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English for Tourism

Name :
1. Shafira Novitasary – A12118221
2. Trisna Kurniawati – A12118261
3. Nurul Afifah – A12118247
4. Suci Dwi Lestari –A12118215
5. Lisa Febrianti –A12118263
6. Rezki Amalia – A12118245
7. Sri Kumala Dewi – A12118235
8. Lilis Wulandari – A12118227

1. Please find vocabularies/phrase related to Airplane reservation and airport information

1. Aisle n. corridor in aeroplane between the seats [there are usually one or two]
2. Baggage claimn n. place where passengers go to find their luggage (cases etc) at the end of
a flight
3. Board v. to get on or enter an aeroplane - on board adv
4 Boarding pass n. special ticket showing that passenger has checked in and may board
5 Check in v. to register for a flight, include. checking of tickets, passports, luggage
etc - also n.
6 Confirmation n. passenger's telephone validation of return reservation; reconfirmation
7 Departures board n. large display in airport showing times, destinations etc of departing
8 Domestic adj. national, not international [a domestic flight is entirely within one
9 Duty free adj. [of products: cigarettes, perfume etc] not taxable; exempt from
customs taxes
10 Excess baggage n. luggage that is more than the permitted or allowed weight
11 flight n. an aeroplane scheduled to fly a certain route at a certain time
12 Gate n. the point in an airport at which a particular flight arrives and departs
13 Hand luggage n. light bags, briefcases etc that may be carried on board by passengers
14 IATA abbr. International Air Transport Association
15 Immigration officer n. government official responsible for checking passengers' passports
16 Jet lag n. extreme tiredness etc after a long flight between extreme time zones
17 Runway n. the strip on which planes land and take off
18 Stopover n. a break for a day or two on an international flight
19 Ticket n. receipt for transportation etc. An air ticket has one coupon for each
20 Transit n. A transit passenger is one stopping at an airport that is not his
1. Airline: Perusahaan penerbangan atau maskapai.
2. Contoh: Singapore Airline, Garuda Indonesia, Air Asia, dsb
3. Airfare: Harga tiket pesawat
4. Arrival: Saat pesawat tiba di bandara. Orang yang menjemput penumpang biasanya menunggu di
daerah arrival di bandara
5. Boarding: Saat penumpang masuk ke dalam pesawat
6. Boarding pass: Kartu yang mengizinkan penumpang untuk masuk ke dalam pesawat.
Ditunjukkan saat boarding
7. Booking: Contoh: Booking a ticket (memesan tiket)
8. Business class: Kelas bisnis. Area di pesawat dengan harga tiket lebih mahal dari economy class
dan lebih murah dari first class
9. Bulkhead: Jenis tempat duduk di dalam pesawat yang memiliki ruang yang lebih luas untuk kaki,
sehingga penumpang bisa meregangkan kaki mereka dengan lebih leluasa
10. Cancelled: Contoh: Cancelled flight (Penerbangan yang dibatalkan)
11. Carry on/ hand luggage: Jenis tas yang boleh dibawa penumpang ke dalam pesawat.
12. Cockpit: Tempat pilot dan kopilot mengemudikan pesawat di dalam pesawat
13. Conveyor belt/ carrousel/ baggage claim: Ban berjalan. Tempat tas berjalan seperti treadmill
untuk barang bawaan penumpang. Di sini kita bisa mengambil barang bawaan kita setelah kita
tiba di tempat tujuan.
14. Customs: Bea cukai
15. Delayed: Contoh: Delayed flight (Penerbangan yang terlambat)
16. Departure: Tempat di bandara untuk penumpang menunggu boarding
17. Direct flight/ non-stop flight: Penerbangan langsung tanpa berhenti di suatu tempat terlebih
dahulu dan tanpa harus mengganti pesawat
18. Economy class: Kelas ekonomi. Area di pesawat dengan harga tiket paling murah
19. Exit row: Tempat duduk yang berada dekat dengan pintu darurat di dalam pesawat. Biasanya
hanya orang yang kuat dan sehat yang diperbolehkan duduk di tempat duduk ini
20. First class: Kelas utama. Area di pesawat dengan harga tiket paling mahal
21. Fragile: Penanda barang untuk barang bawaan penumpang yang mudah rusak atau pecah belah
22. Identification: Dokumen yang menunjukan identitas diri penumpang. Paspor adalah bentuk
identification sat penerbangan
23. Jetbridge/ jetway: Jembatan yang berbentuk seperti lorong yang menghubungkan terminal dengan
pesawat. Penumpang dan staf pesawat harus melalui jembatan ini untuk naik ke dan turun dari
24. Long-haul flight: Penerbangan jarak jauh yang dilakukan dalam sekali jalan
25. On time: Tepat waktu. Penerbangan yang on time adalah penerbangan yang tiba dan berangkat
tepat waktu sesuai rencana
26. One-way ticket: Tiket untuk sekali perjalanan saja (tidak termasuk tiket kembali ke tempat asal)
27. Red-eye flight: Penerbangan yang berangkat larut malam dan tiba dini hari
28. Round-trip ticket: Tiket untuk pulang pergi
2. Please find Expression related to Airplane reservation and airport information

