¿ +15 +¿ -10 = 0
4. +9 +¿ - 10 +¿ +8 = + 7
5. +20 +¿ - 35 = - 15

VI. Assignment
Solve the following. Find the sum of the following integers.

1. -25 +¿ - 10 = -35
2. - 23 +¿ +15 +¿ - 2 = - 10
3. +17 +¿ - 4 = +13
4. +15 +¿ - 15 +¿ -15 = -15
5. -8 +¿ - 10 +¿ +23 = +5

A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade-7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
i. Identify the rules in subtracting integers.
ii. Subtract integers.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Subtraction of integers
Materials: Activity sheets, visual aids, chalk and board

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
i. Prayer
ii. Classroom management
iii. Checking of attendance

B. Lesson Proper
A. Activity
The students will be grouped having three (3) members each.
They will have an activity called “Match Me”. The students will
solve the following problems in the Column A and they will match
their answer on Column B with its corresponding letter.

Instruction: Solve the following problems found in Column A and

match your answer in Column B with its corresponding letter.
Write the corresponding letter of your answer on the blanks
Column A Column B

1. 8–5=3 T -2
2. 15 – 6 = 7 E -6
3. 3–5=-2 A 7
4. 9 – 10 = -1 I -1
5. 15 – 7 = 8 E 8
6. 11 – 6 = 5 P 3
7. 13 – 15 = - 2 C -2
8. 2–8=-6 N 5

____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

D. Analysis
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What have you observed on the activity?
3. What have you done to find the answers?
C. Abstraction

Subtraction of Integers
Rule in Subtracting Integers

 Change the sign of the subtrahend and proceed to



a. +5 −¿ +2 = +3
b. +10 −¿ +15 = - 5
c. - 3 −¿ - 2 = - 1
d. 5 −¿ - 3 = +8
e. -10 −¿ +5 = - 5
f. +3 −¿ -2 = + 5
D. Application
“Board Work”
Find the difference of the following integers.

1. +2 −¿ - 3 −¿ +2= +3
2. - 7 −¿ +3 −¿ +10 = - 14
3. -15 −¿ -7 −¿ + 15 = - 23
4. +10 −¿ - 13 −¿+ 8 = +23
5. -13 −¿ +12 −¿ -12 = +11

IV. Evaluation
Find the difference of the following integers.
1. -20 −¿ +35 −¿ -2 = - 53
2. - 13 −¿ - 7 −¿ +10 = - 16
3. +7 −¿ - 20 −¿ +12 = +15
4. +7 −¿ + 16 −¿ -7 = + 7
5. -12 −¿ - 30 −¿ +9 = +9

V. Assignment
Solve the following. Find the difference of the following integers.
1. -13 −¿ - 5 −¿ +8= - 19
2. +5 −¿ +3 −¿ - 10 = +12
3. -10 −¿ - 17 −¿-2= +5
4. +23 −¿ - 50 = +83
5. -55 −¿ - 48 = - 103
Glossary of Terms

Integers - are a special group or category of numbers that:

 Consist of the set of numbers: {…-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4…}

 Are all positive and negative whole numbers, which do not include

any fractional or decimal part.

Technology in Education - is the study of technology, in which

students "learn about the processes and knowledge related to

technology". As a field of study, it covers the human ability to shape and

change the physical world to meet needs, by manipulating materials and

tools with techniques. Technology education should not be confused with

educational technology. Educational technology focuses on a more narrow

subset of technology use that revolves around the use of technology in

and for education as opposed to technology education's focus on

technology's use in general.

Neutralization Model - a model encourages the learners to work

physically and the model materials is made of actual colored chips. The

chips have two different colors that represent to either positive or negative

sign integers which is written in the chips.

Mathematical Proficiency - a student is said to be proficient if

he/she acquired a strong foundation of understanding on the concept

discussed. Moreover he/she has the skill flexible enough to be applied in

every type of situation/problem.

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Alexis Jon M. Naingue

Contact Number: 09309515435
Address: Golden Plains, Apokon, Tagum
Email Address:
Father’s Name: Simeon D. Naingue Jr.
Mother’s Name: Elsa M. Naingue
Birthdate: July 13, 1991
Place of Birth: La Filipina, Tagum City
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Highest Education
School : University of Southeastern Philippines Tagum
– Mabini Campus,
Field of Study : Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in
Year Graduated : 2016
Secondary Education
School : St. Lorenzo Ruiz Academy of Tagum, Inc.
Year Graduated : 2008
Elementary Education
School : Apokon Elementary School
Year Graduated : 2004
Curriculum Vitae

Name: Karin Jean L. Seniel

Contact Number: 09365837986
Address: P-5, Camanlangan, New
Bataan, Compostela Valley
Email Address:
Father’s Name: Dylan Julius A. Seniel
Mother’s Name: Imelda l. Seniel
Birthdate: June 09, 1996
Place of Birth: Tagum City
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Highest Education
School : University of Southeastern Philippines Tagum
– Mabini Campus,
Field of Study : Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in
Year Graduated : 2016
Secondary Education
School : Camanlangan National High School
Year Graduated : 2012
Elementary Education
School : Matilo Elementary School
Year Graduated : 2008

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