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Human Relations Name:_____________________

Family Structure and Life Cycle Quiz

Directions: Place the letter of the best matching definition to the Family Structure choice.

_____ 1. Two-parent family (nuclear) A. Several generations of family live together.

_____ 2. Single parent family B. A family temporarily cares for children while their
parents are unable to care for them.
_____ 3. Adoptive family
C. A couple become the legal parents of a child that is
_____ 4. Step-family not their biological child.

_____ 5. Extended kinship family D. Family structure that results from desertion, divorce,
separation, death, or birth of out-of-wedlock child.
_____ 6. Foster family
E. Either or both spouses have been married before and
have one or more children from a previous marriage.

F. A family structure made up of a married couple and

their biological children.

Directions: Match the following Family Life Cycle stages to the Major Focus topics.
(2 pts. each)

_____ 7. Beginning Stage A. Children leave home for college, careers, and marriage.

_____ 8. Childbearing Stage B. Adjustment to married life; spouses may concentrate on

_____ 9. Parenting Stage
C. Focus on friendships, hobbies, and retirement.
_____ 10. Launching Stage
D. Become grandparents for the first time; begin to prepare
_____ 11. Middle-Years Stage for retirement.

_____ 12. Aging Stage E. Parents very involved with their children’s activities;
reorganization of family around school-age children.

F. Birth of children; new responsibilities; role conflicts may

13. In comparing families throughout history, you can see that…
a. family lifestyles have not changed
b. families meet their needs in the same ways that they always have
c. families have always had the same basic needs
d. an urban lifestyle was as typical for families in the 1700s as it is today

14. In the last two decades, ______________ have become less common than before.
a. single people
b. nuclear families
c. blended families
d. single-parent families

15. How do sandwich generation and boomerang families differ?

a. sandwich generation children do not move back in with their parents
b. boomerang families do not take care of their parents
c. boomerang families do not live at home
d. the sandwich generation is when parents take care of their children

16. Which of the following is a basic function of families in our society?

a. to provide physical care for children
b. to nurture the personality growth of children
c. to meet the emotional needs of all members
d. all of the above

17. Families are changing in our society because _____________

a. of an increasing number of divorces
b. more women are working outside of the home
c. couples are having fewer children
d. all of the above.

18. A family management system is…

a. a method of disciplining children
b. a plan for dividing tasks equitably
c. the family members and relationships between them
d. option A and B

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