1) Buying a ticket

A. I'd like to reserve two seats to New York.

B. Will that be one way or round trip?
C. How much is a round trip ticket?
D. It's $819. Will you pay by check or by credit card?
E. Here's my Visa Card. Can we get an aisle seat please?
F. You can choose your seat when you check in.

2) Checking In

A. Can I see your ticket and passport, please?

B. Here they are. Can we get one seat near the aisle?
C. Yes, that's no problem. You're in seats 27B and 27C.
D. Thanks. Where do we go next?
E. Go to Gate A8, straight ahead then turn left.

3) On the Airplane

A. Would you like something to drink?

B. Could I have Coke with no ice?
C. Here you are. Please fill out this form before the plane lands.
D. What is this form for?
E. It's a Customs and Immigration form. You will use that in the airport before you can enter the

4) The Arrival

A. Thank you for flying East West Airlines!

B. I had a good trip. Thanks for your help.
C. It was our pleasure and we hope to see you again.

5) Getting through Customs

A. Do you have anything to declare?

B. I just have one bottle of wine. It's a gift for my friend.
C. How much wine is in the bottle?
D. It contains 750ml.
E. That's fine. Have a nice stay.

6) Getting your luggage

A. At which carrousel will our luggage be?

B. At number 5, over there.
C. Great! I'll get a cart right away.
D. Be sure you have your luggage ticket.
E. Yes, it's right here attached to my plane ticket.

7) Going through Immigration

A. What's in the small bag?

B. I have a laptop computer and some books.
C. Could you open it please and turn on your computer.
D. Sure. It will take a few moments to boot up.
E. Okay, everything seems okay. You can go.

8) Get out!

A. Excuse me, where can I get a taxi?

B. Go down to the end of the hall and the taxis are waiting just outside.
C. Thank you!

Another expressions :
1. What time does the flight to/ from… leave/ arrive? (Pukul berapa penerbangan ke/ dari…
berangkat/ tiba?)
2. Do you know why the flight to… is delayed/ cancelled? (Apakah Anda tahu mengapa
penerbangan ke… terlambat/dibatalkan?)
3. I’d like two one-way tickets to…. (Saya ingin dua tiket sekali jalan ke…)
4. Where are you flying to? (Anda akan terbang ke mana?)
5. Is there a layover? (Apakah ada tempat pemberhentian sementara?)
6. How long is there a layover in…? (Berapa lama berhenti sementara di…?)
7. What time are we boarding? (Pukul berapa kita naik ke pesawatnya?)
8. Which gate is my boarding gate? (Gerbang masuk saya yang mana?)
9. Could I see your passport and ticket, please? (Bisakah saya melihat paspor dan tiket Anda?)
10. What is the flight number? (Berapa nomor penerbangannya?)
11. We would like to apologize for the delay. (Kami ingin meminta maaf atas keterlambatan)
12. We would like to invite our passengers flying in economy/ business/ first class to start boarding.
(Kami mengundang para penumpang kami yang terbang di kelas ekonomi/ bisnis/ utama untuk
mulai boarding)
13. Your passport and boarding pass, please. (Tolong tunjukkan paspor dan boarding pass Anda)
14. What is your seat number? (Berapa nomor tempat duduk Anda?)
15. Could you please help me putting my bag in the overhead locker? (Bisakah Anda menolong saya
menaruh tas saya di tempat penyimpanan di atas?)
16. How long does the flight take? (Berapa lama waktu penerbangannya?)
17. Can I have extra pillow/ blanket/ headphones, please? (Boleh saya minta bantal/ selimut/
headphone lagi?)
18. We will be landing in about ten minutes. (Kita akan mendarat dalam waktu sekitar 10 menit)
19. Please fasten your seatbelts. (Tolong kencangkan sabut pengaman Anda)
20. Please return to your seat. (Tolong kembali ke tempat duduk Anda)

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