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Supermarket Vocabulary

What are you looking for?

Nǐ zài zhǎo shénme?

I’m looking for a/the ~.

Wǒ zài zhǎo ~.

1. shopping basket 2. shopping cart 3. frozen section 4. dairy

gòuwù lán gòuwù chē lěngdòng shípǐn rǔ zhì pǐn
购物篮 购物车 冷冻食品 乳制品
5. beverages 6. baking supplies 7. condiments 8. deli
yǐnliào hōng péi yòngpǐn tiáowèi pǐn shúshí
饮料 烘培用品 调味品 熟食
9. produce 10. canned food 11. snacks 12. floral department
shūguǒ guàn zhuāng shípǐn língshí huāhuì
蔬果 罐装食品 零食 花卉
Buying Produce

1. apples 2. oranges 3. strawberries 4. watermelons

píngguǒ chéngzi cǎoméi xīguā
苹果 橙子 草莓 西瓜
5. bananas 6. pineapples 7. cabbage 8. mushrooms
xiāngjiāo bōluó juǎnxīncài mógū
香蕉 菠萝 卷心菜 蘑菇
9. onions 10. potatoes 11. cucumbers 12. carrots
yángcōng tǔdòu huángguā húluóbo
洋葱 土豆 黄瓜 胡萝卜

Looking at Labels

price date processed use by nutrition facts

jiàgé shēngchǎn rìqī yǒuxiàoqī yíngyǎng chéngfèn
价格 生产日期 有效期 营养成分

calories organic ingredients weight

kǎlùlǐ yǒujī yuánliào zhòngliàng
卡路里 有机 原料 重量

Discounts and Payments

sale 20% off buy one, get one free ¥30 off
dǎzhé bā zhé mǎi yī sòng yī jiǎn sānshí yuán
打折 八折 买一送一 减30元

coupon cash credit card debit card

yōuhuì juàn xiànjīn xìnyòngkǎ jiè jì kǎ
优惠劵 现金 信用卡 借记卡

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