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For immediate release: March 30, 2021

Contact: Jan Lee (917)-710-7503

Chris Marte (347)-530-4248

Neighbors United Below Canal statement on the New York State Appellate Court, First
Department decisions on the Chinatown’s Borough Based Jail

New York City —

On Tuesday March 30th 2021, the First Dept of the NYS appellate court decided to overturn the
decision of the NY Supreme Court, NUBC Vs. Mayor DeBlasio et al.

Neighbors United Below Canal and community members are outraged by this decision. NUBC
will explore every possible avenue to fight back against this unjust decision as we remain united
with the three other boroughs sited for new jails. All possible options including appealing to a
higher court are being considered. We remain steadfast in our opinion that the City conducted
an illegal process in pursuit of the jail-building scheme which was wholly rejected by 3
community boards, residents and thousands of NUBC supporters.

Jan Lee, co-founder of NUBC : “I’m greatly disappointed by this court’s decision which was
based on lies put forth by the City. This administration, led by Bill DeBlasio and Corey Johnson,
continues to hurt our community by under-funding social services and omitting us from
beneficial 0% interest loans. Instead of creating opportunities and environments that prioritize
health and wellness, as we struggle to emerge from the pandemic, the City chooses instead to
dangerously bulldoze ahead with the violent demolition of the Tombs jail and to embark on
years-long multi-billion-dollar jail buildings that will be the final nail in the coffin for a community
ravaged by xenophobia, empty storefronts and trauma. “

Christopher Marte, co-founder of NUBC states: “ systemic racism isn’t just a passive idea,
it's an active harm that we have to fight against every single day until we have a government
and judicial system that believes in true equality and justice. Mayor de Blasio cannot denounce
anti-Asian violence while spending public dollars to fight our suit against his plan for a new jail in
Chinatown. The city continues to ignore our voices. This plan is violence against all people of
color - - it creates new cells to lock up black and brown people, and a new economic and health
burden for Chinatown to bear. We are adamant in our fight against this jail, and we stand united
with all people who are harmed by mass incarceration and systemic oppression.”


Neighbors United Below Canal will host a press conference at 140 Centre Street on
Friday, April 2nd at 11am to give an update on the legal case and next actions.

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