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Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana.

Vicerrectorado Académico.
Coordinación General de Pregrado
Unidad Curricular: Inglés Instrumental.
Profesor: Leonardo Latuff


Actividad: 1. Complete el cuadro que se ofrece al final de las oraciones (referentes - están en
negrilla -, antecedentes, it expletivo, that conector). Las Nº1, Nº2 y Nº3 están realizadas como
ejemplo. Recuerden: It puede ser Referente o Expletivo, nunca los dos a la vez. Asi mismo, That
puede funcionar como Referente o como Conector, nunca de las dos formas a la vez.
Actividad 2. Traduzca las oraciones tomando en consideración las nociones expresadas hasta el
momento durante el curso.
Actividad 3. Identifique 4 Simple Noun Compounds y 4 Complex Noun Compounds.

1. It is a difficult task to choose the economic strategies which will work in the
near future.

2. As it was mentioned before, reading strategies help students understand what

they are reading.

3. it is important that teachers teach students how to use their own background

4. During the seminar about industrial security, they experts claimed that Human
Resources Management should serve as a primary contact for work- it injuries
or accidents.

5. Human resource management involves developing and administering programs

that are designed to increase their organization or business effectiveness.

6. For a long time, it has been stated that Human Resources Management must
involve in promoting employee career development.

7. It seems that by giving appropriate rewards to workers forces them to give

their best at work-site.
8. When accountants perform accounting work, they write in the account book
that belong to a company. Every time money is spent or earned, it is written in
the book.

9. In order to meet the needs for sustainable human development, it has been said
that higher education must adapt its study programmes and, whenever
necessary, adopt and develop new ones.

10. More flexible organization of studies as well as the of external development

programmes with the assistance of new communication and information
technologies would facilitate access for individuals in rural areas.

Oración It Expletivo Referente Antecedente That Conector

1 it which economic for this reason

2 It they students

3 It their students That

4 It they experts claimed That

5 Their developing and That


5 antecedente ¿What are they designed to increase the organization or business effectiveness.?

¿that involves developing and managing programs?

Noum compound

1 Human resource management

1. Es una tarea difícil elegir las estrategias económicas que funcionarán en un futuro próximo.
2 Como se mencionó anteriormente, las estrategias de lectura ayudan a los estudiantes a
comprender lo que están leyendo.

3. es importante que los profesores enseñen a los estudiantes a utilizar sus propios antecedentes

4. Durante el seminario sobre seguridad industrial, los expertos afirmaron que la Gerencia de
Recursos Humanos debe servir como contacto principal para las lesiones o accidentes laborales.

5. La gestión de recursos humanos implica el desarrollo y la administración de programas

diseñados para aumentar la eficacia de su organización o negocio.

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